View Full Version : Masks - remember when...

03-17-2007, 11:12 PM
...masks only covered your eyes, nose, and mouth? You would get hit on the ear, or right behind it, and spend about five minutes hunched over, jumping up and down and cursing. To avoid that (and maybe getting an eardrum ruptured), you started wearing a bandanna wrapped around your head. You would still get hit, right below where the bandanna covered.

Going even farther back, when all we wore were shop goggles. Remember getting hit in the mouth? Nothing quite like the taste of paint followed by a blood chaser from your split lip.

I appreciate the mature mask designs that are available now.

03-17-2007, 11:30 PM
Going even farther back, when all we wore were shop goggles. Remember getting hit in the mouth? Nothing quite like the taste of paint followed by a blood chaser from your split lip.

:rofl: yep. I could not afford a mask, and neither could my sibblings. We spent 70.00 on a tallon and a 200rd hopper. Misc safety glasses that my grandfather had were used as protection.
Thank god we were too scared to get close to each other someone could of easily been hurt.

03-18-2007, 12:20 AM
I have eaten far too many blue Neslon paintballs in my lifetaime thanks to shop goggles and those crappy little green masks :)

And not the new Nelson... I'm talkin the old, stain anything they get on including your teeth Nelson paint - the stuff that was oil based and impossible to wipe off.


03-18-2007, 04:12 AM
yes i remember, I even have broken cartilage in my right ear and it sticks out a bit from a close range shot to the head. I still have the five original masks we owned, and can remeber thinking how amazing it would be to have a wrap around mask

03-18-2007, 08:47 AM
Going even farther back, when all we wore were shop goggles.

I have eaten far too many blue Neslon paintballs in my lifetaime thanks to shop goggles and those crappy little green masks :)

You mean these......



03-18-2007, 09:36 AM
^^ W00t!!

That cool green to match the Splatmaster! :headbang:

Yeah, and the shop goggles that went over them. ooooh the good ol days!

Thank GOD for the JT full face. Those neck, throat, ear, and forehead shot started to suck. I used an old t-shirt to cover my head. Tucked and rolled the sleeves for added earpr otection. They still hurt though.

Oh, and remember 300+fps combined with those masks? I don't think there is a field today that allows over 285. I hear people complain about hot guns that are shooting 290.. lol! That was shooting LOW back in the day. Hey, pain makes you a better player. :D

03-18-2007, 09:44 AM
No fair you have the upgraded model, mine didnt have the straps or the little lines of foam inside!!!!

Held mine on wiht the strap from my shop goggles.

Remember players used to use their JT goggles and take off the lowers for a few years - had a freind that liked to play that way because he could breath better - that ended when he caught 3 rounds from about 8ft away at 360+ to his mouth and jaw - he was a mess for 2-3 weeks after that.


03-18-2007, 11:19 AM
I miss playing with the "Improved" Whipper JT goggles. Soft ear protection and a SMALL mouth guard. No matter WHAT new mask I use now I STILL can't get over the feeling of suffocation when I get to huffing!

03-18-2007, 03:46 PM
remember the SCOTT BADA$$ goggles? They were so awesome... I can never find a set anywhere though :(


03-18-2007, 04:32 PM
remember the SCOTT BADA$$ goggles? They were so awesome... I can never find a set anywhere though :(


Hehe those aren't THAT old, I still see people bring them out to play, and I think there are 3 or 4 sets at the field for rental for people with really big heads. We just dont tell them if they take a face shot they are going to be picking paint shell out of their flesh for a week :)

we have an original pair of Vents goggles there too the Boss's son brought out last year - not much bigger than the JT Whipersnappers


03-18-2007, 04:51 PM
haaa.. i had a pair of whippersnappers... those things were deadly.

03-18-2007, 04:52 PM
My first goggles were Vents Rage!

I love those goggles! My original pair have essentially dissintegrated, but I managed to find a more complete pair six months ago and had to get them.

Whippers! Ha! I thought those were dangerous back when it was perfectly acceptable to wear something the size of a cup saucer over your face for protcetion. Still, they were better than shop goggles.....

03-18-2007, 05:24 PM
FORTUNATELY i have no idea the times of which you speak, my first mask was a VForce profiler!! :cool:

03-18-2007, 06:30 PM
My first goggles were Vents Rage!

I love those goggles! My original pair have essentially dissintegrated, but I managed to find a more complete pair six months ago and had to get them.

My first "real" set of gogs was Vents Predators baby! :D I absolutely LOVED those goggles. Fricking awesome. Too bad you can't find lenses for them anymore. I think I still got mine around somewhere but the lens is cracked and I can't find a replacement anywhere. :(

03-18-2007, 07:08 PM
Whoa! Wait, my first goggles were Vents Preds too! Where the heck did I come up with Vents Rage?! :tard:

Here's a pic I took to illustrate a NDZ dropkick for someone. These Preds are more complete than my original pair actually. I didn't have the forehead or throat protection back then...........


03-18-2007, 07:37 PM
I still played with my whippersnappers until recently. I swapped out the lense for a thermal and the shield for some other newer one. But the frames are still JT whippersnapper frames :)

03-18-2007, 07:53 PM
I had pair on Vents for while then went to JT after vents went under and it was hard to find lenses.

Somewhere on here I think was link to a video of the 1995 NPPL championship game of Ironmen vs All Americans. That was time in paintball when they just wore googles and no extra face protection. Not me, I said screw that :wow:

03-18-2007, 09:19 PM
I had pair on Vents for while then went to JT after vents went under and it was hard to find lenses.

Somewhere on here I think was link to a video of the 1995 NPPL championship game of Ironmen vs All Americans. That was time in paintball when they just wore googles and no extra face protection. Not me, I said screw that :wow:
You mean the vid pn this page?


Rob's a douche, but still holds quite a few cool points.

03-18-2007, 10:17 PM
remember the SCOTT BADA$$ goggles? They were so awesome... I can never find a set anywhere though :(

I have a set of Scott Bad Boy goggles like new..only worn a few times. They look similar to these.

03-19-2007, 02:32 AM
I remember way back (86 or 87) my uncle wanted to try Paintball and it sounded cool to me being into guns even in kindergarden. I remember he went out and bought all kinds of stuff, went and played, and got a huge welt that he claims he still has a scar from (its on his a**, so I cant be certain) He sold everthing at a yard sale in about 88 due to fear of getting hit again. My first mask was a whippersnapper in 96

03-19-2007, 07:45 AM
Ha, I had never seen those hard masks before. All of us either wore standard shop goggles or I think I remember someone wearing skiing goggles. When the Whipper Snapper masks came out we bought those. Finally took 2nd at a tournament one time and the prize was JT Pro Shield masks. We were in heaven then.

Paintballs used to taste worse, didn't they?

Still, I think that paintball might have saved me from serious injury as a younger man. We lived in a rural area and a bunch of us had gotten into bb gun wars. One time an unfortunate hit penetrated the skin on a boy's head and was lodged between the skin and the skull. That was dug out with a pocketknife. Ditto for another bb that was stuck in a friend's leg. It was shortly after that when we started looking at paintball.

03-21-2007, 09:18 AM
I started playing when shop goggles where on their way out and I just purchased a new SCOTT goggle system. I especially remember it because I was playing two on two pump out in the woods and saw a guy get his square between the eyes while wearing shop goggle. He went down and started yelling. We all ran to him to see what was going on and the paintball split the lens and sprayed paint in his eye. We were all fortunate that was all and after getting him cleaned up he didn't have a scratch on him. His eye was really red for the next few days, but he still had both of them. I don't think he ever played again...

But, I always wanted a Vents Rage or Predator mask and a couple of years ago I finally got one. I know you can't use the lenses any more, but I had a great idea so I could still use the one I got.

http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/8896/fin14xc.th.jpg (http://img99.imageshack.us/my.php?image=fin14xc.jpg)http://img55.imageshack.us/img55/8466/fin33zn.th.jpg (http://img55.imageshack.us/my.php?image=fin33zn.jpg)

I removed the old goggles and put JT Spectra goggles on there. It really didn't require any modification, I just had to make two little 2mm cuts in the bottom of the goggles to attach the lowers. I love this mask as it is lighter and easier to breath out of than any other mask. I always ask the field owners where I show up to play if they mind me wearing it. Everyone is always okay with it and some even like the idea. Last time I played everyone was asking what kind of mask it was and if it was something new out. I love rocking the old school gear :D

03-21-2007, 09:27 AM
hows that hit feel that comes in at the gap on the goggle frame to the lowers :)


03-21-2007, 09:37 AM
hows that hit feel that comes in at the gap on the goggle frame to the lowers :)


GAP?! What gap?! When it is on, the foam surround is pulled snug and there are no gaps. I am more worried about getting hit in the throat, but as long as my loader is in front of me then I don't have too much to worry about. I still have the throat protector that came with the mask, but I don't like using it as it gets in the way. One of these days I will get my wife to take a picture of me when I am ready to go out and play so I can show people what it looks like on. She gets frustrated with me when I just wear the masks around the house :rolleyes:

03-21-2007, 10:30 AM
My face hurts just looking at these masks. I started with a basic JT mask, but it covered my mouth and ears.

03-21-2007, 10:59 AM
I still use my Whippersnappers for my pump games.

11 Bravo
03-21-2007, 10:25 PM
remember the SCOTT BADA$$ goggles? They were so awesome... I can never find a set anywhere though :(


Hah, I have the Scott Bad *** II or Bad boy or something. Its the best mask I have ever worn. Never fogs and you can breath. Of course I have had a few welts underneath it, but still its the best mask. Then again I did start out with just the shop goggles and felt pretty safe when they came out with the mouth guard. :D

03-22-2007, 09:44 AM
The Zleader rubber masks that came with Brass Eagle guns were quite awful for a relatively "recent" mask. The rubber never wanted to stay around the goggles, and they fogged terribly, and it was so soft that you still got punched in the face when the paintball AND the mask hit you. LOL. I quickly bumped up to a Spectra as soon as the magical "internet" and its mass shopping became available to me.

03-22-2007, 10:36 AM
I remember when I was told to take the mask of my goggles so I could get bounces off my face ::shudder:: I also remeber playing the All A's in 95, talking smack at how we were holding them (I was on an am team) and having Adam Gardner pop up 15-20 ft away and cork me right in the lip! Man I am glad masks are required :)