View Full Version : Will we see a resurgance of the single trigger

01-27-2007, 07:56 AM
68MAGOWners shocker modifications made me think.

He said that his Shocker, modified to a single trigger, feels more compact and allows him a better grip on the marker.

Since trigger speed has become a moot point to some people, will we ever see some (not all) people opt for a single trigger (or those sexxy 1.5 triggers like on a Buzzard), to give them a better grip, and for those of us that shoot firearms often, a more natural feel?

01-27-2007, 08:02 AM
I doubt that very much. With many fields still opting for no ramping, and the ingrained sense that double triggers are "cool" that come from over a decade of advancment towards that, I think two finger trigger will stay the standard for a long time to come.

01-27-2007, 08:05 AM
I would definaterly shoot a singe triggered electro.
I had an Angel LED that I used to LOVE shooting on the airball and recball fields alike.

01-27-2007, 08:13 AM
I doubt that very much. With many fields still opting for no ramping, and the ingrained sense that double triggers are "cool" that come from over a decade of advancment towards that, I think two finger trigger will stay the standard for a long time to come.

I agree that there will probably always be more double triggers then singles (at least in currently sold markers). Do you think though we will see companies start to offer a single trigger version?

01-27-2007, 08:19 AM
I agree that there will probably always be more double triggers then singles (at least in currently sold markers). Do you think though we will see companies start to offer a single trigger version?
Unless the power players of the tourney scene found a make to make it apealing to the younger crowds, I just don't see it happening. Than again, anything is possible.

01-27-2007, 08:25 AM
I agree that there will probably always be more double triggers then singles (at least in currently sold markers). Do you think though we will see companies start to offer a single trigger version?

Maybe as a niche market, but I think triangle is right on this one. Unless some of the upper level tourny guys start using them, or some tournament series decides to allow them less restrictions(i dont know a special form of ramp or something like that), I don't think they'll ever get popular enough to see it.

I think at best we might see a company like logic(im not saying logic will, i'm meaning a smaller custom shop) come out with a run of them at some point if a demand started to arise.

01-27-2007, 08:30 AM
Maybe as a niche market, but I think triangle is right on this one. Unless some of the upper level tourny guys start using them, or some tournament series decides to allow them less restrictions(i dont know a special form of ramp or something like that), I don't think they'll ever get popular enough to see it.

I think at best we might see a company like logic(im not saying logic will, i'm meaning a smaller custom shop) come out with a run of them at some point if a demand started to arise.

I agree with this guy.

It would definately be a niche market.
With ramping modes the single trigger shooters could easily keep up with the double trigger guys.
You could market it as a (slight) weight savings with the 'same ROF speed'. I'm sure there are idiots out there who'd eat it up and buy one.

Oddly enough I shot a single triggered mag back when I had a single trigger benchmark frame.
Paired with my dallara kit, it actually looked alot like an older Angel. That was the only reason why I took my Hyperframe off of it, just because it looked cool.

01-27-2007, 08:32 AM
I've got a classic with one of those benchy single trigger frame sitting in my box right now :).

In someway with a mech mag, I almsot PREFER the single trigger because of the way I fan, but then again I could just be wierd....errr no wait I am wierd, just undecided about the wierdness of my trigger preferance...

01-27-2007, 08:35 AM
I've got a classic with one of those benchy single trigger frame sitting in my box right now :).

In someway with a mech mag, I almsot PREFER the single trigger because of the way I fan, but then again I could just be wierd....errr no wait I am wierd, just undecided about the wierdness of my trigger preferance...

Again, I concur with Aggie. With the correct frame, I love the feel of a single triggered mag. I'm talking NON-ult. None of that ULT crap for me. No sir.

Back on topic, It'd be easy to market single trigger kits to certain demographics.
The easiest of which would be the timmy owners, as their trigger guards are removeable.

There was a Single trigger kit out for a while, I dont know if it's still in production or not, though.

01-27-2007, 09:18 AM
I agree that there will probably always be more double triggers then singles (at least in currently sold markers). Do you think though we will see companies start to offer a single trigger version?

manufacturers no.
perhaps a spike in mod kits form outside sources, but very limited.
The double trigger frame has to solid of a preference with the masses at this time to see that option become remotely available.

01-27-2007, 11:34 AM
I tell you what would be fun to see is a tourny series aimed at nastalgia guns.

No double frames, No hpa, No R/T, nothing better than a 9v revvy or shake 'n bake. All old school cockers, mags, and spyders, maybe the occasional tippman(hmmm pro-carbine maybe?). Maybe even allow the double triggers but hey..

THAT would be alot of fun. Kind of like the pump movement but not quite so radical.

01-27-2007, 11:37 AM
I'm not really picky on the style of trigger. I like my Intelliframe, but I wouldn't mind a single trigger frame. So I guess I'm neutral.

01-27-2007, 02:24 PM
68MAGOWners shocker modifications made me think.

He said that his Shocker, modified to a single trigger, feels more compact and allows him a better grip on the marker.

Since trigger speed has become a moot point to some people, will we ever see some (not all) people opt for a single trigger (or those sexxy 1.5 triggers like on a Buzzard), to give them a better grip, and for those of us that shoot firearms often, a more natural feel?

I like the leverage that a longer trigger gives me.

01-27-2007, 03:31 PM
I like pump

01-28-2007, 11:40 AM
I like slider cocker's

01-28-2007, 11:48 AM
I can't tell you how much more I've thought of the idea of going back to single since ramping started. It looks like other people have had the same response.

01-28-2007, 11:52 AM
A slide cocker is the only single trigger frame i really enjoyed shooting. It was just so smooth. I didnt like on my single trigger mag how you had to put a lot of force on the trigger at once. The leverage of the double was nice. However on another note the single trigger does feed more natural and just had a nice feeling for sure. HOwever i still prefer the look of a double way over a single. And since my gun collection is mainly about looks and uniqueness id still go double. even on a pump.

paint magnet
01-29-2007, 02:15 PM
CF frame, double trigger, cut guard = best of both worlds. It lets me hold the gun with one finger on the trigger when running or use two to shoot once I make it to my bunker.

01-29-2007, 02:30 PM
Will it come back soon? I doubt it, to many kids want to brag about how fast there gun shoots. Some best times I have had playing were with my Dark Angel LED with a single trigger frame. That was long ago but I miss those days.

don miguel
01-29-2007, 02:42 PM
That is definately true. I use a single trigger on all of my guns, and I like the feel.

01-29-2007, 02:50 PM
I dont care about the trigger, though I prefer single trigger, you can use double like single triggers

01-29-2007, 02:55 PM
I play CFOA and PSP tournaments, I havent played in anything but ramping for the last 2 or 3 years (with the exception of the occasional pump play, or pulling out a cocker or blazer during rec ball). I dont see any reason why single finger trigger frames would give you any kind of disadvantage when playing in psp ramp mode. Do I personally think its the next big thing? No, not untill a major producer of high end electros starts selling single finger frames as a stock option. But, do I think there would be a market for aftermarket single finger frames for high end markers? Most definatley. I think a lot of players would like single finger frames if they tried them out. In todays xball stlye play, players find themselves shooting almost constantly shooting, gone are they days where a player can just put his head down, make an all out sprint and make a big dive into his bunker safley and still call that a good bump up the field. Today people want to sprint while shooting, dive while shooting, and crawl while shooting. Now, to make this new style of play effective, players have to be able to aim their markers well with one hand or even mid-air. Single finger frames allow for much greater control of the marker and make these things easier to do with greater success.

http://img1.putfile.com/thumb/1/2601303634.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=4609703)
http://img1.putfile.com/thumb/1/1423051736.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=4527754)

viva la Xball

01-29-2007, 04:22 PM
When I'm playing in an Xball type game and I'm ramping, I almost never walk the trigger. There's no need. I always find myself shooting with one finger even though I have a double trigger. I'd have no problem having a PSP/CFOA/etc setup gun with a single trigger. Less weight rawr...

turbo chicken
01-29-2007, 05:35 PM
well maybe it's time to revisit a CF sngle trigger penu frame ... hmmmm .... i'd use a single trigger ...

i see it becoming the "new cool" thing to do...

01-29-2007, 05:43 PM
i deffinately wont go back to singles just because of the leverage factor. i have always had them even on my mech mags and cockers. however i can see it as a niche market. i do actually prefer some guns with single, like my sydarm, but that is limited.

i am working on a single finger gun project for fun though, which hopefully turns out nice. (reviving an old LED angel, board stamped 1998)

i dont see a comeback, like everyone else has said, it will take some well known pros to switch for that to happen, and with most playing PSP and NPPL, i doubt that would happen.

01-29-2007, 05:50 PM
I would like single triggers to make a come back, but I doubt it happens.


01-29-2007, 06:13 PM
I only use single triggers. They just feel better to me. To prove my point I think I need a picture...hehe. I got all the bases covered, pump, mech, electro.

http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/7561/guncollection001lh9.th.jpg (http://img297.imageshack.us/my.php?image=guncollection001lh9.jpg)

I hope that single triggers become more popular just enough so that it's an option on newer guns.

01-29-2007, 07:35 PM
I have no idea what other people might like or want. I would like one, however, I'd would probably not bother to get one even if it were available since I simply shoot my eMag like a single trigger most of the time anyway. My bottom three fingers fit in the space provided by the stock eMag grip. :D


01-30-2007, 11:46 PM
i have a WAS'd tippmann that i use in PSP mode and i have a single trigger on it....i prefer it over most things because i shoot real firearms alot so it feels very natural. now i want that shocker :) but the bank says no :(

01-31-2007, 01:05 AM
i have a WAS'd tippmann that i use in PSP mode and i have a single trigger on it....i prefer it over most things because i shoot real firearms alot so it feels very natural. now i want that shocker :) but the bank says no :(

getting that shocker may be easier than you might have guessed. Im kinda hurting for funds and looling to sell quick.

01-31-2007, 06:30 AM
getting that shocker may be easier than you might have guessed. Im kinda hurting for funds and looling to sell quick.

PM me a price

01-31-2007, 09:42 AM
Deffinately as a niche but as far as the market moving back onto the single, no chance. Even back in the day people used just their middle finger to pull the trigger with the index raised on the body. As a mod and for some markers yeah but for general mass, No.

01-31-2007, 11:20 AM
I don't see it happening.