View Full Version : ... I will NEVER ship first again.

02-22-2007, 03:15 PM
Wow, this is just a horror story.

So I made a deal with a kid on PbN to trade a cocker + cash for his Gen-E matrix. He insists I ship first and has decent feedback so I figure what the heck, why not.

I ship out a beautiful, flawlessly working pre-99 cocker last wendsday. I get a PM saying he recieved it and it looks great etc etc, and he'll ship out saturday or tuesday.

I recieve a package today, open it up, and sure enough. Theres my cocker.

I then get a PM from him saying:

"hey sry about the hold up i didnt get a chanc to tell u i shiped your gun back cuz there was a slight problem with it sry... i shiped it tuesday cuz i didnt get to the post office on saterday in time and monday was a holiday so they wernt open"

I look at the cocker only to realize that the RAM HOUSING is bent into the front block. The pump arm is bent, and it's missing it's hard to find shocktech trigger guard. It looks hile he used it as a hammer.

This gun is in such bad shape it won't even cycle. Keeping me from reselling it without dropping even more money into it.

Anyone ever have anything like this happen before?

02-22-2007, 03:19 PM
Damn man, :(

You have got to leave bad feedback and include before and after pics in the post. Or contact his parents. There's no reason this should be allowed to happen just because it's a kid your dealing with. Contact his parents, I fully condone a good arse whuppin preformed by parents.

EDIT: BTW, you wouldn't mind posting pics. And thank God it wasn't the EGO.

02-22-2007, 03:31 PM
You could do 3rd parties, whenver someone says to ship first i always bring that up.
That really sucks. Id get really mad, but, you cant do much. Good luck, maybe you can get him to replace the stuff he messed up.

02-22-2007, 03:39 PM
what an idiot kid...

try calling his perants maybe?

where am i?
02-22-2007, 03:49 PM
whats his pbnation name? Look up his number and call.

02-22-2007, 03:54 PM
Yeah, the worst part is according to PbNation he's 22. Making him an adult in the literal sense, but a kid in the way he handles business.

His PbNation name is: ShockThis03

I'll post up some pics whenever I get the chance to take em.

02-22-2007, 03:55 PM
I'd stab him.

02-22-2007, 04:11 PM

02-22-2007, 04:19 PM
Wow, this is just a horror story.

So I made a deal with a kid on PbN to trade a cocker + cash for his Gen-E matrix. He insists I ship first and has decent feedback so I figure what the heck, why not.

I ship out a beautiful, flawlessly working pre-99 cocker last wendsday. I get a PM saying he recieved it and it looks great etc etc, and he'll ship out saturday or tuesday.

I recieve a package today, open it up, and sure enough. Theres my cocker.

I then get a PM from him saying:

"hey sry about the hold up i didnt get a chanc to tell u i shiped your gun back cuz there was a slight problem with it sry... i shiped it tuesday cuz i didnt get to the post office on saterday in time and monday was a holiday so they wernt open"

I look at the cocker only to realize that the RAM HOUSING is bent into the front block. The pump arm is bent, and it's missing it's hard to find shocktech trigger guard. It looks hile he used it as a hammer.

This gun is in such bad shape it won't even cycle. Keeping me from reselling it without dropping even more money into it.

Anyone ever have anything like this happen before?

Have you tried asking for YOUR e-matrix???

02-22-2007, 04:24 PM
Have you tried asking for YOUR e-matrix???

Yeah, he still hasn't responded to my PM's So we'll see.

Upon forther inspection: HE DIDN'T EVEN CLEAN OUT THE BARREL. Meaning he clearly had the gun aired up and cycling. Wether he actually had it on the field or not I'm unsure.

Night Before shipping:



http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c348/neppo1345/th_DSCF0011.jpg (http://s30.photobucket.com/albums/c348/neppo1345/?action=view&current=DSCF0011.flv)

What I got in the mail today:



02-22-2007, 04:32 PM
Yeah, he still hasn't responded to my PM's So we'll see.

Upon forther inspection: HE DIDN'T EVEN CLEAN OUT THE BARREL. Meaning he clearly had the gun aired up and cycling. Wether he actually had it on the field or not I'm unsure.

Well my advice is not to touch that gun, put it back in the box and set it asside, at least until you exaust all options with him. Technically it is still HIS gun by contract (and the matrix yours) so I wouldn't even bother fixing it until there is no chance of getting the matrix from him. Unfortunately your remide is to sue which is probably not worth it, but I would still put pressure on him and see if his sense of decency (if any) will show.

02-22-2007, 04:35 PM
Well my advice is not to touch that gun, put it back in the box and set it asside, at least until you exaust all options with him. Technically it is still HIS gun by contract (and the matrix yours) so I wouldn't even bother fixing it until there is no chance of getting the matrix from him. Unfortunately your remide is to sue which is probably not worth it, but I would still put pressure on him and see if his sense of decency (if any) will show.

Yeah, its already back in the box under my bed.

he sent this back when I demanded he:

1. Pay to fix the gun.
2. Buy the gun outright and I send it to him to fix.
3. Give me my Gen-E and finish the trade.

"no dude im not doing anything i sent u back the gun cuz it wasnt working when i got it if somthing happen to it in the mail i have insurence on it...if thats the case i want pics of the gun to see whats wrong"

I subsequently sent him both the before and after pictures as well as the video of it shooting.


02-22-2007, 04:45 PM
Timbo: I know a buddy who may or may not have some parts for that cocker frame of yours.
I'll see what I can do.

02-22-2007, 04:47 PM
That's Bull! :mad: :cuss:

Make a complaint with the authorities. Looks like you have before and after proof.

don miguel
02-22-2007, 04:56 PM
did you trade through paypal? you said you added cash. nice cocker BTW.

///he he, I thought this thread had something to do with Jesus.

02-22-2007, 04:59 PM
Did you ship through USPS? get them involved, it becomes federal then.

illd def. push the issue.....

So is the front block fubar?

02-22-2007, 05:09 PM
1) He broke the contract with you
2) He is over 18 and is considered a legal adult meaning that there's nothing he can do about said contract to deny it
3) You have before and after proof

You've got a pretty good case there in my opinion.

02-22-2007, 05:09 PM
Did you ship through USPS? get them involved, it becomes federal then.

illd def. push the issue.....

So is the front block fubar?

Yeah, the front block is fubar. I haven't tried removing the ram yet (going to wait until we settle everything first) but from the looks of it it's bent to the point where the ram digs into the AL of the front block...

02-22-2007, 05:11 PM
1. Pwn the out of him
2. If the result involves you keeping the cocker, slap on a CCM A/T Kit for a sick pump. If I'm not mistaken it replaces the pump arm as well.

02-22-2007, 05:43 PM
I was starting to calm down, then I saw this.


Read through, or just skip to the last post (by me).

You'll really get a kick out of it.

I know I did.

02-22-2007, 06:05 PM
Did you ship through USPS? get them involved, it becomes federal then.

illd def. push the issue.....

So is the front block fubar?

yep its probably in the area of mail fraud.

i really hate the stupid kids that mess stuff up and give the other kids that do the right things a bad image. im onyl 17, iv been playing paintball since i was about 12, ive traded on line from about 14ish to recently (havent traded anything in a while) and the only problem that was my fault was that i mis identified some grips (even offered to pay shipping to get them back and refund the guys $ but he didnt want to... yet he was still kinda pissy, so i offered to give his money back, he said no and he was mad at me, didnt make much sence)

i wonder if the kid just needed a gun to use a weekend so he tried to "trade" for one.


02-22-2007, 06:07 PM
Like the guy on the PBN thread said, never give them a chance to "do the right thing".

02-22-2007, 06:17 PM
Assuming that the guy gave you his true name, you can search on him to find his birthdate, addresses, and phone number.
Call him up and see whats up.

Get the authorities involved. A cop knocking on the door will certainly get full attention.

02-22-2007, 06:18 PM
Really unfortunate. However, if that other guy who was scammed filed a mail fraud complaint and now you do too it puts you in a very good position. Also, I would definitely suggest contacting the police in that area - especially if the guy could be a minor (as that one post suggests). A visit from the police with the parents, if they are not complete bags like their son is turning out to be, could fix it quick.

If not, your best bet is going to be filing civil suit.

The one time I had a problem with a trade I offered to come to their address and talk to them in person about it, (not in such polite words). It was close enough to be a credible enforcement technique.

02-22-2007, 06:20 PM
I've a silver cocker ram (needs barbs) I'd gladly give to you. I'm not using it. If the front block ends up not being too bad, and all you need is a ram, let me know.

02-22-2007, 06:53 PM
Yeah, the front block is fubar. I haven't tried removing the ram yet (going to wait until we settle everything first) but from the looks of it it's bent to the point where the ram digs into the AL of the front block...
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. Illd love to have gotten my hands on that gun.....wish I had had the money at the time.....

02-22-2007, 08:15 PM
The guys' name is 'Derek', is he related to Automaggot68/Triangle?
I hear that guy was a scammer too, his anme was Derek.

Now he's over on PBN messing stuff up? :confused:

02-22-2007, 09:13 PM
Now he's over on PBN messing stuff up? :confused:


02-22-2007, 11:53 PM
I didn't watch your video, but a good idea would be to include that day's newspaper. That way there's no possible way EVER that they could say that the video was old.

02-22-2007, 11:54 PM
was it derek rhodes you were dealing with?!? ive got beef with him to.

02-23-2007, 01:54 AM
was it derek rhodes you were dealing with?!? ive got beef with him to.

Wow, What a crock of crap.

02-23-2007, 01:57 AM
Drhodes Is Skammar !!!!!!!!

02-23-2007, 01:57 AM

Basically, I told the kid I caught him in another scam and he agreed to help.

He said he already shipped out the Gen-E to someone else, but was more than willing to send me new parts to fix the cocker.

Hs 'said' he would ship out a new ram and pump arm on monday.

So we'll see.

Also, I know 'automaggot68'. Derek may be a dick (can I say that?), but he is NOT a skamzorz.

We joke about it because the people who originally claimed "scam" never came out and announced when they finally got their guns.

I would like to know what "cut of beef" you have with him. Flank Steak? T-Bone?


02-23-2007, 02:06 AM
Wow. Jeez man. That is totally bogus.

I really hate to see that happen. I know ive had nothing but good experiances with the guys on here (bought 1/2 my gun from the AO bst forum) and its a shame to see things like this happen to people.

Friggen kids man. :shooting:

02-23-2007, 02:21 AM
Wow. Jeez man. That is totally bogus.

I really hate to see that happen. I know ive had nothing but good experiances with the guys on here (bought 1/2 my gun from the AO bst forum) and its a shame to see things like this happen to people.

Friggen kids man. :shooting:

Yeah, I find the line "This won't be the first time I drive 8+ hours to settle a b/s/t dispute." to work very well.

Especially with the little kids.

02-23-2007, 02:26 AM

Basically, I told the kid I caught him in another scam and he agreed to help.

He said he already shipped out the Gen-E to someone else, but was more than willing to send me new parts to fix the cocker.

Hs 'said' he would ship out a new ram and pump arm on monday.

So we'll see.

Also, I know 'automaggot68'. Derek may be a dick (can I say that?), but he is NOT a skamzorz.

We joke about it because the people who originally claimed "scam" never came out and announced when they finally got their guns.

I would like to know what "cut of beef" you have with him. Flank Steak? T-Bone?

What about your asa and grips and trigger guard, and it looks like the whole front of your gun is bent down. It looks like it'll take a bit more than the parts he's sending and some elbow grease to fix it.

02-23-2007, 04:28 AM
I'd stab him.

but make it count get him in the baby maker for me.

02-23-2007, 08:16 AM
What about your asa and grips and trigger guard, and it looks like the whole front of your gun is bent down. It looks like it'll take a bit more than the parts he's sending and some elbow grease to fix it.

The ASA, and grips were just thrown into the box.

The only part that is 'bent' on the front end is the ram. Unfortuneately the bent ram has appaprently led to a bent pump arm.

The kids perm banned from PbN rnow (thanks to the crossover mod who did it). I just hope he still follows through and sends the parts and mailing receipts.


02-23-2007, 09:31 AM
You are dealing with someone who blatantly damaged your marker. I have serious doubts he actually got insurance on it. Does something on the package indicate that? He also outright stole someone else’s marker.

File a police report. File a USPS fraud report. Try to contact his parents if he is a minor. (You have his address, send a certified letter to "the parents of XXXXX.") Heck, try to contact his parents if he is 30. What he wants to do right now is delay, confuse, and obfuscate the issue. Get on it and do not stop until you get an acceptable fix from him. He created the issue and you are being too nice about it.

If he has done this to multiple people, his local postal inspector and police department will get real tired of being contacted by all those who have been scammed.

02-23-2007, 10:30 AM
You are dealing with someone who blatantly damaged your marker. I have serious doubts he actually got insurance on it. Does something on the package indicate that? He also outright stole someone else’s marker.

File a police report. File a USPS fraud report. Try to contact his parents if he is a minor. (You have his address, send a certified letter to "the parents of XXXXX.") Heck, try to contact his parents if he is 30. What he wants to do right now is delay, confuse, and obfuscate the issue. Get on it and do not stop until you get an acceptable fix from him. He created the issue and you are being too nice about it.

If he has done this to multiple people, his local postal inspector and police department will get real tired of being contacted by all those who have been scammed.

I just realized it's scary what you can find out online.

I know he lives with his mom.
I know where he lives (well I have his address, duh).
I know his moms name.
I now have a phone number.

and that took me about 10 minutes.

02-23-2007, 11:08 AM
for 15-20 bucks with the right person it can get much worse :D

02-23-2007, 11:13 AM
Not that I want to find out where or who he is, but do you mind posting up the links to where you got your information? I’m afraid an ex girlfriend might find me! I want to see how easy it is. I have never tried but then again I have never had a reason to go looking for some one.

02-23-2007, 12:05 PM
Yeah, I find the line "This won't be the first time I drive 8+ hours to settle a b/s/t dispute." to work very well.

Especially with the little kids.

I have knocked on doors for a few AO memebers who have been invovled in bad trades. When someone shows up on their doorstep stuff gets fixed real quick.

02-23-2007, 12:36 PM
You and your dm3's.. :D

I hope you get your money/parts back.

02-23-2007, 04:19 PM
The ASA, and grips were just thrown into the box.

The only part that is 'bent' on the front end is the ram. Unfortuneately the bent ram has appaprently led to a bent pump arm.

The kids perm banned from PbN rnow (thanks to the crossover mod who did it). I just hope he still follows through and sends the parts and mailing receipts.

Oh, ok, then i'd make sure you get your guard back too, but yeah, file a report and everything. About what's bent, it looked like the front block (i think that's what it's called, i know hoe cockers work but don't know the names of the parts) was bent, but i guess only the pump arm was. Anyway, i hope things get worked out for you, and because of stuff like this i'm never trading without a third party.

02-23-2007, 05:01 PM
1. Pwn the out of him
2. If the result involves you keeping the cocker, slap on a CCM A/T Kit for a sick pump. If I'm not mistaken it replaces the pump arm as well.

I like how his post just gets edited, but I get banned for a week.

Sucks that your stuff got messed up, just get in touch with the local authorities...if nothing else maybe they will go knock on his door and give em a little scare.

02-24-2007, 04:07 AM
Yeah, I find the line "This won't be the first time I drive 8+ hours to settle a b/s/t dispute." to work very well.

Especially with the little kids.
Dude! We'll all go! AO-OH road trip!

Let's beat this mofo up!!! :shooting:

02-24-2007, 07:30 AM
Oh come on Mag Lover, you're here to bash someone's name, and wont even tell us what happened.
You're full of Balogna.

02-24-2007, 02:46 PM
Oh come on Mag Lover, you're here to bash someone's name, and wont even tell us what happened.
You're full of Balogna.
Off topic, i know, but you're the first person i've seen who used bologna in that context and spelled it right.

02-24-2007, 04:43 PM
Oh come on Mag Lover, you're here to bash someone's name, and wont even tell us what happened.
You're full of Balogna.

not like he's a scammer or anything...but i paid for a part that he said he sent that day, and it took WEEKS to get it here, he wouldnt reply to PM's, and it wasnt in described condition.

not a huge deal, i was just annoyed.

02-24-2007, 05:34 PM
was it derek rhodes you were dealing with?!? ive got beef with him to.
I read through the thing, I believe the kids name is Derek Toth, I reported him a couple times for you, because his recent sn bunkerya4fun left false feed back in several people feed back threads, the sad thing is this kid hasn't been banned yet on this new name.

02-24-2007, 07:09 PM
not like he's a scammer or anything...but i paid for a part that he said he sent that day, and it took WEEKS to get it here, he wouldnt reply to PM's, and it wasnt in described condition.

not a huge deal, i was just annoyed.

I asked Derek, and Checked his feedback thead here on AO. He also left feedback for EVERYONE he traded with.
As he is now banned from using Automaggot68, he can't edit or delete his posts.
I checked his feedback thread,--You dont even HAVE one. I dont see any connection between you and Derek Rhodes, and I will once again say, You're full of it.

Good day.

Recon by Fire
02-24-2007, 08:48 PM
Dude! We'll all go! AO-OH road trip!

Let's beat this mofo up!!! :shooting:

Holy cow, what BS! Can I go too? :shooting:

02-25-2007, 03:28 AM
Holy cow, what BS! Can I go too? :shooting:
BS? I'm being serious!

And no, you can't go. You're not an active member of the AO-OH Divine Religion. :ninja:

02-27-2007, 12:12 AM
Wow, this is just a horror story.

So I made a deal with a kid on PbN to trade a cocker + cash for his Gen-E matrix. He insists I ship first and has decent feedback so I figure what the heck, why not.

I ship out a beautiful, flawlessly working pre-99 cocker last wendsday. I get a PM saying he recieved it and it looks great etc etc, and he'll ship out saturday or tuesday.

I recieve a package today, open it up, and sure enough. Theres my cocker.

I then get a PM from him saying:

"hey sry about the hold up i didnt get a chanc to tell u i shiped your gun back cuz there was a slight problem with it sry... i shiped it tuesday cuz i didnt get to the post office on saterday in time and monday was a holiday so they wernt open"

I look at the cocker only to realize that the RAM HOUSING is bent into the front block. The pump arm is bent, and it's missing it's hard to find shocktech trigger guard. It looks hile he used it as a hammer.

This gun is in such bad shape it won't even cycle. Keeping me from reselling it without dropping even more money into it.

Anyone ever have anything like this happen before?Your first mistake...... doing a trade on PBN, I try not to. I have before, but I won't again.

02-27-2007, 06:53 PM
Here is a list of instruments that you could use to get your stuff back.

2X4 with straight nails sticking out
2X4 with bent nails sticking out
Baseball bat
Baseball bat with straight nails sticking out
Baseball bat with bent nails sticking out
Tennis racket
Many apple cores
Any fruit really (Nails sticking out or otherwise)
Pool cue
Milk turned into yogurt
A random slab of concrete
Binky The Clown (Nightmares for life)
Large book
Larger book
Anything bought at Radio Shack
Big Macs

Have fun! :)

02-27-2007, 08:53 PM
Wow, this is just a horror story.

So I made a deal with a kid on PbN to trade a cocker + cash for his Gen-E matrix. He insists I ship first and has decent feedback so I figure what the heck, why not.

I ship out a beautiful, flawlessly working pre-99 cocker last wendsday. I get a PM saying he recieved it and it looks great etc etc, and he'll ship out saturday or tuesday.

I recieve a package today, open it up, and sure enough. Theres my cocker.

I then get a PM from him saying:

"hey sry about the hold up i didnt get a chanc to tell u i shiped your gun back cuz there was a slight problem with it sry... i shiped it tuesday cuz i didnt get to the post office on saterday in time and monday was a holiday so they wernt open"

I look at the cocker only to realize that the RAM HOUSING is bent into the front block. The pump arm is bent, and it's missing it's hard to find shocktech trigger guard. It looks hile he used it as a hammer.

This gun is in such bad shape it won't even cycle. Keeping me from reselling it without dropping even more money into it.

Anyone ever have anything like this happen before?


I would have insured my shipment to him. I would have asked him if the shipping container he received was damaged in one way or another. It would seem to me that you would have a claim in regards to shipping, if that was the reason for the damage or a pure motive for finding this chap and kicking the @#$#$@^%# out of him. I would never ship first unless there were specific assurances of payment and some sort of recourse available if all didn't go to plan.

02-27-2007, 10:48 PM
OT but,

I never had a problem with Derek rhodes. There was a slight delay in shipping but i believe that was the custom's fault. I got everything he described.

Triangle or whatever incarnation he's in is a good trader in my book.

02-28-2007, 08:10 PM

was it derek rhodes you were dealing with?!? ive got beef with him to.

03-03-2007, 08:45 AM
hey Tim where in VA does this kid live?
I'm going to be down there for the next two weeks I'll stop by and pick up your parts......and get my DARN shocktech trigger guard.

03-04-2007, 12:53 AM
Where in VA is he? I live in southern WV and might be able to help...

03-04-2007, 01:06 AM
Edit: Sry's

03-04-2007, 04:44 PM
i live in va, ill just drive over and leave some love :mad: