View Full Version : gained weight

02-19-2007, 09:55 PM
i got a question, is being 180lbs when your 15 normal? i weighed myself today and i am 180 lbs. last time i checked (probably a month or 2 ago) i was 165. i dont look different, (i compared pictures) and i actually feel better (not as tired and sick all the time) my girlfriend who is a health freak says i look the same same with all my friends. i have tried 3 different scales and still 180 lbs. is it normal to gain 15 lbs in less than 2 months and still apear the same?

02-19-2007, 10:02 PM
im around 205ish and 16. But i play sports in two seasons and I lift all year round

02-19-2007, 10:11 PM
I aint mike jones, keep my name out your mouth.

Anyhow, Your hitting pyoobertee.

Probably gaining muscle, and even if you did change appearance, you wouldnt notice it, nor would other people who see you often. Due to the fact that it wont happen over night. That, and pictures wont tell you much, because its not like youre measuring to scale...

Also, Whats it matter what you weigh? As long as youre healthy, and not obese, dont worry about it.

02-19-2007, 10:36 PM
15... so that was sophomore year. I weighed about that. Actually, I think around freshman year, I went from 165 to 175 or so. I wrestled 173's soph year(lost a couple pounds to make weight), and I never worried about it. Then again, I've been 6'3" forever, and since then, I've stayed right around 185.

Honestly, you're 15, and the last thing you should be worried about is your "weight." Now, if you started feeling out of breath all the time and out of shape, that's one thing, but you say you feel even better now than before. If you feel better, you'll project that to other people, even if you don't realize it, and so if you're worried about your weight from that standpoint, it's a plus. Get over it, you're fine.

As far as looking the "same." The first thing that came to my mind when you mentioned gaining weight, but feeling better, was that you've turned in your fat and traded it for muscle. It would leave you roughly the same "shape", but muscle weighs more than fat, so you'd gain. If that was the case, you would be able to tell though.

02-19-2007, 10:50 PM
15... so that was sophomore year. I weighed about that. Actually, I think around freshman year, I went from 165 to 175 or so. I wrestled 173's soph year(lost a couple pounds to make weight), and I never worried about it. Then again, I've been 6'3" forever, and since then, I've stayed right around 185.

Honestly, you're 15, and the last thing you should be worried about is your "weight." Now, if you started feeling out of breath all the time and out of shape, that's one thing, but you say you feel even better now than before. If you feel better, you'll project that to other people, even if you don't realize it, and so if you're worried about your weight from that standpoint, it's a plus. Get over it, you're fine.

As far as looking the "same." The first thing that came to my mind when you mentioned gaining weight, but feeling better, was that you've turned in your fat and traded it for muscle. It would leave you roughly the same "shape", but muscle weighs more than fat, so you'd gain. If that was the case, you would be able to tell though.
i have been going to physio therapy because i had a shoulder sergery in november, and during it because i do my shoulder stuff first and i still have half an hour i work everything else in the gym so maybe ive just been turning it into muscle

02-19-2007, 11:18 PM
i have been going to physio therapy because i had a shoulder sergery in november, and during it because i do my shoulder stuff first and i still have half an hour i work everything else in the gym so maybe ive just been turning it into muscle
Heh, that'll do it. If I worked out an extra 30 mins a day, I know I'd gain about 20 pounds in a month...

02-20-2007, 12:08 AM
Also, Whats it matter what you weigh? As long as youre healthy, and not obese, dont worry about it.

Says the lard bucket... :D

02-20-2007, 02:56 AM
Y'know, muscle weighs approximately 3 times that of fat.

Keep that in mind.

02-20-2007, 04:31 AM
What's your height? Plus get a tape

I'm 5' 11" at 218. I just got scaled for leaving for boot for the army and I got a extra 20lbs for my height (suppose to be at 198). But after getting a tape with muscle mass I'm healthly as a whistle.

02-20-2007, 05:59 AM
Have you ever seen one of those tables where they tell you you're age and height and the weight you should be...at what weight you are obesses etc? Those things are SO fabricated. I work probably 60 hours a week. Alot of that is very physical. I'm not 0% body fat but I'm mostly muscle and my weight at 210lbs is always in the obesse colum. I'm also 6'2" and am as of today 28. ( I just realized that when I went to look at the date, kekeke)

02-20-2007, 08:36 AM
The BMI table is totally useless. In order to not be obese, I'd have to weigh liek 185 lbs. I'm 6'2", if I was 185 lbs I'd look like a twig.

02-20-2007, 11:26 AM
I'm 5'6 and 273 pounds. Yeah, it's all muscle. :rolleyes:

02-20-2007, 11:40 AM
The BMI table is totally useless. In order to not be obese, I'd have to weigh liek 185 lbs. I'm 6'2", if I was 185 lbs I'd look like a twig.

Doctor says I should be 200 lbs. :rofl:

02-20-2007, 12:47 PM
when i hit puberty all my fat turned to muscle. so i dropped like 3 inches off my waist and stayed roughly 180 pounds. ive picked up healthier habits since then (except for my coca cola addiction lol), so i've lost about 5 pounds, and put on some extra muscle. so now im about 6 foot and 175 pounds. if i stopped drinking coke, id probly lose the rest of my fat and build up muscle faster, but that's not going to happen lol.

anyway, to answer the question, ya, its normal. if not normal, then not bad. and if you feel healthier, dont worry about it. if you die, then something's wrong ;)

02-20-2007, 12:59 PM
Well until I turned 16 I had quite a lot of fat around my stomach area, at your age there is nothing to worry about as long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
I hate injuries though, I 've gone from benching 80 kilo's to barely managing 30.( 80 is very good for someone of my builld, im 6"4 and only 170 pounds.

Just exercise and " don't worry, be happy".

Nick E
02-20-2007, 04:04 PM
Im just about 16, weigh somewhere around that...and I'm only 5'6", lol. But I'm not a fatty, so I don't care. If you feel good then you probably are good.

02-20-2007, 05:00 PM
I'm 5'6" 130 and my doc says I need to put on weight it's unhealthy for me to be so skinny. Problem is that my metabolism has kicked up a notch ever since I've turned 18 or 19 so I've basically been burning calories enough to drop from 150 to 130 over 2-ish years. (That really helped me make weight for a couple spars I've had though if you remember my old threads. 145 down to 135 over the summer alone.) It's all really dependent on your body type. Me being a dancer, of course I'll be naturally skinnier. If you have wider shoulders or a bigger torso (not long skinny arms and legs), of course you'll be able to bulk up more if you get healthy.

edit: so in summary:

small frame = naturally lighter
large frame = naturally heavier
lanky = less body mass
stout = more body mass

If you start to become stronger/in better shape, large frames will tend fill out and have more body mass. Small frames are dependent on previous condition.

02-20-2007, 09:30 PM
thats it im going running. I benched my weight last semester, gota make sure i can do it again. 240 ftw :D

02-20-2007, 10:44 PM
thats it im going running. I benched my weight last semester, gota make sure i can do it again. 240 ftw :D

lol, just bring your bench up! hahaha

I should show you guys the hill I run when I want to get into shape... It's something like a 3/4 mile hill with something that is between 20 degrees to high 20's degrees. Ridiculous shin splints....

02-20-2007, 11:31 PM
thats it im going running. I benched my weight last semester, gota make sure i can do it again. 240 ftw :D

LOL, benching your own weight shouldn't be an accomplishment. Your only lifting yourself!!!!

FARMER - 180lbs? Are you short/tall? Sounds like you've just got a stocky build. Maybe you got some more muscle. Or maybe you've got a 15lb turd you need to poop out.

02-20-2007, 11:38 PM
LOL, benching your own weight shouldn't be an accomplishment. Your only lifting yourself!!!!

FARMER - 180lbs? Are you short/tall? Sounds like you've just got a stocky build. Maybe you got some more muscle. Or maybe you've got a 15lb turd you need to poop out.
im about 5'6'' to 5'7'' and i live on a farm so by no means have i ever been "skinny" and dont joke about the turd thing last year i ate a box of exlax and instead of making me go it clogged me up for 9days. and when i went it probably was 15lbs

02-21-2007, 12:12 AM
When I was your age I was 6'5, 230. If only I could get back down to that weight now. The BMI is useless. I know I have a little extra weight but I am in pretty good shape (just got done playing full court BBall and played 15 straight minutes) but according to the BMI I am obese. I'm 6'7, 300. Most of my weight is in my chest and legs. I have huge thighs and calves that are all muscle. Don't get too caught up in weight. At your age it's going to change a lot.

02-21-2007, 12:44 AM
I also can't stop losing weight over the last couple years.

I am eating more and better than I ever have, but I've lost about 10 lbs since I got out of high school.

I wonder how long it will last.

02-21-2007, 01:47 AM
I also can't stop losing weight over the last couple years.

I am eating more and better than I ever have, but I've lost about 10 lbs since I got out of high school.

I wonder how long it will last.

it'll last until your metabolism slows from getting old... Then you'll become a fatass

02-21-2007, 01:52 AM
wow everyone sounds in such good shape lol, you all make me feel bad... im 5"8 at 245 pounds. I'm pudgy, every see a round guy roll sideways from bunker to bunker in paintball? Now you have.

02-21-2007, 06:29 PM
wow everyone sounds in such good shape lol, you all make me feel bad... im 5"8 at 245 pounds. I'm pudgy, every see a round guy roll sideways from bunker to bunker in paintball? Now you have.

Head knight of Ni
02-21-2007, 07:06 PM
I'm 5'-10" and about 130. (Not a scarecrow, just wiry. :cuss: Irish blood.)

Ken Majors
02-22-2007, 02:45 AM
I am 6' and I weighed 185 when I went in the Army. 204 when I got out.
Although I did weigh 167 when I graduated from Ranger school....I looked like an Aushwitz survivor.

I was probably 175 when I was 15.

I am 40 y/o and weigh 248 now. I have finally made it to fat bastard status.

Don't sweat it....it's all in how you carry the weight.....or as Tom Jones says..."it's the lead and how you swing it"

02-23-2007, 09:57 AM
I wouldnt sweat it as long as its lean mass youre gaining it will do you nothing but good. When I started highschool at 14 I was probably 6' and weighed 165 the next year right before football camp started in august I was maybe an inch taller and was 188. By the time camp started senior year I was 6'2" 236. I can only imagine the amount of muscle I could have put on if I took care of myself!