View Full Version : Is your GUN SAFE

01-28-2007, 01:03 AM
Is it Really? Are you sure?

There are only two places you can fire. The Field or the Range. No where else. Period. How is your gun safe any place else?

Lets call it Hot and Cold. Field and Range is hot. Cocked, Locked and ready to Ramp. All systems go and BALLS will fire if you pull, touch OR BUMP the Trig. Cold is evey place else. The gun IS SAFE.

What does that mean SAFE? You put on the safety IF it has one? Slip on a bag and call it SAFE. The bag is a BAD bandaid to say your GUN is SAFE.

Whats the first thing you check to determine Safe?

How is your GUN SAFE in a GOGS OFF cold zone? Just because the safety and a bag is on doesnt mean it is SAFE. Or does it today?

paint magnet
01-28-2007, 01:10 AM
What else are you going to do besides that? Unscrew your tank and take out the valve? I have yet to accidentally discharge a ball from my Automag, despite the fact that it has no trigger guard or safety.

Besides, with the barrel bag on there, how is it not safe?

01-28-2007, 01:11 AM
Well the "bag" prevents people from getting shot when they do not have a mask on... or you can turn the gun off if it is electric..or get an on/off that bleeds and then there ya go as well...wait just don't let morons opperate them and we will be safe..even though that is inevitable...

Markers are only safe if they are in the hands of someone who knows how to use them and has some common sense, under any circumstances..

If you are that worried then just leave your mask on anytime you are around a marker.

01-28-2007, 01:16 AM
:shooting: :cuss: <---- = The gay guy who made this thread

AO Moderation Team
01-28-2007, 01:36 AM
:shooting: :cuss: <---- = The gay guy who made this thread

You're gone. The account will be unbanned in 2 weeks.

01-28-2007, 01:46 AM
If electro, my gun and hopper get turned off and I usually turn my ASA off as well.
If mech, I turn off the loader, and turn on the safety and shut off the asa.
When playing pump, turn on safety and turn the asa off.
In all cases, I bag up in addition to the above.

I think that this is reasonably safe. IDK about the other kids though, they are the ones that worry me.

Then again, I was the one who had that macroline blow up at the Spring 06 big game at PB Sams... :rolleyes: (That really friggin hurt :spit_take )

01-28-2007, 01:59 AM
everyone at the field is as safe as the most unsafe person there. That being said, there's not much else aside from degassing, Bagging. and safing the gun. Whether it's safe or not, that's all you got... kinda like hotdogs and hamburgs.

01-28-2007, 02:23 AM
"Now remember kiddies, keep your guns safe! Always use a condom!"

01-28-2007, 02:31 AM
"Now remember kiddies, keep your guns safe! Always use a condom!"
Ahhh, your gun impregnated my eye!!! :cry:

01-28-2007, 02:37 AM

01-28-2007, 02:46 AM
Ahhh, your gun impregnated my eye!!! :cry:

When you switched hands with your old mag, i got nervous...

01-28-2007, 03:00 AM
When you switched hands with your old mag, i got nervous...
Yeah, the old pneumag would go off if you looked at it wrong. Some people said a 40g trigger with no safety is too light. I say it needed to be half that ;)

01-28-2007, 03:13 AM
Yeah, the old pneumag would go off if you looked at it wrong. Some people said a 40g trigger with no safety is too light. I say it needed to be half that ;)
The "Black Widow?" That thing owned! Hard as *heck* to walk, though, without short stroking. (If you're not accustomed to pneu's)

01-28-2007, 04:00 AM
What else are you going to do besides that? Unscrew your tank and take out the valve? I have yet to accidentally discharge a ball from my Automag, despite the fact that it has no trigger guard or safety.

Besides, with the barrel bag on there, how is it not safe?

See that was one of my questions. "What does that mean safe?"

Just because you have yet to AD makes it safe? No guard no safety, brilliant.

Whats the first thing you check to determine Safe?

So I should TRUST you and a bag? A bag for all I know is old dirty and might let a ball thru.

01-28-2007, 04:11 AM
Markers are only safe if they are in the hands of someone who knows how to use them and has some common sense, under any circumstances..

Ok its in my hands and I dont know. Tell me how to make it SAFE.

01-28-2007, 04:12 AM
You're gone. The account will be unbanned in 2 weeks.

Thank You

01-28-2007, 04:15 AM
If electro, my gun and hopper get turned off and I usually turn my ASA off as well.If mech, I turn off the loader, and turn on the safety and shut off the asa.
When playing pump, turn on safety and turn the asa off.
In all cases, I bag up in addition to the above.

I think that this is reasonably safe. IDK about the other kids though, they are the ones that worry me.

Then again, I was the one who had that macroline blow up at the Spring 06 big game at PB Sams... :rolleyes: (That really friggin hurt :spit_take )

Good one. I think you almost got it.

01-28-2007, 04:20 AM
everyone at the field is as safe as the most unsafe person there. That being said, there's not much else aside from degassing, Bagging. and safing the gun. Whether it's safe or not, that's all you got... kinda like hotdogs and hamburgs.

There is one thing else. :ninja:

01-28-2007, 04:22 AM
See that was one of my questions. "What does that mean safe?"

Just because you have yet to AD makes it safe? No guard no safety, brilliant.

Whats the first thing you check to determine Safe?

So I should TRUST you and a bag? A bag for all I know is old dirty and might let a ball thru.

First thing...is whether there are any paintballs in the marker. If no loader/balls, then the marker is safe.

If the marker is loaded, then...

A safety makes it safe(r). With a safety on a mechanical marker, the trigger cannot be pulled. On an electro marker, if the power is off it is safe(r).

Barrel removed makes it safe(r). Without a barrel, the force of the burst of air cannot be concentrated onto the ball to make it as dangerous as if there was a barrel.

Degassed makes it safe(r). Even though its easy to have residual pressure in the marker after de-gas.

If barrel is on, a barrel sock/plug makes it safe(r).

Did I miss anything?

01-28-2007, 04:28 AM
Did I miss anything?

Well no but yes. The question is how do you make your gun SAFE not safe[r]

First things first you got right on. Is there a ball in the breach?

01-28-2007, 04:35 AM
Well no but yes. The question is how do you make your gun SAFE not safe[r]

First things first you got right on. Is there a ball in the breach?

Well, the reason why I said safer...is because no loaded weapon is completely safe. Anything can and will happen. Its inevitable.

Aside from it being unloaded, the marker should always be considered armed. To think otherwise would be unsafe.

01-28-2007, 04:35 AM
check this pic. Check the guys gun front left. Think these guys know how to make their guns SAFE?


01-28-2007, 04:39 AM
No Balls = Safe
No Propellant(Air, CO2) = Safe
No Ability to Fire the Marker(Safety Mechanism to keep the marker from firing) = Safe

01-28-2007, 07:23 AM
Is it Really? Are you sure?

There are only two places you can fire. The Field or the Range. No where else. Period. How is your gun safe any place else?

Lets call it Hot and Cold. Field and Range is hot. Cocked, Locked and ready to Ramp. All systems go and BALLS will fire if you pull, touch OR BUMP the Trig. Cold is evey place else. The gun IS SAFE.

What does that mean SAFE? You put on the safety IF it has one? Slip on a bag and call it SAFE. The bag is a BAD bandaid to say your GUN is SAFE.

Whats the first thing you check to determine Safe?

How is your GUN SAFE in a GOGS OFF cold zone? Just because the safety and a bag is on doesnt mean it is SAFE. Or does it today?

Your gun is just about as safe as you treat it.

I personally degass my guns or turn them off right before I get off the field besides putting the barrel bag/plug in. Why? I'm sure everyones learned there lesson. The barrel blocking device doesn't necessarily stay on after you accidentaly fire. I've even seen a kid get hit by a barrel plug when the user claimed the safety was on. It's not the guns fault that its not safe. Its yours.

01-28-2007, 07:33 AM
You're gone. The account will be unbanned in 2 weeks.

After reading what it takes to get banned from Xbox Live, it was nice to see this guy gone in 20 minutes.

We should do a moderator appreciation raffle and buy them some gifts.

01-28-2007, 09:12 AM
As was said, I consider that a gun is safe when if you pull the trigger nothing flies out of the gun. That can be as little as a condom and as much as a gun standing alone.

Reminds me, I was playing a tourney and I went to get my tank filled. The guy told me I needed a condom. I really don't know why because I had no barre, no hopper and the gun was off. That seems a bit much. Often times I remember though the days of outlaw with just safties and it was fine.

01-28-2007, 09:40 AM
Markers only do what the PERSON holding them makes them do.

01-28-2007, 09:45 AM
I consider my gun safe as soon as I put the barrel cover on. I put it on right as soon as I air up my gun, and it stays on whenever I'm not playing.

01-28-2007, 10:24 AM
Good one. I think you almost got it.
Thank you sir. Oh and I forgot one...
I always treat it as unsafe and point it in "safe" directions until I am ready to shoot someone. Like a real gun. So I forgot to add that in all cases, I exercise common sense and avoid being a knucklehead. That should cover it...

01-28-2007, 10:42 AM
my standards of safe are pretty slack actually, but I've yet to shoot through a barrel sock (thanks rogue) so I dont see anyone being hurt in the near future. Heck, I'd venture to say a barrel sock could take a lot of abuse and years before being considered unsafe

01-28-2007, 11:26 AM
The way i personally play my marker is not considered safe to your guys standards. If im just coming back for a 5 minute break ill turn off my loader. and put a barrel sock on. If i ever use my angel ill turn the grip off. But none of my current mech guns came with a safety. So i really dont plan on ever putting one in. I'm just careful. I walk in the safe area with my barrel pointed toward the ground and then at my table i sit the gun on it with barrel pointing somthing solid. Thats pretty much what everyone at our feild does. I dont really think balls could go through a barrel condom unless its really worn which i make sure mine is not. Barrel plugs i dont trust and squeegees in the barrel especilly. Noone does that here anymore though. You asked me for my own experience and i gave it to you. IMO my gun is safe and i dont plan on changing anything unless it becomes mandatory. Ive never seen an incident yet where someone shot through a barrel condom and hit someone else.

01-28-2007, 11:40 AM
<< OLD Guy here... so heres the 1st and biggest Rule I see for making markers Safe Keep your Fingers off the Trigger... :hail: Unless you have a Mech Malfunction its hard to get a gun to go off with no finger on the trigger. The rest of the safetys you have mentioned ( Barrel condom, unload the hopper,E guns off, safety on) they all come after you make sure you keep finger off trigger.
Beemer you posted a pict with some folk if you look close most of them have fingers on the triggers even if theres a barrel bag on thats not really safe. Just my 2 cents worth

01-28-2007, 11:52 AM
my gun is safe when i dont have my finger on the trigger.

take a hunter/firearm safety course. treat every gun as if its loaded. (only possible exception is if you know absolutely it wont fire, IE: its missing an obvious and integral part, or has a lock/cable through the breech. ) you also learn not to trust any form of safety as its just a mechanical device, and mechanical devices fail.

that being said, right now i mainly shoot electro and just turn it off as i come off the field and put a barrel condom on, not much else you can do. i dont like turning on/off my asa because i tend to forget to turn it on at the start of the game. when i used to use mech/ when i take them out from time to time, i removed the safeties from all of them except my sydarm. i had problems with safeties accidently going on during games so i removed the problem. for mech i just put the barrel condom on and dont touch the trigger.

ive never had a marker that would fire accidently, when i adjust settings/ trigger i make sure that accidental fire wont happen, which makes them safer to begin with.

to really be safe, YOU need to be safe, not the marker. having a safe marker helps, but when it comes down to it , the responsiblity and safety comes from the operator.


01-28-2007, 12:26 PM
one of these days im gonna take an old beat up barrel condom and see how many shots it takes to break one or otherwise make it unsafe...

01-28-2007, 12:38 PM
No Balls = Safe
No Propellant(Air, CO2) = Safe
No Ability to Fire the Marker(Safety Mechanism to keep the marker from firing) = Safe

Thats how I do it to. :cheers:

01-28-2007, 12:54 PM
my standards of safe are pretty slack actually, but I've yet to shoot through a barrel sock (thanks rogue) so I dont see anyone being hurt in the near future. Heck, I'd venture to say a barrel sock could take a lot of abuse and years before being considered unsafe

Thats what they thought. This gun had a bag on it.


01-28-2007, 12:57 PM
Ive never seen an incident yet where someone shot through a barrel condom and hit someone else.

Doesnt mean it hasnt, dont or wont happen.


01-28-2007, 02:29 PM
Every marker is different , every situation is different.

Generally , a marker is safe if configured in a manner that it could not be fired.

Same it true should said marker be dropped.

A barrel bagged marker is not 'safe'. I've seen bags/condoms shot thru and or shot off , many times. Removing the barrel is also not an acceptable safety measure either as many marker can still fire upwards of 100fps without one.

No air source is no guarantee as many markers will fire 1-3 shots after the tank is removed.

Loader off , well that's a no brainer since a certain amount of paint will still fall from any 'off' loader. Not to mention what maybe already in the breach.

IMO , like any other hazardous device , NO marker should EVER be truly considered safe until it has been thoroughly checked by the handler to BE safe and then said marker should still be considered UNSAFE by everyone else. ;)

01-28-2007, 02:35 PM
Every marker is different , every situation is different.

Generally , a marker is safe if configured in a manner that it could not be fired.

Same it true should said marker be dropped.

A barrel bagged marker is not 'safe'. I've seen bags/condoms shot thru and or shot off , many times. Removing the barrel is also not an acceptable safety measure either as many marker can still fire upwards of 100fps without one.
No air source is no guarantee as many markers will fire 1-3 shots after the tank is removed.

Loader off , well that's a no brainer since a certain amount of paint will still fall from any 'off' loader. Not to mention what maybe already in the breach.

IMO , like any other hazardous device , NO marker should EVER be truly considered safe until it has been thoroughly checked by the handler to BE safe and then said marker should still be considered UNSAFE by everyone else. ;)

Good post Well done. Of course I knew you would get it. :cheers: Now how do we get everybody else to get it?

01-28-2007, 02:46 PM
Good post Well done. Of course I knew you would get it. :cheers: Now how do we get everybody else to get it?

I'm not sure we can when the major contributing sponsors and promoters of the sport consider a piece a fabric and a rubber band more than good enough. :( You commonly see people walking around dry firing markers at most events , especially at vendor tents and think nothing of it. Paintball is to desperate to gain popularity to piss someone off. :rolleyes:

Unfortunately , since there are so many different marker designs out there there is never going to be a way to make them all 'obviously' safe. Some kind of industry standard , easily recognizable barrel blocking device might be the only answer but still with the risk of it properly installed.

In the firearms world if we can't visibly show the action to be open and mechanically held there ( Zip tie for instance) you can't walk around with it unless it's in a case. Even that's not ideal but regardless , would likely not fly with the average paintballer.

It's a dangerous sport played prodominately by children. How do you fix that. :D

01-28-2007, 02:55 PM
I'm not sure we can when the major contributing sponsors and promoters of the sport consider a piece a fabric and a rubber band more than good enough. :( You commonly see people walking around dry firing markers at most events , especially at vendor tents and think nothing of it. Paintball is to desperate to gain popularity to piss someone off. :rolleyes:

In the firearms world if we can't visibly show the action to be open and mechanically held there ( Zip tie for instance) you can't walk around with it unless it's in a case. Even that's not ideal but regardless , would likely not fly with the average paintballer.

It's a dangerous sport played prodominately by children. How do you fix that. :D

Hmmm I dont care who I piss off. "How do you fix that" Thats seems to be the 6.6 million dollar question.

01-28-2007, 03:04 PM
Is it Really? Are you sure?

There are only two places you can fire. The Field or the Range. No where else. Period. How is your gun safe any place else?

Lets call it Hot and Cold. Field and Range is hot. Cocked, Locked and ready to Ramp. All systems go and BALLS will fire if you pull, touch OR BUMP the Trig. Cold is evey place else. The gun IS SAFE.

What does that mean SAFE? You put on the safety IF it has one? Slip on a bag and call it SAFE. The bag is a BAD bandaid to say your GUN is SAFE.

Whats the first thing you check to determine Safe?

How is your GUN SAFE in a GOGS OFF cold zone? Just because the safety and a bag is on doesnt mean it is SAFE. Or does it today?

Before I leave the field, I turn off my ASA, shoot out the remaining air, barrel bag it, put in the battery pin. There's no safety on my emag though. :rolleyes:

My pump marker I toss the 12 gram, bag it, and flip the safety on.

01-28-2007, 03:31 PM
Before I leave the field, I turn off my ASA, shoot out the remaining air, barrel bag it, put in the battery pin. There's no safety on my emag though. :rolleyes:

My pump marker I toss the 12 gram, bag it, and flip the safety on.

Well done. Aint to hard now is it.

01-28-2007, 03:53 PM
Well done. Aint to hard now is it.

Nope, the problem that I see is that fields only talk about barrel bag and goggle rules, I never see them talk about the other things you can do.

01-28-2007, 04:20 PM
Ok its in my hands and I dont know. Tell me how to make it SAFE.

use your BBD

if electronic turn the gun off as you leave the netted areas

If mech then make sure the safety is on before you exit the field or chrono range

if you have a On/off..turn the air off and bleed it

take the barrel off

I think rogue about covered it.

01-28-2007, 06:03 PM
lol thats so stupid.....
mama cass choked on a ham bone, should we ban ham year round until safety regulations are put forward?

01-28-2007, 06:08 PM
lol thats so stupid.....
mama cass choked on a ham bone, should we ban ham year round until safety regulations are put forward?
1) It was a ham sandwich she was eating
2) It was a heart attack that killed her
3) Yes, ham is nasty and you can get a tapeworm the size of a yardstick if you aren't careful :p
4) It is not stupid, it is a valid concern and needs to be discussed. I do not want my effing eye shot out because some kid lacks common sense, courtesy, and regard for others (i.e. me). Safety is priority #1 where I play and ref, and it should be everywhere. Kids need to be taught safety. If not for their sake, for yours.

Head knight of Ni
01-28-2007, 06:13 PM
The only true way to make a gun "safe" whilst an air tank is attached, would be to have the tank off and the markers bolt and barrel removed. Obviously, there should also be no paint in the setup. Is it ever 100% safe when 4500 PSI is involved?

01-28-2007, 06:15 PM
the only way that i see might change what you are all asking for would be to require a firearms safety course or hunters safety for anyone to own or operate a paintball marker. which is actually a pretty good idea.

01-28-2007, 06:35 PM
lol thats so stupid.....
mama cass choked on a ham bone, should we ban ham year round until safety regulations are put forward?

Doesnt get it.^

4) It is not stupid, it is a valid concern and needs to be discussed. I do not want my effing eye shot out because some kid lacks common sense, courtesy, and regard for others (i.e. me). Safety is priority #1 where I play and ref, and it should be everywhere. Kids need to be taught safety. If not for their sake, for yours.

Gets it.^

paint magnet
01-28-2007, 11:43 PM
See that was one of my questions. "What does that mean safe?"

Just because you have yet to AD makes it safe? No guard no safety, brilliant.

Whats the first thing you check to determine Safe?

So I should TRUST you and a bag? A bag for all I know is old dirty and might let a ball thru.

1.) You have to cut the stock CF frame to install a double trigger. It's much nicer without the guard as well because it allows you to hold the gun with your middle finger behind the trigger (like you would with a single trigger gun) for support while running and then use it to shoot when you need to lay down paint.

2.) Guns should always be treated as being loaded and ready to fire, but too often people rely on the fact that "the safety's on and it can't shoot." Having no safety gives no false illusion of safety. 90% of the time I've seen people accidentally shoot a marker, they thought the safety was on. When you have a gun missing a trigger guard and a gaping hole where the safety was, you treat it with care. In my particular case, the frame I got (for free) was already missing the safety, but I've removed it on other guns as I tend to activate it by mistake when switching hands during a game.

3.) I use a PPS barrel bag, which has cords strong enough to bungee jump with and reinforced fabric thick enough to make paintball pants out of. It's also bright orange, which shows that it's not old since it's not faded.

01-28-2007, 11:56 PM
paint magnet, your gun dont meet known standards[not safe] but no matter most others dont either.

01-29-2007, 12:23 AM
greenaliens you know 2 much lol :p
And i get it but in this day who doesn't follow proper procedure.
1.)Goggles on signs galore
2.)The safety switch is there for a reason
3.)Barrel condoms are necessary at EVERY field I've played at it

it doesn't get much safer than that............

01-29-2007, 02:05 AM
For me, I have two markers.
On my sterling, there isn't a safety. The most I can do is to put a BBD on it. Well, I guess I can unscrew the tank from it, but I don't. I admit it, I am too lazy to unscrew the tank and rescrew it back in between games, not to mention that I only get around 250 shots per tank, and bleeding the line multiple times would lower that.
On my viking, I turn it "off", turn the hopper "off", turn my tank to "off", and stick a BBD on the barrel. Unfortunately, there is still air in the line, balls in the stack, and if the switch got bumped, it is very possible that my marker could misfire. Not more than two or three times, but then again, that's all it takes...

I know I shouldn't rely on the BBD as much as I do, but I keep my gun pointed down when it's not in use and point it away from people when I set it down.

Props to those of you who do more.

01-31-2007, 05:42 PM
Ive never seen an incident yet where someone shot through a barrel condom and hit someone else.

I've yet to see one hit someone, but I have seen a paintball shot through a barrel bag. I've replaced a friends barrel bag that was just an accident waiting to happen (I use Rogue's barrel bags, best I've ever seen). And I don't play that much...


Oh yeah, to answer the question my marker is not safe untill the warp and air tank are removed.

At the field I put on my trusty barrel blocker, turn off the marker (yellow pin), and turn off the air. But it's not safe as I don't always degass it.


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01-31-2007, 06:32 PM
Beemer, did some event happen to you that is making you ask all these safty questions? Please don't take this as an insult, its just you've been on a hard core safty streak lately and I was just wondering if there is a story behind it?

02-01-2007, 12:33 AM
I've yet to see one hit someone, but I have seen a paintball shot through a barrel bag. I've replaced a friends barrel bag that was just an accident waiting to happen (I use Rogue's barrel bags, best I've ever seen). And I don't play that much...


No that dont happen wont happen cant happen ever. If it does and hits someone in the eye it could cost 6.6mil. But I want to keep both my eyes.

Peace Out



02-01-2007, 01:09 AM
Beemer, did some event happen to you that is making you ask all these safty questions? Please don't take this as an insult, its just you've been on a hard core safty streak lately and I was just wondering if there is a story behind it?

Yes events have happened. The questions are to raise awareness. No Offense taken.

When I talked to people about Paintball back when I started playing I could say we were smart and we were, especially about SAFETY. When they asked questions about the game and Gear we used I had smart answers and they showed interest. Today when I say I play Ball and they ask questions I have to be honest and ya know what I hear? Thats stupid.

I had a conversation with a Professor from a large university. I was expressing some of my concerns about how things are done. He said well you do this and that dont ya, I said well no not exactly. Well thats stupid is what I heard.

How come a fill fitting is the same for 3000psi as it is for 4500psi. I had an engineer at the CPSC tell me that was stupid. Among other things.

The smart ones that cared are dropping like flies and leaving, the ones that are left DONT care.

Back then it was easy there were more chiefs to teach the indians. Now we just have a bunch of indians running around with to few if any chiefs.

If any of these threads influence just one indian to be more safe and aware then they served a purpose.

Peace Out

02-04-2007, 04:39 AM
Just because

the marker should always be considered armed. To think otherwise would be unsafe.

It's not the guns fault that its not safe. Its yours.

Every marker is different , every situation is different.

Generally , a marker is safe if configured in a manner that it could not be fired.

Same it true should said marker be dropped.

A barrel bagged marker is not 'safe'. I've seen bags/condoms shot thru and or shot off , many times. Removing the barrel is also not an acceptable safety measure either as many marker can still fire upwards of 100fps without one.
No air source is no guarantee as many markers will fire 1-3 shots after the tank is removed.

Loader off , well that's a no brainer since a certain amount of paint will still fall from any 'off' loader. Not to mention what maybe already in the breach.
IMO , like any other hazardous device , NO marker should EVER be truly considered safe until it has been thoroughly checked by the handler to BE safe and then said marker should still be considered UNSAFE by everyone else. ;)

In the firearms world if we can't visibly show the action to be open and mechanically held there ( Zip tie for instance) you can't walk around with it unless it's in a case. Even that's not ideal but regardless , would likely not fly with the average paintballer.

It's a dangerous sport played prodominately by children. How do you fix that. :D

Nope, the problem that I see is that fields only talk about barrel bag and goggle rules, I never see them talk about the other things you can do.

take a hunter/firearm safety course. treat every gun as if its loaded. you also learn not to trust any form of safety as its just a mechanical device, and mechanical devices fail.

to really be safe, YOU need to be safe, not the marker. having a safe marker helps, but when it comes down to it , the responsiblity and safety comes from the operator./endrant

4) It is not stupid, it is a valid concern and needs to be discussed. I do not want my effing eye shot out because some kid lacks common sense, courtesy, and regard for others (i.e. me). Safety is priority #1 where I play and ref, and it should be everywhere. Kids need to be taught safety. If not for their sake, for yours.

Is it ever 100% safe when 4500 PSI is involved?

the only way that i see might change what you are all asking for would be to require a firearms safety course or hunters safety for anyone to own or operate a paintball marker. which is actually a pretty good idea.

02-04-2007, 04:17 PM
how safes this one ;)

no safety and theres normally a maxflo on it which i cant unscrew and take off :)

http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/369/snipergr5.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

wait for it wait for it

its a pump...im not going to launch 20 balls into the staging area let alone will i even have it cocked when i walk out of the playing area (pump it before i need to shoot)

the #1 saftey problem is uneducated people treating them like toys
i could walk around the whole day with this in my hand or any gun for that matter and point it at my head and know its not going to go off

you take any other random person and newer play i can gurantee you it will go off

its not the ones that are on forums 24/7 because we play all the time and have been playing for 1+ years its the new kids that need to be drilled on safety