View Full Version : Its Just A Weapon

01-28-2007, 01:14 PM
court rules paintball gun constitutes a weapon.

The student argued that a paintball gun is specifically designed to be discharged at other persons for recreational purposes and, therefore, is unlikely to cause bodily harm. The court rejected that argument, noting that, although paintball guns are used for recreational purposes, participants are encouraged to wear safety goggles and protective gear and to avoid aiming at particular vulnerable areas of an opponent’s body, in recognition that the paintball guns can reasonably be expected to cause bodily harm. Accordingly, the Superior Court concluded that a paintball gun constitutes a weapon and, therefore, upheld the delinquent adjudication.


The definition of a “weapon” contained in Section 912 of the Pennsylvania Criminal Code is identical to the manner in which a “weapon” is defined in Section 1317.2 of the Public School Code. Thus, the possession of a paintball gun on school grounds is subject to the provisions of Section 1317.2 of the Public School Code, including the mandate of a one-year expulsion from school.


01-28-2007, 01:33 PM
Let's go put goggles on and throw forks at each other in front of the court house. How about rocks? Rocks can kill people... hence folks getting stoned to death. Glass bottles... should my Coca-Cola beverage be against the rules? It's easier to severely injure someone with one of those than a marker. Maybe sticks? Could poke an eye out you know.

I bet I could walk around on campus in plate armor... with a sharpened battle axe... and they wouldn't think anything of it. But a paintball marker is scary.

01-28-2007, 01:40 PM
Let's go put goggles on and throw forks at each other in front of the court house.

Na, no Gogs and Knives.

RAP4 paintball guns are required by law to have thetip (1/4 inch) of the barrel permanently colored in blaze orange. I understandthat removal of the orange tip, any warning stickers or protective markings is aviolation of Federal law and will void any and all product warranties.

Paintball pellets are shot with significant force and can cause serious injury or death if proper safety equipment is not used at all times


Never fire at the head of another person, especially at close range.

PAINTBALL SAFETY, Quick Safety Tips, General Safety, General Legal Requirements, Transportation and Handling,


01-28-2007, 01:49 PM
I'm just being ornery. I agree with the court, it is a weapon when around people without protective gear... you can really hurt someone with it. And it doesn't belong in schools.

Ever see Big Trouble in Little China... where the dudes bring out the butcher knives? In the kitchen, I wouldn't call it a weapon. But when you take it into an environment that it wasn't intended for... and it can cause harm... then it is a weapon.

Or a baseball bat... when you're not playing baseball...

Or... Chuck Norris... when he's not in a movie.

01-28-2007, 01:53 PM
I'm just being ornery.

:cheers: I knew that but it was funny.

Hey leave Chuck outa this. Its about SAFETY. :argh:

01-28-2007, 01:56 PM
AH the "i can bring my gun to school,no big thing" crowd.

Hate to tell you this folks, I can't even bring mine onto a university campus....

01-28-2007, 01:57 PM
So...everyone has to admit that kid in the case was being a dum bass and shooting at stuff with the intention of being a prick.

As a result to try and save his own skin, he pulls the idea that markers are not weapons. Gets snubbed out by the court, that is already looking at him as being a prick for shooting dum bass stuff.

Result ends up he still is a dum bass prick for doing it, and paintball has another fine example of a black eye, only this time it could be a starting point to launch any further attempts for states to classify markers as weapons...woo hoo.

The little prick should have just accepted the charge and not tried to weazle out of it. It is all only on your juvenile record that is poofed out of existance at 18.

Oh well...

01-28-2007, 01:57 PM
AH the "i can bring my gun to school,no big thing" crowd.

Hate to tell you this folks, I can't even bring mine onto a university campus....

I did. :)

But I had reasons for it... school related stuff. Once for filming a skit thing. And... once I had to do a presentation to try to sell something. I brought my EMag to explain why you would want to buy one.

01-28-2007, 01:59 PM
AH the "i can bring my gun to school,no big thing" crowd.

Hate to tell you this folks, I can't even bring mine onto a university campus....

I'm lucky, my RA is a baller. He let's me keep my gear in my room. He also rides through the hallways on his scooter while balancing a cup of beer on Friday nights...

01-28-2007, 02:10 PM
Yeah, thats not to say i never had my guns in the dorm or anything......

We marched past my RA's room drunk one night doing this is my rifle this is my gun when we were fish......my RA hated us to....

01-28-2007, 02:34 PM
I don't know of any school at any level that generally allows Paintball markers regardless of 'weapon' status or not.

Dorms and such may have case by case exceptions but I can't imagine anyone anywhere thinking it would be acceptable behaviour to just take one to school.

Heck , most schools don't even allow you to bring aspirin. :)

ß?µ£ §mµ®ƒ
01-28-2007, 02:45 PM
Yeh I have my marker in my university dorm kept in a locked aluminum case with my other gear hidden. Oh and that full sized case that looks like a rifle case but has all my archery equipment in it. I over heard campus police while walking to my dorm arguing that archery equipment is supposed to be locked down in the gym. Things I cant do because I need easy access to my equipment when I travel to Nationals and other close archery tournaments. I guess what no one knows dosent cause any trouble. Althought it does look a little suspicious(sp?) when I'm walking across campus with a huge black case.

01-28-2007, 06:43 PM
Anything can be a weapon depending on context, a paintball marker seems apparently a weapon to me if used in any way shape or form outside of the willing participants of players.

That being said... if I throw a sidekick in a sparring match its all good. If I do so on the street theres a problem. I don't think we need to get too excited, unless they start following the close definition of a firearm by some state statutes (at least Michigan).

01-28-2007, 06:49 PM
I don't think we need to get too excited, unless they start following the close definition of a firearm by some state statutes (at least Michigan).

There ya go. You have to look at the BIG picture. :ninja:

01-28-2007, 07:00 PM
There ya go. You have to look at the BIG picture. :ninja:

We looked at discussed that picture some time ago. Most of us are still playing.

01-28-2007, 09:11 PM
where the hell did my post go?

01-28-2007, 09:44 PM
where the hell did my post go?

Dont know. Think I missed it in THIS thread. If you were being a smart butt?? If not just repost it.

paint magnet
01-28-2007, 11:55 PM
You can't have paintball equipment on campus.

And no one under 21 is supposed to have alcohol in their room either :D

01-29-2007, 12:19 AM
We looked at discussed that picture some time ago.

I know. But lets do it again for the new folks, it was fun wasnt it? Or should I just bring back past threads?

Didnt see you post in this one.


" Most industry people thought the ROF was too high at 8 and said they would get out if it got to 10 or 11. You didn't see anyone leave did you? Most of you will say you would never play paintball at 30 BPS. Your addicted, its just like heroin, you don't really care if it kills you."

01-29-2007, 01:12 AM
OK... how about Sling-Shots and Blow-Guns then?

I could make either of those in about 5min using household (or Dorm) items, and both would probably be just as, if not more dangerous than my paintball marker.

Heck, even now that I think about it... Back in HS I used to be a pitcher on da baseball team. Me throwing a 70+ mph rock would be just as bad, if not more accurate than such mentioned devices above.


01-29-2007, 02:52 AM
A court decides a paintball gun is a Weapon. We finally found a good use for SmartPart's Lawyers and they are now nowhere to be found. They are probably busy sueing companies that manufactuer pieces of pipe for breaking their patent on barrels.


01-29-2007, 06:54 AM
A court decides a paintball gun is a Weapon. We finally found a good use for SmartPart's Lawyers and they are now nowhere to be found. They are probably busy sueing companies that manufactuer pieces of pipe for breaking their patent on barrels.


Yeh, because I want patent attorneys defending something in criminal court :rolleyes:

01-29-2007, 06:57 AM
I know. But lets do it again for the new folks, it was fun wasnt it? Or should I just bring back past threads?

Didnt see you post in this one.


" Most industry people thought the ROF was too high at 8 and said they would get out if it got to 10 or 11. You didn't see anyone leave did you? Most of you will say you would never play paintball at 30 BPS. Your addicted, its just like heroin, you don't really care if it kills you."

Again, there kinda horrible examples. Heroin use has a high mortality rate. The only example you are finding linked to the game played properly is above, and even that one states it was not the paintball. Even if you include the deaths related to mishandled CO2 canisters, the chances of being seriously injured or killed are very very minimal.

I doubt paintball ever gets to 30BPS just from a strategic issue - that being said, if it does it does and I don't really care.

01-29-2007, 08:01 AM
OK... how about Sling-Shots and Blow-Guns then?

I could make either of those in about 5min using household (or Dorm) items, and both would probably be just as, if not more dangerous than my paintball marker.

Heck, even now that I think about it... Back in HS I used to be a pitcher on da baseball team. Me throwing a 70+ mph rock would be just as bad, if not more accurate than such mentioned devices above.


Let's all get apoplectic over irrelevant rulings... :tard:

The fact you can make and use deadlier weapons doesn't change the fact that paintball markers, like many other pieces of sporting equipment, are weapons when used against others outside the accepted confines and rules of the sport for which they are intended.

That idiot got what he deserved and the ruling was just. :cheers:

01-29-2007, 05:18 PM
Dont know. Think I missed it in THIS thread. If you were being a smart butt?? If not just repost it.

No, I really had one..it was right inder Smuf's where lohams now is..meh owell..

02-01-2007, 01:43 AM
Yeh I have my marker in my university dorm kept in a locked aluminum case with my other gear hidden. Oh and that full sized case that looks like a rifle case but has all my archery equipment in it. I over heard campus police while walking to my dorm arguing that archery equipment is supposed to be locked down in the gym. Things I cant do because I need easy access to my equipment when I travel to Nationals and other close archery tournaments. I guess what no one knows dosent cause any trouble. Althought it does look a little suspicious(sp?) when I'm walking across campus with a huge black case.

Hey a fellow archer!

02-01-2007, 02:03 AM
Even if you include the deaths related to mishandled CO2 canisters, the chances of being seriously injured or killed are very very minimal.

I doubt paintball ever gets to 30BPS just from a strategic issue - that being said, if it does it does and I don't really care.

Non the less two people are still DEAD.Show me where I ever said anything about chances. Lots of things will affect probability.

So I dont have to say any more. You either already know or dont care. :cheers:

Peace Out

02-01-2007, 07:22 PM
I know, I care, and, after considering the risks that are evident, as well as some that are not, have determined it is safe enough for me to participate in.

Just because I don't make it a point to panic over possibles does not mean I don't care.

Either my level of acceptable risk is higher than yours, or we calculate the risks differently.

02-02-2007, 02:38 AM
I know, I care, and, after considering the risks that are evident, as well as some that are not, have determined it is safe enough for me to participate in.

Just because I don't make it a point to panic over possibles does not mean I don't care.

Either my level of acceptable risk is higher than yours, or we calculate the risks differently.

Ya I know you know but ya puncked me on the care part. :tard:

All the risks ARE evident, arent they? What ones are not?

Ya me to as long as I make sure I CMA. This is old school stuff. When can we play with 303s? :D

Just because I make a point doesnt mean I panic.

Peace Out

02-02-2007, 06:46 AM
Ya I know you know but ya puncked me on the care part. :tard:

All the risks ARE evident, arent they? What ones are not?

Ya me to as long as I make sure I CMA. This is old school stuff. When can we play with 303s? :D

Just because I make a point doesnt mean I panic.

Peace Out

I dont care if it comes to 30BPS because I don't beleive it substantially increases the risk. Thats the part I don't care about :)

02-02-2007, 12:14 PM
I don't know where all of these "zomg 30bps" remarks are coming from. It's physically impossible to shoot a paintball gun that fast without ramping/full auto/a scuba or other adjustable output pressure tank feeding high amounts into a mag. Being so, any statement about "30bps" is therefore null and void. Any statement regarding paintball being 25+bps is also null and void, as once again, you may find someone fast enough to sustain low 20's, but nothing further. And furthermore, tournaments are capped at 15. Comparing heroin addiction to paintball is really retarded, as the two are not the same, and have no grounds for comparison. Regardless of whether a paintball can kill you, whether it's a gun, etc, you have to consider anything in the world can kill someone. For example, a blade of grass can kill you if you choke on it. Should we now compare the dangers of grass to paintball? Uhh, I'd hope not. With that in mind, I'm done.

02-02-2007, 12:19 PM
I don't know where all of these "zomg 30bps" remarks are coming from. It's physically impossible to shoot a paintball gun that fast without ramping/full auto/a scuba or other adjustable output pressure tank feeding high amounts into a mag. Being so, any statement about "30bps" is therefore null and void. Any statement regarding paintball being 25+bps is also null and void, as once again, you may find someone fast enough to sustain low 20's, but nothing further. And furthermore, tournaments are capped at 15. Comparing heroin addiction to paintball is really retarded, as the two are not the same, and have no grounds for comparison. Regardless of whether a paintball can kill you, whether it's a gun, etc, you have to consider anything in the world can kill someone. For example, a blade of grass can kill you if you choke on it. Should we now compare the dangers of grass to paintball? Uhh, I'd hope not. With that in mind, I'm done.

Considering that many places today now allow ramping I don't see how there null or void? Especially in consideration of possible changes - it would not surprise me to see 20BPS allowed in the near future, and escalations from there.

That being said I don't agree that a higher BPS cap substantially increases risk. I just don't dismiss that it is likely to happen.

02-02-2007, 02:58 PM
court rules paintball gun constitutes a weapon.

The student argued that a paintball gun is specifically designed to be discharged at other persons for recreational purposes and, therefore, is unlikely to cause bodily harm. The court rejected that argument, noting that, although paintball guns are used for recreational purposes, participants are encouraged to wear safety goggles and protective gear and to avoid aiming at particular vulnerable areas of an opponent’s body, in recognition that the paintball guns can reasonably be expected to cause bodily harm. Accordingly, the Superior Court concluded that a paintball gun constitutes a weapon and, therefore, upheld the delinquent adjudication.


The definition of a “weapon” contained in Section 912 of the Pennsylvania Criminal Code is identical to the manner in which a “weapon” is defined in Section 1317.2 of the Public School Code. Thus, the possession of a paintball gun on school grounds is subject to the provisions of Section 1317.2 of the Public School Code, including the mandate of a one-year expulsion from school.

http://tuckerlaw.com/pub/Education%20Law/Education%20Law%20Report_9-05.htmlI agree that students shouldn't be bringing paintball guns or other similar items to school without special permission. I don't like that the courts ruled that a paintball gun is a weapon because opponents can receive harm if protective gear isn't worn. Based on that assumption, a hockey stick is a weapon. You fire a hard rubber object at a player in a net. Without the protective equipment, the opponent could be seriously injured or killed.

In reality, any object used in a hostile manner is a weapon. I think the courts are wrong in this one, and I think they could have handled the situation better. Even if they had ruled that the paintball gun was being used for activities other than its intended function, and in this case was considered a weapon, it would have better served the situation. But to throw out a blanket statement that its a weopon is just wrong.

02-02-2007, 03:06 PM
He should contend that his right to fair and equal protection under the law is being violated as students are allowed to bring baseball bats to school. A baseball bat is capable of inflicting greater injury than a paintball marker. ;)

02-02-2007, 05:58 PM
Considering that many places today now allow ramping I don't see how there null or void? Especially in consideration of possible changes - it would not surprise me to see 20BPS allowed in the near future, and escalations from there.

That being said I don't agree that a higher BPS cap substantially increases risk. I just don't dismiss that it is likely to happen.

Most places do NOT allow ramping. All the fields I've played at in MA do NOT allow ramping. The fields here in Arizona do NOT allow ramping either.

02-02-2007, 08:35 PM
Most places do NOT allow ramping. All the fields I've played at in MA do NOT allow ramping. The fields here in Arizona do NOT allow ramping either.

Different places, different experiences. The only fields I have been at here that have not allowed ramping have allowed "bounce" to give there teams shooting field name E-bladed cockers an advantage.