View Full Version : Electro-Pneumatic Kit UPDATE!

03-07-2007, 01:56 PM
Hey Guys;

Just got off the phone with Clippard Pneumatics about my EP Kit and parts I can use.

Clippard, as you know is a leader in pneumatics for the paintball industry and has been for a great many years in other markets as well.

Clippard sees the investment in the paintball industry and would like to help us build parts that can be used for us,.. the players.

Basically, this project relies on YOUR input so you really MUST help me out here.

Not only does your information help me get the EP Kit out sooner, but it allows Clippard to offer MORE products we can use than what we currently have now.

How would you like the MPA3 to come in a smaller, no machining package with a built in QEV, all one unit?????? Well you need to help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What they need is sizes, input pressure, force needed, etc.

I have given them all the information I have and cross referenced my data with other parts not their own such as SMC.

A good start would be to post the dimentions of the trigger frames we all own.
The Intelli, Airwalk, Chimera, Logic, etc.

This is the real deal. We all have ideas and concepts for parts they make now, but need a minor tweek,.... so if thats how you feel then your voice needs to be heard here!

I have already given them the layout for a ram w/ built in solenoid months ago,... they are all over it.

I really think we should jump on this chance to make the parts we need! :dance:

03-07-2007, 03:38 PM
Sounds cool man. I'm not really interested, but I just wanted to say good luck with the project. :cheers:

03-07-2007, 10:03 PM
there are a few things (although not highly formulated) in the back of the mind that i might come up with completely, but i won't be able to do much until my airwalk frame arrives...

03-07-2007, 10:34 PM
i think more people would buy a plain pnue kit instead of a epnue kit

03-07-2007, 11:44 PM
Did you decide on a name?

I have a mag with chimera frame. I could get the dimension, if Rogue couldn't give them to you.

03-08-2007, 12:11 AM
Did you decide on a name?

I have a mag with chimera frame. I could get the dimension, if Rogue couldn't give them to you.


I have not decided on the name yet. Its actually going to go to vote on the AO when the time comes.

I emaild Rogue about getting an 2007 Chimera frame but the pre-order was closed already.

I'll have to note to ask him when I get a moment.

If you can send the measurements (with a picture would be helpful too) that would be a help.

I gave Clippard a base measurement of 13mm wide for the top of internal slot for the Intelli-frame. They hav produced a ram for me to try but it is now on hold as the engineer assigned to me would like to merge the ram and the noid in the same package (estimated size is 13mm wide by 22mm tall x 19mm plus stroke. Its going to be very small. :)

LOL,... you guys might find this funny. I spent some 4 hours today talking to a model to do the poster ad for me!

Im freezing up here in NH right now. It takes alot to get me to stay inside,.. and boy was it cold last night!!! -32 degrees, ugh :(

Ive been contacted by a fellow AO'er for recording a video, and at this point I think you guys need some proof that this thing will actually come into the light some time in the next 10 years!

Lots to do, so little time. Bad weather, Tunaball in 2 months (guys u better pre-register!), new ventures for the boards (possibly), etc.

If I cant get all my finish parts back to me for an install due on the date of Tunaball (still missing the solenoid/ram combo), I will at the LEAST slap the kit back into the "HACK-O-INTELLI-FRAME" and run it durring the game so you guys can get to really see it up close.

I posted a message about Rob Clippard of Clippard Pneumatics contacting me today in regurds to custom made self install parts for the paintball industry.

Seriously,.. you guys that tinker with Pneumags, and other custom installs that you feel the parts could use a bit of something more from the factory, post it up and I will forward all designs to Clippard. (Makes sure EVERYTHING is labeled with your name on it! If you dream it, they build it, you deserve credit.)

Thats it for now. Im going to look at some more Solenoids for a few hours and then its off to the field in the morning to check out the new setup!

~ P8nt

03-08-2007, 12:21 AM
A poster ad model for this? :rolleyes:

No offense but whats the point? The mag community is fairly small, theres no point in spending money on something like that.

I suggest just getting input and keeping people up to date. Get the product out and things will go great.

ß?µ£ §mµ®ƒ
03-08-2007, 12:26 AM
Sweetness, I am willing to wait for something to eventually come out of this thread

03-08-2007, 12:37 PM
A poster ad model for this? :rolleyes:

No offense but whats the point? The mag community is fairly small, theres no point in spending money on something like that.

I suggest just getting input and keeping people up to date. Get the product out and things will go great.

I see what your saying. And for the most part your right. The mag community on the grand scale is small, but I was thinking more for promotion reasons.

2 of my choices for models were friends. 1 of them actually plays pickup tourney at the local field.

It is a waste of money at the moment, but I havent commited funds toward shooting for the gun and a model away from the project. Main goal as you suggested, and still is my target, is to get the finished product.

The model was for promotional use to get the kit out there. Everyone that knows Claire Daines (sp?) knows shes hot, plays paintball, and was the poster girl for the X-Mag lovers everywhere. I wanted the same thing for my kit.

I have high hopes for the kit in the mag community. Once I get the ball rolling so to speak, Im going to move into other guns. Next target would be the Autococker.

Granted the kit would undergo some part changes, but the idea behind my kit is to allow the more costly, user defined parts such as the controller board to be re-useable.

I really have only ideas, brain storms and such for the next phase. It tends to keep me interested in the project more if I hit a snag or a dead space in the project to think of other possibilities. (I dont know HOW Coolhand goes about taking years to perfect his work. To me,... I just cant do that! Im very impacient and want to do as much as possible to stay busy if I have a 15 minute break. Coolhand: Your wise ways to school this "young buck" would be a great help!)

I must say, up until 2 weeks ago I lost alot of faith in the project. That faith was renewed this weekend with a working, very reliable proto-type of makup parts and proto-type parts.

ß?µ£ §mµ®ƒ: Ur probley not going to like me saying this, but I would not wait for this kit to come out! Only reason I say that is we all know if you tend to wait for something to happen to the mag community that gets promised, it never happens at all.

I personally, got tired of waiting. I saw The E~'s EP mag, then I saw BE's EvilMag and I thought "I can do that, but how can I improve it?"

From there, it was a road leading to where I am now. And I think thats what seperates the AGD players from every other player out there. We, as a AGD community do not wait for something better to come along. Everyone by now has seen the post about the "Promag" where TK tells the history of the valve mod and later on how AGD usd the mod to build a better version of what they had. In the 1992 circ. videos where TK talks about the evolution of the .68 classic from the P1, P2, and P3. He even says "alot of people were drilling these holes to allow for a more concise air flow..... so what we did was encorporate the design into the next level of valves so that you didnt have to drill it yourself." <--- part 6-9 of the videos on YouTube

Tom saw the improvements as a possitive thing for AGD markers and the AGD community. We all think like this, I would say 90% of the AO does. The faith we have in the AGD markers and the general "how to do business" given from Tom in the past years is how we have been "brought up" to think. <---- look how many times Tom says in the video "if you have one of these parts in your gun, call AGD office and we will send you a replacement upgrade, FREE OF CHARGE.

This, IMHO, is the way you stick around in todays paintball industry.

I wanted to build an EP kit for a while, before that I wanted to build a new board for the E-Mag. It seems more clear to me in the past few weeks that I may have not only a bolt on EP kit for every mag out there, but I might have an internal E kit as well as an EP kit for the E-Mag. <----- this is out of the theory phase and I have ordered parts to try out.

Like I said before, all this is smoke and mirrors till you guys see the video.

Once I get that, I think it may re-new the faith a bit more in the mag community on the upgrades for AGD markers outside of AGD themselves.

Im watching the Clippard Suggestion thread I posted yesterday like a hawk to keep Clippard fed with information to reduce the size of their components and give us things we can use as true drop in units.

I spend AT LEAST 12 hours a day working on this project and hovering over the AO for your input guys. You may see that most of my posts range from 1200-0500 here on the AO. That entire time (besides, coffee and bathroom breaks) is spent soldering, changing the body parts out, recording data from shot to shot averages, answering phone calls from suppliers, etc. <---- I have a seasonal full time job, so thats why I have so much time to do all this.

Things will happen, but I cant possibly do everything without the AO. I just dont have all the knowledge I need. I continuously take all the information you post here and record it for future use in case someone might want to apply my kit to something I have never see or thought of. (I dont have that Chimera frame information so someone can submit that,... it would help!)

The more I get, the faster it goes. It will slow down byt the end of March as I start digging again full time. Weekends for play will be re-directed toward this project as well as time I have between my classes. Dont be bashful either,... a good swift kick in the butt to me to move along is not always a bad thing!!!!

~ P8nt

03-13-2007, 04:06 AM
Well I figured since I have been busy, no news as of late and I just poured another Jack n' Coke I figured why not post some news for you guys.

Electrical Stuff:

Made some progress with the dual ram/solenoid combo as you know. Clippard is now "in the bed" with this project and has commited to it. I expect good things to come from this end of the deal.

Board firmware code is almost done. I have found a little feature I definately DO NOT like in the code so I am chaging things around to make it worthy of a real player.
Heres the deal. This code is simple, it fires the gun. I had it changed around a bit because in the AGD world of things, 90% of us are not going to be using eyes (you seriously do not need them with this kit but if you want them, it will be on the board). With that said, the board comes set to turn on and fire with no eyes but does an eye check just in case on the first shot. The thing I have been finding is that this board and code is smart. So smart that in the event of when I was ramping one day set to 20bps to bench it agaisnt a Shocker, I found that there was a loop hole in the boards code where there are no eyes. Basically, a player can set the gun into a fire mode (anything they want), and then do a little tap and dance on the trigger (has to be specific), then rip another string at basically anything they can fire. Sounds fine right? Well remember I told you that the board was smart, this board does very strange things while you fire it. If you put this thing in ramp, set the start ramp to 6bps, then set the max ramp to 20bps, it learns the ROF of fire you are pulling the trigger. I can reach a max ROF on an E-Mag of 17bps fanning the hell out of it. This thing sees me reaching the ROF, figures the average ROF in the string of balls (50), checks to see what the ROF is for the ramp start bps, cuts the 6bps off my average (17-6=11bps), then adds it to my max ROF for the mode im locked into. Ill give you a hint,... Im hitting over 29bps in the first quarter of the loader. I have to have the largest stack possible on the loader or it will fire blanks CONSISTANTLY! Its out of control fast.

How do I know it does all that? If you single tap the trigger as your fanning the trigger and your ROF drops, it checks, does the little math problems real slick like,.. then slow the ROF in the mode your locked into. I have filtered the trigger electrically so ZERO e-bounce, ZERO Mech bounce. (videos will proove that)

The boards comming to Tunaball will be unlocked to show you guys just what I mean. The shipped models WILL NOT have this in the code. It will be shjown so you guys have heard it hear first, see it an Tunaball, then when the boards ship you may try, but it will not be on there.


I have been testing a new solenoid out as far as power goes in the kit. I am trying to see what it does for fire rates as far as voltage from the board.
So far the new noid is a go. If the combo unit from Clippard is delayed way too long for my taste, I will ship the kit with a single ram and solenoid. (it wont be as tight of a package, but still very small)

Rob of Clippard Pneumatics was very interested and he knows paintball very well. If he makes a part, he knows it will sell and move just as much as any industry. As with any custom product, it takes time to make and test. When I know something, you will know something!

Batteries: (Yes I tested these too!)

Rayovac: is a NO GO! You should be shot if you use these in this kit!
If I could detect what brand of 9volts you used and you plugged one it these kits, I would void your warrenty! Seriously,... dont use these.

Energizer = okay

Duracel = okay

High Ends (Panasonics, Energizer Ultra Cells): If you can get them to fit in the setup, they are worth it.

AGD = working on it. ;)

Mechanica Stuff:


Well,.. I got some bad news to report on this front.
Seems that a late night/early morning idea that came to brew with my new noids and an intelli frame I had didnt want to work out. End result, the CNC bit took a bit more material than I wanted it to.

So if any one wants an intelli framw with a window along the right side of the trigger, let me know! :tard:

Good news is that I am confident to say that without machining,.. the intelli is out. Good news is, that I could supply a machinist with files to plug into a CNC and cut it for the kit with no issues at hand.

Z-Grips are out. Only because they have no room to begin with and the kit wont "drop" into the top due to the small opening. Can it be machinesd to fit? Hell Yeah!!! I play on doing it. Well,... I DID play on doing it till I jacked up my Z-Grip I had for another project.
I'll have to experiment later when I get a chance.

Airwalk: I ordered an Airwalk and as soon as it comes in I will tell you if it fits. I talked with Jay and I have seen the pictures. From the video Pneumagger made,.. I think it will fit without issues. But I'll confirm later.

Logicframe (45ish one): It fits so far. Working on some moving of parts to see what I like as far as wiring. But it works as it comes.

Chimera: Dont know. I dont have one and I dont have files on it, measurements, etc.

Other frames not listed: If you dont see it here,... then its a no. If I get a hard copy or files on it I could tell you.

Rails and Bodies: Doesnt matter. If you have a working frame that it fits in,... your good to go!

Valves: OKay. This is what I have found.

Classic Valves: NO CO2! I havent had time to play with my classic valves as of yet and I personally think that paying for a kit like this, running co2 in it, trying to achive nice, hig ROFs is a COMPLETE waste of time. IMHO!!!!!!! :)

AGD X-valve (R/T on-off installed, accepts ULT, Level 10 installed, (stock): I got one of these, fresh out of the box. Tuned it in a mech. Micro Mag so it ripped. Placed it into the test gun, and let it fly. INSAIN ROF! No bounce! You will get bagged for full auto on the field if a ref doesnt know what you have! (more on that story later :p )

Micro E-Mag Valve (R/T on-off installed, non-ULT): Same results as above

Micro E-Mag Valve (R/T on-off installed, accepts ULT): Same results as above

E-Mag Valve (SS, R/T on-off installed, accepts ULT, no ULT installed): Same results as above

E-Mag Valve (SS, R/T on-off installed, non-ULT): Same results as above

Level 10: As far as I can tell, the level 10 doesnt effect the ROF ast all. I havent ventured into the Level 7 I have yet. Personally, if the X-valves come with the level 10 with it, you guys are probley using that anyways.

The ULT: It works,.. but from the man himself Tom Kaye, the ULT wont reach high ROFs. Is he right,.. well yah! (Kinda ;) ) It seems that input pressure, combined with dwell, bounce, etc. effect the ROF a valve will get when a ULT is installed. (If Tom wants to help me out here PAAAAAALEEEEASE post!!! School me please! :) )

The Ram: Okay,.. this little bastard is making me more and more happy every time I rip a loader off out back! So far it works with every noid I put on it in any hose footage combo I can think of. It mounts with machine screws, flat heads, or rounds. (I prefer rounds now for testing) Its a low pressure ram too! Runs between 50-100 for best results. One thing I think you guys are going to like is a little idea I got from Pneumagger.

You know how your suppsoed to install the MPA3 with Lukes ram, then use the sear to push the ram into place by finding the resting possision of the sear? So then you do all that, then you slide the ram back about a 32nd of an inch to make sure the ram doesnt touch the sear and it wont impead the sears travel?

Well that is no more. When you plug this bad boy in and push the sear down to find its resting possision, thats it. Bolt it down and go. The ram has a slight buffer built into it on the back stroke for the QEV (which is integrated into it BTW!!) to push the exhaust out. Its slight,.. but has worked on 3 different installs on 3 different frames so far. <---- who says over engineering is a BAD thing!! ;)


Empire Reloader B2: I modded one of these by hand with some ideas I had. Results are pretty damn good if I say so myself. Can feed the kit ripping as fast as the solenoid installed will go (that means above 25bps is reached the second you hit your ramp BPS)
Serously,.. its stupid fast!

Q-Loader: I got one. Havent tried it yet.

Warp Feed: I posted a mod for this that I used to test it on the AO (lol, no one looked at it!) Modded to spin crazy fast, the warp will feed the kit set at 25BPS,... the higher you go in BPS, the faster the loader has to be on the warp. Anything under 25BPS (20-22bps) seemed to work fine with a warp and an unmodded B2 or a Egg2.

Egg2 (un-modded): 17bps consistantly on full auto. Crazy ramp was funny for the first 10 balls. After than the Egg jumped off the R/T and ran DIRECTLY into on comming traffic!

So after all that,.. the testing has stopped for now!

And now the thank you section :D

As of this morning, I have received ZERO requests for part information, board purchases, kit sales prices, etc. I seriously figured after telling you guys about this that poeple would slam me for more infor than posted here.

Clearly,.. this was a stupid assumtion on my part.

I wanted to say thank you to you, the AO, for respecing my needs and letting things fall into place as they have. So from me, I thank you!

And now some more wonderfull news you may already know!

I will be attending Tunaball for sure. Comming with me will be the beta test kits installed into some frames for player testing other than myself this time around. If you want some real field-driven results,.... come to Tunaball! The test subjects have been already selected (sorry!) but if you supply the paint, I will let you rip as much as you have on my setup.

The units being tested are not for sale. They will have the boards that sport the "cheater" software so you guys can see just what I am talking about (1 board will, the other wont). I like playing fair. I want you guys to see what I was ranting about and know that I stand for being fair and leveling the playing field. If someone cheats with my kits,.. it WILL NOT be due to my engineering! :cuss:

I hope to answer your questions about it as much as I can. The kit may not be 100% in the shipping form when its tested, but you will see what my boards can do. That I can guarrenty.

Any more news I will post,... My Jack n' Cokes are almost gone so Im gonna finish up here.

Thanks! :cheers:

~ P8nt

03-13-2007, 04:48 AM
/reserving this space for a smart-*** remark later :-)

Have you ever thought about talking to Trina to do some glamour shots?

03-13-2007, 04:52 AM
/reserving this space for a smart-*** remark later :-)

Have you ever thought about talking to Trina to do some glamour shots?

Seriously,.. I slammed 7 drinks in the making of that post,... Im on #9 now.

Just keep the Trina post simple so I can understand it!!! (please Im begging you BE!)

Why does "Trina" mean something to me but I cant put the name with the sigfificance?

EDIT: So I re-read the "Tunaball" post and there is a AO member named "Trina" on here,...

,... amd I getting warmer! :)

RvB Caboose
03-13-2007, 04:53 AM
This is definitely a great project. Best of luck to you and Clippard.

03-13-2007, 06:45 AM
Seriously,.. I slammed 7 drinks in the making of that post,... Im on #9 now.

Just keep the Trina post simple so I can understand it!!! (please Im begging you BE!)

Why does "Trina" mean something to me but I cant put the name with the sigfificance?

EDIT: So I re-read the "Tunaball" post and there is a AO member named "Trina" on here,...

,... amd I getting warmer! :)

Trina was the last AGD spokesmodel. She was hired after Clare left and was only on the job a little while before Tom left and Dave eliminated the position IIRC.

Nine drinks? Practicing for the post-Tunaball festivities?

03-13-2007, 08:03 AM
Sounds like a good thing.

If you need any help making anything work or solving problems shoot me a PM (strictly information, I don't really want to get hands on with anything; I don't have the time).

If not, then best of luck. Can't wait to see the finished product.

/off to a probabalistic engineering final
//LOVING control charts

Edited Because I Love Beemer

03-13-2007, 08:06 AM
Sounds like a really cool setup you have going there. Keep us posted!

03-13-2007, 08:19 AM
Clippard sees the investment in the paintball industry and would like to help us build parts that can be used for us,.. the players.:

Interesting that they would consider this, how many are you going to have to buy in order to get them to develop a new product for you?

03-13-2007, 10:56 AM
IIRC , they wanted 5-10,000 when I spoke to them a few years ago.

03-13-2007, 11:21 AM
IIRC , they wanted 5-10,000 when I spoke to them a few years ago.


yeaaaah, good luck with that since....nevermind :(

03-13-2007, 01:21 PM
Humphrey wanted quantities of 100K to supply my trigger switches. :(

Then K2 pissed 'em off over price arguing and 'we' lost the whole deal. Thought they could make 'em cheaper in China themselves.

2 years laters , I'm still waiting for 'em to show up. :cry:

03-13-2007, 01:50 PM
Clippard may be different. They may produce/alter parts in small quantities, but rape you on shipping and handling.

captian pinky
03-13-2007, 03:26 PM
can i have one for free haha cool idea intrested in the ram i think that if this fails that even the ram will survive for pneu maggers when is the expected realease date or is there one

03-13-2007, 06:07 PM
Interesting that they would consider this, how many are you going to have to buy in order to get them to develop a new product for you?

They are going a few routes first then jumping into specifics for us, the AGD community.

Specifically they are starting with their solenoid, dropping the voltage from 12 to 5-6 range.
Next they are looking at the MPA3, meging it with the solenoid and reducing the overall size of the unit so that its no more than 13mm wide for an intelli frame.

Rob passed me over a designers name, along with an engineer that works with the solenoid directly. These 2 individuals (I was told) now do NOTHING but work on this project.

How many of them do I have to buy you ask?
None. I really cant go into specifics on it because the second I do,.. this project will come to a close.

I do have to buy a certain number of units, but the cost per kit will cover my expenses soon as it hits the market. I have money to invest to some extent. So just watch it unfold!

Release date (for my goals) is a year. Models for testing will be in use as of,.. NOW! LOL!
The real non-bias testing will be at Tunaball. Im gonna take the kits, install them and watch players reactions to the workings.

I'll keep you posted on whats going on for sure! :)

03-13-2007, 06:12 PM
They are going a few routes first then jumping into specifics for us, the AGD community.

Specifically they are starting with their solenoid, dropping the voltage from 12 to 5-6 range.
Next they are looking at the MPA3, meging it with the solenoid and reducing the overall size of the unit so that its no more than 13mm wide for an intelli frame.

Rob passed me over a designers name, along with an engineer that works with the solenoid directly. These 2 individuals (I was told) now do NOTHING but work on this project.


Because of the fact when I started rambling off Clippard parts for the cocker, the MPA3 (which Rob didnt even know he had for a usable product!) being used in hundreds of self installs, I sent him a copy of all the photos (I'd say every single one on here) of the pneumag setups we have done. I showed him the "E~" EP install, sent him to BigEvilonline.com to check out the EvilMag,.... lastly,... I sent him pictures of Coolhands masterpiece the Logic UMF. After that,.. he was sold

How many of them do I have to buy you ask?
None. I dont mean to rub it in, but I do have a connection between myself and Clippard that works in my favor over the "other guy" that wants something made.
I really cant go into specifics on it because the second I do,.. this project will come to a close.

I do have to buy a certain number of units, but the cost per kit will cover my expenses soon as it hits the market. I have money to invest to some extent. So just watch it unfold!

Release date (for my goals) is a year. Models for testing will be in use as of,.. NOW! LOL!
The real non-bias testing will be at Tunaball. Im gonna take the kits, install them and watch players reactions to the workings.

I'll keep you posted on whats going on for sure! :)

sounds good, put me down for one(as it looks like a 1 year deadline is still far under what DW and ptp are looking like..or even coolhand for that matter... :cool:

but , i am concerned as if these do sell well, are you woried about any possible patent infringements?

03-13-2007, 07:24 PM

03-13-2007, 07:25 PM
let me know as soon as there ready, maybe i'll just leave my airwalk frame alone until these kits come out (although i don't think i'm actually that paitient.)

I think you said previously wither in this thread or another, but what is the est. price range for this kit???

03-13-2007, 07:47 PM

That right there is the reason I didn't go gangbusters to begin with. Before the EP design I had at least three operational MP (mechanical pneumatic) designs. The fact remains that there could be a case made for it to be an infringement of at least two, maybe three patents.

Did you at least notify Clippard of the IP that is out there, or are they leading with their chin on this one?

And BTW, I know imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, but could you not rub our nose in the fact that you somehow managed to talk a large company into taking ~E's idea and my implementation and running with it quite so much? Thanks.

Also, how many units did you project to them that you'd sell? 'Cause it took months to sell all of my UMF preorder slots, and even if I counted every single person who inquired about wanting one (never mind if they have money or not), to date I could only have sold about 35-40 of them. I'd be damned impressed if you sold A hundred, much less hundredS plural.

You might want to let your "buddy" in on the joke so he doesn't get fired or reprimanded for spending the companies time and money on a, while not entirely pointless, shall we say less than favorable project with possible legal ramifications.

I dunno, maybe I'm just jealous, but if I honestly thought I could have made a thousand of the UMF's, sold them, and gotten out cleanly, I would have. I didn't. Tells you what the future looked like to me. The proverbial handwriting on the wall said "Hell NO!" :rofl:

I was thinking the same things. I hope we are wrong, and all goes well, but most large companys that develop NEW products will NEED to sell alot more than what your going to sell, IMHO. And the teaser " I have an inside but I cant tell you" is just trying to show off, you shouldnt have said nothing about it.

But good luck!!!!!!

03-13-2007, 09:28 PM
I've had a pnuemag project in process for over a year now. If they do come out with these parts I'd be estatic.

03-13-2007, 10:34 PM
Posted an answer to your posts Coolhand.

After a long thought of reading it a couple more times,... it was deleted.

Good Luck with your work.

~ P8nt

03-15-2007, 08:42 PM
If I could have a reliable electro framed mag I'd buy one in a heartbeat.

Keep AO updated.

03-15-2007, 08:49 PM
Trina was the last AGD spokesmodel. She was hired after Clare left and was only on the job a little while before Tom left and Dave eliminated the position IIRC.

Nine drinks? Practicing for the post-Tunaball festivities?

Yes, I am pre-gaming for Tunaball.

Some members on the AO are graced by a phone call when I am under said influences, and the results are rather funny!

Do we have pictures of Trina, would be my first question.

Second one, the Trina responding to the Tunaball posts is the same Trina correct?

03-15-2007, 08:54 PM
If I could have a reliable electro framed mag I'd buy one in a heartbeat.

Keep AO updated.

The update is:

No update!

I've been passed some good advice on legal matters and I am taking it. Taking a longer look over my current status with my legal advisor while I wait for parts to come in to gear up for Tunaball.

Physcial advancement has been on hold till parts arrive from suppliers.

Paper work advancement has continued.

~ P8nt

03-15-2007, 11:38 PM
I'd be interested in buying one and I know of 2 others that would love to buy them.

03-16-2007, 01:25 AM
Does clippard know they may only sell a hundred or so of these parts at most... and that Smart Parts owns a patent for the electronic control of a paintball firing sequence (which they aggressively enforce)? Even though you are not making electronic paintball guns, making a product that enables the violation of a patent by others violates that patent.

The truth is, aside from AO and the small populous of the mag PBN Forum, all information of this product will be by word of mouth unless you plan on advertising. And for non mag enthusists, I don't see much logic in them buying a 400 mech to drop another $150+ just to upgrade it to electro when more functional electros exist on the market. Plus, for the 40 or so pneumag owners around, all they have to do is buy a board, SMC noid, and mount a switch to go electro.

Anyways I really hope something like could happen for mags. I know I'd look into upgrading my mag.
Off the top of my head here are a few design points i can think of:
The intelli, chimera, and Airwalk all have the same AGD specs internally. Measure one and you know them all.
Logic frames are considerably narrower and use different height and depth for the trigger canal.
I've found the PSI to variable depending on setup, but a pressure range of 50psi all the way to 150psi+ may be needed to activate the sear with a 3/8" bore piston.
You'll want them to design for actuation frequencies of around 25Hz for the valve and piston.

/if you need any other relevent info, lemme know I'll see what I can measure or dig up from CADs.

03-16-2007, 04:32 AM

Pneu,.. I had a nice reply to you with PLENTY of explenations.

I had to edit it a few times and after everything was on paper,.. it leaves too much room for an arguement.

PM me with your questions, Ill give you some answers I posted earlier.


03-16-2007, 04:39 AM
And for a nice short post for a change from me,....!

Pneu,.. if you could get me some of the info/files it would help. Im not too keen on all the entire layout of the frames, but the inside dimentions would help.

Ive got some I made (Inelli) and 1 other but I dont have the Chimera.


~ P8nt

Does clippard know they may only sell a hundred or so of these parts at most... and that Smart Parts owns a patent for the electronic control of a paintball firing sequence (which they aggressively enforce)? Even though you are not making electronic paintball guns, making a product that enables the violation of a patent by others violates that patent.

The truth is, aside from AO and the small populous of the mag PBN Forum, all information of this product will be by word of mouth unless you plan on advertising. And for non mag enthusists, I don't see much logic in them buying a 400 mech to drop another $150+ just to upgrade it to electro when more functional electros exist on the market. Plus, for the 40 or so pneumag owners around, all they have to do is buy a board, SMC noid, and mount a switch to go electro.

Anyways I really hope something like could happen for mags. I know I'd look into upgrading my mag.
Off the top of my head here are a few design points i can think of:
The intelli, chimera, and Airwalk all have the same AGD specs internally. Measure one and you know them all.
Logic frames are considerably narrower and use different height and depth for the trigger canal.
I've found the PSI to variable depending on setup, but a pressure range of 50psi all the way to 150psi+ may be needed to activate the sear with a 3/8" bore piston.
You'll want them to design for actuation frequencies of around 25Hz for the valve and piston.

/if you need any other relevent info, lemme know I'll see what I can measure or dig up from CADs.

04-12-2007, 06:53 PM
Hey is this project still in the works? I would buy one. If so give AO an update.

04-12-2007, 08:23 PM
Hey is this project still in the works? I would buy one. If so give AO an update.


This project is still breathing,.. and no it is NOT on life support!

I have started back to work so I am not spending my days on it like I was before.


If you are not comming to Tunaball on May 5th,.... I would give that a second thought as I will be there,.. and I am bringing 2 surprises with me ;)

If you didnt get the hint,... here's another,... hope you like getting shot at by guns breaking 25bps :D

~ P8nt

04-12-2007, 08:30 PM

This project is still breathing,.. and no it is NOT on life support!

I have started back to work so I am not spending my days on it like I was before.


If you are not comming to Tunaball on May 5th,.... I would give that a second thought as I will be there,.. and I am bringing 2 surprises with me ;)

If you didnt get the hint,... here's another,... hope you like getting shot at by guns breaking 25bps :D

~ P8nt

: looks at xmag, xmod, and 1200 psi outout screw in tank: hmmm OKAY!!!!!

04-12-2007, 08:32 PM

This project is still breathing,.. and no it is NOT on life support!

I have started back to work so I am not spending my days on it like I was before.


If you are not comming to Tunaball on May 5th,.... I would give that a second thought as I will be there,.. and I am bringing 2 surprises with me ;)

If you didnt get the hint,... here's another,... hope you like getting shot at by guns breaking 25bps :D

~ P8nt


captian pinky
04-12-2007, 08:41 PM
hahaha that was so random u made me laugh * high five*

04-14-2007, 08:21 AM
will these be for sale at tunaball?

04-14-2007, 08:31 AM
will these be for sale at tunaball?

No. They will not be for sale.

Beta testing for 2 guys will be going on during the day.

The testing will be MOSTLY for the boards and the RAM. I have some common parts that all of you are using to build these as well as custom parts.

I will let you know more as we get closer to the game!

~ P8nt