View Full Version : xmag still not working

where am i?
02-26-2007, 06:24 AM
Okay so the last thread helped but now that I have the gun in my hands I need some help. I just got home last night and I went to go work on my xmag and it seems it got worse. The lower selecing button when i try to change to mode is now not working. So now I really need some help. Im guessing the board is messed up but do I need to replace it? Or should I just send it to tunaman or agd.

02-26-2007, 06:32 AM
Okay so the last thread helped but now that I have the gun in my hands I need some help. I just got home last night and I went to go work on my xmag and it seems it got worse. The lower selecing button when i try to change to mode is now not working. So now I really need some help. Im guessing the board is messed up but do I need to replace it? Or should I just send it to tunaman or agd.

tuna, agd, a-tac-one. Send it to one of them. Like you said you are only making it worse.

02-26-2007, 03:56 PM
You could send it to me and I'll work on it so that you'll not recognize the final product.

You'll swear I just swapped the marker for another one but I can assure you that just because it LOOKS like a Pro Classic it really IS a X-Mag!!!!!


02-26-2007, 05:10 PM
Okay so the last thread helped but now that I have the gun in my hands I need some help. I just got home last night and I went to go work on my xmag and it seems it got worse. The lower selecing button when i try to change to mode is now not working. So now I really need some help. Im guessing the board is messed up but do I need to replace it? Or should I just send it to tunaman or agd.

I had a problem where the rubber nubs that make up the buttons would stick to the frame. NOT the buttons on the actual board, but the thin rubber "sticks" that you push on at the back of the frame. To solve this I had to take the board out, take the pins out and autolube the holes in the frame. It worked after that.

NOTE: If you take the board out make sure you DON"T bend the white buttons ON the board sideways. I mean the buttons that those black rubber pieces contact with. (The white buttons are really easy to break).