View Full Version : My first Automag is almost on the way!

01-24-2007, 10:54 PM
I just finished replying to a for sale listing on another website for a 68 Classic. If I get it, and the fingers are crossed, then I'll be getting a clean looking Classic with some Dye grips. It's about as basic as basic can be but it's got the simple right feed that I was after and I'm hoping to customise and accessorize it to my liking.

I know I may be jumping the gun here as I'm still waiting on the guy confirming that I'm first in line but I just can't help but be excited.... :headbang:

I guess I'll be asking and reading a lot more around here as well. :)

01-24-2007, 11:02 PM
Congrats. Welcome to the family. :shooting:

Severe Spanking
01-24-2007, 11:03 PM
Welcome to the Mag side of paintball!!! :cheers:

01-24-2007, 11:10 PM
how much? Chances are, Rogue can build you a gun just how you like it for a competative price

01-24-2007, 11:58 PM
how much? Chances are, Rogue can build you a gun just how you like it for a competative price

Thanks for the welcome all.

This is a pretty basic version. Strictly stock other than a macroline and it'll be $90 shipped. She's clean looking though. I'm holding off on a pic until I know it's mine. Don't want to jinx the deal...... but then this thread has pretty much jumped the gun already :rofl:

As for moding and building up stuff for it I'll be handling that myself. I've got a 12x36 lathe and medium size mill drill so fabricating parts or modifying stuff is pretty much up my alley. And I enjoy it too. So it's not likely I'll be paying someone to do what I find relaxing and enjoyable... :D

One mod I'm going to look into is to find out if the Mag body will fit nicely into an ANS Ion frame. I know the trigger setup would need to be accomadated but the main issue at this point is what the size of an Ion body is compared to the Mag. It's strictly dreamware at this point so don't retch on your keyboards just yet.... :D

01-25-2007, 12:03 AM
dont let rogue see you thinking that. Ions and mags should never cross parts paths according to him. Yeah, i just figured things like a feedneck and a ule body that you might not be able to make, a super glossy anno and a nicely tuned marker was just my thought for rogue. Good luck tinkering! Check out the pneumag modding :)

01-25-2007, 12:29 AM
how much? Chances are, Rogue can build you a gun just how you like it for a competative price

I'm wanting my own custom mag. How do I contact this Rogue fellow?

P.S. Sorry for the thread jack.

01-25-2007, 12:33 AM
I'm glad there are new mag owners still. I know you'll love it. :cheers:

I'm wanting my own custom mag. How do I contact this Rogue fellow?

P.S. Sorry for the thread jack.


RogueFactor's profile (http://www.automags.org/forums/member.php?userid=3490)

he has multiple threads in the dealer section also

01-25-2007, 05:58 PM
My first mag will be shipped tomorrow. I'm really excited!

01-25-2007, 09:31 PM
Spaz, bonus! I guess we'll be bumping into each other in the Newbie Mag threads... :D

I just got through paypalling the guy and it's going to be on it's way tomorrow or monday. As I said it's simple but I like it that way. I really wanted the straight in angle feed rather than the power feed since I find powerfeeds block too much of the view around the barrel.

I'll probably start with an upgraded barrel unless this one turns out to be pretty decent with good paint. Then I'll see if I go with HPA or get an expansion chamber that can act as a foregrip and go with CO2. It's a Classic so I guess that means the valve is a Classic valve so it should handle the CO2 OK.

Here she is.http://www.mcarterbrown.com/gallery/data/500/medium/AutomagRF.JPG

01-25-2007, 10:41 PM
that looks like a PMI perfect bore barrel...
from what i know they're a decent tube to shoot paint out of...most of em were about a .689 bore
and i highly recommend going with HPA. as long as you have a source for fills at your field, it will save you a lot of potential trouble. Plus, the price difference between a CO2 tank and a cheap or used HPA tank is down to about $40.

01-25-2007, 11:01 PM
I am loving your marker Rail!

Here is two pics of mine.

http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/8470/52661in7.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/3037/514b1vs2.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

Check your pm's.

(The reg wont be on there when its in my hands)

01-26-2007, 01:36 AM
I've got an HPA tank but I was almost hoping to avoid it as it's so bulky when pulled up to my shoulder compared to a nice sleek 12oz CO2 bottle. But if I have to then I will. It's a fiber tank so it's not that heavy, just bulky. I was sort of hoping to get away with a smaller 3 or 4 stage expansion chamber and perhaps an anti syphon tank. I figured that a combo like that would be enough "belt and suspenders" to get away with. I'm not big on shooting out ropes of paint anyhow.

Steve, thanks for the info on the barrel. It's a shorty so I'm liking it. Our woods around here can be fairly tangled even at the paintball fields and I'm quickly finding out that compact is good.

Spaz, that thing looks modern and tournament ready. It's MEAN! You got a nice one there. I've had a chance to play with two and single finger triggers and I have to admit that I'm still a bit on the fence yet but I'm leaning heavily to singles. If a deal on a two finger frame comes up I may just go for it to try it out. Or if I can figure out a way to machine some mods into a spare and largely unwanted (it's a Psyco Ballistics frame and they don't get much respect) autococker swing frame I've got here then that would be a doable mod to try it out.

That's an odd setup. It almost looks like you got TWO regs on there. Is that lower one a Palmer's Stabilizer by any chance?

01-26-2007, 01:42 AM
I was sort of hoping to get away with a smaller 3 or 4 stage expansion chamber and perhaps an anti syphon tank.

I'd steer away from the expansion chamber, it isn't necessary

01-26-2007, 11:05 AM
If you going to run CO2, look into a plamer reg instead of the exp. chamber....

01-26-2007, 11:12 AM
Rail- I beleive that is a pmi or j&j perfect bore series. in my oppinion they are some of the best 1pc barrels for mags. Very smooth bore. IIRC they are ~ .692 bore. I still have my 12" ceramic one.

01-26-2007, 11:22 AM
If you going to run CO2, look into a plamer reg instead of the exp. chamber....

Aggie speaks the truth. Anything Palmer's will be an excellent choice for running CO2 to your valve.

01-26-2007, 11:50 AM
If you going to run CO2, look into a plamer reg instead of the exp. chamber....

Aggie speaks the truth. Anything Palmer's will be an excellent choice for running CO2 to your valve.


Older Smart Parts Max-Flo's were also designed to handle Co2.

That is, for those of you who will actually touch SP stuff...

Spaz, Rail; Welcome to AO

01-26-2007, 11:55 AM
i didnt think about the old bottmline max-flo regs you could screw a tank into. Thats what hes got on the mag in the first pic i beleive.

02-06-2007, 02:42 AM
Well, I got my Mag in on the weekend and gassed 'er up. It's really different to feel the trigger kick back at my finger. But there's no doubt that she's smooth.

She's a heavy one though. AGD's use of pretty much all steel on these Classics adds up to quite the heavy lump. On top of that the barrel in my first pic came with it and it's actually stainless steel and heavy in the same sort of way as the rest of the marker. But I have to admit that it balances well on the grip even with a tank mounted. Without the barrel it's incredably back heavy. I'd like to try an aluminium barrel but I suspect the weight center will still be messed up and it would feel best with that heavy steel barrel.

I need to figure out some form of foregrip as well. Be it vertical or some sort of barrel mounted grip similar to a rifle.

But there's one thing that there's NO doubt about and that is that it's going to be a fun Spring. Since I last played I've gotten a couple of new autocockers as well as this new Automag and I'm just itchin' to get out and play with all of them.