View Full Version : E-mag Firing Problem

03-04-2007, 05:33 PM
My e-mag isn't firing every shot in e-mode.

I can hear the solenoid click everytime i pull the trigger, and the HES is registering, but the the gun wont fire every shot, only sparatic at first, then none at all. The solenoid moves, but it just doesn't get a full cycle to fire

It fires in mechanical and hybrid mode.

I'm using x-mod, with fix 25, dwell 15, i've tried different settings and they didnt seem to help.

I haven't always had this problem, just the last few times i've used it.

I fully charged my battery a few days ago, however, i didn't check the voltage or anything. It was fine a few months ago, when i tested the voltage.

anyone know what it is?

03-04-2007, 05:35 PM
you may have to tune your magnet in your trigger. if it is shooting in hybrid then it is allowing the magnet to get close there, but not in emode.

03-04-2007, 05:47 PM
Here is a short video, the solenoid and trigger seems to be working fine.

Solenoid (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oK48SxViAXY)

I took this vid without air or a valve, i just put my finger in place of the on/off.

I don't get it, the battery seems to have enough power to pull the solenoid, and I switched x-valves, quad o-rings, and on/offs and still the same problem.

03-04-2007, 06:39 PM
You need to check the length of the solenoid plunger. There is a 'how-to' in the xmod manual. Also, that plunger should move absolutely freely without any binding.

03-04-2007, 08:06 PM
ok - i dont know about the length, but the plunger doesnt just slide in and out of the solenoid freely, its kind of tight/sticky

i wiped off the plunger and the inside of the solenoid, but that didnt help much, i dont think the plunger is lined up perfectly with the solenoid... isnt it supposed to slide when you tilt your gun at a 45degree od mroe angle?

03-04-2007, 08:14 PM
yes it should be able to slide out when tipping your gun foward.

03-04-2007, 08:20 PM
it doesn't slide freely and im not sure how to fix that. i know you can tighten the screw that goes in the solenoid, but that doesn't help much. any suggestions?

If i need to buy something to measure the plunger or its too ticky to fix on my own, i'll just send it to tuna.

03-05-2007, 05:21 PM
If its not sliding easily, it could be bent. Take it out and eye ball it. If you need help let me know.

03-06-2007, 01:23 AM
took it out - doesnt look bent to me. I did have my gun powdercoated - could it have affected the palcement of the solenoid?


hm, its moving somewhat smoothly now... the plunger slides out when my gun is tilted vertically , about 90 degrees.

I tested it and it shot ok for a few seconds, then slowed down until only about every 5th trigger pull or so would fire. it should be sustaining high bps.

03-06-2007, 02:38 AM
took it out - doesnt look bent to me. I did have my gun powdercoated - could it have affected the palcement of the solenoid?


hm, its moving somewhat smoothly now... the plunger slides out when my gun is tilted vertically , about 90 degrees.

I tested it and it shot ok for a few seconds, then slowed down until only about every 5th trigger pull or so would fire. it should be sustaining high bps.

What happened to the solenoid wires? Are they/do they have a good solder connection on both wires?

I took a glance at my E-Mag to check,... based on my plunger length, yours looks shorter.

I know they are set from the AGD factory so its just a guess.

Looks to me in the video that your solenoid will fire on the first shot if you pull the trigger on the 1st shot but not the 20 after it. Have you tried pulling it 1 time every second instead of fast? What does it do with air on it?

I think either your HES or your trigger magnets are out of adjustment. The HES needs to be in a specific place and seated correctly or it wont work properly.

If you cant figure it out after a few days, just send it out to Tuna. But my guess is that when you had it taken apart to get it painted, something was not put back right. Willing to bet your HES/magnet is the problem.

Just noticed you have XMod installed,.... try to limit your problems and things you can adjust by flashing the AGD firmware back to the board. Fix the problem, then re-apply XMod and adjust that. Your gun could be working fine with XMod installed before the strippig to go to anno. then you get it back and it doent work. It doesnt mean your gun is broke, it just could be that the settings on the XMod wont work since the gun was taken apart. I flash mine to AGD 1.37 and work back up to XMod personally.

03-06-2007, 05:55 AM
Usually when the noid is 'not pulling hard enough' it means that the plunger length adjustement is out of wack. Take it out again and see if it turns freely on the clevis. If it does, turn it out to make it a little (key word here being little), longer and try it again. When it it 'short', the noid doesnt have as much of the pluger inside to grab on.

edit - after looking closer at that pick of your noid plunger, it looks WAY short.

03-06-2007, 09:49 AM
i dont think its an HES problem, every shot registeres, the solenoid just can't keep up every time. Also it was working well earlier, and i recently had the problem of it ceasing to fire every shot. My gun also worked better with x-mod, i don't think x-mod is the problem right now either. if nothing works i might flash it back, but for now im gonna troubleshoot other things.

I'll adjust my plunger lenght and get back to you. Thanks for the help so far.

03-06-2007, 02:50 PM
i dont think its an HES problem, every shot registeres, the solenoid just can't keep up every time. Also it was working well earlier, and i recently had the problem of it ceasing to fire every shot. My gun also worked better with x-mod, i don't think x-mod is the problem right now either. if nothing works i might flash it back, but for now im gonna troubleshoot other things.

I'll adjust my plunger lenght and get back to you. Thanks for the help so far.

I hear you. The only reason why I suggested putting the AGD software back on was because we all know it works on the base settings. So you dont have to fiddle to fine tune your gun and correct the noid issue at the same time.

I have a computer information background. So I tend to strip my guns down like a computer and build up till I hit 1 problem, fix it, then move to another. I think its easier that way for myself.

03-06-2007, 09:37 PM
Thanks Scott, p8nt, and mann.

I increased the plunger lenght and its working great so far. I'm not sure how it got out of wack, but its kickin again. woot :shooting:

03-06-2007, 09:57 PM
Thanks Scott, p8nt, and mann.

I increased the plunger lenght and its working great so far. I'm not sure how it got out of wack, but its kickin again. woot :shooting:

Who did ur paint job on the gun?

Its pretty original and rather eye catching. :cheers:

03-06-2007, 10:17 PM
thanks, ken at KPCS customs.

03-09-2007, 10:28 AM
Scott, what happens if the plunger is too long? just curious.

03-11-2007, 01:24 PM
I'm having pretty much the same problem. The first time i aired my new emag up it fired the very first shot fine, and now nothing. I can hear the solenoid and if I take the grip off, I can see it pulling, but only if i have it tilted. Its almost like my eMag valve just isn't returning the on/off far enough. It never pulls the sear up from the solenoid, it just sits there inside it with nowhere for it to pull down to.

My valve has LX but not ULT, do I need to install a ULT to make it work or is there something else I need to look into?

03-11-2007, 02:13 PM
can you fire it with the battery pin in on mechanical mode? If its brand new you might just need to oil your valve up, back the velocity out really far, then gas it up and increase the velocity until the gun fires on its own.

you should not use a ULT in your e-mag, it won't help, and its not made for use on an e-mag

03-11-2007, 02:43 PM
I oiled the valve up, turned the air on and it pulled the plunger up from the solenoid. I go to pull the trigger in Emode and it doesn't seem to be pulling hard enough. I hear it fire and see the plunger kind of shake, but nothing happens with the valve. In mech mode, I pull the trugger as far back as it will go and it still won't fire. It seems to meet alot more resistance then normal.

If i put the valve on my benchmark frame, it will fire with no problem.

03-11-2007, 10:17 PM
are you using a quad o-ring and the right e-mag on/off pin? the e-mag sear might be short also.

03-12-2007, 01:40 PM
I oiled the valve up, turned the air on and it pulled the plunger up from the solenoid. I go to pull the trigger in Emode and it doesn't seem to be pulling hard enough. I hear it fire and see the plunger kind of shake, but nothing happens with the valve. In mech mode, I pull the trugger as far back as it will go and it still won't fire. It seems to meet alot more resistance then normal.

If i put the valve on my benchmark frame, it will fire with no problem.

It sounds as if the plunger length is too short..... if you want me to look at if for you PM me.

03-12-2007, 02:05 PM
Actually....if im not mistaken, i can see from the picture that the plunger is too short. Just keep a pair of calipers handy...they will be your best friend. Also, remember to put a drop of locktite (blue) on the rod to keep it from spinning.

nvm...but ya, nate the plunger was obviously too short...its a very common problem.

03-14-2007, 01:28 PM
The solenoids develop most of their pull when the plunger is farthest down in the coil. If the plunger rod is too short, the plunger sticks out too far from the solenoid and it doesn't develop enough power to pull the sear assembly. If it is too long, it doesn't pull it far enough to trip the sear. Its critical to keep it in the proper operating range. Make sure to use locktite on it once it is properly adjusted. You don't want it changing length as you use it.