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01-01-2002, 03:29 PM
Will normal automag and minimag bodies work on an E-Mag's body rail? Where/when will I be able to get some new grips for my E-Mag? (clear panels would be sweet!) Will lowering the input pressure AT ALL help with ball breakage? When can we expect the next run of superbolts to come out? and finally... Who wants to try an make a stick or cobra-style trigger for an E-mag? And will the new ACEs be able to be put inside of a normal Emag? :cool:

01-01-2002, 03:39 PM
The E-Mag and RT body will fit on the classic/mini rail, and not the other way around!!! 2-No matter what the output pressure is, 'Mags work at around 375psi (internal reg) so input pressure really doesn't make a difference!!! And a side not on breakage: from what I've seen, angels are harder on balls that E-mags!!!

01-01-2002, 04:12 PM
1) auto/mini mag bodies WILL NOT work on an emag because they have diferent pims, auto/mini has sqare pims while emag has circular pims, the circle will fit inside the square (emag into auto/mini), but the square will not fit insie the circle (auto/mini into emag),

2) i havent heard of any new making of emag grips but some people on AO have made grips for theirs, try a search, i think loadsm5 has made some,

3)lowering or highering the input pressure will only adjust the reactivness of the trigger on M or hybrid with the emag.

4)there has just been a recall on ALL superbolts working or not, so we will probably have to wait for some test to be done. wait for an announcment,

5)not sure about the trigger

6) i think ACE will only be allowed for SFL emags and extreems, not for normal emags because of the twist lock barrel , while sfl and extreems use cocker threads.