View Full Version : A random question for a literature major

02-09-2007, 02:54 AM
What is the other more common name for the book "The Apocalypse of the Fifth Epoch"?

I tried Wiki'ing it, but I couldn't find anything. I tried to order the book today at Border's and they had nothing on it. And when google'ing it, the only results of it were from my post arguing "wolfboyz" here on AO :p

I know it was written by an anonymous author and focus' primarily on religion and id. It also has a small cult following and a small activist group preaching the book. I believe it was first published in the 1920's.

If anyone could help, it'd be much appreciated.

02-09-2007, 09:16 AM
It doesn't even get any hits on google. I think its a figment of your imagination.

02-09-2007, 10:49 AM
It doesn't even get any hits on google. I think its a figment of your imagination.

Yea I didn't get anything either. Except of course for the AO thread. It's like it doesn't exist outside of this thread lol.

02-09-2007, 11:13 AM
Not sure that your looking for a book in particular by that title but a belief. If so, the following links might be of some use to you...

I don't endorse them btw...


02-09-2007, 11:20 AM
...And when google'ing it, the only results of it were from my post arguing "wolfboyz" here on AO :p ...
Already said Google has nothing on it.

It's not Christian per se, though it does have some references. It's mostly about the human id.

And I know it's real. I've read it before. A LONG time ago. There are two titles the book goes by.
1. (The most common which I cannot remember)
2. The Apocalypse of the Fifth Epoch

Kinda like "Slaughter House Five" is known also as "The Children's War" (IIRC), but you'll never hear anyone call it the latter.

02-09-2007, 11:52 AM
Also, just for repetition, the author is anonymous and the book was first published in the 1920's.

02-09-2007, 11:59 AM

I guess I misnoted the title. I must have meant "The Fifth Epochal Revaltion." Like I said, it's been years.

The more common title is "The Urantia Book" or "The Urantia Papers"

WIKI (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Urantia_Book)

I guess I'll be going back to Border's.

02-09-2007, 01:19 PM
Looks like it would be in the Fiction section. :p

02-10-2007, 02:54 AM
Looks like it would be in the Fiction section. :p
I would think to look in the Social Sciences, Religion, or possibly even Human/Animal Psychology departments.