View Full Version : If you steal a car in Minnesota, don't park it in a night plow route!

03-05-2007, 04:14 PM
Here's an edited version of a true story my freind posted on Facebook (it's 100% true):

Here's a quick outline because i don't have time to give you the long version.
-My car disappeared from hamline on friday night (March 2nd), apparently stolen because it wasn't towed by the St. Paul snow removal people.
-The police didn't file my report until yesterday (March 4th)
-The Minneapolis impound called me soon after to report that they had towed my car from Minneapolis during the snow emergency. Apparently the dumb *dude* who stole my car parked in a plow zone haha.
-The bad part is that the bastard broke my steering column up and my car won't start, Everything else looks ok though.
-I did have my snowboard and my cd's stolen but at least i'm not out a car.
-I know the guy who stole my car was small because the seat was adjusted pretty close to the steering wheel, if i catch that little *dude* he better hope he can't run to the police station before i catch up with him.