View Full Version : Lucky UN1tec barrels now no longer...

03-10-2007, 10:29 AM
Okay. I LOVE their barrels. I have found them to be some of the most accurate on the market.

All I have to say is WTF? I've been waiting for a .689 barrel to come back in stock and I go on the website everyday to check whether or not they are in. I go there today and this is what I get for a response:

LUCKY (www.buyluckypaintball.com)

I went to their UK website and you can't have itmes shipped to the US, and they don't have an option for viewing the prices in USD (only pounds and euros).

This is a sad day for me.... :cry:

03-10-2007, 11:50 AM
Buy your Unitechs before they are the next best hard to find aluminum Agg tube that everyone will pay 200.00 a piece for...

And sell it to em :)

Edit: On a side note, i did find this:

Lucky and Evolve have joined forces.
For all UK and European Sales click here
For USA Web based sales please go to:



03-10-2007, 12:00 PM
It should say thanks for buying our products and helping to build up our company as in the U.S. market but screw you now someone else offered us more money so we don't need you any longer.

03-10-2007, 12:02 PM
I was very pissed to hear the news. I was hoping to get some more of their products, like a Spitfire. There's still Ebay for now...

03-10-2007, 12:09 PM
It's business... somoene walked up to Zupe and crew and offered 50 bucks and a partially chewed stick of gum AGD would go too :)

But seriously, it's business, someone comes up and offers the owners a large sum of money say 5 million - an amoutn it would take their company to make in 10+ years.... wouldnt you take the money and run?

There is very little employee loyalty anymore, cash is king, if a better deal comes along, close the doors and go with it. If you are losing money, fire people, cut your costs - we are all just a means to the ends... cold hard cash, if we dont participate in the process of creating said cold hard cash, we are expendable.

Bleak outlook but the truth


03-10-2007, 12:29 PM
Edit: On a side note, i did find this:

Lucky and Evolve have joined forces.
For all UK and European Sales click here
For USA Web based sales please go to:



Good infor Styg. The only problem is that neither ones have the UN1tech barrels in stock. pbloverz (LuisV) doesn't even have them. Guess I'll keep my .693 in the bubble wrap, just incase it turns into that $200 Agg tube :D

03-10-2007, 04:34 PM
You guys act like they're going out of business.

They're just moving shop to England. I'm sure once they get settled in they'll resume their U.S. sales.

03-10-2007, 06:49 PM
You guys act like they're going out of business.

They're just moving shop to England. I'm sure once they get settled in they'll resume their U.S. sales.

That may be all well and good that they're moving to England and may resume US sales, but when have you seen a company merge with another and put out the same quality product they did before the merger?

That is what I'm upset about the most.

03-10-2007, 09:33 PM
I ordered a dust silver .689 a month ago. I emailed them asking how much longer. They emailed back, "how bout we give you a .693, we have one in stock" no thanks, how much longer??? 1 month, 3 months??? :tard: "

the response was hopefully a month, but can't say for sure. :cry:

03-12-2007, 10:10 AM
My teammate is waiting on a Dust Olive Stage 5.1 body for his Ion they had "in stock" on their website.

Waiting for 3 weeks now.

Called 2 weeks: "We just finished the ano and it should be going out tomorrow"
Called last week: "It's scheduled to ship tomorrow"

Doesn't think he's ever going to get it. This is more evidence of their merger. Their customer service was phenominal. Now, eh, not so much.

03-12-2007, 10:28 AM
That may be all well and good that they're moving to England and may resume US sales, but when have you seen a company merge with another and put out the same quality product they did before the merger?

That is what I'm upset about the most.

There was never any 'merger' (at least in the literal sense). Lucky was an offshoot of Evolve from the beginning. This was just a formal announcement.

You will still be able to get any Lucky products through their distributors here in the U.S.

To those of you waiting on things direct from Lucky, just stay on top of it. Things can get easily mixed up in a biq switch.

03-12-2007, 10:38 AM
I would just like to say again, this is the gay.

They move to Europe fine. But you don't drop the ball with all your current customer base, especially the ones who have paid money and are waiting on an order. Looking at the UK site that went up, they seem to have all the barrels there in stock, even the limited addition runs.

How long does it take to make and anno barrels....the .689's have been outta stock for over 2 months now. looks like i'll be LUCKY to get mine ....bwahahahahaha...hehe...heh...mwahehaawaawahhh. .. :cry:

/sorry, no sleep, lots of stress these days

03-14-2007, 11:37 AM
The story


03-14-2007, 11:50 AM
The story


wow....just wow, that really sucks. sad to see that happening to Lucky.

edit: seems there's more to the story on pbnation