View Full Version : Finally got my mag

02-04-2007, 07:34 AM
So I had been toiling over which marker to get for the past few months now.....enough so to drive my wife crazy every time she saw me on a paintball forum or looking up markers on Ebay.

Anyway, after narrowing the field to either an Invert Mini or Rogue's MiniTac, I had chosen the Mini based on shooting at the Cup held here in Orange County. That is until all the bugs with the boards, delays, and what not. So I took the plunge and ordered one of the MiniTacs. Let me just say that as a self professed anal person when it comes to anything I purchase.....this is one of the finest markers I've ever seen. The custom work is top notch and in all honesty, it's very close in weight to the Mini. Plus it's a mech so no issues with weather or boards and eyes breaking. It's a load off of my mind. I'm sure a lot here are already aware of it, too.....but Rogue's great to work with as far as ordering is concerned. Paypal was more difficult than he was. : )

I think there might be one or two left...but for anyone like me who was sitting on the fence, this is well worth it. I'd post images but you guys already know what these look like. Peace!

02-04-2007, 09:11 AM
post some pics. welcome to the family.