View Full Version : What's all the DMB fuss about?

01-02-2002, 11:15 AM
Okay, if you haven't noticed already, I really really really like DMB :p
Some people have asked me what the heck is all the fuss about? Are they really good or are you just obsessive compulsive?
I've uploaded 5 mp3's from my computer to my web server that you can listen to if at all you're interested in hearing some of their music. I hope at least some of you like it:

Proudest Monkey (http://www.tabonefamily.com/tbone/mp3/monkey.mp3) - Performed live a couple of years ago with Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds in Denver, Colorado.

Lie in Our Graves (http://www.tabonefamily.com/tbone/mp3/graves.mp3) - Also performed at the same concert live in Denver, Colorado with Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds.

Bartender (http://www.tabonefamily.com/tbone/mp3/bartender.mp3) - This is from an unreleased studio album known as the "Lillywhite Sessions".

JTR (http://www.tabonefamily.com/tbone/mp3/jtr.mp3) - Also from the unreleased studio album, highly recommended. If you only download one song, try this one.

Tripping Billies (http://www.tabonefamily.com/tbone/mp3/billies.mp3) - Performed live in Nashville, TN on 7/25/01.

To download these just right click and choose "Save As" or "Save Target As". Enjoy!

01-02-2002, 12:32 PM
sweet...saves me the trouble of having to find some of my dave songs. gotta love the computer that dies once a month. thanks tbone :D

01-02-2002, 12:43 PM
my kingdom for a sound card. I hate my work computer, but it does have a t1 line.

Are the Tim songs from the double cd set?

01-02-2002, 01:00 PM
The Dave and Tim songs are not from the released album. I trade concert CD's as a hobby (I have about 40 or so concerts now) and those songs are from one of my favorite unreleased recordings. The recordings themselves are done by members of the audience and it's all legal and actually promoted by Dave.

01-02-2002, 01:17 PM
looks like I'll be downloading via dial-up when I get home tonight.

01-02-2002, 01:42 PM
sounds good :)