View Full Version : The age old Mask debate

02-22-2007, 08:59 PM
Well, it looks like im going to be selling my old empire helix mask(olive) to a friend for the same price i bought it for so he could use it (not bad eh?) Anyway i was thinking about upgrading to a higher end mask, but dont know which one to choose. I went to the local proshop and tryed on some of the newest high enders. The ones i came to choose is either an empire avatar mask or a dye I3 perhaps. First off I really didnt have a problem with the helix mask. I mean for $30 theres no way to beat it. I've never had it fog once with the thermal lense in hot humid summer days, rain, or cool spring temps. It fit my face nice and never felt like it would fall off. The only complaint i have is that it was made of hard plastic. While the visor got a uncounted # of bounces the mask itself didn't, and thats where to avatar comes into play. Essentially the same mask as the helix, but very soft, and comes with two thermal lenses in tinted and clear. Plus a long and short visor with silk bag. That would be $80. The only thing better in the Dye's is the comfort factor but for $100 they're a little to small i think, and dont trust them after my crappy 06 invision. So i dont know whether to fork over the extra $50 and get the avatar or buy a black version of my curent mask. I need some opinions.

02-22-2007, 09:24 PM
Well, it looks like im going to be selling my old empire helix mask(olive) to a friend for the same price i bought it for so he could use it (not bad eh?) Anyway i was thinking about upgrading to a higher end mask, but dont know which one to choose. I went to the local proshop and tryed on some of the newest high enders. The ones i came to choose is either an empire avatar mask or a dye I3 perhaps. First off I really didnt have a problem with the helix mask. I mean for $30 theres no way to beat it. I've never had it fog once with the thermal lense in hot humid summer days, rain, or cool spring temps. It fit my face nice and never felt like it would fall off. The only complaint i have is that it was made of hard plastic. While the visor got a uncounted # of bounces the mask itself didn't, and thats where to avatar comes into play. Essentially the same mask as the helix, but very soft, and comes with two thermal lenses in tinted and clear. Plus a long and short visor with silk bag. That would be $80. The only thing better in the Dye's is the comfort factor but for $100 they're a little to small i think, and dont trust them after my crappy 06 invision. So i dont know whether to fork over the extra $50 and get the avatar or buy a black version of my curent mask. I need some opinions.

Maintennance on the new Vents masks are a lot easier than the DYE masks. IMHO They're even a bit tougher than working on JT masks. The vents masks are a good system but did you try the new V-force grills? Those are just as easy to maintain as well.

02-22-2007, 09:33 PM
I love my e-vents personaly, only mask that comes close is the I3's IMO. I had an old set of invisions and hated them, these seem to be a lot better, I haven't had a ny fogging issues yet but i've only used them in the winter. Only probnlem with the I3's are they use the same horrible lenses, so if you change the lenses be prepeared to spend like an hour to get them off and the new ones on.

Vents in general have been great no problem's at all except for the foam but that's cause I had a first run set the new ones are fine. Use the thermal lenses though not the single pane, no one I knowe has had good luck with the single panes.

Profilers are a great old standby, but my pro-shop owner has had a hard time getting parts for them, I think Vforce is phasing them out for their grillz. Personally I can't stand the grillz I think they look ugly and IMO the vision is less that of a profiler. I can't speak to maitainence or anything though cause I don't own one.

02-22-2007, 09:46 PM
yea i like the events also, but they're a bit smaller than the avatars- only thing i didnt like about them is some parts of my jaw were showing. So does the avatars have both the lenses in dual pane, or only one? Yea my friend has an 06 invision that was new and he said his fingers were bleeding after taking it apart. and sore for days. I believe him! what a PITa. im deffinently sticking with the empire masks. I dont like the look of grills masks either, and want no fog problems for long woodsball games.

02-22-2007, 10:07 PM
I love my event.

02-22-2007, 10:13 PM

JT proflex. plain and simple.

There is nothing better.

Yeah they are a pita to change the lens, but they make up for it in every other way.
GREAT field of vision (about the same as a proflex, my #2 choice) but they are way more comfortable, and you can really breath well in them. Ability to breath is my pet peeve with masks. Okay I can’t stand a single scratch either but that’s another story. They are tried and true and I have yet to find something better.

Vents: Yeah I like them, not exactly comfortable for me but I know others that think they do. Look like something out of mortal combat, not my style but hey. They have a better look than the empire vents, empire was trying to hard to have soft ears and made them look bad. Lenses are expensive as …. Yeah.

E-vents: only if you are agg

Grills: or however they spell it… But they keep saying that they have replacement foam pieces to accommodate different shapes faces… not to mention REPLACEABLE FOAM! Lens is kind of unorthodox, but I actually kind of like it. They are really close to your eyes so they have a really great field of vision actually. They cover a lot, but at the same time ugly as sin.

Dye I3 pro: now after IDK how long of dye masks being all around bad in my opinion, these new ones are pretty nice. That’s saying a lot from me. I hated older Invisions. These new ones with the soft ears are really comfortable, but I still complain about the field of vision, which is on par with the older JT elite lens frame. The “HD” lens… yeah gimmick but you should try them, its really impressive outdoors. Still wouldn’t get one though… cant see in your peripheral

If you’re looking for something easy to get the lens in and out… get a proto switch. They kick everyone’s but on ease, but lack in just about every other aspect.

I have said this schpleel one too many times.
My proshop $0.02

02-22-2007, 10:33 PM
yea well i think now dye is out of my interest range and the proflex is in. Only thing i dont like about them is the look. And i dont have anywhere to try one on. I have a flex 7 i picked up for $20 but its uncomforable for me and dont like the foam. It the flex 7 and proflex about the same mask? Im really leaning toward another helix or avatar at the moment.

02-22-2007, 10:47 PM


02-22-2007, 11:05 PM
Proto Switch? what problems do you see with them? I have the upper end line of Switch goggles, and they are the best goggles I have ever owned. Good protection, simple lense change, never fog, soft face, but not so soft you eat paint all day. Only thing is they are heavier than some of the new goggles that are out.


02-22-2007, 11:34 PM
The flex 7 has the same frame and thats it. What sets the proflex apart is that all of the parts other than the frame are soft and flexable. thats what makes it so comfortable. Yeah it looks kinda funky, but it has respect.

Nothing wrong with proto masks...
its just for me, what other masks offer, generally takes them out of my consideration. The biggest thing with masks are that some just feel right. Proto's are a lot like the older invisions which I cant stand to have on my head. I find them to be constricting and not very breathable. I have one of the midrange ones that I used for the longest time, and the off occasion that my GF goes with us she will use it. When playing really hard, even the slightest pressure gets annoying, and when breathing hard, it doesnt get fresh air in quick enough so I really get out of breath with it.

Good mask... just not for me. I was just sharing my personal experience with them.

02-23-2007, 12:49 PM
what about a Vents Cylus? It is a step up from your Helix and not as expensive as the Avatar or E-Vents and should be flexible like those.

02-23-2007, 12:52 PM
I love all 7 of my proflex's. There the best mask EVER imo.

02-23-2007, 01:03 PM
profles = simple great mask -

Problem is the lenses are a PITA to change, and I have yet to have a set of their lenses make it through a season without cracking up the center of the inside thermal pane. Once they crack, they fog on me like mad.


As far as how I handle my goggles - My protos are in the same pouch in my gear bag, and I have never had a lense cracking problem with those.

02-23-2007, 01:13 PM
Well, it looks like im going to be selling my old empire helix mask(olive) to a friend for the same price i bought it for so he could use it (not bad eh?) Anyway i was thinking about upgrading to a higher end mask, but dont know which one to choose. I went to the local proshop and tryed on some of the newest high enders. The ones i came to choose is either an empire avatar mask or a dye I3 perhaps. First off I really didnt have a problem with the helix mask. I mean for $30 theres no way to beat it. I've never had it fog once with the thermal lense in hot humid summer days, rain, or cool spring temps. It fit my face nice and never felt like it would fall off. The only complaint i have is that it was made of hard plastic. While the visor got a uncounted # of bounces the mask itself didn't, and thats where to avatar comes into play. Essentially the same mask as the helix, but very soft, and comes with two thermal lenses in tinted and clear. Plus a long and short visor with silk bag. That would be $80. The only thing better in the Dye's is the comfort factor but for $100 they're a little to small i think, and dont trust them after my crappy 06 invision. So i dont know whether to fork over the extra $50 and get the avatar or buy a black version of my curent mask. I need some opinions.

I replaced my Dye Invision mask with a Vforce Morph and couldn't be happier. It's easier to maintain, and much easier to swap lenses on. Excellent FOV and hasn't fogged yet. You can pick them up for about $45.00 on ebay.

02-23-2007, 05:08 PM
Profilers, replace the lens after like a year and your good to go..

02-23-2007, 05:48 PM
oh I forgot to mention that the e-vents are wicked easy to change lenses once you get used to it you can take them out clean them and pout them back in a minute no problem. I'm not sure hoew the avatar's are different from the e-vents as far as the lenses is but that's the biggesdt reason i went with that one. Oh and I believe that all the vents come with a sigle and a double lens. I know all e-vents come with a clear single lens and a tinted thermal, personally I use an amber thermal lens, it lights everything up and you can't beat it for woodsball.

02-23-2007, 08:58 PM
ventz are very nice. the avatar is pretty light, easy to breath in, and jsut an all around good mask.

i wore a profiler (and befoer that a shield) for ever, the ventz field of vision is different (you see the bottom of the mask as apposed to the top like in a profiler). the ventz are easier than the vforce to change and they have the added advantage of thermal lenses.

from all the maskes ive tried on and some what used (didnt play much in anything but my vforce and ventz) none felt as good as the ventz


Cow hunter
02-23-2007, 09:27 PM
i have the events, and i love them except for the fact that your jaw is a bit exposed, and the soft ears are only alright. I got shot from close distance in both the upper part of my jaw and side of my head, and i sort of wanted the little more protection of a bigger mask.

02-23-2007, 09:34 PM
Avatar, they're awsome!

02-23-2007, 09:34 PM
ya the normal ventz seem to give a little better ear protection. at first i thought the jaw was exposed a lot but if you look at how you play (or at least should be playing most of the time) your jaw isnt exposed.


02-24-2007, 07:54 AM
thats the advantage of the Avatar. It has all the same upgrades minus soft ears of the events yet is bigger in the jow region. All the vents masks have the same lense changing capabilities

02-24-2007, 10:40 AM
in my opinion they both sound good. how about suggestions? i have the extreme rage 20/20 and i love it. some say that there is too much foam on the nose but i think its fine. it has the soft chin part and a hard lens part which has good visual but it is hard to see in little light but you can buynew lenses. its got the built in fan and is not loose. with other masks like the proteus i had they would slide down but this one fits nice and tight no more backwards hats for me. :clap:

02-25-2007, 09:20 AM
Well i went to the proshop and bought a brand new pair of Empire Avatar vents for $80 plus tax. And overall im pretty happy with them. Comes in a very nice case with mask bag, a short and long visor, and a clear and smoke THERMAL lense. Plus a silk bag for the lense your not using. I tryed on the events and i didnt really like the soft ears or how almost an inch of my jaw was exposed all around. The I3 was by far the most comfortable but some fase was exposed and i dont trust the lenses. So i got the avatar and im very happy with it. Covers all of my face and then some. Is soft like the events for lots of bounces. And the best part is you get the two most popular lenses in thermal (which ive never had fog in any weather including summer rain) that can be changed, cleaned and put back in in about 3 minutes if your taking your time. Best lense change ever. Theyre pretty comfortable to me and dont rub my ears like the helix. Deffinently feel secure and the vision is like your not even wearing a mask.
I give them a A in the best high end mask for the money

02-25-2007, 09:38 AM
thats the advantage of the Avatar. It has all the same upgrades minus soft ears of the events yet is bigger in the jow region. All the vents masks have the same lense changing capabilities

The Avatar actually uses a soft rubber on the ear, so its not quite as soft as the foam on the E-vents but it won't tear when you change your lenses and I just don't like foam ears(it hurts bad when you get shot in them) other than the ears the avatar is the same as the E-vents it comes with two lenses and everything. Plus like was said befor the jaw is more covered.