View Full Version : Revise the Classic and the Minimag?

01-17-2007, 01:27 AM
Keep steel bodies? They are proven

Get rid of them? Their old and need to be retired

Use the ULE body? To make a mag that replaces both the Classic and Minimag

Competition for new Classic and Minimag? Let AO throw their design/support in for a New Classic and Minimag.

01-17-2007, 02:00 AM
The great thing about mags is that you can build them any way you want them. Want a classic with a ULE body? Buy a classic, buy a ULE body, sell the classic body. I see no reason to change anything at the moment. The stainless body is just a cheaper alternative.

01-17-2007, 02:03 AM
Not to mention I’m a huge fan of the twist lock barrels.
Love SS.

Would it be right to call the twist lock a free floating o-ring stabilized barrel like on a real gun? (lHK MK23 for example)

01-17-2007, 01:37 PM
The great thing about mags is that you can build them any way you want them. Want a classic with a ULE body? Buy a classic, buy a ULE body, sell the classic body. I see no reason to change anything at the moment. The stainless body is just a cheaper alternative.

Isn't that why they came out with all the different bodies to begin with? they know most people after buying...any...marker is gonna get the "upgrade" bug and want to change something, AGD hands you that option right off the bat. you got ULE, Stock stainless, warp left/right, tac-one, slugs (well, use to have) etc.
Now I haven't been to their shop page in a while, but don't they give you the uption when purchasing what you want to put on it?

I do have to say however that I do think that the "stock" mag should actually be the ULE body with the X-Valve, and either intelli or Y. but I also think they oughta come out with their own version of a ULE rail, made to match their Bodies, come back out with the various colored X-valves and also anno the Intelli/Y's to match the rest of the marker, that way you can get a ULE Mag stock from AGD, and in whatever color you want.....might help improve sales,maybe? (but what do I know :ninja: )

01-17-2007, 01:39 PM
There are still NIB minmags floating around. If there was any demand for them, there wouldnt be. They also wouldnt be selling used for $125.

I always loved my minimag.. but its time to move on. No one wants to revist the past, we want something new.

01-17-2007, 01:56 PM
I always loved my minimag.. but its time to move on. No one wants to revist the past, we want something new.

yep, classic mags are "classic," and new stuff is always good.

01-17-2007, 02:11 PM
When you order a Pro Classic on agd's site, you can choose what body (powerfeed, minimag, or ULE). :cheers:

01-17-2007, 02:21 PM
twist lock barrels are the best :shooting: :headbang:

01-17-2007, 02:36 PM
Keep them the way they are. Classic means classic to me.

turbo chicken
01-17-2007, 02:55 PM
Not to mention I’m a huge fan of the twist lock barrels.
Love SS.

besides if you updated a classic the it just wouldn't be a classic... and well why would anyone want anything beside a minimag body?? is beyond me :D

01-17-2007, 04:29 PM
besides if you updated a classic the it just wouldn't be a classic...

Thats very true. Twist lock barrels are a great idea but sad to say not a lot of people still produce a twist lock barrels, AC threaded barrels are the most common barrel out there. Which leads me to wonder why AGD hasn't produced its own Twist lock adapter or a steel body with AC threads?

don miguel
01-17-2007, 04:32 PM
Twist lock is cool, until a barell o-ring breaks...

paint magnet
01-17-2007, 05:17 PM
Thats very true. Twist lock barrels are a great idea but sad to say not a lot of people still produce a twist lock barrels, AC threaded barrels are the most common barrel out there. Which leads me to wonder why AGD hasn't produced its own Twist lock adapter or a steel body with AC threads?

That's like saying DM triggers are the most common triggers on the market, so AGD should change their marker design to accept them. There's still an abundance of used twist-lock barrels that sell for next to nothing of what they cost new, and to change the machinery to make cocker-threaded bodies would only increase cost to the consumer.

Twist lock is cool, until a barell o-ring breaks...

I have twist-lock barrels from the late-90s with their original o-rings. Yeah, it sucks when they break, but I think I can deal with it every 8 years.

01-18-2007, 03:34 AM
Key word there buddy USED yes used parts are freaking awesome but you know what NEW is better. Not to the aspect that I have monies, which I don't, to the fact to say "I'm the orginal owner of this, not anyome else"

I'm pretty sure that AC barrels are a standard of the industry when any name brand company that produce barrels will make a AC threaded barrel in their line up.

If DM triggers are the most common triggers on the market. Then I'd produce a way to accept them to my frames. In a business learn how to make profit off your competors.

paint magnet
01-18-2007, 12:34 PM
Key word there buddy USED yes used parts are freaking awesome but you know what NEW is better. Not to the aspect that I have monies, which I don't, to the fact to say "I'm the orginal owner of this, not anyome else"

I'm pretty sure that AC barrels are a standard of the industry when any name brand company that produce barrels will make a AC threaded barrel in their line up.

If DM triggers are the most common triggers on the market. Then I'd produce a way to accept them to my frames. In a business learn how to make profit off your competors.

As you like it:

http://www.actionvillage.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/BrowseCatalog-Start;sid=5eRx-rRN_v5xfvHiVFaxUr6EQKTEJsM2mn4=?CategoryName=paint ball-paintball-barrels-barrels-by-gun-type-automag-threaded-barrels-barrel-backs




01-18-2007, 04:58 PM