View Full Version : twist lock barrels

02-10-2007, 04:22 PM
anyone know where i can get a good kit for the classic twist lock? I looked around, and didnt find too much. I found a few, but im looking for more options. I found a couple of places that would allow me to "peice" together a kit, but i was hoping to buy one complete. Maybe im just looking in the wrong places...who knows. Oh, and how about those carbon fiber ones i see everyone has? I couldnt find those either. Links please.

02-10-2007, 04:28 PM
I think you can still get freak backs... but other than that, check the BST...

02-10-2007, 04:34 PM
yea, i found a few freak back ones, but they were either out of stock on automag kits, or just damned expensive. Ive been searching the B/S/T also, hoping i could find a CF one, but no go right now. Im thinking about a JJ ceramic also, opinions on those?

02-10-2007, 09:38 PM
Not very long ago I heard that Smart Parts still had some of the twist lock freak backs sitting on a shelf somewhere. When I asked my local shop to look into it, he reached under the counter and handed me a dusty one. They're out there, you just have to look around. Give Smart Parts a call, nothing to loose.

02-10-2007, 10:06 PM
i wanted a twist-loc freak back for my mag....found one on e-bay in the paintball section, under barrels heading....a little rare, but they are out there...


02-10-2007, 10:33 PM
most people with CF barrels have a ULE body which allows the much easier to find autococker threaded barrels. Good investment