View Full Version : Get your Pulse while you still can

02-09-2007, 12:18 PM

Looks like National is stoping the sale


02-09-2007, 12:31 PM

02-09-2007, 01:12 PM
See all the crap Smarts Parts started in the industry!
Now all these company are suing for rights and all that crap, and we as players lose out on good products in the end...

02-09-2007, 01:12 PM
Ah what?

02-09-2007, 02:08 PM
See all the crap Smarts Parts started in the industry!
Now all these company are suing for rights and all that crap, and we as players lose out on good products in the end...

Yeh, its all SPs fault that a party that has nothing to do with it decided to violate what NPS sees as there intellectual property rights.

And its all SPs fault NPS decided to defend it...


02-09-2007, 02:11 PM
SP invented paintball lawsuits don't ya know?


02-09-2007, 02:12 PM
SP invented paintball lawsuits don't ya know?


they should have patented them

02-09-2007, 02:23 PM
they should have patented them

They did, there just waiting for the rest of the industry to develop them more before enforcing them :rofl:

02-09-2007, 02:26 PM
Ah great what does this mean? That NPS will come out with something better than the pulse? Comon this is total crap. If they go there then AGD has a say on it for the intellifeed (RF chip). Not wireless but basic concept. All these ideas are built on top of ideas, its called evolution. NPS just makes crap and I am glad Bob Long left them. Marq FTW :headbang:


02-09-2007, 02:29 PM
They did, there just waiting for the rest of the industry to develop them more before enforcing them :rofl:

lol...they're called smart parts for a reason.

on topic:

anyone know what exactly the patent infringement is over on the Pulse?

and is there a site were you can look up lawsuits on patent infringements...I now of the google patent search...but am curious if you can look ip ah, other pending lawsuits....Tag against rudz, sp on invert...lol, not really, but you know what i mean. is there such a site?

02-09-2007, 03:25 PM
cone patent (http://www.google.com/patents?vid=USPAT6792933&id=wWgQAAAAEBAJ&dq=national+paintball+supply)

detection system (http://www.google.com/patents?vid=USPAT6889680&id=FygUAAAAEBAJ&dq=national+paintball+supply)

wonder if it's over one of these?

02-09-2007, 03:27 PM
I dont even know what all this means...but :mad: DOWN WITH SMART PARTS! :mad:
:mad: Im gonna burn my 2k2 shocker!....because they dont make noid orings for it anymore!! :mad:

02-09-2007, 03:32 PM
interesting patent from 1930 pnuematic machine gun (http://www.google.com/patents?vid=USPAT1743576&id=NHdHAAAAEBAJ&pg=PP1)

02-09-2007, 04:03 PM
/Reads thread...... :spit_take

Kind of expecting it.....the design was similar to the halo A & B, and reloaders.

Glad I grabbed my pulse and rf chip when I could. I'm looking to experiment with the rf chip and my RT. :D

02-09-2007, 04:39 PM
/Reads thread...... :spit_take

Kind of expecting it.....the design was similar to the halo A & B, and reloaders.

Glad I grabbed my pulse and rf chip when I could. I'm looking to experiment with the rf chip and my RT. :D

i know what you mean, i love mine....

but itl probly be nice when i can sell it like a year later for $200..

only problem is,...should the shell crack...kinda SOL :cuss:

hopefuly if its sent in for repairs(if they still do them) they wont snatch it and send you a check or something :argh:

02-09-2007, 05:44 PM
im waiting for someone to sue over gravity and their 200r. gravity fed hoppers

02-09-2007, 05:58 PM
Heh, and I was worried about them becomign too common. Glad I got mine :P

02-09-2007, 06:18 PM
i know what you mean, i love mine....

but itl probly be nice when i can sell it like a year later for $200..

only problem is,...should the shell crack...kinda SOL :cuss:

hopefuly if its sent in for repairs(if they still do them) they wont snatch it and send you a check or something :argh:

Ya my friend just went and got some intending to sell them down the road, because I told him about this.

02-09-2007, 06:51 PM
Why is NPS seuing them? What did they patent the DXS infringed on?

Paintball is going down the toilet because of these, finally some one releases a good product, then someone sues over it. :cuss:

So much for the APE pulse board :mad:

02-09-2007, 07:26 PM
Why is NPS seuing them? What did they patent the DXS infringed on?

Paintball is going down the toilet because of these, finally some one releases a good product, then someone sues over it. :cuss:

So much for the APE pulse board :mad:

it may not be a patent infringement but a disclosure violation.

02-09-2007, 07:38 PM
it may not be a patent infringement but a disclosure violation.
or did they fail to follow the reverse engineering process?

Doesn't it go something like this?
Engineer A examines said product, Engineer A writes up a spec for product, Engineer B tries to reproduce product off of specs from party a without seeing the original product?

02-09-2007, 09:59 PM
i read the link, and in one of the temporary restraining order PDFs it said patent number 5791325.

basically what is patented [in its preferred embodiment] is using a hall-effect sensor and a magnet on the bolt to tell when the gun is fired, and a time-delay circuit so the motor spins continuously instead of starting and stopping in rapid succession (and wasting batteries) when the gun is fired rapidly.

In my opinion they're stretching the patent. The patent did mention there are other ways to detect when the gun is firing, but they don't mention the intellifeed as prior art. I didn't see anything coving wireless circuits, but maybe the pulse uses the exact simple circuits described in the patent for the motor spin timing.

02-09-2007, 10:07 PM
I support NPS.

02-10-2007, 10:54 PM
heres more info


02-11-2007, 02:25 PM
Wow that was a lot of reading.
Looks like Procaps and NPS have been fighting it out for a while.

02-11-2007, 08:13 PM
That seems to just be NPS's side of the story from what i have read so far, and its a interesting read also. With LOTS of complaints against Procaps :D

Head knight of Ni
02-11-2007, 08:50 PM
Sorry Canada, but $160 was too much for a hopper anyways.

02-11-2007, 08:56 PM
summary of the pdf here are the complaints NPS has against procaps

1.2. Trademark Infringement over the Pulse being very similar shaped to the Halo.

Lying about the origin of halo design and pulse shape
3.NPS claims this causes unfair competition
4. Claiming that consumers could get confused between the pulse and halo
5.NPS claims this causes unfair competition
6. Cybersquatting over the domain, International Paintball Supply
7.False Advertising

in the video where they claim the Halo waits for a gap in the ball stack,
and that they make the Diablo, 32 degrees and fuel paintball brands.
8. Illegally using Trade secret info.

Claiming that that NPS owns the rights to produce wireless loaders and Procaps knew that NPS was planning to come out with a wireless loader so they purposefully released a loader to steal NPS's thunder from coming out with the first wireless loader.
9.10.Procaps breaking contract with NPS

Procaps used to have an agreement with NPS to have NPS exclusively distribute their products, and then when Procaps got big, they illegally broke contract and started to distribute their items on their own.
11.Infringing on Patent 5791325
12. 13. 14. 15. More complaints over the Pulse looking similar to the halo
16.Unfair competition over who can distribute the pulse.
17.Another complaint about Infringing on Patent 5791325
18. Procaps is illegally making money of patent infringement

Feel free to edit my list or correct anything i said as I am no lawyer and cannot read in general. I aint go no smarts either. :D

02-12-2007, 02:53 PM
Sorry Canada, but $160 was too much for a hopper anyways.

Yep, and I still think $120 is too much as well. But that's just me.

02-12-2007, 03:34 PM
From Pro Caps it sounds like they're fighting. Still being on the safe side I just ordered my RF chip and I'll install it myself.

02-12-2007, 04:05 PM
See all the crap Smarts Parts started in the industry!
Now all these company are suing for rights and all that crap, and we as players lose out on good products in the end...
SP DID NOT start it(they did the particular gun suing thing, but not suing in general), suing has been going on long before the SP fiasco.

02-12-2007, 04:18 PM
Im just going to say this and get it out,.. then let it rest.

Not that I want things to go this way,.. but AGD needs to take some action on their prior art and stop these issues into their own company needs.

What I mean is,.. Ive been looking through the paintball patents since 1997 trying to find out how a certain gun works. Since then I have become familiar with what guns came before which and what technology preceeds other companies claims to be their own thought ideas.

There is prior art to using electronics in a paintball gun BEFORE Smart Parts PVI Shocker. Why doesnt anyone take that patent for a ride and put Smart Parts in their place?

Im not saying that AGD is standing idle by and letting these paintball "vultures" take everything from us, the players. But AGD is a sound example of "let the players develope the game and we will support the player in the ways that expand the sport".

NPS and Smart Parts are a HUGE blemish on our sport. I see NPS bad image effect a local field many times by holding back orders of paint in hopes to push a newer, crappy, more expensive ball on the field owners which raises the field paint prices. They do it to be a marketing big shot,... I would drop a key name here,.. but anyone who knows the big shots name that starts with a "G" can already feel my anger.

I get the deal that lawyers and court dates can draw HUGE bills and can make a company go out of business. Smart Parts puts extentions on their older patents all the time to squeeze the competion a little more every year. I would GLADLY buy out that patent that superceeds theirs and take it to court. I have nothing better to do with my time!

There was a mention of the Hall Effect Sensor being used, a time delay circuit in a loader,... ummmmm,.... arent all those things used in an Emag and a warp feed???? WAY WAY prior to the patent date of the Halo???? Just a thought,...

If I ever get a field up and running,.... NPS will be the LAST resort to my business. They already screwed up 1 field where I live. I cant stand knowing I own gear that gets bickered over because one guy is mad that his Uber-loader clone is not making money like the other Uber-loader knock off and he wants to patent ideas that were not even his own.

National Paintball Supply SUCKS!!!! :nono: <----- if thats not allowed I'll take my ban moderators,.. thank you.

02-12-2007, 05:42 PM
6. Cybersquatting over the domain, International Paintball Supply



02-12-2007, 07:35 PM
6. Cybersquatting over the domain, International Paintball Supply


now that is :eek:MAJOR :eek: cyber squatting

02-12-2007, 07:40 PM
If I ever get a field up and running,.... NPS will be the LAST resort to my business. They already screwed up 1 field where I live. I cant stand knowing I own gear that gets bickered over because one guy is mad that his Uber-loader clone is not making money like the other Uber-loader knock off and he wants to patent ideas that were not even his own..

then your field def won't last..

02-12-2007, 08:06 PM
then your field def won't last..

What do you mean I should run my business using business sense rather than simple personal feelings? Its mine... :rolleyes:

Big Boy
02-12-2007, 08:36 PM
Ok...took the advice. Got one while I could. Lol, I had been thinking about it anyway. I hate law suits...

02-14-2007, 10:34 AM
Oops, still need to get my Pulse. Thanks for the info.

02-14-2007, 12:25 PM
I need help guys I sent my Pulse back to the factory about two weeks ago and I left an email for them asking if they received it. I have not heard back from them and today I look and their website is no longer available and the tech support number 571-261-3377 is no longer being answered by a person its a recording telling you to email tech support. I need to make sure these guys give me back my loader or at least contact me if not then I need to take legal action with these guys to get my money back.

02-14-2007, 12:45 PM
I need help guys I sent my Pulse back to the factory about two weeks ago and I left an email for them asking if they received it. I have not heard back from them and today I look and their website is no longer available and the tech support number 571-261-3377 is no longer being answered by a person its a recording telling you to email tech support. I need to make sure these guys give me back my loader or at least contact me if not then I need to take legal action with these guys to get my money back.

How long have you waited for a reply? Wait 48 hours, send another, and then start to worry. You do have to expect they are super busy right this moment.

02-14-2007, 01:32 PM
First email February 9th. Sent another one today and voicemail today as well.

02-14-2007, 01:34 PM
First email February 9th. Sent another one today and voicemail today as well.

Wouldn't count the 9th - the weekend does not count, and I do not know where DRX is located but understand part of the country has been crippled by snow. I would be concerned but not too much.

02-14-2007, 01:46 PM
Wouldn't count the 9th - the weekend does not count, and I do not know where DRX is located but understand part of the country has been crippled by snow. I would be concerned but not too much.

what he said

i also expect theyr moer busy than usualy with "concerned customers"

02-19-2007, 01:26 PM
I need help guys I sent my Pulse back to the factory about two weeks ago and I left an email for them asking if they received it. I have not heard back from them and today I look and their website is no longer available and the tech support number 571-261-3377 is no longer being answered by a person its a recording telling you to email tech support. I need to make sure these guys give me back my loader or at least contact me if not then I need to take legal action with these guys to get my money back.

The tech support number is now being answered, it's procaps direct now. My shell cracked :( so I called draxxus, they gave me the 571-261-3377 number. A gentleman answered and gave me the Pulse support address and told me to ship the pulse to them and include a note with the return address and the specific problem you're having with the unit. X ur fingers folks I'm gonna try and send it this week.

DXS Pulse Support
15235 John Marshall Hwy,
Gainesville, VA 20155

02-19-2007, 02:09 PM
Rumor is settlement is close and should be shipping again shortly

02-19-2007, 04:33 PM
Rumor is settlement is close and should be shipping again shortly
Darn, I was half-hoping that I'd have one of the few. I've only used it a couple times, it's in excellent condition, and having switched over to pump(mostly), I might even have sold it if the market value got high enough.

02-19-2007, 06:00 PM
nice but I still have heard nothing from them so I will call again tomorrow hopefully everything is good and I can get my pulse back fully working I installed the RF chip this week but have no pulse loader to test it with so I'm playing the waiting game. Oh well at least I finished the pnuemag and have a brand new dynaflow regulator on my 88/45 tank so that thing rips like no tomorrow.

02-22-2007, 02:21 PM
Woohooo they shipped it two days ago so I should see it next week. Seems like the lines are back up and at least the repairs are now being taken care of. I'm not sure about the new sales but at least the repairs are going through.