View Full Version : Good Paintball Pants

02-02-2007, 03:06 PM
hey guys,
im in the market for a good pair of paintball pants
which do you guys like the most?

preferably, on the less expensive side, but still looking for quality

02-02-2007, 04:06 PM
Hey, don't I know you! :ninja:

I have had Dye 03 Hybrids for about 3 years now. They are by far the most durable pants I have ever had the pleasure of using. No rips, no tears or anything. High quality stitching with great material. Of course, finding pants that are now 4 years old may be alittle difficult, but if you find them, they will be cheap and well worth it.

I keep wanting to switch over to some of the newer pants from JT and the like, then I look down and realize mine are still doing quite well.

02-02-2007, 04:09 PM
I really like the pants from Player paintball. They seem to be very durable and already come with removable knee pads.

02-02-2007, 04:27 PM
I really like my XSVs. The only down side are the pockets arent stitched well on the inside. My wallet fell down into the inner mesh, and i had to fish it out. I like the padding(i dont have pads) and the fit so far.

02-02-2007, 04:28 PM
Whatever happened to that company that made HEMP paintball pants?(Smoked, Smokin'?)

They were the rave for a while.....pfft, then nothing.
I looked for a a pair about a year or two ago, they were nowhere to be found. smokin' outlast pants.

02-02-2007, 04:29 PM
Carharts FTW.

I'm too hardcore to wear real paintball pants. :argh:

02-02-2007, 04:36 PM
XSV's defintly I got mine for cheap too, my store sells them for $80, at NPPL events I think they want like 100, only problem I've had is like ondude said pocket stitiching is a lil iffy but nothing you can;t fix yourself easily, I like them a lot better thsan the JT team pants and a whole lot cheaper

02-02-2007, 04:44 PM
go to actionvillage or firstcall and pickup a pair of dye hybrids for 40 bucks. i have them and a pair of c6 and c7 pants but for the money get the hybrids.