View Full Version : fans

where am i?
02-12-2007, 09:46 PM
I am planning on getting a fan or building some and maybe even selling some. And I want to know if anyone here uses them or what they think of them.

02-12-2007, 09:50 PM
I wouldn't buy anything from you that spins something with blades (plastic or not) in a circular motion at rather high speeds..oh and then wear it just above my eyes...nty.

02-12-2007, 09:58 PM
the noise annoys the $%^&*( out of me. Move around if you are getting hot, or buy a mask with better vents.

02-12-2007, 10:51 PM
the noise annoys the $%^&*( out of me. Move around if you are getting hot, or buy a mask with better vents.

thermals >

however fans are great for people with glasses(that need them)

the jt's are getting dirt cheap.

i doubt you could make something as good looking/working for the same price or lower that anyone but yourself would use.(not saying you cant, just it wont be easy)

almost NO ONE uses fans these days..

02-12-2007, 10:51 PM
I wouldn't buy anything from you that spins something with blades (plastic or not) in a circular motion at rather high speeds..oh and then wear it just above my eyes...nty.

lol ditto

turbo chicken
02-12-2007, 11:05 PM
i got an extreme rage 20/20 w/fan ... the fan is above the goggles ... and it works wonders ... i played 10years with wal-mart specials ...

don miguel
02-13-2007, 04:23 PM
I am planning on getting a fan or building some and maybe even selling some. And I want to know if anyone here uses them or what they think of them.
mabe go back to your I3's. Hey are you selling those btw?

02-13-2007, 05:04 PM
I use a pc fan on my Spectra.
My original Scott's Intruder would completly fog up, could not see through the fog at all.
My Spectra has an antifog lense and it gets all blury, if my fan is not on.
Have tryed different masks and I can fog anything.

02-13-2007, 05:07 PM
i had a turbine by dye that i gheto riged onto my vforce shield when i reffed at a field worked great on those hot days but dang it was loud.

if you can find fans that do not make a lot of noise and can hose them in a way to prevent anything from getting caught in the fan they will be great.

personaly since i switched to a ventz mask i dont feel the need for a fan any more but i also havent played much during really hot days with it either.


02-13-2007, 10:43 PM
I have a problem with sweating far more than the usual person. So a fan was ALWAYS NEEDED!

Imagine my time over seas! And no FAN!! Ugh.

I made a custom one with 2 smaller CPU fans running off a 9volt. They push air flow along the inside of the Flex-7 and dump a ton of air into the face and eyes.

So much,.. after a while I have to turn them off because they dry my eyes a bit.

I do get a few snickers from guys/kids/fake tourney players after they find out what it is for.
But I cant help it. Their all in full pants, towels, long sleeve shirts. Hear I am in shorts, tank top and just my mask and Im soaking wet. Its not a fun time!

I have a JT fan and it works well too,... but on a hot day I wear the mask with the larger fans.

BTW: A hot day for me is 75 degrees. Yeah,.. Im sweating in 75 degrees! And I weigh 190lbs.

Soopa Villain17
02-14-2007, 12:13 PM
i custom made one from a pc fan. works fine.

02-14-2007, 01:53 PM
I made custom fans for my JT mask since I wear eye glasses. I used a circuit called a Pulse Width Modulator to adjust the speed of the fans. The end result is two big fans turning slowly so it's not loud at all. If the fans were turning 100% it would be incredibly loud.

There is a thread outlining the procedure I used with pictures here:


02-14-2007, 06:59 PM
I used them when i started out in paintball. You can make a setup pretty cheaply if you get a 20x20mm fan, a 9v lead, and a variable resistor. But i cannot hear a freaking thing when i have a fan in my goggle, so i switched from glasses to contacts. Works great! :headbang: