View Full Version : all american or big daddy?

01-02-2002, 03:52 PM
ok guru's i need some help. which one is the quietest and which is the most accurate? the big daddy or the all american?

01-02-2002, 04:01 PM

It really depends on what you shoot most so use the barrel that will match your paint. I hope I emphisized it enough.

01-02-2002, 04:06 PM
i agree with foo temps, but the big daddy matches a lot of paint vry well, especially marblizers.

[email protected]

01-02-2002, 04:10 PM
The Big Daddy is the AA with an interchangeable Tear Drop Tip...what more can you ask for? But the guys have it right on, paint to barrel match is the best method of attaining accuracy

01-02-2002, 05:52 PM
Tk, I deleted your 2nd post; there was no need to be so hostile towards FooTemps.

Now I'm moving this to the forum it should have gone to in the first place...

01-02-2002, 11:32 PM
Hey covad, the all american and the big daddy are two seperate deigns, The new All American is the one one with the interchangable tips not the big daddy, but as far as which one is the most accurate, they are the same as far as that is concerned, the big daddy is also a carbon copy of an old style teardrop, and is acxtually lowder than All American. I think either www.pcri.net or www.warpig.com did a comparison of a few different barrells and these were two of them. TK for money go with the All American, new style, or save money and buy the Freak, which is ten times better and will let you switch from marker to marker, if ya ever decide on a different marker in the future.

01-03-2002, 02:14 PM
SP is wrong their website then. As that is where I obtained my info on the Big Daddy...

01-03-2002, 03:12 PM

These awesome two-piece barrels combine the best of both worlds. A Teardrop front section and All American back make an extremely long ranging and accurate tournament barrel.


Available for most guns. The All American Barrels come in 12,14, or 16 inch lengths. The back length changes to change the overall length. They are a two-piece barrel and come in three bore sizes.

This is the add for the barrels at Smart Parts store online, the new All American was offered at another website on a custom impulse, I thought it was freak factory but it may have been demonic,or planet eclipse, i cant remember off hand but when i find it i will let you know ....

01-03-2002, 03:17 PM
P.s. where does it say they have interchangeable tips, hhmmmmm? j/k, two-piece means the barrel is 2 pieces, the back(bore, thicker area) is 1, the front ( skinny, ported area) is 2, then they are glued together to make a 2 piece barrel !!! I just had the un-pleasent misfortune of my All American seperating and had to epoxy them back together, but there is a new barrel by Smart Parts out, that you can interchange the tips from FReak, but not the inserts, unless you buy the Freak back......

01-03-2002, 06:17 PM
WARLORD, This is the barrel I speak of!!! HAHAHAHAHA! I was right! :D :D :D :D :D

I knew I wasn't crazy!

01-03-2002, 06:48 PM
If barrels aren't any more accurate then one another why not just stick with your stock barrel?

01-03-2002, 10:14 PM
Hey covad you said the Big Daddy was the one with the interchangeable tips, but its the new style All American, that has them, both barrels (matter of fact, all Smart Parts barrels, except the FReak are 2 piece barrels) but only two have interchangable tips, the 3 different sizes they speak of are three different barrels, and you can get them in three different sizes, meaning 9 different barrels, or buy 1 Freak= 8different sizes, and add tips (say 2) for 16 different barrel sizes for best deal. But if you buy 1 All American, with interchangable tips at 50.00 each you have (say 2 again) you have two different barrels, same bore size, wheres the savings in that? I dont see where ya think your right, but if ya would like to splain it too me, i will give a good listen....:). Smart Parts hasnt released the New All American yet, or hasnt advertised it yet but it is out there, just gotta look for it, i'll keep ya posted tho...

01-03-2002, 10:23 PM
The new barrel is on the demonic impulse at www.roughneckpaintball.com...

01-04-2002, 12:52 AM
These awesome two-piece barrels combine the best of both worlds. A Teardrop front section and All American back make an extremely long ranging and accurate tournament barrel.

01-04-2002, 09:31 AM
Just for the record, i'm very happy with my 16 inch All American.

01-04-2002, 10:50 AM
The new AA is available as is the new TearDrop. All of the new milling is avail for the SP Barrels. It has been since the Summer apparantely...All one must do is ask call the cust service line at any of the "e-tailers" and you too can get the new barrel. Oh, You were right, it was the AA that is interchangable, my mistake. Must've been all that crack we've been passin round here in the office.

01-04-2002, 12:00 PM
Thanx Covad, but i will say, " Iaint trying to be a know it all", but I guess it comes across that way sometimes, I sorry :)! I just like to keep the less informed with current info so when they run down to MOM N POPS Paintball Store they know exactly what they want, and GET exactly what they ordered... Thats all !!!!!! Plus, if havent already guessed, I like to argue a lot, lol !!!!!!

01-04-2002, 01:22 PM
it's a shame we can't argue the point on the field with paint, but hey, I'll let you win one for now. LOL
thanks:D :D

01-04-2002, 07:58 PM
hmmmm... I had a Big Daddy for my spyder and it did NOT seperate into two peices. Actually i ordered a standard teardrop but there computer went down at the place i ordered it and i got the wrong barrel (not that it was a bad thing). :confused:

01-09-2002, 11:07 AM
The barrel does depend on what you shoot. But the big daddy is half all american anyways. The big daddy is probably the better barrel but if you have the money, I highly recommend a freak kit. No barrel can match the freak's performance.


01-09-2002, 02:20 PM
Okay let me get this straight(i could have it horribly wrong) the big daddy is basically an all-american two piece with a tear-dropped front, and the new all-american has a tear-dropped front. Wouldn't that make it a big daddy?

01-09-2002, 04:16 PM
all american would be my choice between the two
quiet and accurate but since it has lots of porting its a gas hog

01-09-2002, 05:05 PM
All Americans have all american fronts. Teardrops have Teardrop fronts. Big Daddys have the best of both, AA Back and a TD front. Get a freak. They are the best barrels out there.

01-09-2002, 08:25 PM
The new All Americans have either teardrop or all ammerican tips, they are now interchangable with the freak tips. The old design was a 2 piece barrel, glued together to make 1 single barrel. The big daddy is a teardrop front with an all american back, still a 2 piece barrel glued together to make 1. Now the only difference is the new all american has interchangable tips, making it more versatile, longer barrel get aa front, shorter barrel get freak front(or teardrop) which ever you prefer. Deal is right tho, if ya want the best get a freak.............

01-09-2002, 08:27 PM
Right on Warlord.