View Full Version : what is a legit tag?

01-30-2007, 03:41 PM
this may sound like a noob question but i have to ask. I was playing rec ball last week. I was enganged in a huge woods battle. someone was shooting at me throught the bushes and all the sudden a paintball hit me. But it was differ. I felt,well am assuming since i was shot through brush that it is a splatter but i am not sure. a small tree branch or twig and all the paint was on me. the hit was clearly over the seize of a dime, but the paint mark wasnt a circular shape. i was wondering is a legit hit paint the size of a quarter w/ the ball fragments on the hit mark? the real reason i ask because i felt it was a splatter. there was two refs and they were divided on what to do. so i called myself out. but i didnt feel a real hit( i have played 5 years and been hit hundreds of times) it didnt feel direct.

thanks in advanced. :dance: :clap:

p.s i was it hit from 10 yards or less from the person who tagged me, but 3 yards from the brush that ball came through and hit me.

01-30-2007, 03:54 PM
I'd just call myself out for benefit of the doubt. I call myself out on splatters that ref's don't see just so I'm not considered a cheater

01-30-2007, 04:05 PM
good comment. some times its a vert close call.

Nick E
01-30-2007, 04:27 PM
I usually just call myself out if I'm not sure..for speedball especially, it's a five minute game, I can handle that...Woodsball I'm alot less willing to consider it a hit..

01-30-2007, 04:38 PM
call for a paint check - and let a ref determine if you're in or out

01-30-2007, 04:51 PM
When in doubt, call for a paintcheck. That way no one calls you a cheater and you don't have to sit for 25 minutes because of splatter.

I always felt bad for the guys who would wander off when they got some spray on their goggles, but the rule is once you call yourself out you stay out...ah well.

01-30-2007, 09:27 PM
If it looks like a hit to you , it will look like a hit to a Ref.

That's all they are going to judge anyway.

It's always better to lose with Honor than win with doubt.

01-31-2007, 03:34 AM
I think you went about it the right way. Sometimes it's a close call. I can't think of any real way to call that "fairly." I mean, I've always gone by, if there's shell, you're hit, but if it was truly splatter, it isn't fair to be called out. Good move calling over the refs to work it out instead, and props for just calling yourself out when they disagreed. Like RRFireblade said above me, it's much better to leave a game and keep your dignity. So you're out, there are worse things that could happen.

01-31-2007, 08:04 AM
You felt it. It was Rec ball. You were hit. End of discussion.

01-31-2007, 12:03 PM
You felt it. It was Rec ball. You were hit. End of discussion.
no, he said he didnt feel it.

turbo chicken
01-31-2007, 12:13 PM
If you can see/feel broken paint ... and you have to ask ...then your out.

01-31-2007, 12:54 PM
no, he said he didnt feel it.
"Feel" was used unclearly, confusing as to when it's referencing the sense of touch and when it's referring to thought.

But, in re-reading, it seems he claims it didn't feel like a "direct it". I question how you tell the difference by feel.

If you can see/feel broken paint ... and you have to ask ...then your out.


Another angle: Unless it is conclusively determined to be splatter, a mark counts as a hit.

01-31-2007, 01:05 PM
sorry for not being clear. when i was it i didnt see any paint shell on me, when someone gets tagged there is a paint shell from the hit. i guess you could call it splatter but it was s huge splatter mark.\

I guess to be more the direct as i can be, does a tagg have to have paint shell on it to be a legal tag. also if there is no paint shell then its a splatter. right/wrong? thanks :rofl: :dance:

01-31-2007, 01:29 PM
i guess you could call it splatter but it was s huge splatter mark.\

I guess to be more the direct as i can be, does a tagg have to have paint shell on it to be a legal tag. also if there is no paint shell then its a splatter. right/wrong? thanks :rofl: :dance:

if the "splatter" is larger than at least a nickel its a hit. some places bigger/smaller dependant on where your playing.pattern and shell content does not matter, its the size/volume of the mark that is the determining factor. if its questionable in your head get a paintcheck.
you did right by calling yourself out.

01-31-2007, 02:01 PM
thanks everyone for your knindness and your help! you guys rock