View Full Version : Scratch on HPA Tank

01-19-2007, 12:47 PM
Tank Covers.... they make them for a reason, so keep it on!

A couple of weeks ago I 'bumped' my tank on a metal piece and put a 1/4 inch scratch into the clear resin. It's pretty deep too... like if you get your finger nail and push it against an apple... press it down without breaking the skin of the apple... that;s how deep the 1/4 inch scratch is.

I'm wondering if this is enough to be dangerous... If so, is there any repair shop that can "re-coat" my tank?


01-19-2007, 12:50 PM
Talk to Tanktesters.com. They will probably re-hydro it, and then take it from there.

01-19-2007, 12:55 PM
As long as the fiber exposed, they can patch the resin.

01-19-2007, 02:36 PM
Shingo...your first line = troof

I'll get my guns scratched, my barrels, will hit the dirt and get a little marred, my parts might clink around in my box of uleslessness, but my tank sits under my bed with the cover on at all times(when not in use :D ). Only day recently ive taken the cover off was to wash it and i stuck my tank in a padded case. Like i said, my equipment might take a beating, but Im not about to have a 4500 psi bomb strapped to my gun

01-19-2007, 02:42 PM
the resin is just there to protect the fiber from being torn.

if there is no damage to the fiber, get some 2 part epoxy and mix some up and patch it.

01-21-2007, 04:39 AM
Hey, it's your life... patch it if you want, but I think you should really send it to a hydro place.

www.hydrotester.com will do it for under $20 with a 24 hr turnaround.

On one hand, it's $20 you might want to spend on something else, and deal with a small little ding.

On the other hand, can you really feel comfortable around something that volatile if you know there might be damage? It's 4500 psi, that's 4500 Pounds on every square inch of the interior of your tank. If it blew up next to you, they wouldn't find the body(well, not in one piece). Take the $20, think of it as a learning experience. Spend another $20-30 on a tank cover too, and always use it. I know, it was the last thing I wanted when I got my tank, to spend <i>more</i> money on the darn thing(heck, a tank cover costs more than a whole co2 tank), but it's worth it when you don't destroy your tank from nicking it on a rock.

01-21-2007, 07:45 AM
Like i said, my equipment might take a beating, but Im not about to have a 4500 psi bomb strapped to my gun

Well hopefully its more then strapped on. Thats what you do every time you play. Its not a bomb but a POSSIBLE one. Its a HPV[HighPressureVessel]

A pressure vessel is a storage tank or vessel that has been designed to operate at pressures above 15 p.s.i.g.

Now go running and diving with it. :wow: