View Full Version : What does AGD see as there "new" customer

02-05-2007, 07:13 PM
In a sport with a constantly changing demographic you are going to change customers, its part of life. Sure there is going to be the demographic that sticks around, but its not like we need to buy a new mag every year - at least most of us I would think.

What does AGDs new customer look like? How do they come to buy a product from AGD over the other offerings out there?

02-05-2007, 07:44 PM
but its not like we need to buy a new mag every year - at least most of us I would think.?

The one who dies with the most working paintball guns wins. :D

As far as their new customers. Probally only woodsball type players with their tac.

02-05-2007, 07:46 PM
The one who dies with the most working paintball guns wins. :D

As far as their new customers. Probally only woodsball type players with their tac.

How? How do you convince a woodsballer to buy a Mag over a Tippman, SP-8, Blazer, Autococker, etc.

02-05-2007, 07:51 PM
I play primarily woodsball which IS NOT scenario ball. All these milsims have absolutely no utility in the woods.

I bought a mag as my second marker because

1. Of the simplicity of design
2. Reliability
3. No chops, no kick
4. Relatively light and compact.

What drew me to buy a mag was these forums. I saw a custom mag by Pointm@n, chrome with yellow details. I rushed out and bought a mag as soon as I could.

Tippmanns, are boats. No comparison to a mag.
SP-8.. I have been poisioned against smartparts by propaganda
Autocockers - bad reputation

In general I would think that the high quality/tolerances, and extremely reliable design would draw the eye of a more responsible consumer who does not have the money for the latest and greatest. The Tac-One targets the woodball scene because a lot of people equate milsim with woodsball.

02-05-2007, 08:01 PM
I think the elect are coming out of the forest of darkness( flashy shiny guns.) I have seen a increase of mags where i am from. I think paintballers will get tired of all the cheaply made flashy markers and buy something that is tried and true(aka a mag) this fab is just a phase. all the mag shooters that play with me are intelligent about their decision on buying as mag, they didnt just buy it (a mag) becasue it cute or anything. They actually did their research.

02-05-2007, 08:28 PM
How? How do you convince a woodsballer to buy a Mag over a Tippman, SP-8, Blazer, Autococker, etc.

That is a good question, and one that every company tries to solve to have a corner on the market. As for my oppinion I think AGD should just keep making solid mech markers.

I know that I have wanted an automag since I saw one in the early 90s. I have played on and off for at least 10 years. Here recently we have a decent turnout of players/friends that get together every 2-3 weeks to play. I was the first to get an automag, and it seems that it is contagous (sp) It spread to my lil brother, and 6 other friends. Now 25% of us use AGD guns, and I always bring the loaners to try to put interste in new players. There are still some of the players that think their black Ion is the shizzle, but they are always on the losing team.

If there were one thing that AGD should/could do it would be better marketing. How is the question. They have to prove to noobs that their guns will be around longer then tippys and spyders which from our standpoint is obvious, but not everyone else is as intelligent as us (AO) They have to do this without wasting money on adds/ lowering their standards to make guns cheaper. I would say just come out with new products ie new bodies/other accessories to keep the current AOers content. We will keep bring newbs to this wonderful product.

02-05-2007, 08:47 PM
They have to prove to noobs that their guns will be around longer then tippys and spyders which from our standpoint is obvious

You are a bit too quick to underestimate tippy's. I have a model 98 that is going on 8 years maybe.. my brother bought it new and I bought it off of him. still kicking strong. My friend as a couple used tippys that shoot great that are even older.

An automag can last a long time, but so can a tippy.

02-05-2007, 08:53 PM
You are a bit too quick to underestimate tippy's. I have a model 98 that is going on 8 years maybe.. my brother bought it new and I bought it off of him. still kicking strong. My friend as a couple used tippys that shoot great that are even older.

An automag can last a long time, but so can a tippy.

I have nothing against tippys. I have 2 prolites that my brother and I got when they first came out. They are still being kicked around every once and a while. They were built like tanks. Unfortuently their field strip capability is the same as a tanks also. It requires alot more time/tools to replace all of the orings. As for an automag when they break/leak I can completely rebuild one with a penny(level 7 bolt tips) and usually in 5 min or less. That is what appeals to me. AGD products always use the kiss system.

02-05-2007, 09:00 PM
you have a good point, but I have never seen a stock tippmann needing to be field stripped.

02-05-2007, 09:14 PM
How? How do you convince a woodsballer to buy a Mag over a Tippman, SP-8, Blazer, Autococker, etc.

Because the only other "high end" (And I use that term loosely here.) in that list besides the 'Mag is a marker that is probably even less known than the 'Mag.

Tippmanns are nice for the most part. I have never shot any kind of Ion so I won't comment. Autocockers seem to have a stigma of outdatedism, and the new 'Cocker looks like junk in the aesthetic department. And how many people honestly know what a Blazer is without having to Google it after they read this? Maybe a decent amount here, but on PBN? Or elsewhere?

Palmer's generally seems to be known for regulators and Nasty Typhoons and that's about all that I've seen.

02-05-2007, 10:11 PM
How? How do you convince a woodsballer to buy a Mag over a Tippman, SP-8, Blazer, Autococker, etc.

A buddy of mine plays and kicks *** with a powerfeed classic with a level 7, OLD steel tank, and a taped up revvy. He convinces them by doing the following two things:

1) He plays well, and honorably.
2) He makes a show out of washing his mag out by shooting water through it. It's funny, grabs attention, and gets people talking about mags.

02-05-2007, 11:01 PM

If AGD decides to go all out pump, they will do very well. Ive seen three pumps today alone that went for 700+

Mags are sexy, they always have been. They are just very inefficient for normal games. Which for some is ok.

/beats dead horse

but pumps are coming back in a strong way....milk it

Aggravated Assault
02-06-2007, 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by Lohman446
Say I have $500 I want to spend on a marker. For simplicity sake lets say I only desire to buy a new marker. The mag is towards the top of that budget. Why a Mag over a Tippman?

Originally Posted by JimmyBeam

Mags are sexy..

I've yet to see a sexy Tippman.

Originally Posted by Lohman446
Why a Mag over a Rail? Why a Mag over a Fusion?

Ok, I hardly ever check new gun prices, but are those markers THAT much cheaper than a nice mag?? If the prices are anywhere close to even I'd have to say you sell it on the old mech toughness and reliability...Thats something most of us can agree mags are. Tough. Reliable. Built to last.

and sexy :D

02-06-2007, 04:13 AM
Ok, I hardly ever check new gun prices, but are those markers THAT much cheaper than a nice mag??

the new rail is 399

captian pinky
02-06-2007, 06:42 AM
most of the people at pbc have had or shoot a mag or pump gun so go agd

02-06-2007, 07:45 AM
I believe AGD’s new customer base is the woodsball player who wants a mechanical marker that is considered top end. These very same customers however may be the same ones who still use and love other types of markers though. I do not believe for one second that AGD customers are more educated nor are the more educated targeted for sales. This line of thinking is pure elitism and frankly looks bad and is one of the reasons the customer base has the reputation it does.

What each customer wants is often different and that is why there are so many different marker types out there. It is also why we see pumps, pistols, all ranges of manual and electronic markers, and so many different styles.

Frankly to compare Mags with Tippmanns does both markers an injustice. The very things that make one good are often detractors for the other. And if you want to go head to head, who sells the most and has the most (as in numbers) loyal customers? I don’t believe Mags would be on the top of that list.

An informed and educated customer will buy what is best for them and their needs. And this includes budget, playing style, choices of air sources, and many other factors. In the end it may be a Mag that is the right marker for the player, or it may be a Tippmann or other marker. And you are no more educated nor uneducated simply because of the marker you chose to buy and use. The reasons why would make them educated or not, not the choice itself.

02-06-2007, 07:52 AM
He plays well, and honorably.

Its real tough to market honor these days....

I have been playing more and more scenario games and there are a surprising number of mags out there.

There are definate advantages to them over tippmans, especially with the lvl10. The downside is that they are not as mil-slim upgradable. Even the Tacs. Now if you were able to just slap on stocks and m16 style foregrips as easily as you can with an A5 or M98 then you would probably be able to open up a larger chunk of that market.

02-06-2007, 08:34 AM
SP-8.. I have been poisioned against smartparts by propaganda
Autocockers - bad reputation

Ughh. Honestly the worst reason why someone could buy a gun. You have to get out and shoot them. It's the same reason why the mag began it's decline; they were labeled as "paint blenders" AGD did EVERYTHING to try and get rid of the moniker to the general player.

The biggest way I've found to bring new users to the mag is LET THEM SHOOT ONE.

After buying my minimag and shortly thereafter building my E-mag:

1. Our field owner bought three mags
-Two minimags (For his kids), and one Warp Right E-Tac (for himself).

2. My friend went out and bought a classic.

They shot the thing, realized how much of a tac-driver it was and went out and became AGD's new custoimer base.

THAT is AGD's new customer. The people obsessed with putting paint where it's supposed to go. Obsessed with quality. Unfortuneately it's a dying breed, not everyone knows REAL quality anymore.

02-06-2007, 09:26 AM
THAT is AGD's new customer. The people obsessed with putting paint where it's supposed to go. Obsessed with quality. Unfortuneately it's a dying breed, not everyone knows REAL quality anymore.

So the answer is to market AGD as more accurate?

02-06-2007, 10:02 AM
most of the people at pbc have had or shoot a mag or pump gun so go agd

I know I do!

02-06-2007, 10:39 AM
i agree, to let people shoot a mag or try one in a game is the most effective way. that is how 3 of my friends bought mags is because they tested mine out. The only problem is in some regions geograhical boundaries of this country has never even heard of a mag ( or a certian mag, emag) so when they are interested in trying one out its complicated because proshops do not carry a mag neither do their paintball pals have one, therefore they make another selection. its not like you can go to any proshop anymore and see mags on the wall. at least where i am from.

I am very interested in a emag , many on this websight told me to try one out before i buy one, but no one has one who lives close to me. i do not know anyone who ownes a emag.

02-06-2007, 11:09 AM
You cant market or re-introduce something that hasn't had a technology upgrade in almost a decade.

The one thing I hear about when mags are brought up is efficiency....every single time. Sure, I hear reliable, great looking, consistant....but it still an air hog. Hell I would pick up another one in a heartbeat if someone could figure out how to make the damn thing more efficient. If Im heading to the mountains or woods, the last thing I want to do is have to run back to refill every couple of pods.

I mean cmon people, its 2007. Even low end markers are getting 1000+ shots off a fill. Theres new technology out there, use it. And your lvl 10? Well eyes are pretty much the standard now as well.

AGD markers are vintage. And only used now by collectors and die hard fans. I mean, how long do you think a company can go without any form of new devolopements in their technology?

This subject was a hot topic when I left here over a year ago. And well its the same thing again. No new arguments, no new technology, just people holding on to something hoping for a comeback. Not going to happen.

02-06-2007, 11:35 AM
After using both eyes and lvl10 (both seperately and in conjunction with each) extensively for along time now I can honestly say that I prefer the lvl10. (although I don't knock eye sensors). My emags will shoot flawlessly on lvl10 alone up to 20 bps(and over when I can get them to shoot that fast).

If they were to market towards a particular group or demographic, then just take a look around and see what the DIY'ers are doing. Aim product towards that. Also, go back after the scenario group hard with a new approach.

02-06-2007, 11:59 AM
I work for a marketing agency, so I'm really getting a kick out of a lot of these replies...


02-06-2007, 12:05 PM
AGD will have no new customers. We are the last of a dying breed my friends. Our current generation will be the last generation of mag owners. How many people on here have a bought a new mag from AGD in the past year? How many people are even on this forum? Rest your sleepy heads, it will all be over soon. I am still not giving up though, actually in the process of buying my first brand new mag!

The only ones who can change the future is AGD. New products, marketing, etc. is the only thing that will save this company.

Imagine of Ford still had '89 Escorts on the lot. Sure, they were a great little car, but nobody in their right mind would pay full retail for one today.

02-06-2007, 12:08 PM
Its sad what paintball has become. Kids today feel they need to shoot the new hottness this week in order to compete. Now don't get me wrong, these new markers are really nice. But just look at the Nation's BST forums. OMG I cant shoot that...its an 06, they suck compared to the 07. When in reality they don't. Its just the cool thing to do, becasuse we all know its not how you play, but how you look that really matters....... /sarcasm

What can mags offer these players.....not much really. However, there is a definite increase in pump popularity. Mags make the perfect pump gun. SImplicity and sexiness all in one. And go ahead and put one together, Im sure you can sell it for 700+. It can become the new flavor of the week again

02-06-2007, 12:46 PM
People that buy ions.

02-06-2007, 01:42 PM
i agree, to let people shoot a mag or try one in a game is the most effective way. that is how 3 of my friends bought mags is because they tested mine out. The only problem is in some regions geograhical boundaries of this country has never even heard of a mag ( or a certian mag, emag) so when they are interested in trying one out its complicated because proshops do not carry a mag neither do their paintball pals have one, therefore they make another selection. its not like you can go to any proshop anymore and see mags on the wall. at least where i am from.

I am very interested in a emag , many on this websight told me to try one out before i buy one, but no one has one who lives close to me. i do not know anyone who ownes a emag.
I own an e-mag and live in Georgia. Depending on where you're at we might could work something out so you could try it. :cheers:

02-06-2007, 02:27 PM
I own an e-mag and live in Georgia. Depending on where you're at we might could work something out so you could try it. :cheers:

only on AO :cry:

02-06-2007, 02:46 PM
A lot of people are telling me why a mag is better, and that can be an entire different thread...

Ask SP who buys an Ion. I can nearly promise you they have a thought out and considered answer about not only who there target audience is but who will buy one.

02-06-2007, 02:53 PM
A lot of people are telling me why a mag is better, and that can be an entire different thread...

Ask SP who buys an Ion. I can nearly promise you they have a thought out and considered answer about not only who there target audience is but who will buy one.

Very true. SP designed the ION with the target market in mind (i.e. custom colors, body kits, price).

02-06-2007, 03:00 PM
Ask SP who buys an Ion. I can nearly promise you they have a thought out and considered answer about not only who there target audience is but who will buy one.

Well of course they can. Im sure they probably have a whole team they put together to come up with the demographic for the Ion. THey probably spent a pretty penny on that too. The same goes for Dye/Proto and the PMR.

02-06-2007, 03:03 PM
Well of course they can. Im sure they probably have a whole team they put together to come up with the demographic for the Ion. THey probably spent a pretty penny on that too. The same goes for Dye/Proto and the PMR.

It seems that they both had a similar philosophy. Take the concept/look of their flagship tourney markers and make an affordable and "AGG" friendly version of the marker.

02-06-2007, 03:53 PM
You're right, I asked the question wrong. What inspires someone to buy a mag over a Fusion etc.? How does AGD get the customer looking at the Fusion / Rail etc. to buy a mag instead? How does the AGD buyer differ from the buyer of something else?

02-06-2007, 04:29 PM
In my case, I stay with mags and have owned mags for over 10 years.. is just that.
Mags will last a lifetime.
A mag can sit in a gear bag for months, Oil it up, and it will shoot just as the day it was bought.

So who is AGD's "Target Group"?...

Players that see a good investment
Players that dont care about flash
players that play for fun
Players that plan on playing for an extended length of time
Players that bring a back up gun for new players that will be trouble free.

Disposable guns = Disposable players

One of My first Markers was a Tippman 68 Special, I still have it, It doesn't work.

02-06-2007, 07:16 PM
I also failed to mention...

Some players prefer to play with a marker that will test their skill. So they purchase a semi-mechanical marker over a Fusion/Rail/(insert ramping-electro here). In the semi-mechanical world, the mag is at the top of the food chain for choices.


well, whatever makes you sleep better at night....

Baby Huey
02-06-2007, 07:36 PM
I may not represent the majority of the buying public. But I have 2 Shockers and I decided to buy a mech. gun for when we go to big scenerios and it rains, and also for night play. A buddy of mine gave me this forum to check out. I read a lot of posts and created a few threads with my questions and decided on a mag. I then had to decide on a specific marker and then a dealer. I was checking out one dealer and some people on here shared nice and honest opinions and I decided to do a little more research. Rogue answered about 100 questions and I decided to buy a RPG Paradigm from him for a few reasons.

1) I felt that the mag was the best mech gun out there.

2) Rogue's interaction (and the fact that he never bashed the other dealers).

3) I knew the people on here would be as helpful and nice as the people on shockerowners.com. (and I have not been wrong)

Just figured I would post since I went through the process a little while back. Have a great night and God Bless.

02-06-2007, 07:37 PM
I also failed to mention...

Some players prefer to play with a marker that will test their skill. So they purchase a semi-mechanical marker over a Fusion/Rail/(insert ramping-electro here). In the semi-mechanical world, the mag is at the top of the food chain for choices.

And those who want to test their skill even further shoot pump :p

Your theory that a ramping marker takes no skill is elitist at best, and the more I see it the more I wonder if it is elitism or idiocy.

Mags are not at the top of the semi world either Rogue. It was not ramping that has caused the slide of the mag - it was sliding before ramping was even widely used. Why is it, if mags rule the semi world, we see so few NPPL teams (including those without sponsorship allegiance) using mags.

Edit: I do, on re-reading it, catch the semi-mechanical term in there, rather than just semi. Perhaps true enough, but still breaking it down to semi-mechanical is splitting the pie pretty small isn't it?

02-06-2007, 08:12 PM
If not a mag, what mechanical gun would you recommend Lohman?

Mags made today are built with standards and quality, cant say the same for a new Cocker.
and Tippmans have never been considered "high end"

02-06-2007, 08:21 PM
If not a mag, what mechanical gun would you recommend Lohman?

Mags made today are built with standards and quality, cant say the same for a new Cocker.
and Tippmans have never been considered "high end"

I have said before, and I still beleive that the automag is the best "commonly available" mechanical marker out there today. I beleive it true. The thing is, I was curious as to who AGD saw as there "replacement" customers for those leaving. Perhaps knowing who, perhaps the how was the next question.

Marketting is seldom about necessarily having the best....

02-06-2007, 08:37 PM
I think that anyone that stays in the game for any amount of time, would eventually come around to a mag.

Mag shooters would be the demographic that cant afford spraying multiple cases per day-of-play, but don't necessarily want to play pump.

02-06-2007, 09:18 PM
Personally I would take a mag over a Tippman any day of the week. Now don't get me wrong, I have the utmost respect for the Tippman product line. But the same goes with them as well. Give me more shots per fill and Ill proudly shoot a mechanical gun again. Seriously, I will sell my PM6 which gets almost 3/4 a case per fill if I found a Mag that was just as efficient

02-07-2007, 06:27 AM
Because mags arent commonly available, Ive found that those who do buy them(my customers) have really done the research, and educated themselves on their purchase.

They dont follow the trends, for the sake of it. They arent necessarily "leaders", but they arent "followers" either. Independent thinkers, if you will.

This doesnt mean that they are uneducated if those shooters choose to shoot another marker. Only an idiot would insinuate that from what I wrote:ninja: Ive come to realize over the last 5 years of selling mags, that the customer that buys a mag, is the customer who educates themselves on their purchases, and doesnt buy into the hype.

Largely, the same can be said for those who shoot AKA markers. Same breed of buyer. Which is why it is so easy for a mag owner to become an AKA owner :D
I have run into plenty of folks who purchased a Mag without doing the research which is claimed Mag owners do before purchasing them. I have seen my share of folks who purchased a Mag simply because they thought it was “cool”. There are those types for every marker type. And also the same can be said about educating themselves about the marker before purchase. Folks often do the research and come up deciding on a different marker than a Mag. That didn’t mean they were less educated or fell for the “hype”, but probably that the other marker better fit their needs, wants, or budgets.

It sounds like we are saying the same thing, but we are not. I am saying that a blanket statement that Mag users are the ones who educate themselves is not always accurate. It sounds good, and it makes your customers feel better, but it does not always hold true for "Mag users". Maybe it is just "your customers". And not all Mag owners are your customers.

02-07-2007, 06:52 AM
So... if the player decides not to shoot a mag and then goes to the flavor of the month marker does that mean they have become uneducated?

02-07-2007, 10:15 AM
I can't believe we are even mentioning Tippmans in relation to a Mag. Tippmans are generic guns with no heart. Mags are designed and built a standard much higher than a Tippman.

Unfortunately, I don't know if there are any "replacement" consumers for the Mag. It seems as though saying "Kids will buy whatever will shoot fastest/what is hot" is quite a valid statement. Being a mature adult, I recognize the value of having a gun that is durable, reliable and customizable. I would think that AGD needs to target a bit of an older demographic (18-30) because these are the consumers that are going to recognize qualities in a gun that matter other than how many paintballs you can sling at someone.

Also, educating salesmen at the field would help. A salesmen that understands the mag would be able to tout its benefits when selling to a customer. This would show what the mag holds over the competition.

02-07-2007, 10:39 AM
good point.

02-07-2007, 11:34 AM
1. Marketing. The word has to get out to the people. If propoganda says it's better or worse who's to say it isn't?

2. Servicability. When I first got my mag I had no damn idea what to do with it when I had problems, luckily I had a tech near me. Tippmanns have a wide base of techs that understand them.

AGD needs to revamp the idea of the mag from something oldschool to a woodballing beast and get the word out there. MAKE IT the high end woodball gun. Right now the A-5 and X-7 fill that role...which isnt very impressive for high end to say the least.

Make the mag a high end woodballers dream.

02-07-2007, 11:47 AM

well, whatever makes you sleep better at night....

What he says is true in alot of cases. Personally when I play against regular rec ballers I use a mech or pump for the most part. Now for tourneys generally I run my ramping electro paint slingers. Different animals require different guns.
What you are failing to see is that some people are wired differently than yourself.
I know exactly where Rogue is coming from. :cool:

02-07-2007, 12:04 PM
In the semi-mechanical world, the mag is at the top of the food chain for choices.

Definatly true, my team used Mech Mags as our main tourney markers 2 years ago and they performed flawlessly, we played against the electro paint slingers and still did rather well, actually we took first in the circuit we compeat in, the last year when we all got high doller electros we didn't do nearly as well. I think it because we had to play smarter with the mags and then with the higher firepower markers we did alot more trying to rely on the marker which doesn't work.

That being said, I definatly think that mag owners are USUALLY the people who research thier markers befor buying as opposed to just buying.

02-07-2007, 12:04 PM
I work for a marketing agency, so I'm really getting a kick out of a lot of these replies...

Guys, the answer to dwindling sales isn't Marketing.

02-07-2007, 12:47 PM
What does AGDs new customer look like?

I'd say they look much like the invisible man. :spit_take

02-07-2007, 12:49 PM
That being said, I definatly think that mag owners are USUALLY the people who research thier markers befor buying as opposed to just buying.

To some degree you have to. Where can you "just buy" a mag?

02-07-2007, 12:56 PM
To some degree you have to. Where can you "just buy" a mag?

Don't know if i understand the question. I can't imagine why anyone would just buy a marker without researching it unless they are little kiddies who wanna get what their friend has because it shoots lots of paint.

I don't think there is anywhere you will walk in and say "Yeah, i want that one" and point to a mag.

I think the best route to go is education. Like I said, education of the store workers is important. I know that in my decision the knowledable staff members swayed me to get a mag because of its reliability and so forth. They had only good things to say.

don miguel
02-07-2007, 12:58 PM
^awnsering question^

mabe they see people who have played paintball, and know what they are doing to be thier coustomers. ADG obviously isn't aimed at 10 year olds (not saying it can't be).

02-07-2007, 01:56 PM
i am a recent costomer! i just bought some upgrades, and my friend and i are buying more later this week. :dance: lol.

02-07-2007, 02:17 PM
Don't know if i understand the question. I can't imagine why anyone would just buy a marker without researching it unless they are little kiddies who wanna get what their friend has because it shoots lots of paint.

I don't think there is anywhere you will walk in and say "Yeah, i want that one" and point to a mag.

I think the best route to go is education. Like I said, education of the store workers is important. I know that in my decision the knowledable staff members swayed me to get a mag because of its reliability and so forth. They had only good things to say.

I can walk into most paintball stores and walk out with an Ion / Tippman / Spyder / Rail - etc. No "education" required. I cannot walk into most and buy a mag.

02-07-2007, 02:27 PM
I can walk into most paintball stores and walk out with an Ion / Tippman / Spyder / Rail - etc. No "education" required. I cannot walk into most and buy a mag.
Why? Is it because they don't carry any mags?

02-07-2007, 02:49 PM
Why? Is it because they don't carry any mags?

I'm sure partly. I'm sure there is a counter example out there. So the idea that the mag buyer is more educated - yeh, there more informed, they have to to even find where to buy one. I don't beleive I can even buy one from the most prevelant online retailers.

But really, it seems just a piece of the puzzle. Certainly AGD has a target in mind, I was just curious as to what it was - the how is another question.

02-07-2007, 03:01 PM
I'm sure partly. I'm sure there is a counter example out there. So the idea that the mag buyer is more educated - yeh, there more informed, they have to to even find where to buy one. I don't beleive I can even buy one from the most prevelant online retailers.

But really, it seems just a piece of the puzzle. Certainly AGD has a target in mind, I was just curious as to what it was - the how is another question.

Well, I am not sure that AGD HAS a marketing target. Do they even advertise anymore? Very rarely do I even see an ad for automags. Is the marketing strategy "no marketing at all"?

02-07-2007, 03:22 PM
Sometimes I think they already have their market. Its us. They may be perfectly content running a small operation, small staff. This keeps costs and overhead down to a minimum. Marketing and Advertising cost a lot of money. They may like being under the radar, kinda like Palmers, CCM, etc.

I assume most people on this forum like things this way too. A lot of us like that mags are unique and rare just as much as their performance and reliability. If mags were as popular as Ions, Tippmans, and the rest, we might not cherish them as much as we do. I know I wouldn't.

If mags were that popular, I would probably buy a different marker. I get a kick out of having the only mag at the local field.

02-07-2007, 03:24 PM

Well, I am not sure that AGD HAS a marketing target. Do they even advertise anymore? Very rarely do I even see an ad for automags. Is the marketing strategy "no marketing at all"?

well if i recall there was mention that agd had somone "new" "incharge of marketing"

then the homepage went to the tac-one, that is all i have seen so far personaly.

so..they are targeting to somone who wants a bunch of scopes and sights on the gun, and prefers a warp feed, or q-laoder(specops advertising)

I have no clue what the marketing target is, but i feel it should be the rec ballers gun of choice. easy maintenance, can sit for long periods,reliable,consistent,good speed for recball.

I really think AGD just doesnt care. they have stated pretty much they are content with where they are and dont plan on making a position change anytime soon with any major product releases.

02-07-2007, 03:29 PM
What you are failing to see is that some people are wired differently than yourself.
I know exactly where Rogue is coming from. :cool:

Allot more are being re-wired too ;)

02-07-2007, 03:30 PM
I have no clue what the marketing target is, but i feel it should be the rec ballers gun of choice. easy maintenance, can sit for long periods,reliable,consistent,good speed for recball.

I think the price is too high personally. Of course it is worth every penny to some. But most would rather spend less on a marker that they only play periodically with.

If you only want to spend $200 on a marker, you are out of the market for a mag right off the bat, but you can step right into an Ion or Tippy.

02-07-2007, 03:43 PM
profit from left over inventory :)

Marketing consists of word of mouth from AO members infiltrating other forums.

There also may be some marketing every so often when one of the AGD products shows up in reviews in a slow news month for the paintball magazines.

The "new" upgrades and 3rd party stuff that is out for the mags will keep enough people coming back, trying and buying for a few years probably. I mean the Level X, ULT, and ULE stuff has been around for what... 3-4+ years and people are just finding out about it?

Several times a year I have someone show up to the field and I ask if they have level 10, and they look at me funny and say - "huh, oh no this is an Automag" thinking I am asking them if they have some fancy new gun they have never heard of. Months later the person usually shows up with a lvl 10 in their old mag.


02-07-2007, 07:53 PM
i am not spreading rumors, just wondering.Since tom has been gone there hasnt been much of anything new right? So is there really no hope for the future?


02-07-2007, 07:56 PM
i am not spreading rumors, just wondering.Since tom has been gone there hasnt been much of anything new right? So is there really no hope for the future?


Good question. I suppose the answer is in the valve. Are valves still made? If so, then the third parties and DIYers will take care of the rest.

If they have stopped making valves, then the mag will eventually die.

...although some will claim that the valve will last forever...

02-07-2007, 08:39 PM
i am not spreading rumors, just wondering.Since tom has been gone there hasnt been much of anything new right? So is there really no hope for the future?


It was going down hill while Tom was still there.

Not the hope we long for

02-07-2007, 08:41 PM
Don't know if i understand the question. I can't imagine why anyone would just buy a marker without researching it unless they are little kiddies who wanna get what their friend has because it shoots lots of paint.

You would be surprised, I would say atleast 40% of my sales are on the spot with no research at all beond asking me if its a good marker.

02-07-2007, 08:49 PM
You would be surprised, I would say atleast 40% of my sales are on the spot with no research at all beond asking me if its a good marker.

Generally how I buy my markers... well to a degree. I know what is out there, I know a rough idea of how people have liked them - but the final veto option goes to the store owner. If he tells me he does not like it, or thinks this one is better than another, chances are I take it. then again, my research is years of working with him, and trusting him.

Aggravated Assault
02-07-2007, 09:57 PM
Don't know if I am alone on this, but here is how I see AGD's "new" customer base....

They dont follow the trends, for the sake of it. They arent necessarily "leaders", but they arent "followers" either. Independent thinkers, if you will.

Obsessed with quality.

the same ones who still use and love other types of markers...

AGD markers are vintage

I saw a custom mag by Pointm@n, chrome with yellow details. I rushed out and bought a mag as soon as I could.

I think a lot of us who love mags are like gearheads and old car enthusiasts. We're independent. We're tinkerers. "Vintage" isnt a bad word to us. Mags are like muscle cars: Done right they will challange anything out there and can be as individual as someones Nova, Charger, or GTO. Thats my image of the automag.

Powerful. Solid. Sexy.

I go to the World of Wheels almost every year. Every year people keep showing up with their cars and make new converts...Insuring there will always be enthusiasts, gearheads and muscle cars. We're the same way. It may be new era, but Mag's aren't going anywhere and neither is its customer base. People are still playing with Mags, pimping them out, showing them off, and making new converts.

Like my Father-in-law's 68' Dega, they aren't for everybody.

But you know what?
I like it that way.

02-08-2007, 12:09 AM
if I were Rogue, I would milk this new popularity in pumps

theres lots of pump vids out on youtube. pretty cool ****


02-10-2007, 01:18 PM
Ask SP who buys an Ion. I can nearly promise you they have a thought out and considered answer about not only who there target audience is but who will buy one.

Possibly (I've never asked, I don't even know how to ask them), but you are not asking AGD. You are asking members of a forum. Many of those who replied are 'mag owners. So, you are finding out why THEY bought a 'mag.

Basically, you are asking the question of the wrong people. We don't have enough information to answer.


02-10-2007, 01:32 PM
Possibly (I've never asked, I don't even know how to ask them), but you are not asking AGD. You are asking members of a forum. Many of those who replied are 'mag owners. So, you are finding out why THEY bought a 'mag.

Basically, you are asking the question of the wrong people. We don't have enough information to answer.


That seems pretty reasonable to me.

02-10-2007, 02:52 PM
probably woodsball and scenario but they aren't as popular there as many other companies anymore

If they could work there way back into tourney ball new players will look at those pro teams and say that gun rocks i want one just like that.

02-11-2007, 04:31 AM
lighter ,faster ,smaller , and cheaper these are what this sport demands their are the hardcores that like me love this company.... i saw someone put out a few FAKE parts for agd and havnt been very much impressed so far, minus the longbow i think if ao makes more items like that, new additions to help keep it running this company would live forever..... it would be great if there were a few items comming out youd have my vote ! everything i have owned by adg has been great hell i have a elcipse set on my pumped smartmag with ule body now mind you these arent all agd parts but they were at least made with agd specs so i forgave them LOL so i have a nice mag that will last me forever :P just my 2 cents