View Full Version : maxium rate or fire?

02-23-2007, 03:40 AM
i was wondering what the max ROF would be on a X-valve or Retro with level X and ULT pull kit without having a adjustable tank, like is it able to walk with all this? i know you can get like 20+ bps on those valves with an adjustable tank, but are they walkable with that set up with a preset tank?

02-23-2007, 03:49 AM
i was wondering what the max ROF would be on a X-valve or Retro with level X and ULE pull kit without having a adjustable tank, like is it able to walk with all this? i know you can get like 20+ bps on those valves with an adjustable tank, but are they walkable with that set up with a preset tank?

When people say that they can "walk" their mags,.. they usually have a ULT kit installed in them. Go here to get one if you want. (http://store.airgun.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=catalog.prodInfo&productID=358&categoryID=9)

When you hear people say that their mags can fire beyond a ROF of 20bps, they more than likely mean that they are getting the bounce on the trigger to obtain these rates. Its IS possible to get a preset tank to do it,.. I have both an Emag and a standard mag with a Micro E-mag valve installed into it and they both keep a sustained ROF more than my loader can handle.

For a fail safe solution, a preset is not the way to go. Get an adjustable and be done with it. The ULT for some slows the ROF down a bit,.. but its not by much. When your firing a mag beyond 20bps and you loose a few BPS or 2, you may not notice.

Search the forums for "reactive" or "bouncing an x-valve", you should get the information you need.

02-23-2007, 03:58 AM
i know about the RT valves and how they bounce off your finger depending on finger pressure and an adjustable tank turned up like to a 1000 psi, but am wanting to know if an ULT kit will allow one to 'walk' an automag equipped with a X-valve or Retro valve and if so what is the ROF?

02-23-2007, 04:58 AM
i know about the RT valves and how they bounce off your finger depending on finger pressure and an adjustable tank turned up like to a 1000 psi, but am wanting to know if an ULT kit will allow one to 'walk' an automag equipped with a X-valve or Retro valve and if so what is the ROF?

Will the ULT allow you to walk a trigger?? If you have a double trigger,..yes I would think so. I can walk mine a bit,.. but I bounce my trigger mostly.

What will your max ROF be and how to tell?? Unless you have: a PACT timer, a Radar Chono that can guess your ROF, or a Goldwave setup to check it,... you really cant tell.

Believe me if you were to go into the chrono range and let someone rip a new gun on some crazy ramping mode,.. then you bounced your trigger,... the difference would be noticable.

Other guns just cant cycle as fast as the newer AGD valves. Can you walk it that fast? Probley not, but there are ways to get that type of performance. Look around for "pnuemag" or "Electro-pneumatic" installs people have been doing on their mags. Some guys have been getting their pneumags up to 16BPS walking the trigger.

That might be something you need to look into.

02-23-2007, 09:04 AM
I have asked Tom himself about which is faster, and he said the ULT can NEVER cycle as fast as the RT on/off due to the smaller cylinder size.

However, that is a relative point, depending on application. For a mech application, a ult is much much lighter, and can even be made to rapid fire if you know what you are doing.

For an electro system, if you want to squeeze out as high a rof as you can, the RT on/off is probably best.

02-23-2007, 11:09 AM
I have asked Tom himself about which is faster, and he said the ULT can NEVER cycle as fast as the RT on/off due to the smaller cylinder size.

However, that is a relative point, depending on application. For a mech application, a ult is much much lighter, and can even be made to rapid fire if you know what you are doing.

For an electro system, if you want to squeeze out as high a rof as you can, the RT on/off is probably best.


U ever get that R/T on/off in ur EvilMag to work like this??

I remember seeing something like you were going to change it out because that was your original idea??

02-24-2007, 12:20 AM
ok thats what i was wanting to know. i have a classic RT and i know how it bounces and rapid fires with increased air pressure, but was wondering if you can walk a ULT X-valve with a double trigger instead of just rapid firing it with an adjustable tank. i read up a lot about the pneumag mod and decided to give it a try but ran into some problems so thats whay i was wondering about if it was possible to walk a X-vale. i get fraustrated real easy when something does not work after working on it a lot so thats why i was interested in being able to walk a X-valve. thanks so much for all the enough so far.

02-24-2007, 11:40 AM
ok thats what i was wanting to know. i have a classic RT and i know how it bounces and rapid fires with increased air pressure, but was wondering if you can walk a ULT X-valve with a double trigger instead of just rapid firing it with an adjustable tank. i read up a lot about the pneumag mod and decided to give it a try but ran into some problems so thats whay i was wondering about if it was possible to walk a X-vale. i get fraustrated real easy when something does not work after working on it a lot so thats why i was interested in being able to walk a X-valve. thanks so much for all the enough so far.

Yeah I havent done the pneumag mode yet but my parts are on teh way as we speak.

From the look on the videos,.. walking is made very easy with it.

You should look for the video Pneumagger made. I have watched it 4 times already to get the process down and learn the reasons he does things in his video on his pneumag mods.

That,.. and its funny when the camera developes a mind of its own and he swears at it!! LOL! :rofl:

02-28-2007, 03:37 PM

U ever get that R/T on/off in ur EvilMag to work like this??

I remember seeing something like you were going to change it out because that was your original idea??

I havent really had a whole lot of time to tinker with it. I changed out the smc noid in favor of a mac. Come to think about it, im not even sure If I got that to work right yet. :-(

03-02-2007, 04:38 PM
Hey i have a tac-one with xvalve double trigger and i have the ULT installed, its easy to walk with or without the ULT, using the trigger bounce my freinds PACT timer says 13bps with ult, i can walk 10 consistently, 13 quick burst with ult,with stock trigger mechanism its much slower as the trigger isnt as easy to pull, 3lbs compared to 15 ounces.
