View Full Version : remote for mag

01-02-2002, 06:21 PM
ok i tried a 6 stage expansion chamber from 32degrees and it started to leak. i redid the teflon and tried again with no leaks. when i shot it, it wass about 30-40 degrees, so it shot i thikn 5-7 times good and then started shooting co2 all over. i dont know what the problem was but it didnt do it again even with the expansion chamber. but once again it started to leak, so i am sending it back. i would like to get a remote now but i jsut need to know a few things.
-what does the slide check do?
-would it be good to get one and combine it with a expansion chamer or gas threw?
-which is probably the best to get?



01-02-2002, 06:27 PM
well...do yourself a favor...sell the expansion chamber and purchase an nice nitro tank off of ebay. 160 for a 68cu 4500psi..http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1055806854

Now if c02 is the only thing available...then you just just grab a palmer stabilizer and this: http://www.paintballnation.com/shop/index.html

just scroll down...air filter.

01-02-2002, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by RaV3n_Pa1ntba||
Now if c02 is the only thing available...then you just just grab a palmer stabilizer...

I use a palmer stabilizer with CO2 and it is not too bad. HPA is better, but with the temp in the low 50s and a remote tank (no expansion chamber) I wasn't getting any liquid in the gun.

01-02-2002, 06:59 PM

now do you use a remote or no? i couldnt fully understand what you said, but if you do what kind remote do you use?

01-02-2002, 07:18 PM
If possible, buy a nitro tank. You can get a new one for 100 bucks. But if that is out of the question, you could be like army, his mag has remote, expansion chamber, and I believe a regulator. He has numerous times bragged about the effiency and lack of freezing before.

01-03-2002, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by dio91
now do you use a remote or no? i couldnt fully understand what you said, but if you do what kind remote do you use?

Okay, here is probably more than you wanted to know. :)

I have a 20oz CO2 tank in a "pouch" on my belt. I use one of the coiled remote systems you see for sale everywhere that has a "on/off valve" that screws onto the CO2 tank. One end of the hose is attached to the "on/off valve" the other to the input of the stabilizer via a quick connect (it came with the remote setup). The output of the stabilizer goes into a "gas thru stock" (actually a micro ca, but that's another story).

01-03-2002, 03:18 PM
i dont think this was answered but a slidecheck allows you to shut off the gas flow by pulling a switch like thing i have and works great.

by the way i have a used smart parts expansion chamber in perfect condition for sale. my mag has never frozen up with this thing and it looks good too. now that i have nitro i dont need it. if your interested pm me