View Full Version : Windows XP COA

02-06-2007, 03:34 PM
Here's the deal. I had a virus or something attack my computer so I had to reinstall windows XP home. In doing so I was asked to enter the Certificate of Authenticity code for activation. Well, I just recently moved and I've misplaced that file in the tons of boxes in the garage. I was wondering if anyone on here would be willing to let me use their COA to activate my computer. I'm have to use my computer from work right now because I can't access anything on my computer at home. You can email me at DSR29A@Hotmail.com or PM me if you would like to help. You will have my eternal appreciation.

02-06-2007, 03:39 PM
Here's the deal. I had a virus or something attack my computer so I had to reinstall windows XP home. In doing so I was asked to enter the Certificate of Authenticity code for activation. Well, I just recently moved and I've misplaced that file in the tons of boxes in the garage. I was wondering if anyone on here would be willing to let me use their COA to activate my computer. I'm have to use my computer from work right now because I can't access anything on my computer at home. You can email me at DSR29A@Hotmail.com or PM me if you would like to help. You will have my eternal appreciation.

Firstly, wrong forum,

Secondly, Windows XP does not allow multiple uses of keys. So you are SOL unless you can find your old one. It should be on a label somewhere on the tower. You could also call microsoft and explain your story. They can give you a new ky over the phone, but would require an insane amount of verification that the pc is yours and that you are the rightful owner of the copy of windows. Ect ect

02-06-2007, 05:08 PM
If you have the key and jsut need the activation code for Dling sp2 + updates and get rid of that activation key reminder just use the activate over the phone deal and either say reinstalling due to virus or HDD failure. If its the actual product key thats a different story altogether.......

02-06-2007, 05:30 PM
ive heard you can call microsoft up and tell them what happened, and they will help you out and give you a key.

but thats what ive heard. my experience with there customer service resulted in a wasted sunday on the phone with numerous indian people.

for an alternative, go here: http://www.ubuntu.com/ you can download and burn the .iso to a cd at work, and install it on your computer when you get home. if that isnt an option, they'll ship you a free CD here: https://shipit.ubuntu.com/

you can still access "normal" file types you may already have stored, like .doc files, and if you find that key, it can co-exist with windows.

02-06-2007, 06:19 PM
Call 'em. It's suprisingly easy in my experience. I've done it a couple times in the last couple years and they've always helped right then and there.