View Full Version : Warcraft 3 -- a little help please.

02-06-2007, 06:04 PM
So all my roomates are all on a warcraft 3 binge playing Dota.

I was wondering if anyone from AO that doesn't use thier WC3 CD keys would mind lending me it for a while as well as any tips for dota success.

02-06-2007, 07:28 PM
Sorry, Can't help you out with the key, but I can tell you that DOTA is really fun and you should just get the battlechest from Blizzard for I think $30.

02-06-2007, 08:29 PM
Sorry, Can't help you out with the key, but I can tell you that DOTA is really fun and you should just get the battlechest from Blizzard for I think $30.
I thought it was like $50?

I really am just looking for a key to try for a few months... if it's something I like (like SC) then I'd no doubt buy the battlechest. I just figured there had to be one or 2 AOers on the intrawebs that have a WC key they don't use I could try out.

02-06-2007, 09:29 PM
here you go man, i got my keys from here
its legit :)

DotA is HHELLLLAAA funn ive been playing it so much.. and battleships is kickass too!

02-06-2007, 10:25 PM
Okay. A few tips

1. Use hot keys
2. Holding down control shows health for units on the screen
3. have at least 65+ movement speed
4. Call missing lanes
5. Look for signs of ganks (MIA probably means a gank is iminent)
6. Int, Str, and Agi attributes should dictate which weapons you buy.
7. I am a complete nerd
8. Don't join a game if you can't finish it. I played a game back on 9-23-06 and now can't get into half the games because of this douche, 420jon420.
9 Kids playing dota are usually annoying so just call them the C word, half the time they'll not know what it means.
10. Go to the gym or do some sort of physical activity; the amount of DOTA you'll be playing will literally zap the energy straight from your body.......literally....... where a tin foil "hershey kiss style" hat to avoid cosmic radiation).

My name is General_Sev if you need help. :)

02-06-2007, 11:39 PM
Okay. A few tips

1. Use hot keys
2. Holding down control shows health for units on the screen
3. have at least 65+ movement speed
4. Call missing lanes
5. Look for signs of ganks (MIA probably means a gank is iminent)
6. Int, Str, and Agi attributes should dictate which weapons you buy.
7. I am a complete nerd
8. Don't join a game if you can't finish it. I played a game back on 9-23-06 and now can't get into half the games because of this douche, 420jon420.
9 Kids playing dota are usually annoying so just call them the C word, half the time they'll not know what it means.
10. Go to the gym or do some sort of physical activity; the amount of DOTA you'll be playing will literally zap the energy straight from your body.......literally....... where a tin foil "hershey kiss style" hat to avoid cosmic radiation).

My name is General_Sev if you need help. :)

only like half that made sense... i've never played WC or WoW.

02-07-2007, 09:16 AM
Then you have never experienced the awesomeness of Warcraft?! I feel so sorry for you people with real lives!!!

02-07-2007, 11:36 AM
back when warcraft 3 was in beta and after it came out i was big into it. i actually just re-installed the game and the expansion a few days ago to play some single player. i remember there being some crazy online battle types. like tower defence. that one was freaking awesome. what is dota? from what it sounds like from kyle, it sounds like you take control of one of the heros and play using them. kinda rpg style. is this correct?

02-07-2007, 01:57 PM
I play Starcraft...

02-07-2007, 04:30 PM
do ta seems to me like starcraft "evolves". You control a hero, and players continually get "creep" creatures in droves to fight for them.

You fight in 2 teams and overrun the enemy base. Almost exactly like starcraft "evolves".

My Starcraft name is StevieWonder.

02-07-2007, 07:38 PM
DotA is when there are 2 teams, max of 5 players on each team. Each player gets 1 hero. Creeps (friendly units) spawn about every 30 seconds for each side, and they meet in the middle (there are 3 'lanes'). The objective is to push with the creeps far into the enemy base, destroying all their towers and finally the last tower to end the game. You get money to buy all sorts of items and you can make complex item combinations. It's good stuff. Games can run from 45 minutes to like 3 hours :)

02-07-2007, 11:16 PM
only like half that made sense... i've never played WC or WoW.

Well obviously. Don't be an idiot. When you do play you'll know what it means.

Last time I give you help. :rolleyes: