View Full Version : from beale street to oblivion (clutch)

03-14-2007, 10:26 AM
anyone listen to this yet?

the new stuff is different, but i mean, the band is always evolving.

i'm digging it.

03-14-2007, 02:12 PM
anyone listen to this yet?

the new stuff is different, but i mean, the band is always evolving.

i'm digging it.

Uhm, its not out yet, where did you get a copy? Is it on P2P already?

03-14-2007, 05:22 PM
Can't wait for it to be released...

I'm sure it'll follow the sound of robot hive/exodus

03-14-2007, 07:32 PM
Uhm, its not out yet, where did you get a copy? Is it on P2P already?


it was leaked in like january.

there are 2 songs that wouldn't unzip on electric worry and another one
electric worry is steaming on the internet though.

its got a more bluesy sound.
definatally different from RH/E

03-14-2007, 07:45 PM
If it's a clutch album then its worth buying..might as well support the few good bands out there... so i'll let you know how it is when its released..

Neil Fallon, Jess Margera (CKY) and Jim Rota (Fireball ministry) are working on an album..that should be well worth a listen...

03-14-2007, 09:18 PM
If it's a clutch album then its worth buying..might as well support the few good bands out there... so i'll let you know how it is when its released..

Neil Fallon, Jess Margera (CKY) and Jim Rota (Fireball ministry) are working on an album..that should be well worth a listen...

i definatally plan on buying this album when it comes out, i just wanted to hear it first :P

03-15-2007, 07:13 AM
I buy every Clutch album, no worries.

Also, they make most of their cash from touring, so GO SEE THEM LIVE. You won't regret it. I've forgotten about more concerts than most people have been to, and Clutch is always one of my favorites.

03-15-2007, 09:00 AM
They're playing here Monday but tix are sold out. :(

03-15-2007, 09:02 AM
I buy every Clutch album, no worries.

Also, they make most of their cash from touring, so GO SEE THEM LIVE. You won't regret it. I've forgotten about more concerts than most people have been to, and Clutch is always one of my favorites.

i definatally am trying to go, i've got a ticket to go see them in grand rapids saturday, buuut, i'm stuck in ohio with no car. one of my friends might come get me though, who knows.

i do belive the band makes most of their money from touring too.
i'd guess that the band is also the one who leaked the album you know? they are definatally a band thats about the music and fans. they've had tons of oppertunitys to go "mainstreem"

03-15-2007, 10:03 AM
Their music isn't mainstream. They are too hard for radio play, not hard enough for metalheads. They are funky, but not laid back enough to quite qualify in that department. They are bluesy, but hard.

The fact you can't define them hurts their mainstream acceptance. Listen to Shogun Named Marcus, and then listen to Gravel Road or Who's Been Talking. Its like two totally different bands. Then listen to Careful With That Mic and you'd be totally confused if you weren't a Clutch fan.

Their concerts are all almost pure metal though. Last time I saw them they tossed in a few of the more laid back songs like Who's Been Talking, but for the most part its a thrashing pit the entire time. Even songs that aren't that hard on the album become hard when Neil starts screaming out the lyrics.

Funny tidbit for those who havn't seen them live yet: Neil has one of the deepest, biggest voices around, but he's like 5'6", tops. It's like an oompa loompa singing Barry White.

03-15-2007, 10:29 AM
Their music isn't mainstream. They are too hard for radio play, not hard enough for metalheads. They are funky, but not laid back enough to quite qualify in that department. They are bluesy, but hard.

The fact you can't define them hurts their mainstream acceptance. Listen to Shogun Named Marcus, and then listen to Gravel Road or Who's Been Talking. Its like two totally different bands. Then listen to Careful With That Mic and you'd be totally confused if you weren't a Clutch fan.

Their concerts are all almost pure metal though. Last time I saw them they tossed in a few of the more laid back songs like Who's Been Talking, but for the most part its a thrashing pit the entire time. Even songs that aren't that hard on the album become hard when Neil starts screaming out the lyrics.

Funny tidbit for those who havn't seen them live yet: Neil has one of the deepest, biggest voices around, but he's like 5'6", tops. It's like an oompa loompa singing Barry White.

some of their songs have gotten radio play, i've heard a few of them on the radio.
but yeah, my roommate is trying to tell me that clutch sounds the same... i'm like yeah that statement can't be farthest from the truth. listening to like... tight like that and then going to elephant riders or the incomparable mr. flannery then look at instermental stuff like crackerjack Compleatly different i was like dude, its different he's like "it all sounds the same"

03-15-2007, 10:37 AM
The only thing that really connects all of Clutch's music is the fact they use a lot of bass guitar, ala great funk bands like Parliament, and they always have great storytelling lyrics.

Aside from that, the tone of the songs changes a TON album to album.

The Elephant Riders remains one of my favorite albums ever.

03-15-2007, 11:09 AM
The only thing that really connects all of Clutch's music is the fact they use a lot of bass guitar, ala great funk bands like Parliament, and they always have great storytelling lyrics.

Aside from that, the tone of the songs changes a TON album to album.

The Elephant Riders remains one of my favorite albums ever.

agreed on Elephant riders being one of the best albums ever.

03-15-2007, 03:54 PM
Ye all their songs deff don't sound alike.. I need to pick up some more of their albums..man i need to buy some new music period, i bought a Ween album like a month ago and that was the first one since probably the last cky album... It's just so hard to find good music that's worth buying..

Anyway I'll deffinatley be picking their new stuff up and probably grab atleast one of their other cd's while there seeing how i only own one of there albums..

03-15-2007, 05:08 PM
if i could only pick 3 bands to listen to for the rest of my life

Dropkick murphys

i've been listening to clutch nonstop for like 2 days stright now. but it think the new album but not even really paying attention, the new album will really get its test on the road in the car.

03-15-2007, 10:22 PM
Downloaded it to check it out. I don't know if its just this copy, but You Can't Stop The Progress sounds awful. It sounds really rough and unpolished. The rest of the album, on the other hand, kicks some serious behind. I wouldn't call it too much of a departure from RH/E though.

03-16-2007, 11:27 PM

this morning i wake up at 10ish in lima ohio, my friend knocks on the door, she drove 250 miles to pick me up, then 250 miles back to where i live. then gave me a ticket to see clutch... all at no cost, i have the greatest friends ever.

the concert was AWESOME. played alot of new stuff, it was way loud and stuff.

quote of the night

Neil: we're going to play one last song off the new album.... thank god for the internet.

makes you wonder if the band happened to leak the album or something.

AWESOME show, they played for about 2 and a half hours and in the middle of cypress grove they just broke out into a big improv/instrumental it was nuts... bets concert i've ever been to hands down.

03-16-2007, 11:36 PM
sounds better then the ****ty show i went to tonight...local bands...good ones = slim pickings..as in like 2 decent bands (bearable) out of 8..

Am I the only one who hates HxC dancing..what happened to goos ol' fashioned mosh pits...
Assuming people HxC dance up north..hope not for your sake.

03-18-2007, 07:19 AM
clutch played with
"five horse johnson" and
"dub trio"

FHJ rocked almost as much as clutch

03-18-2007, 05:29 PM
Yeah I'm Skife's friend IRL, we saw them Saturday at the Orbit Room in GR. The show was great, I like Five Horse Johnson and Dub Trio as well. Beale Street is an excellent addition to Clutch's library of music. I am a big fan of Robot Hive: Exodus and Blast Tyrant but I think Beale Street might be my favorite now.

03-21-2007, 09:55 PM
Been listening to the album a lot this week, and I really like it. The first mp3 I had of You cant Stop The Progress was messed up, its not a bad song at all.

They are in town tomorrow night, but its sold out. I'm not too upset though, its a TINY place that only fits in like 200 people, and while its cool seeing bands there, there won't be much of a pit at all.

03-22-2007, 12:08 AM
i'm going to the may 15th show at bogarts in cincinatti

found this on youtube

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/41orqvymPA8"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/41orqvymPA8" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

The harmoniva player is the lead singer of five horse johnson that is on the first leg of the US tour with them