View Full Version : AGD Shop

02-19-2007, 06:34 PM
Hey ive recently learned that AGD is based in Illinois. Is that true?
So i got to thinking...well I live in Illinois, i wonder if they do "tours" or have something cool for mag owner s to come and check out. It would be worth a trip i think. Just curious, has anyone ever been to AGD?

02-19-2007, 06:51 PM
Hey ive recently learned that AGD is based in Illinois. Is that true?
So i got to thinking...well I live in Illinois, i wonder if they do "tours" or have something cool for mag owner s to come and check out. It would be worth a trip i think. Just curious, has anyone ever been to AGD?

they have done tours, and whatnot of the shops.

i would call ahead and see if they will have somone to spare. i dont think its very cost effective for agd to do tours.

02-19-2007, 09:25 PM
What else do they have to do? I figure it is full of cobb webs and dust. Maybe even human remains. No one has heard from Zupe in a while...:spit_take

02-19-2007, 09:32 PM
What else do they have to do? I figure it is full of cobb webs and dust. Maybe even human remains. No one has heard from Zupe in a while...:spit_take

I LOL'ed.

But now that you know, the :ninja: 's are coming.....

02-20-2007, 01:02 AM
hmm, well, i figure...hey, they are in Illinois, Im in illinois, and it would be a fun time. So why not? Maybe i will call in and see...just for giggles.

02-20-2007, 03:31 AM
I know MacDev does stuff like that. When I visited their factory in Sydney, James and Bourke sat down with me and talked for a couple hours. I'm sure AGD would do the same.

02-20-2007, 05:20 AM
They'll probably just kidnap you and eat you.

02-20-2007, 05:59 AM
Zupe is just fine btw..

02-20-2007, 06:54 AM
Zupe is just fine btw..

No he's a cannibal.

02-20-2007, 07:47 AM
What else do they have to do? I figure it is full of cobb webs and dust. Maybe even human remains. No one has heard from Zupe in a while...:spit_take

No human remains.... Dead elves :cry:

02-20-2007, 08:33 AM
I think my elves are on strike...the oppression they are facing and all.

02-20-2007, 12:20 PM
I think my elves are on strike...the oppression they are facing and all.

No that just means they're old. Send them back to AGD and Zupe will eat them and send you new ones.

02-20-2007, 04:23 PM
Hey ive recently learned that AGD is based in Illinois. Is that true?
So i got to thinking...well I live in Illinois, i wonder if they do "tours" or have something cool for mag owner s to come and check out. It would be worth a trip i think. Just curious, has anyone ever been to AGD?

I thought the same thing a couple of years ago. So, I did visit their office but it's nothing special. First of all, it's kind of hard to find. If you walk in and ask for a tour, they'll probably let you, but first they'll give you a look that kind of says "well, if you really WANT to....". And the reason they give you that look is when you walk in there's the secretary, the vice president across from her, and a tech guy in the back room. And it literally is about three rooms, the office, storage and assembly/tech space. They used to own the whole building, but it's not exactly the gory days of AGD anymore. Don't get me wrong, they were all acomodating and I had a really good talk with Roman, one of their techs, but what I just told you is about as close as you need to get to a tour. But if you're just dying to do it, knock yourself out.

02-20-2007, 04:26 PM
Smart Parts does tours as well.

But you need to fill out some 300+ page disclaimer/waiver,... there was a nurses station too!
I didnt really understand why they needed a pint of my blood before touching any of their products.

There is a nifty store where you can buy some of the professional used guns before they hit the market. Anyone under the age of 18 must bring parental permission to purchase merchandise as the store only deals in souls. :eek:

Across the street is a nice little motel they co-own, I tried looking it up under the yellow pages but "Pergatory Burner Bunker" did Google so well. I do have a number if anyone wants it though, 1-800-992-2147, ask for "Satan". :mad:

Anyone looking for used Smart Parts gear,.. let me know!! Im always looking for a buyer to take up my remaining contract years in hell,.. err,.. I mean,.. the remainder of the warrenty is still good! :hail:

02-20-2007, 04:51 PM
Smart Parts does tours as well.

But you need to fill out some 300+ page disclaimer/waiver,... there was a nurses station too!
I didnt really understand why they needed a pint of my blood before touching any of their products.

There is a nifty store where you can buy some of the professional used guns before they hit the market. Anyone under the age of 18 must bring parental permission to purchase merchandise as the store only deals in souls. :eek:

Across the street is a nice little motel they co-own, I tried looking it up under the yellow pages but "Pergatory Burner Bunker" did Google so well. I do have a number if anyone wants it though, 1-800-992-2147, ask for "Satan". :mad:

Anyone looking for used Smart Parts gear,.. let me know!! Im always looking for a buyer to take up my remaining contract years in hell,.. err,.. I mean,.. the remainder of the warrenty is still good! :hail:

They have the nurses station probably because they wouldn't want to be taken to court....I don't think they like that sort of thing....

02-20-2007, 05:04 PM
I have been to AGD a couple times. Though, I am sure things are a little less interesting with Tom gone.

If you go, ask Zupe to show you his rockets.

Everyone at AGD is great (though I am not sure who is around any more). Marcia, Roman, Zupe, Brian...

02-20-2007, 05:06 PM
Smart Parts does tours as well.

But you need to fill out some 300+ page disclaimer/waiver,... there was a nurses station too!
I didnt really understand why they needed a pint of my blood before touching any of their products.

There is a nifty store where you can buy some of the professional used guns before they hit the market. Anyone under the age of 18 must bring parental permission to purchase merchandise as the store only deals in souls. :eek:

Across the street is a nice little motel they co-own, I tried looking it up under the yellow pages but "Pergatory Burner Bunker" did Google so well. I do have a number if anyone wants it though, 1-800-992-2147, ask for "Satan". :mad:

Anyone looking for used Smart Parts gear,.. let me know!! Im always looking for a buyer to take up my remaining contract years in hell,.. err,.. I mean,.. the remainder of the warrenty is still good! :hail:

I remember back when Smart Parts was located in a garage and you could walk in off the street, ask to try out gear and just pick your stuff right off the shelves in the warehouse. That was back when I thought SP was a cool place and played with a lot of the guys that worked there....circa 1994.

02-20-2007, 08:55 PM
If you go, ask Zupe to show you his rockets.

Yea and shrunken heads.

Everyone at AGD is great ... Zupe...

Yea except for he consumes other human beings.

02-20-2007, 10:10 PM
Back in the day they used to have team nights. You could go and work on your gun and talk with the guys from AGD. This was when Dave Youngblood was in AGD videos.

02-20-2007, 10:24 PM
Smart Parts does tours as well.

But you need to fill out some 300+ page disclaimer/waiver,... there was a nurses station too!
I didnt really understand why they needed a pint of my blood before touching any of their products.

When you're the Vampire of the industry, you need fresh blood on a daily basis.

02-20-2007, 10:28 PM
ive been to AGD a few times but it wasnt just for looking around, me and some friends would call ahead with a mag that needed to be fixed and we'd bring it in and roman would give us the tour. by far the coolest time was when we got to see a batch of xmags before they were assembled.

02-21-2007, 12:23 AM
ive been to AGD a few times but it wasnt just for looking around, me and some friends would call ahead with a mag that needed to be fixed and we'd bring it in and roman would give us the tour. by far the coolest time was when we got to see a batch of xmags before they were assembled.
Aw, now i wish i had gone with my mom when she picked up my parts at the shop for me (she worked near there then). It would've been like charlie and the chocolate factory.

02-21-2007, 12:52 AM
Back in April 2005, I was on vacation, and flew in to Chicago to see a good friend, who happened to be an Automag owner as well.

To make a long story short, since we knew he lived closeby, we decided to call up and see if we could see it. Marcia, answered and very humbly said "Sure, but there's not really much to see".

Yeah it was small, but it was really nice that Marcia would accomodate us, since I was only in Chicago for a short time. We got to see the small office, briefly meet Roman, and even David Zupan showed up. I made some purchases in person, some Automags.Org hats, a parts kit. My buddy surprised me and bought a new Automag! :shooting:

Yeah, the personal tour of my markers' birthplace was really cool. I always wanted to go. It's just too bad TK had officially resigned as President just literally days before. :cry:

Yeah, it was one of the highlights of my 2005 vacation:

AIRGUN DESIGNS - Where Quality is Made :hail:

02-21-2007, 07:55 PM
Yeah I live right down the street from AGD. Drop my stuff of if something comes up that I can't figure out. Pick stuff up on my way home from work ....

Last time I was in there I got to sit down with Dave and talk about some stuff. Got to see the new Tac-One rail before they released it. Let my buddy buy one so he could give some feed back on it.

Very nice .... starting to get rid of all my Tippmann's and keeping my Mags and my Phantom. :eek:

02-28-2007, 11:44 AM
I always thought about looking it up next time I'm in Chicago...but I've always been afraid that I would get there and it would just be a basement below some guys house and when I knocked on the door asking for a tour they would all laugh at me and say, "Tour what?"

I mean think about...if somebody came to your office while you were busy at work (typing messages in the AO forum) and tells you they love your companies products and would like a tour...what would you think? I'd be like, "Well, that's where I sit and there's the place we eat lunch and the bathroom is right there but don't use the second stall because the toilet is messed up...and there's your tour."

It's like back in college when some alumni would knock on your dorm room door and ask to see his old room. We'd let him in...but the room isn't the same way he left it. And what were we supposed to talk to him about? We just would stand there and stare at them because all the questions in our head were about how lame their lives must be that they have to come back to their dorm to relive old memories. Then they would proceed to tell us about how cool things were back in 1971 and how they'd have naked parties and kegs in their room and it was a blast! :clap: And that would just tick us off because our lives blew and we weren't allowed to have kegs and the girls were fully clothed and all we did was sit around studying for organic chemistry mid-terms.

02-28-2007, 11:54 AM
I always thought about looking it up next time I'm in Chicago...but I've always been afraid that I would get there and it would just be a basement below some guys house and when I knocked on the door asking for a tour they would all laugh at me and say, "Tour what?"

I mean think about...if somebody came to your office while you were busy at work (typing messages in the AO forum) and tells you they love your companies products and would like a tour...what would you think? I'd be like, "Well, that's where I sit and there's the place we eat lunch and the bathroom is right there but don't use the second stall because the toilet is messed up...and there's your tour."

It's like back in college when some alumni would knock on your dorm room door and ask to see his old room. We'd let him in...but the room isn't the same way he left it. And what were we supposed to talk to him about? We just would stand there and stare at them because all the questions in our head were about how lame their lives must be that they have to come back to their dorm to relive old memories. Then they would proceed to tell us about how cool things were back in 1971 and how they'd have naked parties and kegs in their room and it was a blast! :clap: And that would just tick us off because our lives blew and we weren't allowed to have kegs and the girls were fully clothed and all we did was sit around studying for organic chemistry mid-terms.

Yeah ... ahhh .. those parties DO still happen ... it just requires some chemical assistance. Like it did in the early 70's.