View Full Version : Rubik's Cube

02-16-2007, 04:25 AM
Well, I officially admit it. I have passed over to the dark side.

My friend showed me how to start a rubik's cube sometime last week, and I'm hooked. I've spent hours learning different ways to solve it, but I can't seem to memorize the algorithms. There's like... 78 that I need to learn, I think, and I can't seem to keep more than five or six in my head. Anyone do this before? Got any tips on learning?

Plus, I'm trying to find a new cube that has the adjustable screws. The only ones I've seen are all preset from the factory. I've greased mine, and it's much much better than it was, but still leaves something to be desired. It's not as smooth as I'd like, but feels a little bit sticky.

/buy one, it's a great time-waster in history class...
//Oh, and I timed myself last night, got 1:33.xx

02-16-2007, 06:55 AM
I don't know the algorithms, but you only need like 5 or 6. And they are not too many moves.

you want tough? Get a Soduku Cube.

02-16-2007, 01:36 PM
i think my friends use graphite to lube theirs

02-16-2007, 01:40 PM
you only need 1 twist sequence. the rest is logic

02-16-2007, 04:57 PM
my best time was 3x.xx seconds around 36. Since we were doing it with the second hand of a clock it wasn't very accurate except to the tens place.

This time wasn't reproducible though since I got it by luck. My average is around 1.45.xx but that was 2 years ago. I don't even remember the algorithms to solve the cube anymore, haha.

02-16-2007, 07:23 PM
I don't know the algorithms, but you only need like 5 or 6. And they are not too many moves.

you want tough? Get a Soduku Cube.
Actually, I can solve it consistently in under two minutes, but I'm wasting major time by having to use the same two algorithms 3-5 times to get the effect of one correct algorithm.

I also took off the lithium grase I previously had on the cube today(washed all the little pieces), and put on silicone spray. I'm not sure I like it. I might need to switch back. I really need a looser cube...

Graphite huh? I'll look into that. I've never heard of that on cubes before.

02-16-2007, 07:34 PM
Actually, I can solve it consistently in under two minutes, but I'm wasting major time by having to use the same two algorithms 3-5 times to get the effect of one correct algorithm.

I also took off the lithium grase I previously had on the cube today(washed all the little pieces), and put on silicone spray. I'm not sure I like it. I might need to switch back. I really need a looser cube...

Graphite huh? I'll look into that. I've never heard of that on cubes before.

silicone spray will eat the stickers and they'll eventually fall off. that's why people use graphite if I remember correctly. also, don't always try to go fast. Sometimes take your time and try and figure out new algorithms and slowly try to cut moves off on certain sequences. usually it will take around 2 hours to find a new algorithm on your own and be proficient at using it at speed.

What method are you using right now? If you're still solving in layers, you'll never break the 30 sec mark without luck.

02-16-2007, 07:45 PM
Man....this thread brings back childood memories.

I got my first Rubik's when I was 7. This was during the Rubik's cube craze. Pop's gave it to me to play with, and was amazed when I solved it. Thinking I had cheated by taking out the squares and reassembling it, he scrambled it, and gave it back to me---but watched this time. When I solved it again, he went out and bought the book of solutions. I memorized the book in ~1 week.

My fastest time at age 7 was 1:3x . It's been over 20 years, so I am unsure of the exact time.

Never went so far as to grease them. Never even thought of that back then.

Cool stuff. Good thread.

02-16-2007, 07:51 PM
There's like... 78 that I need to learn, I think, and I can't seem to keep more than five or six in my head. Anyone do this before? Got any tips on learning?

For me, it was about pattern recognition and repetition. I know Im making it sound simple, even though it isnt.

You gotta get to the point where its reflex. See the pattern, and you automatically start turning---little, if any thinking at all. All subconscious.

Do something more than 25+ times consecutively, and you are cognitively building this reflex by repetition.

Thats the best advice I can give you.

02-16-2007, 09:08 PM
silicone spray will eat the stickers and they'll eventually fall off. that's why people use graphite if I remember correctly. also, don't always try to go fast. Sometimes take your time and try and figure out new algorithms and slowly try to cut moves off on certain sequences. usually it will take around 2 hours to find a new algorithm on your own and be proficient at using it at speed.

What method are you using right now? If you're still solving in layers, you'll never break the 30 sec mark without luck.

Well, I took the cube all apart again and seriously washed it. I think I got near 90+% of the grease off it, and amazingly, it started turning better unlubed than with the silicone grease. Then I took out one cube, put a small amount of lithium grease back in, and it's working pretty well now.

I started learning with a simple 5 step method, cross, corners, middle edges, top corners, and then top edges. My friend showed me the cross, corners, and middle edges, and then I went home, bought a cube, and found a video online showing the rest.

Then I started solving the first two layers at once after the cross(F2L friedrich method), and don't use algorithms for that. I've done it enough times that I know where the pieces need to move to get everything to fit. I'm slow, but I'm at least doing it right. I've got a couple(we're talking 3-4 only) algorithms that will get me past OLL and I'm working on memorizing the PLL algorithms. At the moment, I've got enough to make it work, but it frustrates me to no end when I see an easy solution to the rubik's cube, but don't know the algorithm, especially on PLL, where the cube is <i>so</i> close to being done.

Oh and Rogue, I musta solved the cube somewhere around 200-300 times already, in the last week.

How do you "just see" it? I mean, I know it's reflex, so you can't really explain, but the slowest part for me is looking for the pieces I need. I see a piece I can use, and I look for the other edge to line it up with(for F2L), but that takes time, and many times it's on the other side of the cube. Just keep practicing?

02-16-2007, 09:23 PM
Lubrication of a Rubik's cube?


Have any of you ever kissed a girl? :)

02-16-2007, 09:28 PM
Lubrication of a Rubik's cube?


Have any of you ever kissed a girl? :)
I admitted that first thing in my first post.

And to your question, I'll answer a simple, "yes."
And no, you don't get the details...

02-16-2007, 10:31 PM
You see these vids? Bottom of page. These are 5,6,7 X. You doing the 3X?

This guy had, has a record.


02-16-2007, 11:43 PM
Yup, I watched the 7x7x7 one. That's crazy.

02-16-2007, 11:57 PM
i always just pealed the stickers off and re aranged them

02-17-2007, 12:07 AM
i always just pealed the stickers off and re aranged them
You realize that you can pull off the cubes instead right? Takes alot less time and you don't ruin the stickers.

02-17-2007, 12:08 AM
Oh and Rogue, I musta solved the cube somewhere around 200-300 times already, in the last week.

Time must be one of the benefits of being a 7 year old. Once I had the solutions, I was solving the cube 100's of times per day.

Doubt I could do that nowadays. Dont have the time or the patience.

How do you "just see" it?

Dont know how to explain it. There comes a point where you see a pattern, and your hands move. You dont think about it, it just happens.

If you watch the olymiccube videos, youll notice he looks at the cube(sees a pattern), and his fingers fly. Then he is already looking to the next expected pattern from the moves he just made.

I mean, I know it's reflex, so you can't really explain, but the slowest part for me is looking for the pieces I need. I see a piece I can use, and I look for the other edge to line it up with(for F2L), but that takes time, and many times it's on the other side of the cube. Just keep practicing?

Give it enough time, and some more practice. Youll begin to start seeing the next move. Youll recognize patterns faster. It will become a reflex.

02-17-2007, 12:31 AM
You realize that you can pull off the cubes instead right? Takes alot less time and you don't ruin the stickers.

i was young and simple :D

02-17-2007, 12:57 AM
Time must be one of the benefits of being a 7 year old. Once I had the solutions, I was solving the cube 100's of times per day.

I'm going to assume that's a typo, cause I'm 17 :P

But wow, I didn't realize you were keeping tabs on me... lol

Dont know how to explain it. There comes a point where you see a pattern, and your hands move. You dont think about it, it just happens.

If you watch the olymiccube videos, youll notice he looks at the cube(sees a pattern), and his fingers fly. Then he is already looking to the next expected pattern from the moves he just made.

Give it enough time, and some more practice. Youll begin to start seeing the next move. Youll recognize patterns faster. It will become a reflex.

I hope so... I hope so...
Thanks Rogue

02-17-2007, 01:57 AM
I'm going to assume that's a typo, cause I'm 17 :P
he was talking about himself

02-17-2007, 02:34 AM
he was talking about himself

05-03-2007, 02:44 AM
Just gonna bump this thread a little bit...

New Personal Best!

32 seconds!

and of course... as AOers all know, pics or shens :dance:
I hope a video will suffice...

<embed width="430" height="389" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://vid43.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid43.photobucket.com/albums/e383/jenarelJAM/Video-0001-1.flv"></embed>

0:20 Mixing. 0:23 Start. 0:55 End.

(oh, and I took this with a camera phone :P)
Enjoy :cheers:

05-03-2007, 03:16 AM
Why grease the cube???

05-03-2007, 04:35 AM
my screw-driver lets me beat a rubics cube in 10 seconds :D

05-03-2007, 08:43 AM
I just used to peel the stickers off and move them.

05-03-2007, 01:24 PM
Why grease the cube???
So it slides easier. When you buy it from the store, it's really tough to turn, you can't flick it with a single finger.

05-04-2007, 02:40 AM
Here's the rest of the family :dance:

2x2x2 - deceptively simple
<embed width="430" height="389" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://vid43.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid43.photobucket.com/albums/e383/jenarelJAM/Video-0003.flv"></embed>

4x4x4 - still a little slow
<embed width="430" height="389" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://vid43.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid43.photobucket.com/albums/e383/jenarelJAM/Video-0004.flv"></embed>

5x5x5 - work with me, I'm still new at this, and it's not easy to turn
<embed width="430" height="389" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://vid43.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid43.photobucket.com/albums/e383/jenarelJAM/Video-0005.flv"></embed>

EDIT: it's funny when you play them all at once... :rofl:

05-14-2007, 12:21 AM
Is 2x2x2 easier or harder? It seems like they'd be harder the more squares they have, but I can't do any Rubik's Cube, so what do I know...

05-14-2007, 12:48 AM
Wow, the things I missed as a child. I have never played with one.

05-14-2007, 01:08 AM
Lol, if you want, I can post a tutorial. I made one a couple weeks ago. Videos of every step. Here, I'll post the Links:


ThePixelGuru, the 2x2x2 is easier than the 3x3x3, but the first time you pick one up, you'll probably still be somewhat disoriented. You can use 3x3x3 algorithms to solve it, but you've got to get used to it. Plus, it feels really weird...

05-16-2007, 04:35 PM
Shove butter knives between all the cracks you can and leave it overnight. It will stretch and loosen it a bunch IIRC.