View Full Version : PBN Called out for Censorship.

01-16-2007, 01:19 PM
Since it will be deleted and me most likely banned (like its gonna stop me). Here is What I posted on PBN in regards to thier policy of censorship of 'sensitive' topics which could damage their 'sponsors'

Old Today, 10:29 AM
Piranti Piranti is online now

Join Date: Aug 2006
Deletion of posts without warning or reason.
So heres the situation. A reply to a thread about delays in a markers release and fixes of manufacturing issues is deleted. The reply was a question to the representatives of the manufacturer of the marker wether or not some other company was sueing them over patents. That this individual had heard from more than reputable sources that this was the case, and wanted to get confirmation or denial of said issue right from the source.

Now this board has been very usefull in that manufacturer representatives frequent this board and answer questions. So what better place to ask about possibly misleading or false information and get it cleared up from the source from where we know the representatives will be and can respond.

Heres the rub. The post was nearly immediately deleted and most of the replies also deleted that pertained to the question. Then when questioned why it was deleted, the excuse given was that the 'question' was inflammatory.

So, we go back to our native forum Automags.org and ask the same thing hoping to get a reply from someone in the know, and bring to light the deletion of posts asking questions about wether or not something is true or not. Can anyone guess what happens?.........Yup, you got it, the mods from here decided to come over there and attempt to defend thier reasoning. In the process get reamed and thier motives questioned futhur.

Link : http://automags.org/forums/showthrea...8&page=1&pp=30

Now as you can tell from the AO thread I posted a reply which has been deleted. I knkew this would happen. You can tell I call out the moderators for censoring questions to protect thier money makers. If you didnt know Chronobreak from AO is also a mod over here on PBN, and attempts again to defend thier decisions.

The main problem here is that we are being censored from asking questions which if prove true will hurt some manufacturers represented on this board. If this is the case then what assurances do we have that the information they 'Allow' is actually true and based on facts, and/or not twisted to suit thier agenda.

These forums are supposed to be where we the paintball community can help each other out, share information, and allow manufacturers to directly talk with us, and us to them. This principle is in danger if not already gone.

p.s. This post will also be copied and pasted to other forums. Deletion will not make this go away. Nor will temp or permanent bannage. Intelligent responses and actions to these issues would be most appreciated by the community, and would serve in protecting your name and credibility.
Primary - Silver LE Mini Serial # 1178
Secondary - Automag - Dallara Body/Rail(Raw Polished), Chimera Frame, WWA Justice Barrel, X-Valve w/ LvLX, RPG 15* Asa, CP Gas Through Foregrip
Scenario - AGD Tac 1 Q-Bow
Tertiary - AGD AutoMag .68 Classic
Pump - Phantom VSC .

Here is the original Link http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?p=30646778#post30646778

Any bets on how long it stays up before it is deleted or I am banned ? :dance:

01-16-2007, 01:47 PM
looks like you got your response

btw sp isnt paying me enough, i want a raise

01-16-2007, 01:59 PM
Hey at least it wasn't a deletion, and was an actual intelligent response. Even though I do not nessecarily agree with Pumper Scout, he did post intelligently and did not arbitrarily delete it.

01-16-2007, 02:21 PM
I still want to know what "trolling" is. How broad of a definition is it?

01-16-2007, 02:23 PM
There is a vast definition between an agreement between you and a sponsor to delete damaging rumors and a business simply not allowing damaging rumors about a sponsor, or even a sponsor threatening to pull out as rumors are allowed. I am guessing it is more of the later two and far less, if any, of the first.

01-16-2007, 02:34 PM
I know the moderators over there at PBN have their work cut out for them, and know it is not an easy task to moderate a forum. Lets leave the e-penis measuring contest out of this.

Those types of issues that Pump Scout made were valid. That they have alot of posts to delete, and as such they have little time to write responses about reasons for such deletions. Now you can see where without that information and not giving an explanation on this type of subject matter. Espescially when one of the suspected parties has a reputation for what they were suspected of, and tactics to do damage control.

Maybe an addendum to your current policies for when deleted posts could blow up in a different manner to actually post the reasons, even if the reason is wrong. Most if not all of this would have been avoided. Not everyone over on PBN is a 10 year old. Usually you can tell by the context of thier posts. Just don't attempt to treat everyone over there as such.

For the most part I lurk, and will only post when there is something I can help with, or feel strongly enough to post about. I strongly disagree with deletion of posts or threads which could spiral out of control, that is the job of a moderator to not censor it but to control it from becomming a flamefest. Yes your policies make it difficult to do that in most situations, but when actual questions about somewhat sensitive topics do come up and they are deleted without warning or notice as to why, any normal red blooded american is going to see what some perceived as bias and censorship to protect a client with money.

I consider this matter closed. Least the censorship part :ninja:

01-16-2007, 02:40 PM

01-16-2007, 03:04 PM
Since it will be deleted and me most likely banned (like its gonna stop me). Here is What I posted on PBN in regards to thier policy of censorship of 'sensitive' topics which could damage their 'sponsors'

Here is the original Link http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?p=30646778#post30646778

Any bets on how long it stays up before it is deleted or I am banned ? :dance:

Years ago I went through this with some people on the old Delphi forums. The only solution is to go out on your own and start your own forum with the policies that you want.

01-16-2007, 03:12 PM
I must say good show ole chap.

I really do hope though that you can find the specific mod who personally deleted your thread. Personally I don't find the subject matter therin to be inflamatory to any extent eccept to certain SP personel.

01-16-2007, 03:13 PM
It's a private forum. The moderators and administrators can do what ever they want for what ever reason they want.

Get over it...

01-16-2007, 03:38 PM
It's a private forum. The moderators and administrators can do what ever they want for what ever reason they want.

Get over it...
agree, if you don't like it don't go to the forum its not that hard of a concept. they can do what they want and if its threating their business (yes pbn is a business) then they should get rid of it.

01-16-2007, 11:42 PM
piranti, we have BEO for a reason..to talk crap on everyone else..lol

01-17-2007, 01:25 AM
I like how my question got deleted but this thread remains open. :rolleyes:

mini scrapped? (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?t=1963252)

01-17-2007, 03:01 AM
First of all and not to start a flame war but Piranti and you mod buddies really need to rethink your strategy when dealing with customers "users" if its a business, which in no doubt that PBN is a business. When you say that your overworked when dealing with all those threads that are posted in one day then the problem presents itself along with its solution. You and the present staff can't handle that much information then get some more staff. Then you can take on a bigger work load and expand that business, and thats where PBN will fail is that lack of "hiring" new staff.

But also if you control it to a sense then general population will see your mods as "nazis" like what is happening now. Rumors spread like wild fire, common to PBN when users say that AGD is dead threads, why are these still around? Rumors are generally spread through lies with the lack of proof. They are rumors as well, personally AGD is stronger now then it ever was because of their cutthroat business tactics to say "if you don't like cause its on the heavy side, but its still is strong as every, then say good bye". Plus the users want to know the issue of why you as the mods get so defensive of when a so called Smart Parts bashing thread is started but yet let all the other companies "bashing" threads continue?

Easy way to abolish this now conspiracy with PBN and Smart Parts is to be forward with it and let your users know what is up and is the truth. Which in my eyes has been shun away from you general population by hiding behind such truth with the power of being a mod.

Sry for the long post but PBN lost me as a customer and I'll never refer anybody to your site until PBN can pull itself together and run that site in a professional manner. I'll still lurk the site and may change my mind when I see them changing to do so. Running a business doesn't mean you can run it by sitting in a hot seat.

Mods are a dime a dozen, those willing to sacrifice their free time to read all those useless/rumor posts. But knowing when and how to react will make you a mod.

01-17-2007, 04:55 AM
Why is the AO post link not working?


01-17-2007, 07:11 AM
Hooray. You're not getting waht you want on PBN, so you came here to the AO circle jerk.

Pump Scout
01-17-2007, 09:03 AM
Easy way to abolish this now conspiracy with PBN and Smart Parts is to be forward with it and let your users know what is up and is the truth.

What conspiracy? How many times, and how many PBN staff members, have to tell people on other forums that we're not getting anything from Smart Parts... or anyone else, for that matter? At least, not to my knowledge, no more or less than any other company that advertises with PBN. I just loaded up a PBN window, and refreshed maybe a dozen times, watching the banner ads. I saw Lucky, Compulsive, Eclipse, Redz, VForce, Warped Sportz, Tippmann, Sly, a handful of non-paintball ads, and exactly ONE Smart Parts banner.

My own strong dislike for SP had been well documented on various forums long before I was brought in as a moderator on PBN. Don't you think that if SP was in bed with PBN, they'd have wanted someone less anti-SP? Perhaps one of their employees, or one of the Gardners themselves? I don't see their names on the staff lists anywhere.

If SP is handing out checks or gear, they must have my address wrong. Nobody's covering anything up here, you're just chosing to believe in something that isn't happening.

01-17-2007, 02:46 PM
Hooray. You're not getting waht you want on PBN, so you came here to the AO circle jerk.


01-17-2007, 02:51 PM
Hooray. You're not getting waht you want on PBN, so you came here to the AO circle jerk.

whats an AO circle jerk?

or is it AO circle, jerk?

or AO jerk circle?

I'm so confused. :cry:

/and for the the record, Josh is not a jerk.

01-17-2007, 03:09 PM
Guy's I am done with this whole mess. I actually got an intelligent and sensible reply from a PBN mod. Which is all I really wanted out of them. The reason I brought this over here, is because it seemed that someone (or groups of someone's) were trying to hide something, so to prevent the burying of that information I brought it to light in a different forum. And if the suspected behaviour would have continued it would have popped up on more and more forums.

So all is good with the world of PBN (well, as well as PBN can be). :p

01-17-2007, 03:36 PM
Guy's I am done with this whole mess. I actually got an intelligent and sensible reply from a PBN mod. Which is all I really wanted out of them. The reason I brought this over here, is because it seemed that someone (or groups of someone's) were trying to hide something, so to prevent the burying of that information I brought it to light in a different forum. And if the suspected behaviour would have continued it would have popped up on more and more forums.

So all is good with the world of PBN (well, as well as PBN can be). :p


01-17-2007, 03:45 PM

Look guys, triangle made a joke! lets all laugh now shall we?

01-17-2007, 04:06 PM
Circle= Triangle. You can figure out the rest. :cool:

I'm not Circle.
Just like you're not Themagsmith.

01-17-2007, 04:12 PM
I'm not Circle.
Just like you're not Themagsmith.

Yea but you're a giraffe if I've ever seen one. Go eat fruit out of tall trees and have a purple tongue. You do, I know it... you have a purple tongue.

01-17-2007, 04:15 PM
Yea but you're a giraffe if I've ever seen one. Go eat fruit out of tall trees and have a purple tongue. You do, I know it... you have a purple tongue.


01-17-2007, 04:27 PM
Circle= Triangle. You can figure out the rest. :cool:

No picking on the children now. :spit_take

01-17-2007, 04:31 PM
Yea but you're a giraffe if I've ever seen one. Go eat fruit out of tall trees and have a purple tongue. You do, I know it... you have a purple tongue.
giraffe's eat leaves and plant shoots, come one get your facts straight. :nono:

01-17-2007, 04:37 PM
Yeah, I know ;)

Acting like one, and being one are different. Some of the stupid crap could be overlooked and excusable if here were one.

LOL Acts like one, talks like one, sounds like one must be one. :ninja:

01-17-2007, 05:58 PM
Get a room, nancies. :(

01-17-2007, 07:16 PM
Game over, man. Game over.

Why don't you put her in charge, man?!

01-17-2007, 07:19 PM
just like you truly love Don Miguel


I'm gonna have to call you on the low blow there as unsportsmanlike conduct.

Fifteen yards, players ejected, repeat first down.

Yeh, it was that low.

01-17-2007, 07:33 PM

I'm gonna have to call you on the low blow there as unsportsmanlike conduct.

Fifteen yards, players ejected, repeat first down.

Yeh, it was that low.


01-17-2007, 09:48 PM
The only solution is to go out on your own and start your own forum with the policies that you want.


01-18-2007, 03:01 AM
Smart Parts has made way to much money, they got their greedy little hands into everything like Haliburton. The only downfall to PBN will be itself, its looking to be Paintball News Event of the year.

Sry Pump Scout I won't back down. Show me a thread where the so called OWNER of PBN denounces the so called sponsers so me the proof that your not sponsered by them. Talking about banners is one thing, I can be joe shom lawn and landscape with a google ad and still end up as a banner on PBN.

01-18-2007, 12:27 PM
Smart Parts has made way to much money, they got their greedy little hands into everything like Haliburton. The only downfall to PBN will be itself, its looking to be Paintball News Event of the year.

Sry Pump Scout I won't back down. Show me a thread where the so called OWNER of PBN denounces the so called sponsers so me the proof that your not sponsered by them. Talking about banners is one thing, I can be joe shom lawn and landscape with a google ad and still end up as a banner on PBN.

I think selling your business may have been a wise move.

01-18-2007, 12:29 PM
Smart Parts has made way to much money, they got their greedy little hands into everything like Haliburton. The only downfall to PBN will be itself, its looking to be Paintball News Event of the year.

Sry Pump Scout I won't back down. Show me a thread where the so called OWNER of PBN denounces the so called sponsers so me the proof that your not sponsered by them. Talking about banners is one thing, I can be joe shom lawn and landscape with a google ad and still end up as a banner on PBN.


K. Thx. Come again.

01-18-2007, 12:52 PM
I had the same problem awhile back on PBN. And talking to the mod themselves?!? What a joke. With no one else to read it they simply claim they are right, you are wrong and don't bother to address any of your points. At least, that's how it went for me.

I re-read the my problem thread, and i can't say they address NONE of my points. But they certainly refused to answer a telling question.

01-18-2007, 04:47 PM
I think selling your business may have been a wise move.

Grounds Master Lawn and Landscape Company wasn't my business to begin with. Was just handling it until it was sold.


Thanks I rest my case.

01-18-2007, 05:38 PM
That was the first time in a long time that it was fun to post with you Rogue.
You've got the <3...but for how long?

01-18-2007, 05:39 PM
Smart Parts has made way to much money, they got their greedy little hands into everything like Haliburton. The only downfall to PBN will be itself, its looking to be Paintball News Event of the year.

Sry Pump Scout I won't back down. Show me a thread where the so called OWNER of PBN denounces the so called sponsers so me the proof that your not sponsered by them. Talking about banners is one thing, I can be joe shom lawn and landscape with a google ad and still end up as a banner on PBN.

Making too much money is bad?

Lets see a show of hands.

How many of you don't like lots and lots of cold, hard cash?

01-18-2007, 05:50 PM
<img src="http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/7/7_15_5v.gif" alt="cash" border="0">

01-18-2007, 06:08 PM
This thread is adorable.

01-18-2007, 06:15 PM
This thread is adorable.
Get on aim, brown guy.

01-18-2007, 06:44 PM
Get on aim, brown guy.


/hawks are teh new hawtness, not the kid

01-18-2007, 06:46 PM

/hawks are teh new hawtness, not the kid

01-19-2007, 06:24 AM
Making too much money is bad?

Lets see a show of hands.

How many of you don't like lots and lots of cold, hard cash?

yeah I kind of :cuss: up on that one. Maybe I should go smoke some more.

01-19-2007, 08:44 PM
At the risk of sounding fair to PBN, Smart Parts is known to be overly sensitive on this sort of thing...

Oh well. At least they finally grew up and pulled 68Caliber.Com out of the swear filter...