View Full Version : Pants...?

03-18-2007, 07:48 PM
Okay, I went to the field today, played like usual, nothing too harsh, but definately a few slides. And I tore the knees(like, all the way across) on my empire reacts... I think 05's. I've had them for a couple years, and really never had any problems with them(except they were a little too small) until today.

So I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to want to buy new pants. These have been good to me, never ripped before, but the knees are torn, straight through the padding, all the way across the knee, and I'd like to get something very very tough to replace them.

And I have no idea what is a good deal in pants these days. Is used a good deal? Who, besides dye, empire and jt, makes pants?

So, I come to AO, because, well, you guys are the best. What suggestions does everyone have?

Don't worry so much about padding cause I wear wrestling pads underneath my pants, but padding is a plus. I'm looking for cheap, long (I wear 36L 34W pants), and durable. Durable like, after a nuclear war, the only thing left are these pants and the cockroaches.


03-18-2007, 07:55 PM
im very fond of the new empire/invert line of pants.

i use them every sat/sun for reffing and after a few days of playing and alot of wearing they still look new. no tears ,rips, or undone sticking(very commone with jt's).

the amterial is strong and durable, though i will admit theyr not padded alot. ie if you hit your knees hard when sliding your gonna want some ground breakers or rig something up like i did(cut up some foam cup holders) :D

oh and for the $65~ price tag they are a steal

oh, there was a post around x-mas time about pants too...

the jt's are the same as theyve always been.

03-18-2007, 08:03 PM
Evil makes pants...
look around on pbn. I picked up full NIB 05 evil gear for 50 dollars.

03-18-2007, 08:11 PM

03-18-2007, 08:20 PM
I went with empires the first time because I read a lot of reviews that they were extremely tough and very padded in the knees. Well, the padding was alright, and the knees lasted awhile, but I really don't play very hard on them, and these pants kinda fell apart on me. I'd like to try something new.

I heard a while ago, that dye hybrids were very tough pants, very well vented, and unpadded? Still true? I think I could pick up a pair in my size for around $45 shipped on ebay, new. Good deal?

I haven't really heard much about evil, I'll go do some research, can you tell me more about the quality?

I care about durability, fit, and finally price. In that order. Price is on the same level as color. Nice, but not the most important thing.

03-18-2007, 08:56 PM
dickies double knee work slacks... no matter how many dives/slides i take i can't manage to rip them... as long as padding isnt an issue

03-18-2007, 09:18 PM
I love my XSV's, their similar to the JT's but the padding is more on your knees thna shins which IMO make sit way more comfortable. The Invert pants seem great too, haven't used them yet but the local factory team has them and thye look real nice and they all seem happy with them. And of course there's always the JT's, but they are really $$$ at least the 07's

oh yea my teamate picked up dye pants for like 35 and they seem top be working great, he got them last year and those are pretty much the only pants he's worn since he got them.

03-18-2007, 09:23 PM
dickies double knee work slacks... no matter how many dives/slides i take i can't manage to rip them... as long as padding isnt an issue
I wear the same thing when I play. Beat the hell out of my knees though. :tard:

03-18-2007, 09:26 PM
I wear the same thing when I play. Beat the hell out of my knees though. :tard:
yea i have the same problem, if only bubble wrap didn't pop... cha-ching :headbang:

03-18-2007, 09:59 PM
Well, the wrestling pads take care of my knees. I have really bad knees(genetic), and even after playing, sliding, kneeling all day, my knees are fine with them.
Pick up a pair at a sporting good shop, I promise you won't regret it.

can'tthink of1
03-18-2007, 10:12 PM
JT's are hit and miss with durability. Most don't seem to hold up all that well from constant sliding. Dye's are always nice, don't get hybrids, they're old style, and have no padding or comfort. Protos are decent, but I've heard of minor ripping problems with the crotch. Evils are decent, but aren't the best durability wise. Empires are good, but I'm not a big fan of their construction or feel, but they seem to hold up fine for the most part.

Personally, I'm looking into the new DXS (Draxxus) pants. Dyes are solid pants thou. If you can find some 05 WDP airtimes, great pants. I've got a pair that I wish fit me, but they're very nice pants if you can find them.

03-18-2007, 10:22 PM
Yeah, I'm looking more at the dye c5's and c6's. I don't need the brand new c7's, but if I can find a good deal on the c5's or c6's I might end up going with them...

I'll take a look at the angel and dxs ones too...

03-18-2007, 10:31 PM
i got a pair of brand new dye c6 pants on PBN for $50
they are awesome, good padding, have held up perfectly so far

03-18-2007, 10:31 PM
I've been using a pair of Eclipse pants for the past three seasons now and they work great. Fit well, breath well, and haven't ripped on me yet. I have no idea what they go for now though, just throwing out another idea.

03-19-2007, 09:13 AM
forget the brand bame, but there is a manufacturer that makes their pants from hemp, and believe it or not, those things are TOUGH!


03-19-2007, 10:44 AM
I'm pretty rough on my paintball pants and generally go trough a few in a season until I got the Empire Contacts. I don't know how the reacts are but the contacts can take a beating. Before the contacts I had the Specops fusion battlepants and the Macdev pants and both of those didn't survive me more than a few months. So far the empire contacts have lasted the longest for me. :D

03-19-2007, 01:31 PM
forget the brand bame, but there is a manufacturer that makes their pants from hemp, and believe it or not, those things are TOUGH!

I remember someone talking about those before. I remember they sounded really interesting. Anyone remember the name?

03-19-2007, 01:33 PM
Smokin Outlast Pants

Did some research after my post - yeah I know thats arse backwards...

They have pockets in the knees for padding for your kneepads, some peopel love the, orthers are so so on them

I know 2 guys I play with last year got them and worked and played in them every day at the field and they wash up good as new every time


03-19-2007, 01:50 PM
Real quick question, just in general.

Are used pants worth buying? Is the money saved worth the potential damage? I'm looking at a pair of "LNIB" c6's for $55, but in their picture they've got dirt on them, and "will be washed before sending." Other c6s I've seen, even used, seem to be going for more, and even though (from what I can see) the pants look fine, I'm just always a bit nervous when spending money.
His feedback looks decent though. Nothing extensive, but he looks fairly reputable.

03-19-2007, 01:56 PM
Watch Ebay... I have ceen C5s go for 15.00-25.00 bucks brand new

Friend of mine just got C6 pants, gloves, and 2 jerseys for 130.00 on ebay brand new about 3 weeks ago


03-19-2007, 02:05 PM


For $30 used, you will not find a better pant. Very tough material and great stitching.

03-19-2007, 02:26 PM
Pants???? We dont need no pants.........................

http://img55.imageshack.us/img55/7558/kilt1ts9.th.jpg (http://img55.imageshack.us/my.php?image=kilt1ts9.jpg)

Just need a good set of knee/shin guards.....lol I do have an older pair of PJ pants, toughest pants I have found. But I dont think they are being made anymore. Evil pants are decent, and they have a pod loop or two built into the back, so if you want, you dont even need a pack.

03-19-2007, 02:48 PM
Diablo and Chronic both make awesome apperal (spelling?) I've used Diablo stuff for a long time and never had problems.

03-19-2007, 03:53 PM
I have a new pair of chronic pants...just wore them for the first time last weekend and no major complaints. they seem to be built relatively well, and are vented well. they do have weird pocket placement, and no button...the zipper ends at a drawstring.
a few guys at the field have the new PCS pants and they look like they're bulletproof.

03-19-2007, 04:11 PM
I have a new pair of chronic pants...just wore them for the first time last weekend and no major complaints. they seem to be built relatively well, and are vented well. they do have weird pocket placement, and no button...the zipper ends at a drawstring.
a few guys at the field have the new PCS pants and they look like they're bulletproof.

I've had a pair of chronic pants since christmas...I like them, they are light and well padded...i've gotten a good bit of bounces off of the gigantic (not heavy) knee pads as well..they are very well ventilated and have belt loops and draw string...NO FRIGIN BACK POCKETS though..angers me...umm...oh they have a little place for your Player ID or ID and mine was open and of course i managed to get shot IN the little ID pocket and it broke the platic covering, but it was a fairly close shot.. ye they are overall good pants, i like em.

03-20-2007, 11:53 AM
I've used several DYE's (C4, C5, and C6), JT's (Pro non-zips and team), Empires (Invert), REDZ 06, Proto 06, and the XSV camo.

All in all, the DYE's and XSV's have been my favorites. They are both similarly styled and durable. The XSV'x are my current pair and I wear them just about everytime I play. Never had a problem with them and with all of the rigor I put them through they haven't frayed, ripped, or stained.

The sizing on the Proto's and REDZ were a little misleading for big guys like me. SUre, there's plenty of room in the waist, but they were a little mis proportioned in the butt and thighs. Granted, I lift on a frequest basis so my lower body muscles are kinda large (I guess) in comparison to my waist.

If I were you, I would also check eBay, but I wouldn't buy used. If you don't care about color then several sellers will have off colors (ie DYE C6 in the black with yellow) for quite cheap NIB. If you buy anything used clothes wise there is an eBay policy about cleaning any used clothing prior to sale but you still don't know how much damage there really is. Pictures and sellers don't always tell the whole truth.

If you have the oportunity, go to your local shop. They would probably let you try on several different styles (as long as you don't do it commando) and chose the ones that fit you the best and have the attributes you're looking for.

03-20-2007, 11:57 AM
anyone try out the Player pants with Kevlar knees one them?

They look comfy and have all kinds of knee protection on them


03-20-2007, 03:17 PM
I have a pair of the chronic pants too, no complaints. The are very well built, but I still have a soft spot for the 2004 Raven Havocs. Holy invincible pants Batman!

03-20-2007, 03:28 PM
Hm, actually, looking at the XSV pants, that seems to be very much my cup of tea. Durable, and easily adjustable for size, so I can buy it big, for the length, and sinch it at the waist.

Cow hunter
03-20-2007, 04:05 PM
I have a pair of 06 Empire inverts, and i love them. although the knee padding isnt the thickest, its tough, i don't play very hard on them, but use them quite often, and they've held up great, not a tear in them yet. They're comfortable too. After i got them, three of my friends got them too, with the same reviews.

03-20-2007, 04:28 PM
Evil makes pants...
look around on pbn. I picked up full NIB 05 evil gear for 50 dollars.

There were things I liked and didn't about my Evil pants. They were well padded and have a couple of pod holders built on to the back. However the stiching was sub par and they faded and ripped pretty fast.

03-20-2007, 06:45 PM
one thing about the XSV's, actuall ythe only downside I've experienced/heard about is that a lot of the times the pockets will rip, doesn't really affect anything just rather annoying, at least until you put your keys in your pockets and it falls into the mesh inside of your pants. :mad:

03-21-2007, 01:52 AM
one thing about the XSV's, actuall ythe only downside I've experienced/heard about is that a lot of the times the pockets will rip, doesn't really affect anything just rather annoying, at least until you put your keys in your pockets and it falls into the mesh inside of your pants. :mad:
Heh, while that'd probably be pretty annoying, I'm not too worried about that kind of durability. The only things I put in my pockets are keys and my barrel condom(in game). If they rip, I'll just sew them back. Anyone know where I can find some xsv pants for a decent price? I've been looking, and new, the cheapest seems to be $90, and I can't really find much in the way of used...

03-21-2007, 07:56 AM
forget the brand bame, but there is a manufacturer that makes their pants from hemp, and believe it or not, those things are TOUGH!


Strongest natural fiber in the world!!!

What does everyone think about the diablo pants?

03-21-2007, 08:34 AM
Heh, while that'd probably be pretty annoying, I'm not too worried about that kind of durability. The only things I put in my pockets are keys and my barrel condom(in game). If they rip, I'll just sew them back. Anyone know where I can find some xsv pants for a decent price? I've been looking, and new, the cheapest seems to be $90, and I can't really find much in the way of used...

I purchased mine new through Pimp Paintball when they first came out last year. I know it was through eBay, but I believe they also have a website www.pimppaintball.com (but I may be wrong).

As far as price goes $90 new is a good price. I bought mine new for $110 shipped.

I haven't had a problem with the pockets yet, but I only keep my barrel condom in them anyway. They are really well ventilated and keep you cool. The knee pads are about 3/4" thick foam padding but you have plent of room in the leg to wear tradional knee pads as well.

Good luck!

03-21-2007, 08:48 AM
the mark up on the XSV's must be insane, I bought mine brand new from my store for 80-85 i think, and XSV sells them at events for like 100.

03-21-2007, 10:32 AM
What does everyone think about the diablo pants?
I love mine. I've used them for a little over three years and never had any problems. They are light weight, well built, and padded in all the right places. Pod pockets on the sides are a nice feature too.

03-24-2007, 08:36 PM
Just an update. I'd like to thank everyone for their suggestions and input. I just went down to my (somewhat) local shop and tried on a pair of large XSV pants. First thing I noticed was that they had very thick padding. I put them on over my pants, cinched the waist, knelt down, stretched a bit, felt the padding when they were on, etc. I liked them. I wasn't planning on it, but I bought them right then and there.

So I got home, tried them on without wearing pants underneath. Wow, these feel weird. Not uncomfortable, but it's a very very strange sensation to have so much padding in front, and so much venting in back. I don't think I'll be overly cold in these pants, but I'm not worried about them overheating on me(though I haven't played with them yet). The padding stretches from almost mid-thigh to mid-shin. One of my pet peeves with my old pants was how sometimes the padding wouldn't even end up under my knee if I slid, it would slide around. I don't think I'll ever have that problem with these pants.

I wasn't expecting them to fit, as they're marked to fit 38-42 and I'm around a 34 waist, but amazingly, they cinched down perfectly. If I needed to, I could probably get them down to a 30 inch waist. They're amazingly adjustable.

As far as length goes, I'm (again) impressed with these pants. My old empires were noticibly too short for me, (I'm 6'3, long in the legs and arms, I wear a 34w 36l), but these come down all the way. Even when I sit down or kneel, they continue to touch my shoes. They could have been about 2 inches longer, and I wouldn't have minded, but they're excellent compared to my old ones.

They're also very baggy feeling, but not in a bad way. My old empires gave me a fat er... butt... but these are actually proportioned the other way. They're very comfortable, or at least, I assume they will be when I get used to the whole bizarre venting/padding feeling.

I felt the padding of the other pants at the store(protos, c7's) and the XSV's were obviously the most padded. I'm actually amazed at how much padding there is. My old empires didn't have half the padding, and cost merely $20 less when new. Oh yeah, they (XSV's) cost $90+tax. Pretty much the same as online.

The pockets seem to be fairly light mesh. I'll see if they have problems like mentioned above, but I'm not expecting it. There are two squeegie pockets, one to the side and behind each leg. I never use them, but it's nice to know they're there if I ever need to stick something there.

<img height=400 width=300 src="http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e383/jenarelJAM/CIMG1656.jpg" border="1">
<img height=400 width=300 src="http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e383/jenarelJAM/CIMG1655.jpg" border="1">