View Full Version : E-Paintball.com Review

02-22-2007, 05:36 PM
Ordered some items from e-paintball.com and I cannot recommend them. In general, there were two orders. One for a two-piece Dye Ultralite barrel, the other order for various items (on/off ASA, CP rail drop).

Firstly, the online store might have some issues. I put in for a dust black barrel, but when I later went back to review the order it showed a gloss one. This problem could have been caused by issues with my network proxy server. At one point I did have the gloss in my basket and I was experiencing bad lag times and timeouts.

There are two main reasons I would not recommend them

Reason number 1: their system will say "In Stock" when you check an item, but that is far from true. Three weeks later, the barrel and perfect drop have not been shipped. You cannot order from them and expect to receive your items in a timely fashion, because "In Stock" is inaccurate. The items I ordered that they did have in stock arrived in a timely fashion.

Reason number 2, and this is a big one, is the ability to get a response from them about the status of your order. I submitted contact forms via their system and sent emails. After two days, I found their number by doing online searching (it does not appear anywhere on their site - which should have been a warning). I called the number multiple times and always reached a voicemail system. The best I have done for getting a reply back is after four days. I have concern about the last responses I received. Both address the same order (with different answers), completely ignoring the other.

My last contact with them was to inform them, via email, to cancel the barrel order and cancel the perfect drop which was on backorder. No response yet after three days. I sent them another email today, letting them know I required a confirmation back NLT the 26th. If not, I will go through the mess of contacting my credit card company. I am not in the mood to deal with this sort of idiocy any more.

I probably order about half of my items online. Always try to help out the local store, but the closest is still a short drive and I have two little children. Taking an hour or so to go to the paintball store is not always easy (or advisable).

Anyway, my recommendation is to avoid using e-paintball.com.

02-23-2007, 01:56 AM
Thanks. I'll keep it in mind. I'm all for supporting my local store. I actually really like it there. It just opened recently, the people there are really nice and helpful, and they've got killer prices, we're talking better than online in some instances. Unfortunately, they don't always sell what I'm looking for, so for those items, I go online. So thanks for the heads up.

02-23-2007, 11:05 PM
I had my run in with E-paintball too.

I got a drop from an Ebay auction of theres. They sent me some peice of crap drop ,not the one listed. I emailed them and they said that was wasnt being made anymore and that they were out. So i looked on ebay to see what else he had listed to trade out. There were 5 more of the same drop listed for sale. So far i'm still waiting to see weather he has the next drop i asked for or if he is going to send my money back. will keep you posted. So far though just not happy...

03-05-2007, 04:50 PM
Just to update this. I received an email back from "Rodney" of e-paintball.com that said, "Your refund will process within 24-48 hours." on the 23rd of February. I contacted Citibank on March 3rd to see if the credit had hit the system (I could not see it myself when I checked). The Citibank rep could not see a credit and advised me that it should have hit by now if the merchant input it. So, they had me file a chargeback. I made sure that the rep understood that one order (about $100) was never shipped and another order was filled, except for one $20 item.

Avoid e-paintball.com. Their online store's "in stock" is not accurate, it is impossible to get a timely reply from them, and you might be forced to contact your credit card company to recover your money.

03-05-2007, 08:53 PM
Oh thats great to hear. I'm still waiting to hear from them on my drop forward i ordered.
Guess i need to get ready to make a claim.

On a better note i tried www.allpaintballsupplies.com with great results and fast email replies. You may want to stop and see if they have what you need it may just be a better owner/operator.

Well hope you get your money back i'm going to have the same problem i see...

03-05-2007, 09:42 PM
Oh thats great to hear. I'm still waiting to hear from them on my drop forward i ordered.
Guess i need to get ready to make a claim.

On a better note i tried www.allpaintballsupplies.com with great results and fast email replies. You may want to stop and see if they have what you need it may just be a better owner/operator.

Well hope you get your money back i'm going to have the same problem i see...

If I was in your position I would go ahead and file the claim. I'm not worried one bit about getting the money back - been with Citibank since about 93 and never had a problem when something like this comes up. They do a pretty good job of taking care of their customers. Amusing, but I think the last time I had to file a claim was after waiting 2 months for an Equation barrel set for my old Automag and them just ignoring me.

Thanks for the pointer. I will check them out. I've used compulsivepaintball.com twice now and they seem to be on the ball.

03-05-2007, 09:44 PM
badmovies, you need to quit bashing an honest shop towner. I know the man personaly, and I'm calling BS on rodney trying to stiff you.

03-05-2007, 11:53 PM
badmovies, you need to quit bashing an honest shop towner. I know the man personaly, and I'm calling BS on rodney trying to stiff you.

Good on you, but it does not change my experience dealing with him. I will provide the same reply here as I did to you on the other forum.

I placed the two orders on 30 January and 31 January.

I do not believe that waiting over 3 weeks for items that were listed as "In Stock" to ship is acceptable. Nor is it unreasonable to expect a reply from someone about your order after a day or two. The only time I would get a reply is when I would leave a message that indicated he might lose the order. None of my others would gain a response.

Also, on 7 Feb he told me that the barrel should "ship within the next few days." (Again, this was for something listed as "In Stock.") On 23 Feb he then said that the .688 back was "due in the next week."

He is not running his business efficiently or professionally.

03-08-2007, 12:57 PM
And the latest information about my problem with e-Paintball.com. I received this last night from Rodney, apparently a response to either an email or a contact form I submitted on 22 Feb (and he forwarded to his other email account on 24 Feb):

> Actually, part of 5079 was shipped (except the cp rail). Everything else was
> refunded. You are welcome to return it for a refund if you'd like. 5069 was
> refunded.

Notice that I submitted it on 22 Feb, he forwarded it to himself on 24 Feb, and he finally sends me an answer on 7 March. Yes, he had already told me on 23 Feb that he was giving me a refund - which he appears to be doing in just as timely a manner.

My response:

Mr. Robinson,

You stated on 23 Feb that you had processed a refund. On 3 March I contacted Citibank and they had not received any such refund. They had me file a dispute for the amounts at that time.

Unfortunately, the dispute was not filed correctly and they credited me twice for the Ultralite order. I contacted them today (8 March 2007) and ensured that they understood my dispute was for $103.90 for the Ultralite that was never shipped and $18.99 for the CP Rail Drop that was placed on backorder. I also asked the dispute department if you had filed a refund, since it is now almost two weeks later. According to Citibank, no refund has been issued.

You do not run your business professionally and I have disputed the charges, since I do not trust you to take care of the issues in a timely manner. That is all.


03-13-2007, 06:55 AM
OK so I got my issue all fixed up with Rodney. It took awhile but I guess I can’t complain too much being that he did take care of the mix-up. Can’t say that I would recommend them to anybody, but it all ended up OK...

Hope you get yours fixed Badmovies.org and good luck.....

03-13-2007, 07:40 AM
I love these threads. Just because one or two people had a semi-bad experience, the website is teh scamzorz.

Thread on Pbnation bashing orderpaintball.com
I've bought crap from order. Not only did they have excellent communication with me, but they shipped in a timely fashion. The thread on Pbn was stating that Order never ships on time and always gips you out of what you want and never responds to you. Mind you, the poster only ordered from them once. You can't tell the quality of an online store from one single experience. These people who make these threads place one order from the site and then call themselves and expert on dealing with that website. Just keep it to yourself until you really see a pattern.

03-13-2007, 08:14 AM
Just keep it to yourself until you really see a pattern.

You'll pardon me for being frank, but why in the **** would I deal with them again - which would be required for me to "see a pattern." Your argument is entirely impossible to support from any angle that I can look at it.

I provided an accurate and factual account of my dealings with e-Paintball.com.

What you start to look for is if other people also encountered the same sort of issues with a business. You see "a pattern" of people having problems then, because people are not going to revisit a business that they had a bad experience with before.

03-13-2007, 08:21 AM
Just keep it to yourself until you really see a pattern.

If everybody kept it to themselves until they saw recurring incidents... guess what! Nobody would ever say anything and nobody would have any idea on these stores. People generally only post when there's a problem that they can't get resolved, in which case I think most people like knowing. Most people with a brain understand there will be snafus but when they get no communication, assistance, or results, that's a problem. Hence, threads like this.

03-13-2007, 01:18 PM
Well warbeak, I don’t know about you but I’m not willing to get burnt by the same person twice. As I stated my dealing with e-paintball were not great but that i did get it taken care of. I also due to experience will not recommend then to anybody. You wouldn’t go back to a car dealer who didn’t do anything to help you the first time around. Would you? Its all about service and having items listed as in stock, Actually in stock. Not I’m getting it, or they don’t make that one anymore let me just send you something else instead. He should have been more up front and taken care of the issues not just swept them under the rug. (So to speak)

03-16-2007, 04:15 PM
Today I received a package from e-Paintball.com. It was mailed on 13 March 2007 (notice, that is days after I had told Rodney that the order had been canceled and I was disputing the charges). It is also long after I had informed him that the orders should be canceled and he told me that a refund had been issued.

The package is small and the perfect size to be a CP Perfect Drop. It is being returned, refused.

I am assuming that it was shipped to avoid the credit card dispute and/or to still receive payment for the item. He did not send me an email saying it was coming. I am wondering if a barrel-sized box is coming next. That will also be refused.

Would somebody like to tell me that this is a professional and responsible way to run a business?

03-16-2007, 04:40 PM
seems like you're keeping a fairly cool head. so long as you keep doing such, you're in the right. your review is objective, well done.

04-16-2007, 07:12 PM
This story just will not go away. Today I received a letter from Citibank that the merchant was disputing the chargeback on the order with the CP Rail Drop. Very well, I will provide Citibank with all of the emails I have, along with other source documentation.

Lesson for others: e-Paintball.com is run in an unprofessional manner and any problem is going to cause a customer far more grief than it is worth.

04-16-2007, 07:23 PM
I appreciate the "heads up" BadMovies. :)

There are many good retailers out there that deserve my business, and I like to avoid the one's that are all about poor customer service.