View Full Version : C02 and an Eblade/Torpedo reg

02-22-2007, 10:34 PM
At the moment I am a bit short handed on tanks so I am wondering, how much damage would a co2 tank do strapped on to an e-cocker with a torp reg/tickler? I can't imagine there being much chance of liquid co2 hitting the noid, but I don't know much about the eblades.

For that matter, does the torpedo handle co2 well?

Thanks for who ever can point me in the direction

02-22-2007, 10:45 PM
i wouldnt even try it. unless you had a stab...even then id want dual stabs just in case.

02-22-2007, 11:07 PM
This has been asked 1000 times about every marker imaginable.

Run a properly situated anti-siphon co2 tank through a co2 friendly reg (Stabilizers, older Max-Flos, Sidewinders, and WGP Ergos are generally considered some of the best), and you'll be fine.

I can't say about Torp regs though, I've never used one. If you *must* run co2 on that setup, make sure you're using anti-siphon and the tank isn't over filled.

Dual-regulation is nice, but it isn't always necessary.

I'm sorry I can't give you a definitive answer, but if you take the proper precautions I wouldn't worry about blowing a noid.

02-22-2007, 11:44 PM
I have used co2 on a Torpedo regulator before. It Frosted over after firing rapidly. However, if you wanted to just test fire the cocker I bet it wouldn't hurt that much. Just don't point the marker down so liquid co2 doesn't run directly to the reg and into the marker. I wouldn't try to play a day with co2 though.

02-23-2007, 03:11 PM
Just don't do it. If CO2 can mess up a tippmann or a typhoon (both of which I've seen), then it can screw up anything.