View Full Version : Just a preview

01-24-2007, 11:03 PM
A little tease if you will...


01-24-2007, 11:07 PM
Was this really necessary???

/waits impatiently for the rest of the pics.

01-24-2007, 11:09 PM
thats a new one...
football themed guns...

01-24-2007, 11:13 PM
Was this really necessary???

/waits impatiently for the rest of the pics.

You mean like this one?


Big Boy
01-24-2007, 11:15 PM
BOOOOO seahawks.

01-24-2007, 11:46 PM
*twiddle thumbs*

01-24-2007, 11:48 PM
sooo... do you work for the post office?

01-24-2007, 11:53 PM
you only have a few more days for jan MOTM...

01-24-2007, 11:59 PM
This is relevant to my interests.

01-25-2007, 12:04 AM
Reminds me of a certain Steve Miller song. ;)

01-25-2007, 12:27 AM
Makes me want to toss the ol' pig-skin around.

01-25-2007, 03:16 AM
Not a Fan of the Seahawks, but it looks pretty good from what little you've allowed us to see.

01-25-2007, 03:38 AM
College football's my thing (it's still about the game more than the salary), but that still looks sweet! I can't wait to see the whole thing!

01-25-2007, 05:25 AM
Go 12th man!

nice themed mag you got there.

(disappointed in the seahawks... again)

BOOOOO seahawks.
STFU... They're a good team although it was obvious they weren't taking the NFC.

/stupid Leavy stole the superbowl away from us anyway
//thank god we're getting a new line
///hopefully they're bigger and will prove to be better than this year's
////Josh Brown is awesome (best clinch kicker)

01-25-2007, 06:56 AM
great way to rip off texas A&M, get your own damned traditions.

and yes, youve been ALLOWED to use it. Your program is paying us, and when that idiotic settlement runs out, im pretty shure the plug will be pulled.

btw who did he anno.....im sure the AD migh be interested in it...

01-25-2007, 06:58 AM
great way to rip off texas A&M, get your own damned traditions.

and yes, youve been ALLOWED to use it. Your program is paying us, and when that idiotic settlement runs out, im pretty shure the plug will be pulled.

btw who did he anno.....im sure the AD migh be interested in it...

Wow, you're pretty amazing.
Will anything ever be good enough for you?

01-25-2007, 06:59 AM
Dude, seattle is ripping off a nearly hundred year old texas A&M tradition by doing all this twelfth man crap. It pisses people like me(and the other 50,000 people on campus, and the thousands and thousands of alumni) off.

So bugger off right next to he seachickens.

01-25-2007, 07:31 AM
Dude, seattle is ripping off a nearly hundred year old texas A&M tradition by doing all this twelfth man crap. It pisses people like me(and the other 50,000 people on campus, and the thousands and thousands of alumni) off.

So bugger off right next to he seachickens.

Deal with it!


01-25-2007, 07:33 AM
Deal with it!


Fortunatly, i dont have to, our legal department already did.

01-25-2007, 07:37 AM
Fortunatly, i dont have to, our legal department already did.

Then you've got nothing to worry about Mr Grumpy!
Let the guy enjoy his mag, and stop raining on his parade. :)

Besides. A&M Sucks.

All about the Longhorns.

01-25-2007, 07:50 AM
Then you've got nothing to worry about Mr Grumpy!
Let the guy enjoy his mag, and stop raining on his parade. :)

Besides. A&M Sucks.

All about the Longhorns.

yeah, keep telling yourself that and then look at how that game turned out....

I think it was about....oh 12-7 WHOOP!, tu can jump up and bite it. Course they couldn even beat Kstate....and let baylor score 30 something points on them...

We pwn them at BBall, beat them at football....sounds like its been all about the ags this year.

01-25-2007, 07:54 AM
yeah, keep telling yourself that and then looka t how that game turned out....

I think it was about....oh 12-7 WHOOP!, tu can jump up and bite it.

We pwn them at BBall, beat them at football....sounds like its been all about the ags this year.

Wait, what?
Watch your step around those bon fires, big guy.

01-25-2007, 07:55 AM
Wait, what?

.....you have a belltower....we have one to. Im happy for you, have an e-cookie. So are you a sip or jsut a tshirt fan?

01-25-2007, 07:55 AM
I should turn my pneu-mag into a Bears Mag and it will smash Seahawk marker

01-25-2007, 07:57 AM
.....you have a belltower....we have one to. Im happy for you, have an e-cookie. So are you a sip or jsut a tshirt fan?

I've got some Alumni buddies who don't think very high of the A&M students.
Couldn't imagine why :)

I'm sorry to hear about the guys you lost in the bonfires.

We lost some people too.

.............Laughing so hard at you.

01-25-2007, 08:08 AM
You sorry little bastard, you just stepped ove a line that even lowlifes like techies dont step over.

You just moved from talking smack to making fun of a tragedy that killed twelve people. You can go straight to hell and rot were scum like you belongs for that. There was no call for that, you have no right to say it.

i wish this forum had an ignore button, youlld be on the list in a heart beat. I actualy hit the report button for that. Theres 0 reason for that crap, I dont care how old you are.

01-25-2007, 08:11 AM
You sorry little bastard, you just stepped ove a line that even lowlifes like techies dont step over.

You just moved from talking smack to making fun of a tragedy that killed twelve people. You can go straight to hell and rot were scum like you belongs for that. There was no call for that, you have no right to say it.

i wish this forum had an ignore button, youlld be on the list in a heart beat.

This forum has an ignore button. :cool:

01-25-2007, 08:12 AM
ahha I had never seen it. Goodbye to that useless drivle. I realy hope you feel happy with yourself you amoral little jerk.

01-25-2007, 08:38 AM
I should turn my pneu-mag into a Bears Mag and it will smash Seahawk marker

Same way Da Bear's smashed them in the Playoff's!

01-25-2007, 08:42 AM
Same way Da Bear's smashed them in the Playoff's!
Go Chargers :(

01-25-2007, 08:53 AM
Go Chargers :(


01-25-2007, 11:27 AM
Go Chargers :(

Go Patrio.... crap.

01-25-2007, 11:57 AM
Go Raiders!! Wait...WTF am I saying!? :shooting: :eek:

01-25-2007, 11:59 AM
Go Raiders!! Wait...WTF am I saying!? :shooting: :eek:

01-25-2007, 12:07 PM
I dunno whatcha talkin bout....eagles all the way..and college? USC FTW!!!!!! Now what?

01-25-2007, 12:09 PM
Colts and Vols all the way. I guess the vols are out so Go Colts!

01-25-2007, 12:10 PM
This thread is now about football.

01-25-2007, 12:12 PM
Untill we get more pics it is.

01-25-2007, 12:18 PM
Untill we get more pics it is.
I want to say that I can't believe that my Chargers broke my heart AGAIN this year, but I'd by lying if I thought they'd go to the superbowl.

01-25-2007, 12:22 PM
I thought for sure they would blow past the NE. NE is good, but it seems that they always have luck on their side, and can sneak by their opponents

01-25-2007, 12:26 PM
Anno looks real good, not a seahawks fan but I still can't wait to see it.

great way to rip off texas A&M, get your own damned traditions.

and yes, youve been ALLOWED to use it. Your program is paying us, and when that idiotic settlement runs out, im pretty shure the plug will be pulled.

btw who did he anno.....im sure the AD migh be interested in it...

I think you need to cry some more.


01-25-2007, 12:27 PM


Colt's who?

01-25-2007, 12:45 PM
Untill we get more pics it is.

You will. There were a couple of changes from the original pics, I should have some more by this weekend.

01-25-2007, 12:46 PM
You will. There were a couple of changes from the original pics, I should have some more by this weekend.
Don't let taxggie get you down.
I think he's on his period or something.

01-25-2007, 12:48 PM
Don't let taxggie get you down.
I think he's on his period or something.

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooo

01-25-2007, 12:50 PM
You will. There were a couple of changes from the original pics, I should have some more by this weekend.

Seriously the preview looks hot. you are going to give the "nightmare before Xmag" a run for his money. You have my vote in MOTM because I have always wanted to do a theme gun, but will not be able to afford it untill I finish college.

GO COLTS!!! Beat the Bears!!!

01-25-2007, 12:50 PM
great way to rip off texas A&M, get your own damned traditions.

and yes, youve been ALLOWED to use it. Your program is paying us, and when that idiotic settlement runs out, im pretty shure the plug will be pulled.

btw who did he anno.....im sure the AD migh be interested in it...

You should record this post into a wav file and play it back at full volume so you can hear just how whiny you sound. Now don't you have some yells to lead or something?

01-25-2007, 12:54 PM
I want to say that I can't believe that my Chargers broke my heart AGAIN this year, but I'd by lying if I thought they'd go to the superbowl.

The Chargers always choke...

Watching that game made me feel sick :cry: , I actually thought they might make it back to the Superbowl this year.

01-25-2007, 12:57 PM
The Chargers always choke...

Watching that game made me feel sick :cry: , I actually thought they might make it back to the Superbowl this year.
Aint that truth.

but back on topic.


01-25-2007, 01:05 PM
Aint that truth.

but back on topic.


What's that guy running fro....



01-25-2007, 01:13 PM

01-25-2007, 02:01 PM
This forum has an ignore button. :cool:
:rofl: :rofl: That exchange made me giggle...

but seriously guys, it is all about the ILLINI! :headbang:

01-25-2007, 02:04 PM
See, If the browns won the superbowl, that fire would be extinguished, by the cold coming from hell.

01-25-2007, 02:04 PM
Seattle Sea Chickens!!!!

/ where the hell did I get 411 posts....

01-25-2007, 03:20 PM
You know what, If I realy gave to craps about what you jakcasses thought of me, you might have some effect. The only one that bothers me is triangle, and that was for the assanine bonfire comment. Personaly, I want to know were he goes to school, they must teach classes in doochebaggery on regular basis. Well that and how to sound like an idiot.....

I still say to the creator of the gun, way to ripoff a trademark of Texas A&M, and try to claim a tradition as your own. Maybe youll write yourself a fight song to the "eyes of texas" and start yelling boomer-seahawk across your stadium :D.

btw, thats dukes bonfire isnt it? only other large one i know of. Ours is still bigger:


01-25-2007, 03:22 PM
You know what, If I realy gave to craps about what you jakcasses thought of me, you might have some effect. The only one that bothers me is triangle, and that was for the assanine bonfire comment. Personaly, I want to know were he goes to school, they must teach classes in doochebaggery on regular basis. Well that and how to sound like an idiot.....

I still say to the creator of the gun, way to ripoff a trademark of Texas A&M, and try to claim a tradition as your own. Maybe youll write yourself a fight song to the "eyes of texas" and start yelling boomer-seahawk across your stadium :D.

Are you still talking sally?

Your college level education is really showing in your posts.

01-25-2007, 03:24 PM
Your lack of class shows everytime you post. Were do you go to school triangle, or is it that your some little highschool brat talking out of his *** again..

01-25-2007, 03:25 PM
Your lack of class shows everytime you post. Were do you go to school triangle, or is it that your some little highschool brat talking out of his *** again..

I went to UCSD :)

I thought you had blocked me?
Not smart enough to find that option?

01-25-2007, 03:26 PM
Are you still talking sally?

Your college level education is really showing in your posts.

hows it going ? meds losing their affect or just bumming cause your girl thinks you are a tool and waste of oxygen. Probably both.

01-25-2007, 03:27 PM
hows it going ? meds losing their affect or just bumming cause your girl thinks you are a tool and waste of oxygen. Probably both.

Oooooooh! Sup Wimag!

01-25-2007, 03:28 PM
I went to UCSD :)

I thought you had blocked me?
Not smart enough to find that option?

It's not worth the time, It just tells me you've posted crap, but i cant read the message. I was hoping for the option of being able to not see any of it.

01-25-2007, 03:29 PM
btw, thats dukes bonfire isnt it? only other large one i know of. Ours is still bigger:


Yeah, when it's not falling over on people.

01-25-2007, 03:31 PM
Yeah, when it's not falling over on people.

Youre worse than triangle...

My god you people have no respect for the dead.....

What a bunch of ********. Ya'll are liking talking t bad 5 year olds. I realy hope you and he burn in hell for that. Good lord....

01-25-2007, 03:32 PM
Youre worse than triangle...

My god you people have no respect for the dead.....

What a bunch of ********. Ya'll are liking talking t bad 5 year olds. I realy hope you and he burn in hell for that. Good lord....

Did they drop any good loot?

01-25-2007, 03:33 PM
hows it going ? meds losing their affect or just bumming cause your girl thinks you are a tool and waste of oxygen. Probably both.

I kno your glad he's single, but he doesn't swing that way wimag....and only things coming outa texas are steers and *****s bwhahahaha

01-25-2007, 03:36 PM
Im glad AO has now degenerated into a poorly moderated version of pbnation.

Ya'll are a real bunch of classless, arrogant, SOB's.

01-25-2007, 03:37 PM
Im glad AO has now degenerated into a poorly moderated version of pbnation.

Ya'll are a real bunch of classless, arrogant, SOB's.

I'm glad that you feel like you're some sort of veteran AO member, and that you've been here long enough to make that statement :)

BRB, I've got some A&M guys on the grill.

01-25-2007, 03:39 PM
I'm glad that you feel like you're some sort of veteran AO member, and that you've been here long enough to make that statement :)

BRB, I've got some A&M guys on the grill.

I'll take mine extra crispy...

01-25-2007, 03:40 PM
I'm glad that you feel like you're some sort of veteran AO member, and that you've been here long enough to make that statement :)

BRB, I've got some A&M guys on the grill.

I've been here long enough to know what it was like before you drug up. The forums USED to be halfway decent.

01-25-2007, 03:41 PM
Im glad AO has now degenerated into a poorly moderated version of pbnation.

Ya'll are a real bunch of classless, arrogant, SOB's.

You start running your mouth then cry when we shove it down your throat..robnix didn't do a damn thing to you, and you bash his gun, go to hell you pom pom waving homo.....

01-25-2007, 03:42 PM
I've been here long enough to know what it was like before you drug up. The forums USED to be halfway decent.

Naw, I've been here in one name or another since 2000. You're full of it.

01-25-2007, 03:44 PM
You start running your mouth then cry when we shove it down your throat..robnix didn't do a damn thing to you, and you bash his gun, go to hell you pom pom waving homo.....

Why dont you go to hell. I made some trash talk about a damned gun, Neppo and triangle started the offensive ****. It was all in good fun for my part until you to dooche bags opened your mouth.

01-25-2007, 03:44 PM
I've been here long enough to know what it was like before you drug up. The forums USED to be halfway decent.

They still are.

/Then someone complains.
//We simply carry on a tradition.
///and flame him to death.

01-25-2007, 03:44 PM
Why dont you go to hell. I made some trash talk about a damned gun, You and triangle started the offensive ****. It was all in good fun for my part until you to dooche bags oened your mouth.

I can't hear you over the sound of delicious BBQ.

01-25-2007, 03:46 PM
I can't hear you over the sound of delicious BBQ.

Whats the difference between a pizza and an A&M student?

01-25-2007, 03:46 PM
They still are.

/Then someone complains.
//We simply carry on a tradition.
///and flame him to death.

http://studentbonfire.com/pictures/2006/burn/08.jpg Or bond fire them to death!

01-25-2007, 03:48 PM
Uh... guys...

/lotta teh hardcore from some newer folks
//Triangle fanclub, lighten up

01-25-2007, 03:48 PM
holy christ does every post get hijacked nowdays? :tard:

Either way the seahawks theme works pretty well i believe. I mean, the blue looks awesome in itself. I started to read the first line of the battery pack, but I cant make the rest out. I need some glasses. I DEMAND better pics :)

01-25-2007, 03:49 PM
U want us to stop? The stfu and don't post...numbnut...

01-25-2007, 03:52 PM
So is this your forum now?

What have yall formed a club for the purposes of sounding like fools.......

I have no problem with an immense amount of shat talking, but it's generaly accepted in semi-mature setting there are lines.....peoples deaths usualy cross that line.

01-25-2007, 03:57 PM
Oooooooh! Sup Wimag!

nada, just watching your trend of a slow melt down, then ban, then new accounts, same old same old.

01-25-2007, 03:58 PM
Why dont you go to hell. I made some trash talk about a damned gun, Neppo and triangle started the offensive ****. It was all in good fun for my part until you to dooche bags opened your mouth.

I get a kick out of this post right here.

What he's saying is - "I meant to insult someone else, but since it was ME speaking, no one should take offense. Now, you say anything at all offensive towards me though, LOOK OUT 'cause I am sally outrage and I am on the rag."

Basically, he's from TA&M, so everyone else must:

1) Support whatever he says and bag on whatever he thinks worthy of scorn.
2) Everyone must mourn the loss of some folks who were crushed by a huge fire that they built as though there were Medal of Honor winners.
3) Everyone must respect his authoritah!!!!!!!11!!!

Obviously, Triangle is yanking your chain because you're losing your mind over it, not because he has any allegiances for or against TA&M.

So, to sum up, what is ACTUALLY happening here, is that you have been identified as hot head by a few of the more impish members of AO, and they are mercilessly rattling your cage, just to hear you screech. At this point, everyone but you knows that you're being run around in circles, so the only course of action you have left to save face and win the argument is to simply STFU.

Fail at that, and you fail at the internets.

:cheers: :rofl: :ninja:

01-25-2007, 04:03 PM
I still say to the creator of the gun, way to ripoff a trademark of Texas A&M, and try to claim a tradition as your own. Maybe youll write yourself a fight song to the "eyes of texas" and start yelling boomer-seahawk across your stadium :D.

No, we'd rather get the db level over 125, continue to set records for opposing team false starts, and watch the NFL implement crowd noise rules because of how disruptive we are.

See, we would have been cool sharing the whole 12th man thing, what we do here for it and what you do there aren't the same in any aspect. In a weird way though, we could have been football step brothers. But no, after over 22 years of us doing our 12th man thing, your university has to come along and cause a ruckus the week before we go to the Super Bowl. That was pretty weak, way to rain on our parade and get some sympathy up here.

To be short, we're not mad at the Aggie fan, but your administration has no win.

01-25-2007, 04:05 PM


I thank you.


01-25-2007, 04:06 PM
I get a kick out of this post right here.

What he's saying is - "I meant to insult someone else, but since it was ME speaking, no one should take offense. Now, you say anything at all offensive towards me though, LOOK OUT 'cause I am sally outrage and I am on the rag."

Basically, he's from TA&M, so everyone else must:

1) Support whatever he says and bag on whatever he thinks worthy of scorn.
2) Everyone must mourn the loss of some folks who were crushed by a huge fire that they built as though there were Medal of Honor winners.
3) Everyone must respect his authoritah!!!!!!!11!!!

Obviously, Triangle is yanking your chain because you're losing your mind over it, not because he has any allegiances for or against TA&M.

So, to sum up, what is ACTUALLY happening here, is that you have been identified as hot head by a few of the more impish members of AO, and they are mercilessly rattling your cage, just to hear you screech. At this point, everyone but you knows that you're being run around in circles, so the only course of action you have left to save face and win the argument is to simply STFU.

Fail at that, and you fail at the internets.

:cheers: :rofl: :ninja:

Damn coolhand.... no.

All i wanted was for people not to make joke about peoples deaths. It's offensive, and not just as an aggie. I would equate it to making jokes about belltowers to a t-sip. Thats what pissed me off.

Rudnix has already received a pm from me explaining my original intention of talking a little t-rash. I only get hot headed when people intentionaly say things to be offensive......

BTW, did you ship my frame today?

01-25-2007, 04:07 PM
The Chargers always choke...

Watching that game made me feel sick :cry: , I actually thought they might make it back to the Superbowl this year.

Choke? How do you think I feel about My Bucks? I think OSU was drugged.

01-25-2007, 04:08 PM
Choke? How do you think I feel about My Bucks? I think OSU was drugged.

Sup Joe, late to the parrty as always...

01-25-2007, 04:09 PM
Choke? How do you think I feel about My Bucks? I think OSU was drugged.


how many times do we have to tell you.

The REAL Buckeyes were in Tijuana, sipping on Tekillya.

Those were hired actors.

01-25-2007, 04:11 PM
No, we'd rather get the db level over 125, continue to set records for opposing team false starts, and watch the NFL implement crowd noise rules because of how disruptive we are.

See, we would have been cool sharing the whole 12th man thing, what we do here for it and what you do there aren't the same in any aspect. In a weird way though, we could have been football step brothers. But no, after over 22 years of us doing our 12th man thing, your university has to come along and cause a ruckus the week before we go to the Super Bowl. That was pretty weak, way to rain on our parade and get some sympathy up here.

To be short, we're not mad at the Aggie fan, but your administration has no win.

Bad timing, no lie there. The whole point of the suit was valid, Seattle ownership WAS making money of our trade mark, but timing sucked big time....

Youlld be suprised how many people that were ALOT more pissed off about the whole thing than I was agreed on the timing issue to. There was very little support on our end for i going down when it did(should have waited until after the superbowl at minimum to say a word.). I guess the jokewould have been more apreciated if you hung around FB message boards more during that time...

What the hell is"Tekillya"

01-25-2007, 04:14 PM
What the hell is"Tekillya"

A more humorous way of saying Tequila.

01-25-2007, 04:15 PM
Choke? How do you think I feel about My Bucks? I think OSU was drugged.

Wha are you griping about, did you catch the holiday bowl? I'll take a beating in the NC game over that any day...

01-25-2007, 04:15 PM
Bad timing, no lie there. The whole point of the suit was valid, Seattle ownership WAS making money of our trade mark, but timing sucked big time....

Youlld be suprised how many people that were ALOT more pissed off about the whole thing than I was agreed on the timing issue to. There was very little support on our end for i going down when it did(should have waited until after the superbowl at minimum to say a word.). I guess the jokewould have been more apreciated if you hung around FB message boards more during that time...

What the hell is"Tekillya"



01-25-2007, 04:17 PM
I thought so but was curious. kind of like trying to intepret what my rommae was saying when he came home having a "pissed off japanese minnow farmer" at the shot bar........imagine a big redneck saying that plastered.....

all i caught was it had sloshka...

01-25-2007, 04:18 PM
I thought so but was curious. kind of like trying to intepret what my rommae was saying when he came home having a "pissed off japanese minnow farmer" at the shot bar........imagine a big redneck saying that plastered.....

all i caught was it had sloshka...

01-25-2007, 04:20 PM

I know what it is now, they taste horrible......It was the drunken part that made it funny.

01-25-2007, 04:25 PM
Damn coolhand.... no.

All i wanted was for people not to make joke about peoples deaths. It's offensive, and not just as an aggie. I would equate it to making jokes about belltowers to a t-sip. Thats what pissed me off.

Rudnix has already received a pm from me explaining my original intention of talking a little t-rash. I only get hot headed when people intentionaly say things to be offensive......

BTW, did you ship my frame today?

Alright, retracted. Every time I fire off a good one, I always feel bad about it afterwards. Even when I blew up at DM, and I honestly STILL think he had that one coming.

Also, not yet, but I will be tonight when I get home from work.

/Assuming you're the Imp frame guy, right?
//If not, PM me as I've forgotten.

01-25-2007, 04:28 PM
Yeah, and like I sadi in the email im not stressing over it. as long as i know the retards at the po havent lost it, im not in any huge hurry. Said it mainly to give you a hard time :ninja: .

Robnix your pms are full, ill jsut post it here:

Is the body a lighter powder than the rail btw, or is it a lighting issue?

I realy wish some of yall were around here, Im going to have access to a 5000$ camera and a fully outfitted photo lab, it would be nice to get high res pics of this kind of thing.

01-25-2007, 04:33 PM
Yeah, and like I sadi in the email im not stressing over it. as long as i know the retards at the po havent lost it, im not in any huge hurry. Said it mainly to give you a hard time :ninja: .

Robnix your pms are full, ill jsut post it here:

Is the body a lighter powder than the rail btw, or is it a lighting issue?

I realy wish some of yall were around here, Im going to have access to a 5000$ camera and a fully outfitted photo lab, it would be nice to get high res pics of this kind of thing.

The Aluminum of the Emag lowers and the ULE body are different, they take anno differently.

01-25-2007, 04:36 PM
But they usualy canbe matched reasonably well. I honestly think what im seeing is an issue with my monitor or the lighting from the camera showing a tiny thing realy well.

that or he did it ever so subtly on purpose. It actualy looks pretty cool(the feedneck is the same way, the band is a barker blue), a two tone without beina fade or very stark.

01-25-2007, 04:41 PM
Yeah, and like I sadi in the email im not stressing over it. as long as i know the retards at the po havent lost it, im not in any huge hurry. Said it mainly to give you a hard time :ninja: .

Robnix your pms are full, ill jsut post it here:

Is the body a lighter powder than the rail btw, or is it a lighting issue?

I realy wish some of yall were around here, Im going to have access to a 5000$ camera and a fully outfitted photo lab, it would be nice to get high res pics of this kind of thing.

The body is lighter than the rail, yes. There are two fades, one from the bottom of the frame to the rail, and one from the tip of the barrel the the body. The tip of the barrel matches the darker color, and the bottom of the frame matches the body. It works very well together.

I'll get a full picture of both sides tonight maybe.

01-25-2007, 04:42 PM
Thats gonna look friggin sweet....

01-25-2007, 04:52 PM
Looks cool to me :cool: ...who did the lasering?

01-25-2007, 05:06 PM
Looks cool to me :cool: ...who did the lasering?

It's a PrecisionPB/OddPB job.

01-25-2007, 05:09 PM
It's a PrecisionPB/OddPB job.

Now tell us...

You've gotten the marker back, and everything looks okay?

First time around?

01-25-2007, 05:22 PM
Now tell us...

You've gotten the marker back, and everything looks okay?

First time around?

All the lasering lines up as it should and looks great. The colors match very well, and Lorne did a nice job hiding some scratches on the valve with some laser work. The only part that was redone was the trigger, and that wasn't because of any issue, the first color chosen simply didn't work out the way we thought it would. It was green and simply didn't fit the overall color scheme.

I have it at home now, I'm waiting on a spring and detent for the selector switch before I do the final reassembly. It's been assembled once and fires mechanically just like I remember though.

01-25-2007, 05:31 PM
They still are.

/Then someone complains.
//We simply carry on a tradition.
///and flame him to death.

I see what you did there..

thread gave me a good laugh...

wow im late.

01-25-2007, 05:32 PM
All the lasering lines up as it should and looks great. The colors match very well, and Lorne did a nice job hiding some scratches on the valve with some laser work. The only part that was redone was the trigger, and that wasn't because of any issue, the first color chosen simply didn't work out the way we thought it would. It was green and simply didn't fit the overall color scheme.

I have it at home now, I'm waiting on a spring and detent for the selector switch before I do the final reassembly. It's been assembled once and fires mechanically just like I remember though.

Just wondering.

From what we've heard, Lorne does some top notch work, but rick's anno is less that desirable (i'm sure he has his off days)

So, i just wanted to make sure everything came out well for you.

And since it did, congrats.

01-25-2007, 05:39 PM
Just wondering.

From what we've heard, Lorne does some top notch work, but rick's anno is less that desirable (i'm sure he has his off days)

So, i just wanted to make sure everything came out well for you.

And since it did, congrats.

I have no complaints. To quote my wife, who looks at my paintball stuff with an uncompassionate and sometimes derisive eye: "Oh my! That's amazing! You're going to play with that?"

01-25-2007, 05:41 PM
I have no complaints. To quote my wife, who looks at my paintball stuff with an uncompassionate and sometimes derisive eye: "Oh my! That's amazing! You're going to play with that?"

that made me laugh, prob because I know were you're coming from. :p

edit: btw, it took me 3 tries, but I finally got a decent result from the creme brulee recipe :dance:

01-25-2007, 05:47 PM
that made me laugh, prob because I know were you're coming from. :p

edit: btw, it took me 3 tries, but I finally got a decent result from the creme brulee recipe :dance:

Awesome, creme brulee rules!

01-25-2007, 06:41 PM
Awesome, creme brulee rules!

O my, this thread has officially been on every topic possible and back again.

01-25-2007, 06:46 PM
O my, this thread has officially been on every topic possible and back again.

We came this >< close to pie!

01-25-2007, 08:31 PM
worst thread Hijack ever.

01-25-2007, 08:38 PM
worst thread Hijack ever.

Again, late to the party.

01-25-2007, 09:20 PM
so can i see pics of the whole gun or not?

01-25-2007, 09:21 PM
so can i see pics of the whole gun or not?


01-25-2007, 10:03 PM
so can i see pics of the whole gun or not?

are you the female counter part to rudz?

01-25-2007, 10:34 PM
are you the female counter part to rudz?

I was thinking the same thing...

01-25-2007, 10:56 PM
Can someone explain to me what the bonfire deal is about?

/doesn't follow any kind of football whatsoever
//will urinate on anyone who challenges masculinity

01-25-2007, 11:26 PM
I lost respect for Rex Grossman when he got a 0 quarterback rating one game... that's just disgusting, he shouldn't deserve to be in the superbowl. Otherwise bears are okay except I'm sore about the Seahawks losing.

So wanna give us some stats on that emag?

01-26-2007, 12:12 AM
I tried taking pictures tonight, but the flash keeps the fade from showing as well. I'll get some nice ones on Saturday when I can get it outdoors.

01-26-2007, 12:17 AM
Hi sudz I'm rudz......


01-26-2007, 09:24 AM
so can i see pics of the whole gun or not?

Hi sudz I'm rudz......



/ YA RLY!:)

01-26-2007, 09:52 AM

/ YA RLY!:)

01-26-2007, 10:13 AM

01-26-2007, 10:23 AM
Can someone explain to me what the bonfire deal is about?

TAMU had a tradition about buildng bonfires and burning them right before the annual A&M -tu game. It started in the early 1900's , got as big as 109 feet in 69, then was brought back down to 65. In '99, due to several issues(im not going into that), the stack collapsed early in the morning shortly before its completion. It killed twelve people when it did so who were on the stack working.


The first picture i linked is actualy the 50 foot stack we built off campus this year. The university has not allowed us to have another on campus on since '99, but since '01 an iff-campus group has built and burned a stack of similar shape, but vastly superior structural integrity. Essentialy we corrected ALL the problems bnfire commission said could not be, and have not an accident larger than a bruis or scrap in 6 bonfires.

My issue with them making jokes was this- by doing so your making jokes about twelve peoples deaths. Be kinda like making jokes about ym dad having a heart attack, or someone mother being in a car accident, 'just not something civilised people do. Please dont start the shat storm again, I just answered his question....

01-26-2007, 05:14 PM
TAMU had a tradition about buildng bonfires and burning them right before the annual A&M -tu game. It started in the early 1900's , got as big as 109 feet in 69, then was brought back down to 65. In '99, due to several issues(im not going into that), the stack collapsed early in the morning shortly before its completion. It killed twelve people when it did so who were on the stack working.


The first picture i linked is actualy the 50 foot stack we built off campus this year. The university has not allowed us to have another on campus on since '99, but since '01 an iff-campus group has built and burned a stack of similar shape, but vastly superior structural integrity. Essentialy we corrected ALL the problems bnfire commission said could not be, and have not an accident larger than a bruis or scrap in 6 bonfires.

My issue with them making jokes was this- by doing so your making jokes about twelve peoples deaths. Be kinda like making jokes about ym dad having a heart attack, or someone mother being in a car accident, 'just not something civilised people do. Please dont start the shat storm again, I just answered his question....

They were trying to build a huge FIRE, something we have a special group of people just to prevent...why should we feel bad..we didn't know them anyway.

So they were crushed..not burned...hmm not sure which is worse.

01-27-2007, 03:16 AM
A little tease if you will...


In attempt to save this thread...

Regardless of the Team-Oriented Paintjob... What kind of paintjob was done to get such effects of niceness? Airbrush, light Laser Engraving, hand done paintjob of sorts?

Kudos for the quality of detail.


01-27-2007, 07:46 AM
I wasnt trying to re-derail, I answered a questin, and someone had to get in the parting shot....enough, I understand you, drop it.

That looks like lazer btw, I think he mentioned earlier it was.

01-27-2007, 08:25 AM
When a group of young people do an incredibly stupid thing and someone is killed in the process it is a tragedy. However, when mentioning that it was poor planning results in whines about no respect for the dead, etc, and then doing it some more, it becomes assanine.

01-27-2007, 08:27 AM
Making tacky jokes about people dying is rude. Now if you want to talk about why I'll talk about why(preferably in a different thread). There commentary had nothing to do with realities, they were trying to be ugly to get my goat.

Regardless, please drop the subject, it's run into the ground.

Lupis Fidelis
01-27-2007, 12:38 PM
Get over it!

Your problem is that you seem to want to have the last word on this matter.... You won't get it.

Can't wait to see more pics!

01-29-2007, 03:40 PM
I demand that my opinion be recognized!!11eleventy!
