View Full Version : "What are they thinking?" re: speedball/tourny today.

02-03-2007, 02:33 AM
(the following are ramblings by an oldschool Tourny baller, turned Scenario)

Ok. I got outta Tourny in 04'. Have not kept up with the news, trends (never did), or the technology, and just fine by that. Scenario is the only way for me to fly these days ;)

So the other night, I stopped by a new indoor speedball facility in my area, just to check it out. Mention one thing for now (sure there will be more to come), that caught my eye about players today; made me say... "What are they thinking?"

-What is with bandana's?
I understand Sandanas, Headbands, Hats, Beanies, yada yada. But wearing a bandana around your neck, shoulder, or even thigh?... :tard: (not even gonna bring up the color pink). Correct me if I'm wrong, but a bandana around your neck = you're a cowboy/bandit; around your shoulder = you're gay or a sailor from the old days on shore leave; around your thigh = you're a drug dealer, or you've been shot by a real gun and it's acting as a tourniquet. If, for the moment, I accept that there is the existence of a thing called "AGG" in PB today... bandana's are not such.

More and more, I've been finding myself saying things like, "darn kids," as well as becoming baffled at the technology of today's markers.

Must be signs that I'm getting old. Not Tuna or Army old... (I'm gonna get such a beating... :D :dance: ) but simply that I'm getting up there in the ranks :rolleyes: May just be in mind I guess.

Ah well,


02-03-2007, 02:51 AM
A few of the "agg" kiddies around here wear them around their necks as well. I think it's more of a fasion thing, but it's really not a bad idea for a cheap neck protector.

As for the other places to wear them, who knows. Maybe it just makes them look "gangsta" or something.

02-03-2007, 03:07 AM
dude, im the same way. I left tourney ball in 01, and am just now returning for some scenario play......

Heck man, when i left electros came in two flavors....Angel and Shocker, and both cost 1+grand.

I have no idea whats going on anymore. :tard: Hell, i dont even know what "AGG" is.

02-03-2007, 03:20 AM
dude, im the same way. I left tourney ball in 01, and am just now returning for some scenario play......

Heck man, when i left electros came in two flavors....Angel and Shocker, and both cost 1+grand.

I have no idea whats going on anymore. :tard: Hell, i dont even know what "AGG" is.

AGG was origionally introduced by kids that had a broken keyboard because they would get upset over getting destroyed in there online first person shooter games. in getting so upset they would pound there fist into there keyboard. there for wrecking ther "E" Key.... one day that same kid was talking to a friend, when he decided he wanted to get Eggs and bacon for breakfast.... but he couldnt type out Eggs so he spelled out Agg instead.

infact, the paintball meaning of AGG is just as pathetic as my horrible attempt at saying something humerous


02-03-2007, 08:21 AM
Agg is a modern rendition of an older surfing term aggro. Aggro came in to mean. and be short for, aggressive. The AGG ***s have turned it to mean looking cool in paintball and being hardcore about the sport.

02-03-2007, 10:01 AM
i wear a bandanna over my face when i play, becausei have a huge goat and i hate getting paint in it. alos kinda works as a neck protector..and its black..not pink..

Big Boy
02-03-2007, 10:08 AM
AGG is gay. I do what I do, I'm not gonna follow a fashion. And I would defiantly perfer all my stuff to match rather than todays paintball fashion of mis-matching everything.

02-03-2007, 12:19 PM
-What is with bandana's?
I understand Sandanas, Headbands, Hats, Beanies, yada yada. But wearing a bandana around your neck, shoulder, or even thigh?... :tard: (not even gonna bring up the color pink). Correct me if I'm wrong, but a bandana around your neck = you're a cowboy/bandit; around your shoulder = you're gay or a sailor from the old days on shore leave; around your thigh = you're a drug dealer, or you've been shot by a real gun and it's acting as a tourniquet. If, for the moment, I accept that there is the existence of a thing called "AGG" in PB today... bandana's are not such.

Sounds to me like they're trying to look like the Puerto Rican boy band Menudo from the '80's. :rofl: My youth was scarred by their nightmarish music thanks to my sister...who used to wear bandanas around her legs and arms, just like Menudo did. :tard:

02-03-2007, 01:07 PM
I put my pull thru squeegie around my neck. I'M AGG! :headbang:

I just love seeing kids wearing entirely too much clothing and multiple layers. Mekes me feel not bad for overshooting.

02-03-2007, 01:28 PM
AGG sucks there is no but's about it
And AGG hates me. They were padding and jerseys and leg protection junk and I laugh because all I need is shorts and a t-shirt. Bruises go away after a week anyway.

02-03-2007, 01:42 PM
I imagine they do it for the same reason some one buys "mil sim" upgrades for their woodsball marker (scope,etc)...They're playing dress up.

02-03-2007, 05:57 PM
I put my pull thru squeegie around my neck. I'M AGG! :headbang:

Me too. But anyway I've never seen anyone with a bandana on, when did this fad start thats just flat dumb I hope it doesn't make it to any of the tourneys I play in or it'll be really hard not to overshoot people.

02-03-2007, 07:05 PM
Around the neck could be for protection. Shoulders and legs? Dunno, that's pretty ghey.

02-03-2007, 07:45 PM
(the following are ramblings by an oldschool Tourny baller, turned Scenario)

Ok. I got outta Tourny in 04'. Have not kept up with the news, trends (never did), or the technology, and just fine by that. Scenario is the only way for me to fly these days ;)

So the other night, I stopped by a new indoor speedball facility in my area, just to check it out. Mention one thing for now (sure there will be more to come), that caught my eye about players today; made me say... "What are they thinking?"

-What is with bandana's?
I understand Sandanas, Headbands, Hats, Beanies, yada yada. But wearing a bandana around your neck, shoulder, or even thigh?... :tard: (not even gonna bring up the color pink). Correct me if I'm wrong, but a bandana around your neck = you're a cowboy/bandit; around your shoulder = you're gay or a sailor from the old days on shore leave; around your thigh = you're a drug dealer, or you've been shot by a real gun and it's acting as a tourniquet. If, for the moment, I accept that there is the existence of a thing called "AGG" in PB today... bandana's are not such.

More and more, I've been finding myself saying things like, "darn kids," as well as becoming baffled at the technology of today's markers.

Must be signs that I'm getting old. Not Tuna or Army old... (I'm gonna get such a beating... :D :dance: ) but simply that I'm getting up there in the ranks :rolleyes: May just be in mind I guess.

Ah well,


I hate the bandanas as well, I prefer an ascot on the field. Classy!

Doc Nickel
02-03-2007, 07:45 PM
Hell, i dont even know what "AGG" is.

The definition (http://www.the-whiteboard.com/autowb437.html) of AGG:



02-03-2007, 09:34 PM
I hate the bandanas as well, I prefer an ascot on the field. Classy!

An ascot huh... I ought to pull out my tall boots as well, while muzzle load my mag, dueling style.

Can I get a feedless body? anyone :cool:

HEY! New Idea... New thread time.

-As far as the bandana... I started wearing one while playing airsoft because all I wear are JT frames for goggles. I don’t want to get a hit in the teeth or nose, so I got an ACU camo bandana and really liked it. So much so that it carried over into playing paintball too. No more paint in the mouth, and cheaper and more effective neck protector. Also works great for tractor work too.

For me it’s a functionality thing. I could give a hoot about style.

02-03-2007, 09:47 PM
Don't hate me because I'm beautiful, hate me cause I shot you :ninja:

I wear it for neck protection. I do not consider myself an AGG PBN kiddie (hard to do when you're 33 ;) ) Does it make me play any better, NO, but it is such a habit that when I don't wear it, I just feel "off" my game.

Yes, that is Lee in the background.

02-03-2007, 09:49 PM
They're saying the same thing about you....Don't worry.

Two completely polarized views of the game. Sometimes you will be exposed to the "worst" examples of it and sometimes you will be exposed to the lesser examples.

That's E-Jam for you...

02-03-2007, 09:52 PM
The definition (http://www.the-whiteboard.com/autowb437.html) of AGG:


you're awesome :hail:

btw, have any t-shirts left?

02-03-2007, 11:39 PM
Who says AGG anymore? pfft.

Nick E
02-04-2007, 12:07 AM
psh, agg.
You should probably just ignore it.

02-04-2007, 12:46 AM
i see now. So its the classic case of people spending money to be better, not have better.


this game has changed so much since i stopped playing. 5 years is a loooong time, and in the painball world, apparently, its like an entire generation. Kinda scary. I magine my suprise when i found out the mags are no longer cutting edge, and instead are "old school" markers. HA!

Anyway, the automag was my dream gun back in the day. I was so amazed that i found one on ebay for $100, that i purchased it right then and there, thinking i was getting a steal. Imagine my suprise when i found out thats about the normal price nowadays. Oh well, good for me, bad for the people on the other team :p

AGG huh? Interesting term. Funny ive never heard it and i play computer games all the time. The only terms im used to are "leet" ot 733t, for those in "teh know", noob (universal), pwnd, and squid. Squid for those of you who ride motorcycles. Specifically sport bikes. Funny, in THAT hobby, you cant get kids to wear gear, in this one, you cant make them stop. go figure.

02-04-2007, 01:11 AM
The definition (http://www.the-whiteboard.com/autowb437.html) of AGG:


:spit_take Classic, but then they all are. :cheers:

02-04-2007, 01:16 AM
Don't hate me because I'm beautiful, hate me cause I shot you :ninja:

I wear it for neck protection. I do not consider myself an AGG PBN kiddie (hard to do when you're 33 ;) ) Does it make me play any better, NO, but it is such a habit that when I don't wear it, I just feel "off" my game.

Yes, that is Lee in the background.

You're also the one that owns multiple pink pumps ;)

02-04-2007, 01:17 AM
An ascot huh... I ought to pull out my tall boots as well, while muzzle load my mag, dueling style.

20 paces. Winner gets the girl.

02-04-2007, 11:55 AM
I just love seeing kids wearing entirely too much clothing and multiple layers. Mekes me feel not bad for overshooting.

rofl, im a kid that feels the same way. why worry about overshooting when ppl wear freaking sweaters to play in? i just wear a tshirt (in case the jersey gets too hot), a simple no frills jersey, and those old redz paper thin pants. if i wore a newer jersey i'd feel like a marshmellow lol.

02-04-2007, 09:25 PM
What's with the discrimination against pink bandannas? I wear one on my head to keep paint out of my hair and so people know who shot them. As another bonus, how do you explain it to your friends when a guy wearing a pink bandanna on his head sneaks up on you and barrel tags you?

02-04-2007, 09:30 PM
rofl, im a kid that feels the same way. why worry about overshooting when ppl wear freaking sweaters to play in? i just wear a tshirt (in case the jersey gets too hot), a simple no frills jersey, and those old redz paper thin pants. if i wore a newer jersey i'd feel like a marshmellow lol.

I played against a kid that was wearing one of those michelin man jackets with a sweatshirt and a t shirt underneath it. It was so thick and puffy, he admitted he couldn't feel hits. It was indoors even with FPS set at 250. :tard:

02-04-2007, 10:34 PM
And the field let him play like that?

02-04-2007, 10:52 PM
And the field let him play like that?

They didn't care. It was a slow night with no more than 7 or 8 people there at any time. We were mostly playing 3 on 3. I thought it was funny that he was so hot that he was dripping with sweat in a bad way after each game. When I said something to him, his buddy said he'd never played before and that he was afraid of getting hit...

02-04-2007, 11:01 PM
I guess we shouldn't tell PsychoBaller about the collector mask straps and mask frames and what they are selling for then....

02-04-2007, 11:17 PM
I find it hillarious, when i got out of the game for a while, there was a big pushon for masks that covered your whole head. Now I pick up a pair of vents, and there tiny........smaller than the mask i remember fields NOT allowing me o use back in the day.

Lots of things have changed, Im to the point now were i just do my own thing....

02-04-2007, 11:40 PM
I have no problem playing in jeans and a jersey or camo, or shorts and tees.

As far as the rare straps go... if every strap JT makes is a 1 of xxx and "rare" - then how are any of thier straps rare. A majority of "rare" paintball straps are just ski goggle straps that paintballers never saw cause they don't see.

02-05-2007, 12:11 AM
I thought it was funny that he was so hot that he was dripping with sweat in a bad way after each game. When I said something to him, his buddy said he'd never played before and that he was afraid of getting hit...
lol my first paintball game i had jeans and a thin sweatshirt cuz it was like 50 outside. then it warmed up a bit and i took the sweatshirt off and just had a tshirt. id rather take a few paintballs to bare skin than burn up all day. welts look cooler than sweat stains lol

02-05-2007, 10:57 AM
I imagine they do it for the same reason some one buys "mil sim" upgrades for their woodsball marker (scope,etc)...They're playing dress up.

hahah so true.

With all the mismatching and Agg stuff...I honestly don't do it but think about it this way.
You are a kid playing paintball in gear that makes you look like everyone else on the speedball field. So what do you do?? Have fun with it and make yourself look different and noticable. To be honest I really don't like a lot of the agg kids because of their personality in the game but really if they are playing correctly, let people have their fun.

Paintball these days is about keeping up with the fashions as a part of the game, the companies are getting their marketing down to an art by making people think they NEED an extra oz off of their gun, that they NEED the 1/8' thick foam padding on the jersey elbow. Really there is an extent to what is a smart paintball product and then what are needless ones that are a waste of money.
The market is getting more flooded and people are putting whatever they can out there to make a buck.

02-05-2007, 11:43 AM
Everytime I go to this indoor field by my house I try to stay away from the guys with jerseys, pants, and headbands. Maybe watching tournaments on t.v. has given me the stereotype of what a good player looks like. Then I see they have a Quantum on their Ion and I just start to giggle. :rofl:

02-07-2007, 01:53 AM
I find it hillarious, when i got out of the game for a while, there was a big push on for masks that covered your whole head. Now I pick up a pair of vents, and there tiny........smaller than the mask i remember fields NOT allowing me o use back in the day.

LOL How old are you? What year did you get out? FPS is the same, ROF is higher and range is less. Is it hilarious, intresting or stupid? The Vents are to big all ya need are the Gogs. :ninja:

02-07-2007, 03:36 AM
...Then I see they have a Quantum on their Ion and I just start to giggle. :rofl:
There was a kid last Saturday that I played with/against running straight CO2 through his Ion. Not even antisiphoned! :wow:

02-07-2007, 08:27 AM
There was a kid last Saturday that I played with/against running straight CO2 through his Ion. Not even antisiphoned! :wow:

Thats pretty common. You've go to remember the ion is a $200 marker alot of people that buy them cant aford HPA.

02-07-2007, 10:52 AM
phew are you telling me, $200 is alot of casho for a marker
heck im staying with the automag, alot of this new technology is just overated and overadvertised junk

02-07-2007, 07:46 PM
Has anyone here actually learned was agg really is before dissing it? I myself can take it or leave it, but everyone here that Ive seen is so uneducated about it. It seems you all hate the fashion statement it makes and these "agg kiddies" that Im guessing, since most of you dont even know how to spot them, are just jerk wannabes. Not to mention the huge community it has built, where guys have travelled cross country to meet other HK and Agg supporters (kinda like AO, huh?) and buy each other gifts, gear, etc. etc.