View Full Version : Nitro System

01-03-2002, 09:51 PM
i'm looking for a screw in 3000 psi nitro bottle under $200 i'm looking at a crossfire a pure energy and one by warped sportz can anybody give the the pros and cons on these 3 and if there are any other good bottles out there that are under $200 thanks

The Mag Man
01-04-2002, 12:02 AM
ACI Bulldog II my friend. Only $175 from http://www.actionvillage.com

Comes with a revomable flange regulator for easy repairment if something should go wrong. 800 psi output, and has no dropoff AT ALL even when shotting it on an RT. Also, the bottle is fiber wrapped, yet the date for a hydro test is 5 years, compared to other fibers that are only 3. They are curretnly out of stock, but they come back in on Friday which is when i'm ordering mine. Hope I helped ya out.

P.S.-make sure you buy a tank cover when using a fiber wrapped N2 tank.

01-04-2002, 09:56 AM
yea, i think u should go with the pure energy. i have one and it hasnt let me down once. plus pure energy regs are great

01-05-2002, 06:46 PM
I agree with paintballer, used mine on several different markers, hasnt let me down either....

01-16-2002, 12:04 PM
i have a 68/3000 nitro duck, it was 200 new it's carbon fiber wrapped so it's smaller and lighter than fiber glass wrapped tanks.this tankl is awesome. i've never had my mag get starved for air. it;'s just a greatt tank.

01-16-2002, 06:34 PM
right now PBgear is selling the PE 68ci 4500 psi for only 189, great bang for da buck


BTW, how much lighter are those Nitro Ducks? They're getting my attention now.

01-16-2002, 07:02 PM
Yeah go with the Pure Energy tanks. I have two and they both work great.

01-18-2002, 09:06 AM
All three of those tanks are quite reliable brands, whichever one has the best price is what I would go with.


01-18-2002, 09:43 AM
I'd go with whatever you can get for the best price. PE tanks are good. The new Crossfire regs are supposed to be EXCELLENT.

Uhm, I wouldn't get an ACI Bulldog. Heard a couple people ***** about them from time to time.