View Full Version : So, Tom, how's it going?

02-07-2007, 03:50 AM
Just curious as to what you've been up to lately. Discover any new dinosaur species? Have you gotten a planet named after you yet? Just relaxing and enjoying time with your family? Since you left the industry, it's seldom we get an update.

So, how's it goin'?

02-07-2007, 04:04 AM
you plan on coming up to Paintball Sam's big game this spring?

02-07-2007, 10:57 AM
you plan on coming up to Paintball Sam's big game this spring?

Yeah, thats what I want to know.

02-07-2007, 12:27 PM
how 'bout Tunaball NJ in May? :cheers:

turbo chicken
02-07-2007, 12:34 PM
My source told me that the cocker elves are holding him hostage .... my source also told me that a new AGD electro was on the way ...

go figure ...

02-07-2007, 12:59 PM
how 'bout Tunaball NJ in May? :cheers:

If i remember correctly, he was invited and is unable to attend.

02-07-2007, 03:43 PM
My source told me that the cocker gnomes are holding him hostage .... my source also told me that a new AGD electro was on the way ...

go figure ...

'Cockers have gnomes. We've got the elves.

02-07-2007, 06:04 PM

'Cockers have gnomes. We've got the elves.

Elves do good things, that’s why they work for Santa and live in automags.
Gnomes guard things… thus why they are in gardens keeping veggies safe, and stand outside Dye and Smartparts.
Gremlins are the ones that make mechanical problems.

Autococker gremlins.


02-08-2007, 12:36 AM
As I have told you all before I watch the forum every day and if you ask I appear. I do post occasionally if the thread is interesting.

LOTS going on here. Since you asked here is the overview, grab a Coke.

Bought a house in Sierra Vista Arizona and now I have the daunting task of packing my shop up to move. Its going to be about 2 semi's worth and that doesn't include my house. The place has perfect weather year round and great for astronomy.

I am trying to finish my giant telescope mirror before we move but its looking iffy. The thing is kicking my butt and this is my third try at getting the right figure. Need to make the telescope before we can discover a planet.

Speaking of astronomy, I was invited to join a team out of Northwestern University that is doing a research project for NASA developing light weight telescope mirrors for space. Very cool and very leading edge. I am proud to be part of the team.

Have a controversy cooking in paleontology. If you remember back in 2005 Dr. Mary Schweitzer discovered "soft tissues" preserved in dino bone and it was huge news all over the world. I started looking into it and discovered evidence that says they are biofilms or "slime" like you see on rocks in streams. I presented the evidence at a conference last fall and it got a mention in Science magazine which is a big deal. We are now scheduled for back to back talks at another conference in april. More to come on this one.

Working with world famous Paul Sereno on a new discovery of an ancient graveyard of hunter/gatherers from Africa. I an doing analysis of tools and grave goods. I cant say much here but you will be able to read all about it in National Geographic.

Just invented a fully automatic sorter for micro-fossils. It uses laser flouresence, machine vision and a feed system to automatically sort out small fossils from gravel. This is the first time anything like this has been done. Its totally patentable but I am probably going to make a big mistake and give it to paleontology as public domain (and hope someone doesn't patent something similar later and screw things up). See a demo here autopicker (http://tomkaye.com/autopicker/autopicker.htm)

Doing an expedition for the Burke Museum this summer and going to hang out with my buddies from the Smithsonian after. Working on writing a paper for Science and if they accept it, that will be a big deal because I am essentially an 'amateur'.

So thats the news!


02-08-2007, 12:42 AM
wow :wow:

so are you going to join the team from Northwestern? or just kinda keep in touch? or were you just flattered by the offer and wanted to share?

and erm... so any chance of an "archeological dig" in Racine County about 1 mile west of I-94 from may 5th to may 6th? :p or is the schedule busy busy?

02-08-2007, 12:43 AM
Just invented a fully automatic sorter for micro-fossils. It uses laser flouresence, machine vision and a feed system to automatically sort out small fossils from gravel. This is the first time anything like this has been done. Its totally patentable but I am probably going to make a big mistake and give it to paleontology as public domain (and hope someone doesn't patent something similar later and screw things up). See a demo here autopicker (http://tomkaye.com/autopicker/autopicker.htm)

Doing an expedition for the Burke Museum this summer and going to hang out with my buddies from the Smithsonian after. Working on writing a paper for Science and if they accept it, that will be a big deal because I am essentially an 'amateur'.

So thats the news!


deja vu?

02-08-2007, 12:43 AM
TK: Awesome stuff, simply awesome! You definately have "the life"



02-08-2007, 12:48 AM
Tom you are such a cool human being. Btw, you following this Turkana Boy business that's going on in Kenya? I thought Lucy was the oldest prehistoric human ever found?

Head knight of Ni
02-08-2007, 01:13 AM
I thought Lucy was the oldest prehistoric human ever found?

Not human.

02-08-2007, 01:15 AM
Bought a house in Sierra Vista Arizona and now I have the daunting task of packing my shop up to move. Its going to be about 2 semi's worth and that doesn't include my house. The place has perfect weather year round and great for astronomy.


you're a busy man. Arizona huh? thats with in driving distance for our next norcal vs socal game. wanna come? :D

02-08-2007, 01:40 AM
As I have told you all before I watch the forum every day and if you ask I appear. I do post occasionally if the thread is interesting.

LOTS going on here. Since you asked here is the overview, grab a Coke.

Bought a house in Sierra Vista Arizona and now I have the daunting task of packing my shop up to move. Its going to be about 2 semi's worth and that doesn't include my house. The place has perfect weather year round and great for astronomy.

I am trying to finish my giant telescope mirror before we move but its looking iffy. The thing is kicking my butt and this is my third try at getting the right figure. Need to make the telescope before we can discover a planet.

Speaking of astronomy, I was invited to join a team out of Northwestern University that is doing a research project for NASA developing light weight telescope mirrors for space. Very cool and very leading edge.

Have a controversy cooking in paleontology. If you remember back in 2005 Dr. Mary Schweitzer discovered "soft tissues" preserved in dino bone and it was huge news all over the world. I started looking into it and discovered evidence that says they are biofilms or "slime" like you see on rocks in streams. I presented the evidence at a conference last fall and it got a mention in Science magazine which is a big deal. We are now scheduled for back to back talks at another conference in april. More to come on this one.

Working with world famous Paul Sereno on a new discovery of an ancient graveyard of hunter/gatherers from Africa. I an doing analysis of tools and grave goods. I cant say much here but you will be able to read all about it in National Geographic.

Just invented a fully automatic sorter for micro-fossils. It uses laser flouresence, machine vision and a feed system to automatically sort out small fossils from gravel. This is the first time anything like this has been done. Its totally patentable but I am probably going to make a big mistake and give it to paleontology as public domain (and hope someone doesn't patent something similar later and screw things up). See a demo here autopicker (http://tomkaye.com/autopicker/autopicker.htm)

Doing an expedition for the Burke Museum this summer and going to hang out with my buddies from the Smithsonian after. Working on writing a paper for Science and if they accept it, that will be a big deal because I am essentially an 'amateur'.

So thats the news!



So what do you plan to do when you retire (not just from paint ball)? :P

02-08-2007, 02:45 AM
Jeez. That's a ton going on! And I thought my life was crazy. :tard:

Thanks for the update. I will be carefully reading my Popular Mechanics, National Geographic, and Science magazines. ;)

Maybe we'll have some cool article scans to post later.

02-08-2007, 03:10 AM
Tom Kaye (AGD) Because Quality Always Shoots Straight and Beyond! :shooting:

Good to hear you are doing well and up to new innovations. :headbang:

Since you are so close to California, you are more than welcome to join us in any AO Paintball Events here in California.

02-08-2007, 03:12 AM
Have a controversy cooking in paleontology. If you remember back in 2005 Dr. Mary Schweitzer discovered "soft tissues" preserved in dino bone and it was huge news all over the world. I started looking into it and discovered evidence that says they are biofilms or "slime" like you see on rocks in streams. I presented the evidence at a conference last fall and it got a mention in Science magazine which is a big deal. We are now scheduled for back to back talks at another conference in april. More to come on this one.

When the DNA from the soft tissue was published on NCBI (about 2003) I ran a comparative analysis against the rest of the database, for my junior honors biology paper. I said in my paper that this was just a case of the lab tech not washing his hands after using the bathroom while handling the material. I remember that the closet match to the sequence was some type of bacteria that was collected from the intestines of something or another.

BTW… Welcome to AZ. You will find that there are a lot of people from Chicago here (they finally decided to thaw out). Are you going to be doing any work at Graham LBT or Kitt peak?

02-08-2007, 12:34 PM
What college did Tom graduate from?

turbo chicken
02-08-2007, 01:39 PM
TK - I have read snippits here and there about what you were up to but i never imagined ... i really thought that all of that stuff was a joke ... is it???

your adventures remind me of the uncle in fraggle rock that wrote letters on what he was doing ...


'Cockers have gnomes. We've got the elves.
There are quite a few post that say cocker's have elves ... use search and see for yourself ... some of the old and really good post have been deleted :(

Elves do good things, that’s why they work for Santa and live in automags.
Gnomes guard things… thus why they are in gardens keeping veggies safe, and stand outside Dye and Smartparts.
Gremlins are the ones that make mechanical problems.
Autococker gremlins.

if I remember correctly i remember reading some talk on gnomes taking residence in mags ...

It hasn't been done for a while so ... i'm opening a thread on it (when i get home)... take a vote ... and see where we as a community stand on the subject ....

02-08-2007, 08:28 PM
I know its more than a small drive, but if you ever come to my local field, that would be rediculously cool. 23bps.com

WOHO tom lives in the same state as me :clap:

02-08-2007, 10:32 PM
i feel honored to have you living with all of us in az. im also from illinois.more specific the lincolnwood area in chicago.arizona is just the right place for astronomy, you know my school(chandler high school) has a astronomy night where a few scientists bring the high powered telescopes and we all gaze at the stars.itd be awesome if youd come next year.

02-08-2007, 11:14 PM
Any reason why you wouldnt patent it, and then make it available to anyone who wants to use it at no charge?

Or patent it, and charge a very nominal licensing fee to cover patent maintenance charges?

Noble gestures can be made while protecting yourself. Hope you do.

02-08-2007, 11:21 PM
Tom Kaye (AGD) Because Quality Always Shoots Straight and Beyond! :shooting:

Good to hear you are doing well and up to new innovations. :headbang:

Since you are so close to California, you are more than welcome to join us in any AO Paintball Events here in California.

yeah if you made it to socal it would be great..

02-09-2007, 01:04 AM
I know its more than a small drive, but if you ever come to my local field, that would be rediculously cool. 23bps.com

WOHO tom lives in the same state as me :clap:

You mean, "woo hoo!" right?

/jus' sayin'

02-09-2007, 06:01 AM
Tk if you need some help in AZ just fire me a line on my @luke.af.mil email... at very least I can try and wrangle up some of the rest of the Az crew.

02-09-2007, 10:40 AM
I think AO AZ is going to have to start setting up some meet & greets. :D

It is now home to our illustrious leader! :hail:

02-09-2007, 11:17 AM
So Tom, when is the Meet and Greet at the new house? Ya know, some of us miss the late night mind stimulating talks. :)

02-09-2007, 11:30 AM
Does Tom even want to play anymore, or is this a stupid question...
please don't ban me. :(

02-09-2007, 03:51 PM
Let me know if you ever need a pro bono computer science guy.

02-09-2007, 08:51 PM
Agreed, party at Toms house.
Congrats on all your other interests.

02-09-2007, 09:30 PM
Good luck with everything Tom. You deserve nothing but success!

02-09-2007, 10:27 PM
So Tom, you moved here to Sierra Vista?

Well well, let me be the first to welcome you to town. I've been here since 92 myself. Nice town, great to raise kids in. And the weather....well I'm sure I don;t need to tell you about that.

Shoot me a PM if you need any info about the area or if you just want someone to go grab a beer with.

Welcome once again