View Full Version : Why is everyone part of a team??

02-23-2007, 10:10 PM
Fisrt off I dont want to be disrespectfull to anyone just making an observation. :D

Everywhere I go and most people that post, always talk about being part of a team and all the experiance they have. I went to an air ball field over the summer by myself, and everyone I talked to there was in full yellow and reg gear and holding and Ego telling me how good they are and all the teams they have played on.

It seems to me that now a days we cant just go out and play for the sake of playing, instead we need to make everything a competion and guage eachother. I understand its human nature to label and judge eachother and its most of our instincs as men to be compeditive, but it just gets to me.

I remember a time when you could go play and you laughed all day long with a smile on your face, now everyone gets off the field pissed b/c they were shot out, or cursing b/c of a ref's call.

Anyway back to teams,...... why...why...why... does everyone have to be part of a team cant we just be friends and not teamates.

Thanks I feel better... :p :)

P.S. I cant spell :tard:

02-23-2007, 10:31 PM
It would be nice if those friendly rec balls days existed for everyone at any venue they choose to play. It has become rare outside a private backyard game.... :ninja: ...

Its nice to have a group of people to run with that will help watch your back. Especially given the amount of "farm" teams that run around picking on open players. It sucks to get caught up in a game allowing PSP rules and not being able to count on anyone on your side.

As far as the attitude, I nor do my "teammates" (as you would put it) participate in most of that. We and particularly one of us are only human.....

02-23-2007, 10:48 PM
Well a lot of people are on a team to compete...

When my team formed..it was like people who knew of each other and played at the same place..then we made the team and its more like brothers. When I play with my team I dont worry about anything but what I have to get done...I'm not constantly having to check my tape while i fun fight with someone to the inside of the field...or visa versa...off the break if i have a long run..i know theres 2 strong guns behind me that are going to get me there...

It's just nice to have people you can rely on and have a close group of freinds to play with..and without a team you can't compete..and I myself love competeing..it brings out a whole nother level of play from everyone.

02-23-2007, 10:58 PM
Fisrt off I dont want to be disrespectfull to anyone just making an observation. :D

Everywhere I go and most people that post, always talk about being part of a team and all the experiance they have. I went to an air ball field over the summer by myself, and everyone I talked to there was in full yellow and reg gear and holding and Ego telling me how good they are and all the teams they have played on.

It seems to me that now a days we cant just go out and play for the sake of playing, instead we need to make everything a competion and guage eachother. I understand its human nature to label and judge eachother and its most of our instincs as men to be compeditive, but it just gets to me.

I remember a time when you could go play and you laughed all day long with a smile on your face, now everyone gets off the field pissed b/c they were shot out, or cursing b/c of a ref's call.

Anyway back to teams,...... why...why...why... does everyone have to be part of a team cant we just be friends and not teamates.

Thanks I feel better... :p :)

P.S. I cant spell :tard:

well... it's a team sport... other than that- dont worry about it. realistically tho, there are not that many measurable stats in the game of paintball: games won/games lost (as a team), elims per game (of the other team), flag hangs per game (a function of your team ability and your personal survival rate)... but come on man, we dont have a personal "kills per ball", or a average bps or sprinting speed stat... Once again, its a team game.

sorry mate, live with it.

btw, i'm not on a team now, used to be on a team at the upper levels of non-pro play, but we split.. i have great fun whenever i play cause i just drown those moaners you're talking about out. why dont your bring a friend out with you and then you'll have your own team... penny for your thoughts.

Lupis Fidelis
02-23-2007, 10:59 PM
My team was originally myself and two of my best friends and we played every weekend. Eventually we started checking out 8 and 24 hour scenario games and met another group of friends and we all started running together and finally merged into one team.

In scenario it really helps to be apart of a team for many reasons.

as a member of a team I have more access to information about what's going on in the game and have better access to missions and such.

In the end it all comes down to me and a bunch of friends who love playing together win or lose. In the 24 hour scenario world we camp out for 2 nights so really it's a great time. We (my team) have made many other friends (on other teams) from different ares and the team names just more or less define "unit names" since we all play on the same side now a days.


02-23-2007, 11:01 PM
i dont think its the "teams" he minds so much, but the "im better than you because im on a team" attitude.

02-23-2007, 11:03 PM
We had a team long ago, which was really a group of friends who often went out and played together. If possible, we would try to be on the same side when playing at a paintball field during open play. If that was not possible (to balance the sides, etc.), then we never had a problem with it. Heck, we would all laugh or complain to each other about getting shot after the game. "You bum, you hit me in the butt!"

A lot of what you see can depend on the mix of people playing, just like you see with online forums. If the general atmosphere is confrontation and having issues, then that is what you come to expect. I have seen good days and bad days at fields, often seeming to depend on the people.

Remember one day that a group of my friends went to play. We made up most of our side. The other side was mostly a father, his four children, and some uncles or family friends. It was competitive and hard playing, but when we were done we all laughed a lot and (both sides) enjoyed talking about stuff that happened.

Another day, the other side was mostly young males and they were all angry. They were also pretty freaking nasty in terms of fair play. Wiping paint, ducking outside of the boundary lines, I even watched one get hit, start to walk off, then turn around and run along the tape and come back in shooting on our flank. They were that sort of players. That quickly turned into a confrontation.

I am out there to play the game. We have fun, we will make mistakes, but if you hit me I am out. If I think you hit me I will check or have a buddy or available ref check. If you got me, then good to go - I will hope to turn the tables on you next time. The guys I used to play with all the time on my team were the same way. Heck, because of the honor rules the team came up with, I still do not like to shoot at someone's mask. If that is the only part of you I can see, then fine, but if I have my choice I will shoot at your chest. We always tried to avoid head shots, because getting hit on the head or neck hurts.

Anyway, it is like any group of people. If they have discipline and values, they are a good thing. If they are a mob, are angry (and feeding on the group's anger), or are not playing fair - they are a dangerous animal.

Oh, and the name of that team: Penguin Lust. (We had nicknames like "Go-Go" and "Flounder." Never took ourselves too seriously. Just play well and have fun.)

02-24-2007, 02:55 AM
Teams suck! Too much work to try to keep everyone happy. Much better finding a few people that you can stand for a day and roll with it.

02-24-2007, 03:03 AM
Fisrt off I dont want to be disrespectfull to anyone just making an observation. :D

Everywhere I go and most people that post, always talk about being part of a team and all the experiance they have. I went to an air ball field over the summer by myself, and everyone I talked to there was in full yellow and reg gear and holding and Ego telling me how good they are and all the teams they have played on.

It seems to me that now a days we cant just go out and play for the sake of playing, instead we need to make everything a competion and guage eachother. I understand its human nature to label and judge eachother and its most of our instincs as men to be compeditive, but it just gets to me.

I remember a time when you could go play and you laughed all day long with a smile on your face, now everyone gets off the field pissed b/c they were shot out, or cursing b/c of a ref's call.

Anyway back to teams,...... why...why...why... does everyone have to be part of a team cant we just be friends and not teamates.

Thanks I feel better... :p :)

P.S. I cant spell :tard:
I'm happy to report that at the field i frequent things are still like that. We do get the occasional moron who claims that people are shooting frozen paintballs and would've gotten the person out if they had "had that purple gun" (an actual quote, i **** you not). Anyway, for the most part we all just joke about the whole thing, congratulate people that capture the flag, and have a good tiem, though i'm sure everyone's just a little disappointed when they're hit because then they don't get to play anymore. Anyway, the only reason i see for teams if if you intend on playing in a tournament.

02-24-2007, 07:51 AM
Yea My field is pretty good about all those things and its a pretty friendly recbal enviroment. However i try to stay away from speedballers just because in nature theyre a lot more aggressive and focus just on winning instead of having a good time. Our reffs usually split us up into people who want to play on the speedball feilds and people who want to play on the woods feilds and it works out great. I think all the feild should do this if they can. REally good idea IMO. However reguardless i always bring atleast one friend to play and that makes it twice as fun. You know you got someone to cover your back and dont feel so out there. The more the merrier

02-24-2007, 09:03 AM
First I must say that saddly I am on a team. Though I can justify it.

There are only about 15 people total where I live that play paintball at all. Of that my team are the only ones who play regularly. So we can play our A team vs our B team 3v3 and just add anybody else who wants to play to even it out. I personally have only played 1 event but my teamates have played an entire EPL series and won first in it. And hey, they get free stuff for it. Because they came in first they got enough prizes to make up for paint and fee to play the event. In a sense they played the event for free. Thats all I really want it to be. I don't nessassarly want to make $$(though it would be nice) but I want to play for free or as cheap as possible.

Also something I like about being a team is that you can go to somewhere and act as a team. Our 6 man team whent out to play a team practice day once and it was great. A bunch of team's were just there hanging out and playing skirmishes. It was a cool environment. Then you get to switch stuff up and play recball with oter teams. Overall it was a great thing.

Also I must say that if I want to go out and play rec without being on my team I would prefer there be no teams playing together. That is plain old unfair. A team who knows the field playing a group of people who may be good but arn't in sync with the rest of the people and don't know the place like the back of their hand.

02-24-2007, 09:22 AM
I don’t give weight to those on teams, nor take weight away. I also have never been a member of a “team” per se. I am a member of “groups” or “clubs” though.

I also find that those who think being on a team makes you better than someone else, or having “sponsors” makes you better than someone else, are the same as those who would think that if you wear one type of paintball gear it makes you “better” as well. Whatever works for them. LOL What they think has no affect on my actual skills or anyone else’s on the field. ;)

02-24-2007, 11:33 AM
Reasons to be on a "Team" :

1) You know there will always be a bunch of people you know and trust there to play , especially when the days turnout blows.

2) Most fields give some kind of discount to 'teams'.

3) Makes getting on the field easier.

4) 'Normally' gives the potential for better games if you get together with another 'team' looking for other teams to practice.

5) Regular 'teams' at many local feilds often get other preferances and discounts.

6) Group buys on gear and apparel save $$$.

7) Never getting shot in the back of the head by a walkon. :)

8) Never wondering if that guy is on your team during a game and getting shot while trying to figure it out.

9) It's hard to eat a whole pizza by yourself.

and . . .

10) Cause newbs think your cool. :D

02-24-2007, 01:32 PM
If you got a team where everyone does their part it isn't too bad, but I've never found it to work out that way at least for long. I'm tired of broke dick team mates, I'm tired of the excuses why they can't make a single practice and I'm tired of being lied to. I'm just plan tired of being dumped on! I used to spend countless hours driving around talking to field owners getting the best deals, working on sponsorships deals, spending time ordering any equipment, scheduling the events to go to and then if we did make it to the event having to float the team to make it through the day. Heck I was the team. Life is SO MUCH EASIER not being a part of a sham team! If I can find a group of guys my age, whom have money to play, That have some devotion, that are like me just tied of the bull and just want to have a good time with our mags. Then perhaps "yah", I'll be a part of a team again. But it might just be short of hell freezing over for that to happen...

02-24-2007, 02:58 PM

02-24-2007, 04:13 PM
We you all make good points, and its not that I dont like teams in general, because yes this is a team sport. Its the morans that feel the need to label everything and everyone, you will reconized these guys b/c the first question out of there mouth is "what team are you on?", and when I say I dont have a team I just play to have fun, they imediatly look at you like some 13 year old punk kid with not experiance or knowledge.

Some of you mentioned it nice to have a guy on your "team" that has your back, I cant agree more I always play pick-up game and I spend most of the game trying to get my "team" to move up with me, and the end of the game I'm all alone trying to keep 3 guys at bay.

I guess what I am trying to say is why label our friends and call them a team with some goofy name, why cant the first thing out of peoples mouths be "looks like a good day for some play".

But I must admite walking on the field with my low bling Emag and everyone else has a blinged out Ego saying "I didnt know they made Automags anymore" feels real good, and it feels even better when I bunker mister Ego because he assumed I cant play and forgot about me.

02-24-2007, 04:35 PM
they're on a team because they're agg. duh


don miguel
02-24-2007, 04:49 PM
actually it's MV RIOT now. but nice try, play again next time.

BTW: people are on teams because they want to compete and win prizes and money. plus it's a whole lot of fun to compete in competitions. Mabe you should join one. And the whole "Im on a team so I'm better" thing can and can't be true. If someone is on a team like dynasty and they show up at your recball field, they are probably better than you, beacuse teams are based on skill. For example- rookie, amature, pro etc... But just because they are on a team, can also mean they hang out w/ a group of noob buddies alot and call themselves a team.

02-24-2007, 05:54 PM
[/QUOTE] BTW: people are on teams because they want to compete and win prizes and money. plus it's a whole lot of fun to compete in competitions. Mabe you should join one. And the whole "Im on a team so I'm better" thing can and can't be true. If someone is on a team like dynasty and they show up at your recball field, they are probably better than you, beacuse teams are based on skill. For example- rookie, amature, pro etc... But just because they are on a team, can also mean they hang out w/ a group of noob buddies alot and call themselves a team.[/QUOTE]

Good point ;)

02-24-2007, 06:31 PM
... But just because they are on a team, can also mean they hang out w/ a group of noob buddies alot and call themselves a team.

The MV Riot mantra? :ninja:

02-24-2007, 07:04 PM
Because all the cool kids are doing it !!!!!!

02-24-2007, 07:10 PM
what happened to the good old days when we used to go to the park and throw football around have a good time and walk off the grass with a smile on our faces? why did we have to start making teams and wearing jerseys and competing in super bowls? it seams like now a days people are walking off the fields pissed of and cursing because they threw an interception or the ref made a bad call.


02-24-2007, 07:43 PM
I'm not on a team. Actually, I go paintballing by myself most of the time. :cry:

02-24-2007, 07:58 PM
actually it's MV RIOT now. but nice try, play again next time.
sounds pretty agg to me

02-24-2007, 08:12 PM
But I must admite walking on the field with my low bling Emag and everyone else has a blinged out Ego saying "I didnt know they made Automags anymore" feels real good, and it feels even better when I bunker mister Ego because he assumed I cant play and forgot about me.

Now imagine doing that with a pump. :D

Took a bunch of those kids to school a couple weeks ago. Local field having try outs , some of 'em spilled over where we were practicing. Believe it or not most of them (that day) were quite respectful and appreciative of good skill. Not always the case.

It's an amazing twist on the day , really.

Early AM : Oh geez , bunch of geezers with pumps. Do we have to let them play ?

Mid day : That dang geezer bunkered me again. I never even knew he was coming. Did you see him ? No , I got snap shot by one of them and couldn't see anything after that.

Late day : Alright , me and the pump guys against everyone else.

That's what it's all about. :D

02-24-2007, 08:25 PM
7) Never getting shot in the back of the head by a walkon. :)

I may have to find myself a team now..

At one point last year, i was playing in a series of open games and got shot in the back of the head by my 'team' on no less than 4 occasions. I got a good laugh when the ref offered to wipe it for me should i get shot in the back of the head again. :)

02-24-2007, 08:26 PM
I may have to find myself a team now..

At one point last year, i was playing in a series of open games and got shot in the back of the head by my 'team' on no less than 4 occasions. I got a good laugh when the ref offered to wipe it for me should i get shot in the back of the head again. :)

That's why I wear a full head mask. please don't laugh...

02-24-2007, 08:31 PM
I may have to find myself a team now..

At one point last year, i was playing in a series of open games and got shot in the back of the head by my 'team' on no less than 4 occasions. I got a good laugh when the ref offered to wipe it for me should i get shot in the back of the head again. :)


Last week was playing on a unique Rec ball field made up of half hyper and half woods. Always the same problem , if I start in the Hyper and clear it , the woods have to get 'cleaned' after the fact. Vice versa if I take the woods.

That day , everytime I finish sweeping the hyper side I go clear the woods and end up taking friendly fire (so to speak) from some newb buried to his eyeballs in cover waiting for the game to end.

I think I'm going to have a jersey made with bright orange letters saying 'DUDE I'M ON YOUR TEAM" right across the front just for those days. :D

don miguel
02-24-2007, 08:41 PM
The MV Riot mantra? :ninja:
hey pnuemagger, when is the last time you have seen my team or any of the members of it play paintball? Obviously you are being judgemental without having any evidence of our skill level. The only AO member that can make a judgement would be either Where am I? who is on the team, or Scripto who was at BPS with us one time. So you can judge all you want, but you have no proof. The only proof you might have besides Scripto, would be the video of us that i posted a while ago. Mabe you should watch that again.
Unlike you, I have an idea of your paintball skill. I have seen a few of your youtube vids on your pnuemags which are very well done. Those videos are evidence that you have obviously played paintball before and that you know what you are doing. Mabe someday my team can play against yours (I assume you are probably on one) and that will be the judge. Until then, you can continue to make judgements without evidence knowing that you are being foolish.

don miguel
02-24-2007, 08:43 PM
sounds pretty agg to me
I don't give a freaking HK headband about what you think.


02-24-2007, 09:04 PM
Of course everyone is on a team for the matching jerseys and pants, duh.

02-24-2007, 09:24 PM
I completely agree with the first post's idea.

I hate going to a field, and there's a guy, matching dm_ to his jersey, pants, mask, everything, name embroidered on it all, who talks smack all day and all the first timers huddle around him, thinking he's god. It wouldn't bother me so much if he went out and played, but usually, it's a guy who talks more than plays, and loudly proclaims that he's sponsored, and that's the only way to be.

I get people asking me if I'm on a team all the time, and the answer is always the same. "No, I'm not. I've thought about it, but I'd rather just play to have a good time."

I have nothing against teams. What I do have a problem with is players who think they're all-that because they're sponsored, and take the opportunity to fill first-timers with useless hype.

02-25-2007, 08:39 AM
I completely agree with the first post's idea.

I hate going to a field, and there's a guy, matching dm_ to his jersey, pants, mask, everything, name embroidered on it all, who talks smack all day and all the first timers huddle around him, thinking he's god. It wouldn't bother me so much if he went out and played, but usually, it's a guy who talks more than plays, and loudly proclaims that he's sponsored, and that's the only way to be.

I get people asking me if I'm on a team all the time, and the answer is always the same. "No, I'm not. I've thought about it, but I'd rather just play to have a good time."

I have nothing against teams. What I do have a problem with is players who think they're all-that because they're sponsored, and take the opportunity to fill first-timers with useless hype.

Amen brother :clap:

02-25-2007, 09:13 AM
hey pnuemagger, when is the last time you have seen my team or any of the members of it play paintball? Obviously you are being judgemental without having any evidence of our skill level. The only AO member that can make a judgement would be either Where am I? who is on the team, or Scripto who was at BPS with us one time. So you can judge all you want, but you have no proof. The only proof you might have besides Scripto, would be the video of us that i posted a while ago. Mabe you should watch that again.
Unlike you, I have an idea of your paintball skill. I have seen a few of your youtube vids on your pnuemags which are very well done. Those videos are evidence that you have obviously played paintball before and that you know what you are doing. Mabe someday my team can play against yours (I assume you are probably on one) and that will be the judge. Until then, you can continue to make judgements without evidence knowing that you are being foolish.

Relax :rolleyes: Just having e-fun. :cheers:

I am not on a team, more or less. I ball with Lenny and behemoth a little bit - and we generally play pump against all these wannabe "agg" local teams. It's actually quite funny. I prefer pump play and love to just walk-on. I've never played in a tournament, and frankly don't care to in the future. Not that I'd be ill equipped or scurd - but why would I pay more to play with people that will be wiping, whining, and have more attitude?

It's also funny to overhear the "team" people asking thier friends why "these guys" are playing pump when we have pneumags, e-cockers, cyborgs, vikings, and mags.I'd rather use a phantom in an airball field than the woods. Like Jay said, there nothing more fun than holding your own against electros with 50 balls and two 12 grams.

02-25-2007, 11:17 AM
I am not so much against the idea of teams as I am against the idea of teams solely for paintball. I hate seeing people that only exist as friends on the field and call their crew a team. A team is more than a bunch of people that play paintball well together. A real team will hang out away from the paintball field, eat some wings and clean guns together at the end of the day. A real team is like a bunch of brothers, that enjoy the fellowship and comradre that comes on and off the field!

So many teams fall apart because at the end of the day, they aren't even good friends. It is so much easier to make a team survive when you can all agree and at the end of the day the game doesnt matter...

don miguel
02-25-2007, 11:27 AM
Relax :rolleyes: Just having e-fun. :cheers:

I am not on a team, more or less. I ball with Lenny and behemoth a little bit - and we generally play pump against all these wannabe "agg" local teams. It's actually quite funny. I prefer pump play and love to just walk-on. I've never played in a tournament, and frankly don't care to in the future. Not that I'd be ill equipped or scurd - but why would I pay more to play with people that will be wiping, whining, and have more attitude?

It's also funny to overhear the "team" people asking thier friends why "these guys" are playing pump when we have pneumags, e-cockers, cyborgs, vikings, and mags.I'd rather use a phantom in an airball field than the woods. Like Jay said, there nothing more fun than holding your own against electros with 50 balls and two 12 grams.
I didn't know you play pump. It is really fun to play pump against agg 10 year olds w/ ions.

02-25-2007, 11:27 AM
So many teams fall apart because at the end of the day, they aren't even good friends. It is so much easier to make a team survive when you can all agree and at the end of the day the game doesnt matter...

Agreed. The team I was on, between 1993-1997 or so, fits this bill. We were a group of friends who all went out to play paintball together. If we were not playing paintball we might be together watching a movie, going out to have a few drinks, or any number of other social interactions. Our sole bond was not paintball; it was a part of the friendship.

I still miss those guys and smile when I remember something Steve, Austin, John, or Mike did or said at some point. Lost track of the last one about three years ago, because we were all military and spread out over time.

02-25-2007, 12:01 PM
I am not so much against the idea of teams as I am against the idea of teams solely for paintball. I hate seeing people that only exist as friends on the field and call their crew a team. A team is more than a bunch of people that play paintball well together. A real team will hang out away from the paintball field, eat some wings and clean guns together at the end of the day. A real team is like a bunch of brothers, that enjoy the fellowship and comradre that comes on and off the field!

So many teams fall apart because at the end of the day, they aren't even good friends. It is so much easier to make a team survive when you can all agree and at the end of the day the game doesnt matter...

My experiences disagree with that more often than not. The best teams are serious about the job at hand , show up to play and don't bring crap to the field.

Friends that make teams often bring alot off field BS to the game , are pissed that one of them was late to dinner last night or didn't chip in enuff on the bill , broke a borrowed something etc.

I have better luck with people that are really interested in being part of team , show up and do what they are expected and go home. :)

Granted , it's not that easy to find but then neither are real good friends. :D

02-25-2007, 12:03 PM
My experiences disagree with that more often than not. The best teams are serious about the job at hand , show up to play and don't bring crap to the field.

Friends that make teams often bring alot off field BS to the game , are pissed that one of them was late to dinner last night or didn't chip in enuff on the bill , broke a borrowed something etc.

I have better luck with people that are really interested in being part of team , show up and do what they are expected and go home. :)

Granted , it's not that easy to find but then neither are real good friends. :D

Well then I guess getting some real good friends that also have a passion for paintball is the real trick, huh? :cheers:

02-25-2007, 12:25 PM
Well then I guess getting some real good friends that also have a passion for paintball is the real trick, huh? :cheers:

Thats true when i first started to play in high school none of my friends at the time really played the one or two that would come with me to the field didnt enjoy it as much as i did. Even today finding guys to play with that have a passion for the sport like I do is difficult, the guys I play with at my local field and I are great friends on the field, but I dont talk to them off the field.

I wish some of you guys were local to me in NEPA. :rolleyes:

02-25-2007, 11:42 PM
I don't give a freaking HK headband about what you think.

what about a red headband on all camo clothes?

02-25-2007, 11:43 PM
My experiences disagree with that more often than not. The best teams are serious about the job at hand , show up to play and don't bring crap to the field.

Friends that make teams often bring alot off field BS to the game , are pissed that one of them was late to dinner last night or didn't chip in enuff on the bill , broke a borrowed something etc.

I have better luck with people that are really interested in being part of team , show up and do what they are expected and go home. :)

Granted , it's not that easy to find but then neither are real good friends. :D
Yeah, i always yell at my friends when they don't show up to dinner. Then girls look at us all weird. I don't get it.

If anyone actually did that though i would laugh my *** off.

02-26-2007, 12:33 PM
Oh I believe the days of friendly rec play are still here ...

You just need to be on the team that sets it up. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

turbo chicken
02-26-2007, 02:15 PM
I have seen what the first post adresses ... yeah it sucks but what ya gonna do?

team, schmeam ... illl play with whoever will take me ...

02-26-2007, 02:38 PM
Fisrt off I dont want to be disrespectfull to anyone just making an observation. :D

Everywhere I go and most people that post, always talk about being part of a team and all the experiance they have. I went to an air ball field over the summer by myself, and everyone I talked to there was in full yellow and reg gear and holding and Ego telling me how good they are and all the teams they have played on.

It seems to me that now a days we cant just go out and play for the sake of playing, instead we need to make everything a competion and guage eachother. I understand its human nature to label and judge eachother and its most of our instincs as men to be compeditive, but it just gets to me.

I remember a time when you could go play and you laughed all day long with a smile on your face, now everyone gets off the field pissed b/c they were shot out, or cursing b/c of a ref's call.

Anyway back to teams,...... why...why...why... does everyone have to be part of a team cant we just be friends and not teamates.

Thanks I feel better... :p :)

P.S. I cant spell :tard:

man you have to come play on some pump days. We throw people that have never seen eachother before on three man teams & go. In regards to being part of a team. Most people want to play with like minded peeps. In most cases trust in the guy that is covering your back is critical.

02-26-2007, 07:14 PM
I didn't know you play pump. It is really fun to play pump against agg 10 year olds w/ ions.

Its even more fun to play pump against experienced players. It makes you better.
God forbid people play to get better instead of kicking dirt in the faces of mommas boys...even if they deserve it.

02-26-2007, 09:04 PM
Teams make the game more fun most of the time, but I still call everyone I know when I go goof off and play recball. Why play five on five when it could be 20 on 20? btw DM, you should really look into some sort of perscription for your newb syndrome.

02-28-2007, 04:43 PM
Why am I on a team?
Because I thought it would be fun to make one despite the fact that we never play anywhere plus I had a really cool iron on that I put on a pillow case and made a team flag.

Why am I not on a "real" team?
No money...don't play speedball...don't really like "other people" very much.

Why do I kinda wish I was on a real team?
SPPL BABY!! :shooting: I'd be all over that like a poodle on a snauasage.

Alas, my friends are either poor or lame and thus I usually just go play rec with a bunch of peope I don't know. Usually it ends up being 3 regulars, a handful of experienced players, and 27 newbs. So by the end of the day the 3 regulars and like 7 newbs are playing against the rest of us because God forbid the 3 best players would want to play against each other.

I'll never understand that...if I was one of the two best players on the field...I'd want the other guy of the two of us to be on the other team...so we could test our skills against each other. What's the point of teaming together and lighting up a private party of 12 year olds? Is that "thrilling"? Because I don't get it. :confused:

03-02-2007, 08:03 AM
Why am I on a team?
Because I thought it would be fun to make one despite the fact that we never play anywhere plus I had a really cool iron on that I put on a pillow case and made a team flag.

Why am I not on a "real" team?
No money...don't play speedball...don't really like "other people" very much.

Why do I kinda wish I was on a real team?
SPPL BABY!! :shooting: I'd be all over that like a poodle on a snauasage.

Alas, my friends are either poor or lame and thus I usually just go play rec with a bunch of peope I don't know. Usually it ends up being 3 regulars, a handful of experienced players, and 27 newbs. So by the end of the day the 3 regulars and like 7 newbs are playing against the rest of us because God forbid the 3 best players would want to play against each other.

I'll never understand that...if I was one of the two best players on the field...I'd want the other guy of the two of us to be on the other team...so we could test our skills against each other. What's the point of teaming together and lighting up a private party of 12 year olds? Is that "thrilling"? Because I don't get it. :confused:
Yeah, I agree with that last statment. I am playing tomorrow and we have a birthday party comming in so I'll be playing against a bunch of kiddies. I like to going to other fields just to get my butt kicked. :p

turbo chicken
03-02-2007, 08:26 AM
My experiences disagree with that more often than not. The best teams are serious about the job at hand , show up to play and don't bring crap to the field.

Friends that make teams often bring alot off field BS to the game , are pissed that one of them was late to dinner last night or didn't chip in enuff on the bill , broke a borrowed something etc.

I have better luck with people that are really interested in being part of team , show up and do what they are expected and go home. :)

Granted , it's not that easy to find but then neither are real good friends. :D

^this is what i have looked for in the past for a team ... i don't want friendship (if it happens it happens) ... i want someone who

-will show up with their own equipment and ready to play
-is serious about "the task at hand" as fireblade said
-and if your serious you will do more than play a few games together for practice

-and during practice and you can't practice on a regular field day it must be done during the week with other teams there to practice... first walk the field ... name bunkers ...go over communication strategy ... breakout strategy ... remind our selves of fundamentals of playing then ... take the field... debreif after everygame ... what could we have done better what went good ...

you know ... no screwing around ... we are there for practice not to play around ... if you want to play a casual game of ball ... lets go play on the weekend with everyone else ...

Wonder why i was never able to find enough people to form a team ...

03-02-2007, 11:38 AM
When we recruit for our team, we look for people with exceptional skills, but mostly we look for honest players who will help promote the sport and don't mind helping us set up and take down the field. Character is something that is priceless on the paintball field.

03-02-2007, 12:38 PM
ive been on a few teams in my time with several different structures to them,

pre team: had a group of friends that always went to play together
1st team, mostly friends, hung out a little outside of pball, worked pretty well until lots of people stopped showing up
2nd team, rebirth of 1st team, new players, but still were friends outside of pball, split because of school
3rd team: university team, the players were there because we all wanted to play for the university, some were friends outside of pball, however i think it wouldve been better had they done more together off the field. just recently stepped down/quit as captain.
4th team(havent done anything with them yet): the players all know each other and are mostly friends with each other, im not actually going to be playing, but coaching(x-ball) as these guys are all a few years younger than i am.

honestly, i want teammates to show up and do their job, but i also think its a good thing for them to atleast do some stuff together outside of paintball. i find i trust them better if i know them off the field as well.