View Full Version : Q-loader?

03-14-2007, 11:03 PM

I'm wanting to turn my stock mag into a lighter and more scenario type marker. I'm going to be purchasing a ULE body shortly, and am thinking about a Q-Loader. How light are they compared to a halo or even a revy? They seem pretty cheap, only $80 for the loader, reloading system, and 2 pods new, I think its reasonable. I plan on mounting it below the barrel...

03-15-2007, 02:37 AM
statisticly speaking its faster than a halo

03-15-2007, 09:19 AM
statisticly speaking its faster than a halo

I'm not really going to fastness. I'm really wanting something with a small profile to use in the woods...

03-15-2007, 10:34 AM
One of my team-mates uses the Q-Loader exclusively. He likes how it allows him to mount the pod in several possible locations. One of his biggest desires was to eliminate all items that blocked his vision over the top of the marker (ie. feedneck/powerfeed and loader). As of now, he has the pod running above and parallel with his HPA tank.

There a couple of downsides though. Once the spring has "pushed" all the balls out of the pod, you are still left with whatever balls are in the feed tube. You have to manually tilt the marker to feed the balls into the chamber. You also have to make sure you are careful with the coil spring that drives the pod. If you take the pod apart or rebuild it, you better make sure the spring has the exact tension it had before or you'll have issues. Oh, and if anything happens to the little stopper/clip thing on the pod opening, you'll lose 100 balls in about 2.5 seconds

One of the good things he comments on is how well he is treated by their customer service. He has called them on a few occations and they seem to always have been helpful.

Bottom line is that it's personal preference. Yes, the Q-Loader is fast than every other loader out there, but there is a lot more 'stuff' you have to deal with: Longer re-load time (which means less play time)... More components (which means more parts to maintain/replace)... Less balls per pod (each pod only handles 100 rounds, which means more frequent fills).

Some people love them, others hate them. Either way, I hope this helped with your decision!

03-15-2007, 03:19 PM
I think I'm going to pick one up... They're only $80 for a basic set. I seem to get quite a few hopper hits, and I think I will be able to snap shoot in the woods a lot better. I was thinking about a warp feed, but I still need an electronic hopper, and the gun would be off balanced, and I don't think I should be able to switch hands well with it. With the Q-loader theres a lot of possibilites on how I can have it setup, I'm thinking under the barrel or right into the feedneck would work well.

03-15-2007, 04:21 PM
I have one, but I don't like it. It's more complicated than a hopper should be. I'm getting a warp feed.

03-15-2007, 06:11 PM
I think the q-loader is a great idea, but the implementation needs to mature. I have put off getting one, though I also love the idea of dropping the hopper part of my profile.

To be honest, I rarely take hits on the hopper for some reason. I always seem to get hit in the feedneck or on the goggles.

03-15-2007, 07:24 PM

Here's what mine looks like on my Karta. I use the screw hole on the side of the rail that were originaly for the foregrip adapter bracket. It feels really good. The Q-loader is noticeably lighter than a Halo, or even another loader that takes batteries. I have a pretty serious turn in the hose to get it on the feedneck adapter (a warp specific adapter that Rogue sells). The top of the gun isn't as free of obstructions as a warp left/right body, but it's a pretty low profile. I actually look through the hole in the loop the hose makes half of the time.

The Warp loader is a good choice as well. I have a couple and like them too. And as far as the Q-loader leaving balls in the hose and having to tilt it, you still have to do that with a Warp loader anyway :)

03-16-2007, 11:03 AM
i had though about getting a q-loader but am looking for a warp for a few reasons. mainly cause i already have a halo and can get a used warp setup for 50 bucks. and after watching my friend use it its abit to much work for me to deal with. the pods dont fit in a regular vest, you have to prewind them, loading is awkward and slow. my friend abused his and ened up spend alot of money on the system. you could always sell it if you dont like it.

03-16-2007, 11:51 AM

I'm wanting to turn my stock mag into a lighter and more scenario type marker. I'm going to be purchasing a ULE body shortly, and am thinking about a Q-Loader. How light are they compared to a halo or even a revy? They seem pretty cheap, only $80 for the loader, reloading system, and 2 pods new, I think its reasonable. I plan on mounting it below the barrel...

I was thinking about this too... I asked this question to someone that owns a qloader and a good way to tell how heavy it is would be filling up a hopper with 100 balls... it's pretty much the same weight... might be a lil bit heavier because of the spring inside of the pod, but its a good guesstimate

If you know anything about how to fix a mag... please check out my thread that is int he tech forum called Need Some Help guys.. there is a question mark icon next to it....

Thanks :cheers:

03-17-2007, 03:41 PM
I brought out a scale and weighed the 2.

Q-loader, hose mounting o-rings, and adapter elbow = 1lb 3 oz.

Halo B(empire shell) and 6AA alkaline batteries = 1lb 9 oz.

You dont save much weight in terms of the hoppers themselves, only about 6oz. But since the Q-loader only holds 100 or so paintballs to the halos 180, you do save a noticable amount of weight. In my opinion, the Q-loader is expensive. You need more than 2 pods(at least I do) and you can't really just throw them on the ground like regular pods after they are spent during a game. Unless you like taking it apart to get the dirt and mud out of the hole after almost each game. The inital setup is also quite difficult compared to other loaders. You really need to read the directions and set it up correctly or you will have all kinds of problems. This is definitely not a 'put it on and go' type product.

On the plus side. This is really a great loader. The 'clip' type system allows for fast reloading(after some practice) lowers your profile and lets you shoot on your off side with your main hand. It is also much lighter than a warp setup and as a bonus for those that like to get into wierd places to shoot, you can shoot the gun upside down indefinitely. The warpfeed can only shoot upside down until the hopper used with it starves. I've also noticed that they are constantly improving the q-loader. One of the biggest was to be able to set the pretension and leave it that way. I purchased a 2 pod system shortly after and found that the exit hole was too small and big bore paint would somethimes get caught on it while filling. I had to trim the hole to make sure they got filled with no skips. I recently bought the full package(5 pods with the CMS and harness) and found that the exit hole on the pods were larger and had rounded edges.

Q-loader isn't for everybody, but it is the best.