View Full Version : What should I do? Need to choose gun

03-10-2007, 07:28 PM
Hey guys so I am almost done customizing my Emag and my friend calls me and tells me that Michael which is a kid that is sponsored can get a brand new Angel 1 for 550 dollars. So I am now wondering if I should go and finish my emag or if i should sell it as is right now and use the money to buy me this gat. I love my emag but my friend tells this is a real good deal and that I should think about it. Unfortunately I don't have enough $$$ to spend on buying the Angel and keeping the emag. I play both speedball and recball. I never shot an Angel 1, but my friend tells me that it is one of the best guns out there right now and I would never have to worry about being outdated :confused: Can you guys give me some advice and pros and cons of this Angel 1 gun.

03-10-2007, 07:34 PM
I've shot an angel 1, but never owned one, so I can't give you a good overview of that gun. However, I am a proud e-mag owner and I have never had trouble with my mag. It runs great and easily keeps up with the higher end markers. I liked the way that the angel shot, but I would pick my mag any day. The only downsides to the e-mag is that it weighs a bit more than most markers and it is an air hog.

03-10-2007, 07:38 PM
And, if you wait just a coupla months, the Angle 1 will drop in price and you can get it on the cheap side :D . Seriously, do you think that the Emag is "outdated"?

03-10-2007, 07:43 PM
I wouldn't decide to sell the EMAG until you've shot the Angel 1. You might sell the EMAG, buy the Angel 1, not like it, and be S.O.L. trying to get your EMAG or one similar to it back. If it's such a great deal and he's sponsored, he should have one already and be able to get one for you in the future if you decide you like it.

Just my $.02

The ultimat decision is yours.

03-10-2007, 08:09 PM
I would never have to worry about being outdated
Bwaahahahahaha. cough cough. ahahah.

ok im done.

03-10-2007, 08:19 PM
Until you see the angel/shoot the angel or you trust this kid alot...I wouldn't sell stuff. If it was a legit gun for the price and everything worked peachy keen I'd take it over the mag.