View Full Version : Find me a gun fast enough for this loader...

01-19-2007, 04:08 PM

Not a qloader... drop-test 37-38bps consistently...

It's the XSV Vlocity w/ a new cone in it


Honestly, this thing is TOO fast... the anti-jam is quick and works well...

But it's gentle... it's not like an empire-B that spins really fast but isn't good for the paint... I think the larger drive-cone helps...

If anyone has any ideas for a gun that I could use... let me know... lol...

01-19-2007, 04:13 PM
lets see it on gun.. drop tests.. meh.

01-19-2007, 04:15 PM
Haha... that's why I said find me a gun...

01-19-2007, 04:16 PM
Viking or Cyborg FTW.

01-19-2007, 04:19 PM
Blazestorm is still alive?

01-19-2007, 04:20 PM
Yep... just on pbnation...

I came here because I remember the scuba-tanked RT mags and testing it when the V35 came out... it shredded paint because the v35 is no where near 35bps... But with the Qloader they were doing 29-31

01-19-2007, 04:22 PM
Paging Zak Vetter!

I wonder how one of those would do on a RT mag hooked up to a scuba, I wonder if it would beat the qloader video of 34.5 bps.... :headbang:

01-19-2007, 04:24 PM
Doubtful, but if it even did 30-32bps on gun... that's still incredibly fast for a drive-cone loader... Which still relys on gravity...

01-19-2007, 04:37 PM
No marker can ever fire the full drop speed of a loader due to the bolt not allowing continuous flow rate.

Mags and Vikes have some of the fastest bolt cycle speeds, meaning less ball stack inturruption. If it drops 37/38 in testing I'd bet it could might hit the 30's in a Mag or Viking.

/Viking on simulate mode. (with humphrey solenoid and eyes of course)

01-19-2007, 05:20 PM
That's what I want to test... my friend has a DC Viking but I'm not sure what noid... he has a WAS board w/ Equalink... I'm sure we could modify his firing modes... :)

01-19-2007, 06:50 PM
That's what I want to test... my friend has a DC Viking but I'm not sure what noid... he has a WAS board w/ Equalink... I'm sure we could modify his firing modes... :)

Mine has the Mac noids...
Still friggin fast, but the humphrey noids can top out a few BPS faster. mid-late '03s and '04s have humphreys.

01-19-2007, 09:06 PM
Shocker SFT,... prototype loader, tilted ALMOST 90 degrees left, Re-Balls,......

32 BALLS PER SECOND!!! (http://www.zdspb.com/media/video/cap_darkshocker_25bps2.wmv)

(Video below the one linked here you can gold wave for proof if you like!)

Imagin what the free fall rate of this thing is,... :D

Please dont knock the video BPS feed rate until you Gold Wave this thing first. Guy who made these videos tests everything and records his settings for customers as side work (so says the web page)

01-19-2007, 09:09 PM
Paging Zak Vetter!

I wonder how one of those would do on a RT mag hooked up to a scuba, I wonder if it would beat the qloader video of 34.5 bps.... :headbang:

Paging Nicad with the Aedes supergun.

01-19-2007, 11:18 PM
Paging Nicad with the Aedes supergun.

The what?

Sorry that was once a dream killed by pbx...damn mel...

01-19-2007, 11:28 PM
Haha yes! The Aedes! Mq blowforward ftw!

And nothing could beat a qloader, as the q is a torsion spring...meaning that it is constant feed. It will feed as fast as you can shoot.

But fast hopper nonetheless :clap:

01-19-2007, 11:29 PM
Haha yes! The Aedes! Mq blowforward ftw!

And nothing could beat a qloader, as the q is a torsion spring...meaning that it is constant feed. It will feed as fast as you can shoot.

But fast hopper nonetheless :clap:

A halo will feed as fast you will shoot.
An Empire reloader will feed as fast as you can shoot.
A Q loader is overkill, and isn't conventional enough to warrant serious use on the tourney scene.

01-19-2007, 11:31 PM
Tourney = semi...therefore you are not really going to outshoot most any hopper.

But a qloader IS the fastest...wether conventional or not. For me...its great for testing. Other than that....a pulse for me.

The only gun that could probly outshoot the q is the Aedes....i want to see more vids of that gun.

01-20-2007, 12:13 AM
The pulse and the Empire B are both halo knockoffs. :argh:

01-20-2007, 01:19 AM
But a qloader IS the fastest...wether conventional or not.

ahhh don't be so sure about that! The 25-bps (32-bps peak) shocker video that somebody linked above was one of my early tests on a homemade loader I'm making. More recently I got a consistent 28-bbs with multuple peaks above 30-bps (fastest was 34) using an Ion in this (http://www.zdspb.com/media/video/cap_ion_dwell11.wmv) video.

Without going into too much detail about how it works, I will say the loader is far from practical at the moment but in terms of feedrate, it simply can't be beat. I just have to do some tweaking to get things right.

Anyways, the problem with using a 'mag is that it doesn't have eyes. I'd suggest using an electro pneumag or something, since it would correctly fire each time a ball is definitively loaded. I mean, you can tell the fun to fire fast without eyes but nothing beats the accuracy of using eyes (IMO).
When I finish my pneumag I want to get some nice testing done with it...

01-20-2007, 10:06 AM
warp feed at 75 bps >

01-20-2007, 02:50 PM
As Pneumagger pointed out, bps drop tests and real BPS fired are two completely different numbers, sometimes not even related. Qloader, at 100 bps drop rate, I could never get much more above 35 real BPS. The stop-start rate in them are bad, since EVERY ball is moved with each shot.
The best I could get was 42bps from a Halo ReloaderB.

I need more!
..and more time in the day. :argh: :)

01-20-2007, 03:10 PM
Without going into too much detail about how it works, I will say the loader is far from practical at the moment but in terms of feedrate, it simply can't be beat. I just have to do some tweaking to get things right.



/Hang on guys, gotta refill my fuel tank.
//My loader stopped working, fouled glow plug.
///...yeah so thats how I lost those three fingers...

01-20-2007, 05:23 PM
The pulse and the Empire B are both halo knockoffs. :argh:
Empire B, yes, but if you're not including the Vlocity as a halo knockoff, then you can't count the pulse either. They're all shaped roughly the same, the difference is in the way they function. The pulse has quite a few features over the halo as well.

01-21-2007, 01:15 AM
We tried a few guns at the local field tonight with paint that you could drop from 3-4 ft up and it would break...

DC 04 Viking - (Guessing) roughly around 20... I don't know if he uncapped it though... Broke last ball
XSV 06 Ego - In semi but bouncing... faster than the DC with bursts in high 20's No breaks
Rediculous Ion - low-mid 20's with a lot of breaks...
Evil Minion w/ UL Frame - Spitfire Chip - mid-high 20's with breaks
05 Lasoya w/ M3 Tadao - In semi consistently 20-22

Intimidators cap out mechanically about that, and it was around that

All of these are rough estimates, but I've been playing for 5 years, I know what certain ROF's sound like...

None of them were close to 30, the only one that might have been was the XSV when it was bouncing... we didn't know how to change it into ramping... haha...

No "actual" tests... but whatever...

Now I just gotta get this damn thing back to mode 1 ... haha... I want it to be gentle on my paintballs...

01-21-2007, 09:44 AM
fill your hopper all the way next time you do a vid. Paint count? and there was still one being pushed through right as you cut it off.

Impressive overkill though

01-22-2007, 03:28 AM
I figured it as 3.76 seconds for 139 balls

Roughly 37bps...

I haven't found a gun that is "outshooting" this persay...

I found a Marq6 and Marq7 owner (Bob Long has gotten 32 w/ a Pulse) but they wouldn't let me use their guns... both my friends but they don't wanna mess with their guns (actually they don't know how to adjust the board... haha)

01-23-2007, 03:39 PM
Where do they sell those parts? I want to throw them into my vlocity.