View Full Version : BST program/website?

01-11-2007, 11:25 PM
I know that awhile ago, there was a website or program that would go through all the most popular B/S/T forums and list them. I was just wondering where I could get it? Thanks.

01-11-2007, 11:31 PM
I know that awhile ago, there was a website or program that would go through all the most popular B/S/T forums and list them. I was just wondering where I could get it? Thanks.

i had it.

i lost it.

sorry, cant help.

01-11-2007, 11:35 PM
elitedealseaker.com/paintball i think...
It recently shut off a search feature that was really nice. Could search the titles up to 28 or 30 days old. Amazing for finding nice deals, if the product was in the title that is.

Ninja edit, cuz im cool like that:

01-12-2007, 12:21 AM
Thanks mobsterboy.

Edit: oh, so it only displays stuff that's been upped in the last 24 hours?

01-12-2007, 01:44 PM
The search link is on the top right of the page, you can search up to a month back.

01-12-2007, 02:47 PM
The search link is on the top right of the page, you can search up to a month back.
Ah, got it, thanks.

01-12-2007, 02:58 PM
anyone got a real link or exact link? i cant seem to find it still...

01-12-2007, 02:59 PM
nm got it :ninja:

01-12-2007, 03:39 PM
The search being on a seperate page was lame. Now it's right on top of the main page.

Here's some useful searches from another thread:

All x-mags, from every forum, in the past month (http://www.elitedealseeker.com/?category=paintball&searchword=%22x-mag%22,%22xmag%22,%22x%20mag%22,%22xmod%22&ageupperlimit=28)

All e-mags, from every forum, in the past month (http://www.elitedealseeker.com/?category=paintball&searchword=%22emag%22,%22e-mag%22,%22e%20mag%22&ageupperlimit=28)

Remember that alot of times the best deals are where a specific item isn't named, like "mags and extras f/s cheap", or gearbag sales where someone's trying to unload alot of stuff fast.

Every type of mag, from every forum, in the past month (http://www.elitedealseeker.com/index.cgi?category=paintball&searchword=agd%2C%22+mag%22%2C%22mag+%22%2C%28tac% 2B%28one%2C1%29%29&ageupperlimit=28&function=Search)

(there's a little bit of noise from the word "magic" here, sorry about that)

And you know what the best way to find deals is? Buying guns that need just a minor fix. People sometimes GIVE THESE AWAY!

All broken/leaky guns, from every forum, in the past month (http://www.elitedealseeker.com/?category=paintball&searchword=brok,leak,%22needs%20a%22,fix,missi&ageupperlimit=28)

Look hard enough, you can find almost anything, for ANY price. Good luck! :cheers: