View Full Version : How many AO'ers are making the MOUT game?

02-14-2007, 09:01 PM
I know there is a partially live post in the appropriate forum.....

Just wondering how many, if any of you AO'ers will be at Blanding for the MOUT game?

I will be there sporting my "purple" Hyperframed mag. Hoping to see some more of you there. I will be off at one of the local pubs in Starke running them out of liquor friday night. Look for me in a Hawaiian print shirt on Sunday at the game.

02-15-2007, 05:50 AM
I can’t make it, but my marker will be. :D Have a great time and be safe.

02-15-2007, 05:56 AM
I was supposed to go also, but my life is over now...

Enjoy the game and post lots of pics when you guys get back :dance:

02-15-2007, 10:33 AM
I'll be there.

No special garb, just camo for the woods worn in a town, lol.

Maybe it's jeans and a tshirt time. :ninja:

02-15-2007, 11:31 AM
im there with 4 freinds. lets exchange some info so we can group up. :cheers:

02-15-2007, 07:27 PM
As big as this may be I don't know where or how we would meet. I am staying in Starke. Playing with a team called the Skunk Apes. A banner will be out at "camp".

I will be carrying a Purple ULE bodied hyperframed mag....

02-19-2007, 06:40 PM
This was an awesome game!!!! The Hoarde overcame the Alliance even though the inside of the city was held down by them (Alliance) all weekend. We (Hoarde)managed to gain a few more points here and there doing our objectives and holding key buildings.

Got to meet Legume of Terror. He let me shoot his incredible Pneumag, and we were able to work together for a bit. He ran out of paint and I lost track of him. Great to meet ya!!!
Also met Flyboy's son shooting a half pewter valved Emag....

There were quite a few mags at the event. Many Tac One's which one of the vendors were actually selling new in the box. Legume and I saw what we thought was a Zbodied mag, but it turned out to be a Desert Fox or somesuch thing. Couple of Emags and warp bodied mags and Tacs.

Most of the people I talked to knew of AO or used to be members, most suprised that we are still here.

11 Bravo
02-19-2007, 07:30 PM
I was there and froze my rear off friday night. What the heck is going on? It was like the ice age. I am not used to that at all. :( Other than getting frostbite of the tonsils I had a great time again. Didnt see any purple Hypermags though, but I was on the Alliance side. Have no idea how we lost. :confused: Were all your missions at your base or something. :D j/k

As big as the game was. I was suprised that I ran into a couple of guys I know from the AKA forum. What are the chances of that. I stumble into the same room that they are in out of a total of what 16 buildings and unknown number of rooms. I guess Viking owners since each other. :D

02-19-2007, 09:07 PM
I was there and froze my rear off friday night. What the heck is going on? It was like the ice age. I am not used to that at all. :( Other than getting frostbite of the tonsils I had a great time again. Didnt see any purple Hypermags though, but I was on the Alliance side. Have no idea how we lost. :confused: Were all your missions at your base or something. :D j/k

As big as the game was. I was suprised that I ran into a couple of guys I know from the AKA forum. What are the chances of that. I stumble into the same room that they are in out of a total of what 16 buildings and unknown number of rooms. I guess Viking owners since each other. :D

You aren't kidding about the cold. It was crazy Saturday morning, but warmed up nicely by mid day. Sunday morning wasn't comfortable either, that wind was something else.

I am quite suprized at the outcome. The Alliance had the city locked down the entire game. The group I came with felt like we were getting our butts kicked the entire time. Guess what seem like small things add up.

I brought my viking as well, but for the first time since owning it I had problems with it. Actually both my markers, 2 tanks, and 3 fill nipples were a problem for me.....It was around 2o'clock before I got to play after the first 5 minutes of game on.
Luckily for me I was able to fix the mag and play with it hassle free the rest of the game.

02-20-2007, 10:17 AM
hey punkncat, great playing with you! glad you liked my mag!

our tent had a nice sheet of ice on it saturday morning. ive got some pictures from the event ill put up once the get developed. i just wish i could have got to the large building in the center... we were pretty much pinned the entire time. my mag locked up the frist morning and i had the turn the input way up to get it to cycle, then i could turn it down to normal.