View Full Version : Newfound appreciation for Mags

02-13-2007, 05:36 PM
I bought a Lasoya Promaster off eBay thinking it'd be the greatest thing in the world for 200 bucks. I like it and all but... idk how to say this really... Is it possible to simply not like electric guns?

There's just no satisfaction to pulling a little microswitch and having the gun shoot for you IMO. It just doesn't seem right. With mechanical guns you shoot it and can say "I DID THAT." Of course I've only ever played rec ball; in tournaments you may need to have the fastest gun possible regardless whether or not you like it.

The RT Automag... Mechanical operation, can be set up to have an extremely light and crisp trigger pull with the ULT or you can sit back with the stock on/off and lay waste with the bounce. If you own both you can easily swap them out for your current mood.

Never have I noticed how great the trigger is before I fired an electric again for the first time in years. Having the sear push the trigger back into position is now one my greatest infatuations with the gun. Springs... Not for me. Ever. Not after experiencing and playing with a mag for so long. It just doesn't return with a quick snap.

It's just something about the Automag that I love and can never live without. It's extremely small and light, easily changed up for current needs/wants, the gun fires with A SHORT AND CRISP SHOT(It sounds so cool compared to others), it has eyes :D , and I have a newfound LOVE of the Automag trigger reseting itself/crunk action. I know now that the trigger pull/feel is a big factor to how much I am going to like a gun.

I had a thread a while ago asking how much I could get for my prized possession and when I found I could easily get 400 dollars, I almost got to the point of wanting to trade it in for the Promaster and scoring 200 bucks. I'm glad I waited to see what the Promaster was like first. I now know I can not live without my mag and never again will selling it come to mind. I really don't think I'll ever get rid of this truly amazing gun.

BTW, I found it humorous to read how everyone thinks the Promaster is THE lightest gun they've ever held. When I got it out of the box and picked it up the first thing that came to my mind was how damn heavy it was lol. My ULE mag is a lot lighter, even with the steel emag valve (Before you say anything about the valve, I like how the polished steel looks next to the Alpha rail).

My Automag in particular:
-Is Very light and Very small
-Is configurable with the ULT and stock on/off
-Shoots incredibly straight with my Stiffi and cheap scorch paint from walmart
-Has a VERY satisfying trigger pull

I may end up selling my Promaster back because I don't think it'll get much use next to my mag. :clap:





02-13-2007, 05:51 PM
nice post. I have a ule automag with the ult. i have been playing with it for months(yes speed ball) it does feel rewarding to shoot a mech gun. It feel more satisfying. I borrowed my borhters matrix which is a good gun, but it didnt feel the same.

02-13-2007, 06:15 PM
Was the Lasoya Promaster used? Ive seen them for $220 new now.
I like your mag, the valve does look good with it.

02-13-2007, 07:56 PM
It was BIN $200 with $20 dollar shipping. Brand new - silver fade.
For 200 dollars it is a really nice gun. Costs less than the ions...

paint magnet
02-13-2007, 08:21 PM
Action Village has new Lasoya Promasters for $219...I'd get one but I refuse to touch anything with Lasoya's name on it.

Nice guns though, the FASOR design is severely underrated IMHO.

As for the trigger pull, I don't know. I shot mech to start with, switched to electro when I got my Apollo LCD...it felt weird to start with, and then I switched back to mech, which felt weird. Now I shoot all mech and have really strong trigger fingers--I hit 19 bps on a borrowed Gen-E trix with a Gun 20 chip the other day. It's all relative to what you're used to.

02-13-2007, 08:41 PM
I'm the same way. I owned an Ion and a BKO, and I liked neither of them just because of the way they felt.

02-13-2007, 11:10 PM
I hit 19 bps on a borrowed Gen-E trix with a Gun 20 chip the other day.
Vid or shens

I actually don't remember the "mech" feel. I mean, I kinda felt it on my emag, but I used it in e-mode 95% of the time, and it wasn't set up to be a mech gun anyway, and after my spyder shutter broke down my second time playing ever, and I bought an imagine, I haven't used a mech marker.
I'm <i>sure</i> that if I ever decide to buy a mech, I'll get a mag, but right now I'm having fun with my pump. (and I think the feel of pump is different than that of "mech," so I don't include it)

02-14-2007, 10:31 AM
Wow. Beautiful mag, I love the Stiffi on it. Great post, as well. I, too, would take a nice mech over a cheap electro anyday.

paint magnet
02-14-2007, 11:34 AM
Vid or shens

I actually don't remember the "mech" feel. I mean, I kinda felt it on my emag, but I used it in e-mode 95% of the time, and it wasn't set up to be a mech gun anyway, and after my spyder shutter broke down my second time playing ever, and I bought an imagine, I haven't used a mech marker.
I'm <i>sure</i> that if I ever decide to buy a mech, I'll get a mag, but right now I'm having fun with my pump. (and I think the feel of pump is different than that of "mech," so I don't include it)

No vid, we were just screwing around at the field after it got dark. Dry fire, no paint, just going by what the gun's LCD screen said.

02-17-2007, 01:44 PM
i guess i feel the same way about my Mag...she is setup similiar to your Mag, but with Retro Valve, UMF, no ult...she just shoots great and the trigger feel and pull is smooth...i have (2) shoeboxes, traded my 03 Shocker for this Mag, and i am happy with the Mag and its performance...thegrayghost... :clap:

02-17-2007, 02:19 PM
I often find myself thinking about this all the time when im in paintball mode. Im a bit of a gun whore and recently came accross a 2k2 shocker and 2k3 angel LCd. They were fast and all but i just didnt have the slightest bit of confidence using them. The electronics always portryaed the gun as brittle to me. I was always concerned about the stuff going up on the LCD so i sold it, and never looked back. I just dont like using an electronic gun. I think it takes away from the sport. Plus i only play rec ball so who cares. I dont like to brag but I get out a heck of a lot of ion toting electro kiddies. It almost seems like their head is only focusing on how fast they can move their fingers when they come around the bunker and not where their aiming. At times the rapid fire does scare me back into hiding, but usually with a few well placed shots from my minimag i could get em out. Ive since sold that gun which had to be my favorite gun of all time and built my nightmag. After using so many guns i've pretty much made up my mind to stick with a mech mag. I hve a ULT on my gun now and was thinking about pneumaging, but i figured...why? I do great as it is, why spend more money to change it.
My first keeper minimag
http://img1.putfile.com/thumb/1/715351253.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=4467575)
sold it and all my other mags to build this :)
http://img1.putfile.com/thumb/2/3408391750.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=4681601)

02-17-2007, 08:49 PM
Sixtoes, I'm digging the silver... I like how you have that set up.
I too thought about adding pneumatics to my mag, but I ultimately came to the conclusion that I was already very happy with the gun I own. I don't want to permanently change anything with it. If I want a light pull, I'll play with my ULT. If I want a stock mech mag pull, I'll play with the stock on/off... And I absolutely love how both of them feel. Takes all of two minutes to change em out. It's almost like having two guns in one...

02-18-2007, 08:58 AM
http://img1.putfile.com/thumb/2/3408391750.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=4681601)[/QUOTE]

If the Dye SS barrel im sending you is going on this gun that
will be sweet. :headbang:

02-18-2007, 10:29 AM
oh yes....Mwahhaahaha :mad: it is :) should look awsome and i love having a rediculously short barrel on a warp fed gun...it just looks...menacing. Cant wait :) The customizability of a mag is just like endless which is what i love about it. there are so many different trigger feels you can accomplish with it in such a little time. Plus you can always chance it back.
One of the biggest things i like about them is the :confused: "WTF" :eek: -effect as i like to call it. Its hard to play a game because everyone is asking me so many questions and just looking over it. and i havnt even played with my nightmag yet though. havnt even shot it. too cold and im out of air! I got all kinda attention just with the mini. This one should be rediculous. It's nice to have a gun that cost a portion of some of the guns at my feild yet still have more cool factor than them. And im not usually one for attention or standing out...i just let my toys speak for me.

02-20-2007, 07:35 PM
Speaking of bouncing and making the trigger pull light and crisp, when i was retuning my level 10 today (old o-rings cause it to bee too loose in one carrier, but in the next tightest you get bolt stick, so i had to replace that) i decided to try what someone said and put a level 10 spacer in my on/off assembly (i have a classic rt, no ULT for me) and i was surprised at the difference it made. It bounces even faster and teh pull is shorter and lighter. I just wish i had trigger stops so there wouldn't be any slack and i could walk it nicer.

02-20-2007, 07:40 PM
I have a friend who is exactly the same. He hates electro's and loves mechs.

Personally, I like both. I love the feel of shooting a marker fast, but I also love the feel of a well timed cocker.

02-20-2007, 08:01 PM
Speaking of bouncing and making the trigger pull light and crisp, when i was retuning my level 10 today (old o-rings cause it to bee too loose in one carrier, but in the next tightest you get bolt stick, so i had to replace that) i decided to try what someone said and put a level 10 spacer in my on/off assembly (i have a classic rt, no ULT for me) and i was surprised at the difference it made. It bounces even faster and teh pull is shorter and lighter. I just wish i had trigger stops so there wouldn't be any slack and i could walk it nicer.forget the trigger stops. They will stop the sear from releasing all the way and WILL wipe out the bolt and sear...you need FULL PULLS mainly.

02-20-2007, 09:46 PM
I have had a great appreciation for some time. My Automag was stored for about 2 years while I was in Iraq, came home to a new baby, and so on. Took it out the other day, replaced some o-rings that looked dicey, gassed it up and it was good to go - in 15 degree weather no less. The only other maintenance I've needed to do on the old Automag, in seven years, was to replace the bolt spring (yes, it has been used well).

One thing I ran into the other day while playing was a lot more electros that could throw down some heavy fire. Not just shooting a blender either, enough of the electro guns have useful ACE's that they can actually shoot balls (and not cottage cheese). Even two years ago, I could hold my own against anything besides an Angel or such. No so anymore. I am not an electric marker fan; I like the feel of a mechanical trigger (I also shoot target .45 pistol).

Anyway, I picked up a new RT Pro ULE with a ULT kid. Broke in and got the Lvl 10 set, then played with the ULT. Man, once you get that just right it is a beautiful thing. I am looking forward to the next game.

02-21-2007, 12:01 AM
forget the trigger stops. They will stop the sear from releasing all the way and WILL wipe out the bolt and sear...you need FULL PULLS mainly.
I meant more for the slack up front, not shortening it by stopping it from going back all the way. It's just somewhat sloppy for my liking now and i want to pull up that slack, because if i point my gun down my trigger hangs in front of the sear rod, it's just harder to walk that way.