View Full Version : None of you better take my 11 million pounds!

01-10-2007, 07:32 PM

With warm regards I offer my friendship, greetings and hope this message meets
you in good time. However strange or surprising this contact might seem as we
have not met personally or had any dealings in the past, I humbly ask that you
take due consideration of the importance of this email message and the immense
benefit it will be to us. I resolved to contact you for your most needed
assistance in this manner and I duly apologize for infringing in your privacy as
you were not expecting this message form me, but hope you will respond to this
message positively and accept my proposal to let us execute this transaction in
one accord.

I am Mr. Bill Sutton, Director of Operations with Alliance Leicester Commercial
Bank, UK. An Australian businessman made 20 months (21/05/00 - 30/01/02) fixed
deposit with my bank, the 20 months fixed deposit upon maturity is valued at
£22,000,000.00 (Twenty-two Million Pounds). After maturity, I personally sent
several notice for a consecutive period of 8 months i.e. 30/01/02 to 28/09/02,
but heard nothing from him, investigation revealed that himself and wife had
drowned when his boat capsized, my further search later revealed that they both
had no children that would have been the closest surviving relative to inherit
the funds, the urgency for my contacting you is prompted by the fact that these
funds stands a chance of being confiscated to the coffers of the reserve bank of
London, if I disclose my findings to my bank management.

My proposal;

As the Director of Operations, I am prepared to place you documentarily as the
only and closest surviving relative to the deceased client in a position to
receive the funds for us by instruct Alliance Leicester Bank (my bank) to
release the £22,000,000.00 deposit to you as the beneficiary. The necessary
documents to back this up will be specially handled by an attorney; I will
personally oversee the fund release and transfer process to an offshore account
you will have to open in this regard, as soon as funds hits the offshore
account, you will then instruct the offshore bank to transfer the funds to your
personal account.

I am a family man and this is an avenue to provide them with new opportunities.
However this transaction might look, I am not a greedy man, and as such, I am
prepared to split the proceeds (22 million Pounds) with you equally (50%:50%)
i.e. 11 million Pounds each. This also is to further you that this transaction
is risk free, as I am the only one who happen to know about this, and you also
as you digest this message, I therefore implore you to keep this transaction as
private as much as possible just to avoid anything that can jeopardize this deal.

Do not betray my confidence. Should you be interested in executing this deal
with me, I will prefer you to reach me on my personal email address below:


Including your full name and Private phone number, on receiving this, I will
respond almost immediately giving you further information, a detailed
explanation of the laid down strategy to executing this lucrative deal.

Your timely response will be very much appreciated.

Best Regards,
Mr. Bill Sutton
Operations Director
Alliance Leicester Bank, UK.
Email: billsutton7@yahoo.com.hk

Now, since I have already setup my Cayman bank account in preparation for my 11 million pounds, I expect each and every one of you who reads this to NOT attempt to abscond with my monies.

I will be put off if you do.

01-10-2007, 07:35 PM
I can hear Clark Howard's alarms going off right now...

01-10-2007, 08:49 PM
hah you should email him some guy's name and phone number that you dont like

01-11-2007, 01:08 PM
hah you should email him some guy's name and phone number that you dont like

hey PM me your name and phone number :P

01-11-2007, 02:14 PM

01-11-2007, 03:16 PM

wtf gwami is a real person?

01-11-2007, 03:51 PM
You'll never know if you delete it.

01-11-2007, 10:59 PM
You'll never know if you delete it.

Not gonna happen, I'm expecting my first Offshore Cayman Account bank statement any second now.