View Full Version : Convince me to buy an Emag

01-02-2002, 03:30 AM
Hi, i currently shoot a force 5 sadridge autococker. I have been looking at the emags lately and i am impressed. There are a few things i am concerned about though, and i would like a few die hard agd fanatics to set me straight and explain why the emag is great in their mind.

These are my concerns
1) They have a good deal of blowback which would hinder performence on a vert feed model. I REALLY dont like power feed and will never shoot another. For me its vert left or right.

2) Chopping i see that emags chop with my regluarity than other guns. i have seen rts that become blenders. Is it possible to make an emag pinch, rathre than chop a ball like on an autococker.

On the up side i LOVE that they are stainess steel. More durable and heavier to keep yoru shot groupings tight. contact me on aim at liigod or email me at [email protected] if you would like to address any of these issues and help me out. Thank you for your time.

01-02-2002, 03:33 AM
Get the emag extreme... Then you have a warp body for use with a warp feed and an ACE so you don't chop... The e-mag doesn't chop very much if you use it right and if you have a good hopper. It doesn't if you have vert feed or not, it actually feed BETTER with p/f when used with a halo...

01-02-2002, 03:37 AM

Who said E-Mags chop?

01-02-2002, 03:49 AM
ive personally seen them blender paintballs, one was an rt and one was a vert feed minimag with a centerflag frame. The video has powerfeed in it which i will never use. The reason powerfeed is so good is it solves the blowback problem at the expense of line of site. Thats why i want a vert feed halo.

01-02-2002, 04:15 AM
You won't use PF cause it ruins LOS, but you are happy with a vert feed?

01-02-2002, 08:24 AM
1.) The blowback is not that bad at all, and once the superbolts get the bugs worked out they are as smooth as angels. Plus you have the obvious benefit of AGD customer service and support behind you AND the manual/electric mode switch and the simplicity of the internal design.

2.) The chopping would only be due to an incorrectly setup warp, someone not used to the R/T trigger or incorrect paint to barrel match (or too high a veolocity). The GUN itself does not just "chop" out of the box! Or they wouldnt sell them and thousands and thousands of R/T and Emag owners would be returning thier guns. My Emag chopped when I first got it because my warp was timed wrong. BlackVCG helped me diagnose the problem (along with Miscue) and once I sent the gun to AGD and they fixed it, the gun just rips. As Im sure any Emag owner on this fourm will tell you!

Load SM5
01-02-2002, 09:22 AM
I shoot a vertical feed E-mag and the only chopping that ever happened was when my hopper died in the middle of a game. Other than that I rarely chop and that when there are only a few balls left in my hopper and the paint feeding becomes irregular during rapid firing. I chalk that up as a hopper issue and not a gun issue. *cough cough* HALO

The bolts that come stock with them (longnosed) go a long way in cutting out blowback. I've never had an issue with blowback.

01-02-2002, 09:35 AM
The reason why mags chop is because of people don't know how to keep a mag in top condition, then try to shoot as fast as possible. Keep the gun oiled, orings in good condition, and the emag will never chop, unless it's not it's fault :)

The only Sandridge I've seen did nothing but break paint, so you say they didn't know how to work it. Same with Emags.

01-02-2002, 09:58 AM
:eek: That video, it makes me want an Emag.

If your not sure if you want an Emag, go shoot it. :rolleyes:

01-02-2002, 10:20 AM
Did anyone mention the sweet trigger? ;)

01-02-2002, 10:30 AM
They really dont chop much, and I dont know of any blowback problems with vert feed??? If I were you I would wait a while for the emag extreme to come out, they have anti-chop eye so you wont chop at all. Both of the situations you told about mags chopping were on mechanical guns that you can short stroke and that is probably what they were doing.

01-02-2002, 11:06 AM
E-mag chopping "problem" is a myth!!! They will only chop if you outshoot the hopper, and that's true with any gun!!!

01-02-2002, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by toymyster
E-mag chopping "problem" is a myth!!! They will only chop if you outshoot the hopper, and that's true with any gun!!!

Except Epics!:D But you cant really outshoot the hopper with them so o well:rolleyes:

01-02-2002, 02:16 PM
well um, all your friends are getting them, you should too

01-02-2002, 05:28 PM
Personally I don't think the p/f ruins line of sight. If you really want LOS, get an E-mag with warp body, or the extreme/sfl emag, with warp module.. THAT has awesome line of sight, much better than vert.

Chopping on mags? The only reason I chop on mags is the same reason why I chop on angels.. because I shoot too dang fast, and outshoot the hopper/ball stack (9v,12v,angel intellifeed, angel extreme 12v intellifeed, I outshoot them all in the heat of a game)... With the warp, I wouldn't have that problem, but I haven't had a marker with the warp yet.

01-02-2002, 05:32 PM
You guys forgot to mention the Exreme takes Cocker threaded barrels. Oh Yeah, and that every time you replace or modify anything on a cocker you must retime it. Including the f5 Sandridge, The Mag doesn't have that "luxury"...it doesn't need it.
Plus when you send yer gun in for a replacement of whatnot, AGD doesn't take months to get it back to you like Sandridge does... With the Emag comes the piece of mind that all your problems can and will be handled in a timely manner.

01-02-2002, 06:46 PM
Buy an EMag or I'll punch you in the head.

How's that?

01-02-2002, 07:27 PM
shaft. that was by far the most convincing post to me.

01-02-2002, 10:32 PM
my friend lives to westmont too.

01-03-2002, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by Shaft
Buy an EMag or I'll punch you in the head.

How's that?

thats what I was gonna say:mad: oh well ill say it anyways.

Get an emag or I will smack you down so hard yo great great GREEEAAAT granny is gonna feel it. BOYA BETTER RECOGNIZE!!!

01-03-2002, 12:42 AM
i have a powerfeed mag right now with a booyah trigger and the line of sight sucks. I have a vert feed f5 and the line of sigt is fine. On my freinds tricked out stock cocker with right feed its awesom. I perfer vert for balence reasons but right feed is cool with me. I will never shoot a pwoerfeed mag. I hate warp feed because i dont like having the hopper on the side of the gun. It doesnt feel righ tto me to rotate the gun 90 degrees to fire out of the left side of a bunker. My bud has a long nose bolt in his vert feed mag with a centerflag frame, and it can only do about ten without chopping because of the blowback. He has slightly silved the problem with a kingman HIGH rise vert feed clamp. but then the whole gun is taller than it is long.

01-03-2002, 12:44 AM
Dude... how can a centerfeed not hinder your line of sight?

01-03-2002, 12:50 AM
tilt the gun slightly to the left or right look down ther and fire. with my powerfeed mag i cant look down the top, the left is blocked by the pwrfeed and plug and the right is blocked by the air inlet. So basically im screwed in the aiming department i gotta firea shot and change where im aiming relating to where the last one landed, so i either need a site rail and a site or a long barrel.

01-03-2002, 12:52 AM
Originally posted by covadsucks
You guys forgot to mention the Exreme takes Cocker threaded barrels. Oh Yeah, and that every time you replace or modify anything on a cocker you must retime it. Including the f5 Sandridge, The Mag doesn't have that "luxury"...it doesn't need it.
Plus when you send yer gun in for a replacement of whatnot, AGD doesn't take months to get it back to you like Sandridge does... With the Emag comes the piece of mind that all your problems can and will be handled in a timely manner.

the only adjustment on the f5 is the lug screw which u can even loctite in if u want and leave it there

01-03-2002, 08:15 AM
First off let me voice my opinion on the issue of everyone saying that Emags, or mags in general, chop paint like the IRON CHEF. This is totally unfounded. I have personally owned Angels, Cockers, Shockers and the like and in my dealings with them the Mag chopped the least. As long as you dont go crazy and try to "feather" the mag she will perform beautifully.

To show you I'm a Mag lover again for life, I sold my Dark LCD over the weekend after I put my MiniMag with the Hyperframe together. :)

01-03-2002, 09:23 AM
Since I don't know you and you don't play on my team that means you're the opposition. So why would I want you to get the best marker out there? So you can shoot me with it? Get an angel and bring it on.While we're at it don't get a warp feed either because I love shooting hoppers.